View Full Version : The strategy to demonize anyone concerned with exposing the ugly truth.

24th August 2022, 06:43 AM
The strategy to demonize anyone concerned with exposing the ugly truth. They mobilize the goyim to defend their own destroyers,. That's why it's important focus on central bankers, organized Jewry and Freemasonry, and not Jews in general.

"Hate has crept out of the shadows, but communities are pushing back. The number of people distributing these pamphlets is small. The number of people who feel comfortable parroting their racist rhetoric is growing.

"The community at large needs to recognize what is happening in their backyard," Paradise said. "I don't think most Minnesotans are aware of the degree to which this rhetoric has spread. I don't think most Minnesotans are aware that there's a concerted campaign of intimidation against the Jewish community in general. ... I don't think most Minnesotans are aware that this is no longer the open and safe society it once was."

"I hope," he added, "most Minnesotans, when they realize that, will no longer be silent."


24th August 2022, 06:48 AM
The Jew hates the truth.

The truth is, first came anti-Gentilism. From you know who.

Read their Talmud.
