View Full Version : The FBI shenanigans are designed to legitimize Trump.

20th August 2022, 08:33 AM
Donald Trump Has Conned Archbishop Vigano (& Red State America)August 19, 2022
https://henrymakow.com/upload_images/vigano-trump-660x350.jpgPlease send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com

Vigano has fallen for the Trump deceit. Trump's a NYC Jewish developer with ties to Cabalism, for Chrissakes. As Col. House said, Americans are rubes who "love a hero." Trump is FALSE Opposition.
Have you forgotten? The scamdemic, lockdowns and "vaccines" all took place on his watch. He threw the election to Biden. Who lets Antifa count the vote? (https://www.henrymakow.com/2020/11/antifa-counted-2020-vote.html) It's all a charade. Trump is a Traitor who Betrayed America. (https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/02/donald-trump-is-a-traitor-who.html) He's still promoting the death jab! The FBI shenanigans are designed to legitimize Trump.

Archbishop Vigano Was Right About Donald Trump by Kennedy Hall

"It may very well be that the Donald is not St. Donald the Great or a Holy Catholic Monarch, but at this point I think it is foolish to think that he is just a globalist tool or an opportunist politician. Whatever he is, the Left and the Marxists hate him, and it is clear they will stop at nothing to take him, and everyone associated with him, down. For all his flaws, he is the man who brought in the judges who took away Moloch's insatiable stranglehold over American law, which is why the so-called Trump Derangement Syndrome is clearly more like a manifestation of the demonic."

You mean the judges who allowed the 2020 elections to be stolen? PATHETIC
