View Full Version : Mike Stone - Can Doctors Ever Be Trusted Again?

15th August 2022, 11:41 AM
Mike Stone - Can Doctors Ever Be Trusted Again?August 15, 2022


We're experiencing

mass murder

but we still trust our killers.

"Short of a gunshot wound or broken limb,
I will never, ever, ever go to a doctor or hospital again.

Doing so is akin to signing your death warrant."

by Mike Stone

"I told him I didn't want the vaccine," my friend said, "only a checkup."

"So you said no?" I asked.

"Well I took the test, but not the shot."

"Wait, what? You let him stick that swab up your nose?"

"I had to or he wouldn't give me a checkup. Now he wants me to get a colonoscopy."

"Hold on a second. Your doctor wanted you to get jabbed and you still went to him for a checkup?"

"Well I have to get my yearly checkup."

https://henrymakow.com/upload_images/dancers.jpg"But how can you trust him after he wanted you to get jabbed?"

"He's a doctor. He probably has to recommend it."

"That's even worse. He knows exactly how deadly it is, but he wanted you to take it. Now he wants you to get a colonoscopy? How do you know he's not going to stick that jab right up your rear end?"

"He's not doing the operation, it's someone else he recommended."

"How can you even think about going through with this? How can you trust any doctor ever again?"

"I know you're into that alternative crap, but I put my faith in the American medical system, the best medical system in the world. Besides, I have to know if I have cancer."

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine."

"Then you don't have cancer!"


The conversation above is not an isolated case. Practically everyone I've talked to, from pregnant mothers, to the elderly, to men like my friend are back to business as usual as far as seeking medical treatment. In fact, for many of them business never stopped. They continued seeing their doctors, their surgeons, their "medical experts" all through the virus hoax and they continue to do so today.

Just when I thought I'd seen it all, just when I thought I'd seen the very height of stupidity, I now see people flocking to their doctors and nurses, back to the very people who spent two years pushing the hoax, the very people responsible for the murder and mutilation of millions, the very people who tried to kill them.

I feel like I'm living on another planet, in an alternative universe. How can anyone trust a doctor, a nurse, or anyone involved in the medical profession ever again?

Short of a gunshot wound or broken limb, I will never, ever, ever go to a doctor or hospital again. Doing so is akin to signing your death warrant.

My friend, who considers himself smarter than the average person, is an idiot. He let some quack doctor stick a swab up his nose, completely ignorant of how dangerous that is. (Is the nasal swab the Mark of the Beast? (https://www.bitchute.com/video/tYO5mI5Q7qKd/))

People don't even know who they are anymore.

Every belief they hold - their political beliefs, their spiritual beliefs, their moral and societal beliefs, everything - even who and what they're attracted to sexually has been molded by somebody else and programmed into their mind. They're so far out of tune they don't even know what their bodies are feeling or experiencing. They have to pay money to an "expert" to tell them whether or not they're sick.

Is this all some bizarre form of Stockholm Syndrome? Has everyone forgotten the dancing nurses, taunting us from their empty hospitals; the brutal nursing home murders of the elderly; the medical tyranny enforced on us all the last two years? They're targeting children now, literally murdering them.

I've written about the need to boycott before (https://www.henrymakow.ca/(https://henrymakow.com/2022/07/mike-stone-covid-hoax-pushers.html), and if there's anyone who needs to be boycotted it's the medical establishment.

https://henrymakow.com/upload_images/child-vax-trust.jpgDRUGS ARE SORCERY; DOCTORS ARE SORCERERS AND WITCHES

The Bible is very specific about these medical frauds and the drugs they push. Revelations 18:23 states: "For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."

Look up the word "sorceries" in Strong's Concordance, a reference book that lists the Hebrew and Greek translations of every word in the Bible, and you'll find that the original Greek meaning for sorceries is pharmakeia or pharmacy. It goes on to call those who dispense drugs (pharmakeia) as sorcerers and witches. In other words, drugs are a form of sorcery and the doctors who prescribe them are sorcerers. Do you still trust your doctor?

Over the last few years, I can count four friends who all went into the hospital with minor ailments. Not one of them ever walked out.

Did you know that hospitals have morgues in the basement to deal with all the people that die under their supposed care?

Are you sure you need that yearly checkup?

Mike Stone is the author of "Reversing the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine: How to Heal Yourself from Adverse Reactions to the Trump Vaccine and Protect Yourself from Shedding," available here. (https://amzn.to/2VnECLF) "COVID-19 and the Mark of the Beast: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Trump Vaccine" https://amzn.to/3DA8shu and COVID-19 and Kids: A Parent's Guide to the COVID-19 Pandemic: https://amzn.to/3b4M4Qr

He is also the author of Based (https://amzn.to/3q2FgYQ), a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America (https://www.amazon.com/New-America-First-Novel-Alt-Right-ebook/dp/B072L66922/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=a+new+america+stone&qid=1553524572&s=books&sr=1-1), the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles - - Available on Amazon. (https://www.amazon.com/New-America-First-Novel-Alt-Right-ebook/dp/B072L66922/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=a+new+america+stone&qid=1553524572&s=books&sr=1-1)

You can find this article permanently at https://henrymakow.com/2022/08/mike-stone---can-doctors-ever-.html

15th August 2022, 02:51 PM
Recognition of facts and honest deductions are not natural to the human mind. The primitive instincts are for emotion and loose imaginings. The danger to the scientific spirit, to the advance of medicine, and to the integrity of civilization does not come from the masses of unthinking people. This danger comes from intelligent people who play a part in shaping civilization but who have not been educated to think rationally; it comes from sentimental and idle people in whom the primitive instinct escapes from repression and rises to prevent thought. They revive the religious healing cults of the primitive peoples, but with modernized form and terminology; or they join forces with the anti-vivisectionists and revel in the contemplation of cruelties which exist only in their imaginations. Medicine and civilization advance and regress together. The conditions essential to advance are intellectual courage and a true love for humanity. It is as true today as always in the past that further advance or even the holding of what has already been won depends upon the extent to which intellectual courage and humanity prevail against bigotry and obscurantism.

Last paragraph of Devils, drugs, and doctors : the story of the science of healing from medicine men to doctor (1913) archive.org (https://archive.org/details/devilsdrugsdocto00hagg/page/392/mode/2up)

16th August 2022, 07:46 AM
No. I would never go into the hospital excepting a surgical problem. And if you are 65 or older a hospital admission is likely a death sentence.

16th August 2022, 04:51 PM
Better question. When was the medical establishment last trustworthy? 1985ish? Not excluding the few good ones like the infamous Mamboni.

28th August 2022, 07:57 AM

The image seems to be a cover of a later edition of the book. The 1900 edition (pdf) of the Dr. Peebles book has the image on page 173 (page 183 (or 184) of the pdf file) 'Eczema from Vaccination.' (https://wellcomecollection.org/works/jm57z9qf/items?canvas=183):

Vaccination a curse and a menace to personal liberty : with statistics showing its dangers and criminality / by J. M. Peebles.
Peebles, J. M. (James Martin), 1822-1922
Date 1900

Google has the 1913 10th edition of the book online but it does not have the image.

The original edition Preface is quite the read. Change a few words and it could have been written last week!

2nd May 2023, 04:11 PM
And I am no longer as concerned that a computer program would be easier to sabotage to give incorrect prescription than current years humanity's scamdemicing Doctors.

today.ucsd.edu: Study Finds ChatGPT Outperforms Physicians in High-Quality, Empathetic Answers to Patient Questions (https://today.ucsd.edu/story/study-finds-chatgpt-outperforms-physicians-in-high-quality-empathetic-answers-to-patient-questions)
April 28, 2023
A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine led by John W. Ayers, Ph.D., from the Qualcomm Institute at University of California San Diego provides an early glimpse into the role that AI assistants could play in medicine. The study compared written responses from physicians and those from ChatGPT to real-world health questions...

The team randomly sampled 195 exchanges from [Reddit] AskDocs where a verified physician responded to a public question. The team provided the original question to ChatGPT and asked it to author a response. A panel of three licensed healthcare professionals assessed each question and the corresponding responses and were blinded to whether the response originated from a physician or ChatGPT. They compared responses based on information quality and empathy, noting which one they preferred...

The panel of healthcare professional evaluators preferred ChatGPT responses to physician responses 79% of the time.

"ChatGPT messages responded with nuanced and accurate information that often addressed more aspects of the patient's questions than physician responses," said Jessica Kelley, a nurse practitioner with San Diego firm Human Longevity and study co-author.

Additionally, ChatGPT responses were rated significantly higher in quality than physician responses: good or very good quality responses were 3.6 times higher for ChatGPT than physicians (physicians 22.1% versus ChatGPT 78.5%). The responses were also more empathic: empathetic or very empathetic responses were 9.8 times higher for ChatGPT than for physicians (physicians 4.6% versus ChatGPT 45.1%).

2nd May 2023, 07:09 PM
And I am no longer as concerned that a computer program would be easier to sabotage to give incorrect prescription than current years humanity's scamdemicing Doctors.

I am assuming Canukistan is further along than the states. How many home grown docs do you have vs turd world imports?

3rd May 2023, 09:29 AM
I am assuming Canukistan is further along than the states. How many home grown docs do you have vs turd world imports?
I have not been to a Doctor for over 5 years, although I did get a letter from his practice summer 2020 saying he was retiring so perhaps he was one of the better ones. Although a decade ago I had to reject his inappropriate Statin advances. He was an import from South Africa.

3rd May 2023, 11:15 AM
I have not been to a Doctor for over 5 years, although I did get a letter from his practice summer 2020 saying he was retiring so perhaps he was one of the better ones. Although a decade ago I had to reject his inappropriate Statin advances. He was an import from South Africa.

Sounds like my second to last trip to a doctor.

Had an ER ambluance ride. (a long story there)

Saw the doctor. I was overweight and out of shape. He said BP is a little high, might want to consider the heart meds. I told him how about I give up cookies and beer for a month and see what things look like.

Did as I said and didn't smoke a cigarette 2 hours before going in for the last appointment. To his total dismay, everything was fine... Had one years ago hand me a free sample. When I asked what it was (I knew) she said "Try it, You'll like it".

Witchdoctors might be a better bet for service these days.

One person i would recommend to listen to is Amanda Vollmer. Listen to her interviews and podcasts. She up in the great white north with you. She is a pain in the side of the system up there.



here is a link to a Brizer show with her. From june of 2021. Brizer hasn't had a stream in years. I wonder if the thought police shut him down.

I can't find one of her interviews w/ Steve from Spacebusters.