View Full Version : Jim Stone: Putin is a WEF team player, following orders.

26th August 2022, 05:39 AM

I have been following the Russia situation quite closely for some time, and the only thing that can explain what is going on is that Russia is playing a game, in lock step with the West - Russia is taking orders.

The most important data with Putin is that he has gone around everywhere, to all the ceremonies, IS a member of the WEF and that as a result, he's probably role playing. He will do what he is told.

So at a time when things should be winding down, he's escalating the conflict in ways which appear to me to be unnecessary.

Why? He's probably setting up a false flag.

And the grand crowning jewel of "911" would be to blow a 5.8 gigawatt nuke plant to the moon, while weather mod carries the results over Europe. That would give all the kiddies a GREAT reason to abandon homes and FOLLOW ORDERS.


Fact: Russia could smash down a security zone around that place that turned it into alcatraz. If there are problems now, RUSSIA WANTS THEM. What is the end game??


Massive economic inversion is underway, and predicts a dire future (https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/column--deep-us-curve-inversion-hastens-the-recession-it-predicts-mcgeever-2869445)

The MSM is avoiding it like the plague, (though the linked report is Reuters) so much so that I did not even know about it. Even alt media missed it. Read the linked report, it explains it fairly well - the deepest inversion in decades is threatening a very severe recession.

Dark winter ahead?

This is the winter where everyone said TS would hit TF. People were suspicious of what would happen last year, but this year was the big target date because enough time has now passed for all the critical damage to be done.

What do I think? They are taking bigger steps than ever before to discredit and shut down alt media, and they won't do a "dark winter" until they do. Their dark winter will require propaganda that has everyone walking in lock step to keep a lid on what they are doing. For as long as Alex and others have a voice, they won't do it.However (in the mean time)

Biden (Obama) has done a lot so far to damage America. whatever team is in charge has increased the cost of living dramatically in a way that only affects the peons (sub $60,000 per year) income while those who make in excess of $100,000 are not feeling as much of a pinch, and those who make over $250,000 are literally immune with even the slightest effort to manage money.

All the people pushing the heinous policies have ensured that they are immune from the consequences, and that's the plan, they will sit in their gated communities with their hand on the kill button until all the "little people" are toast, as they purge all who are not "them" but live at their level from financial security by causing disasters, via policy changes, sabotage, killings or whatever. That is the phase we are in now, because they can get away with it. Frog in the pot. Only when enough upper middle class Americans are wiped out will they be able to successfully flip the kill switch. I'd say they are approaching that now, that's partially what the MRNA vax was for - to stifle and handicap the upper middle class that was not them.It is now long enough since the vax for there to be legit ways of slowing the damage

When I saw people claiming they had a way to disable the vax right when it was introduced, I called BUNK because it was. There would be no way for anyone to know what would work to disable it so soon. But now people have had enough time to study what works for legit opinions and research to be posted.

Vitamin C actually does work to slow the vax, because it strengthens and stiffens cell walls, therefore making it more difficult for the MRNA portion to enter. I did not post that early on because I did not want to be mistaken and then post something that would put the jab into overdrive. But as it turns out, vitamin C does work. And it makes sense - if vitamin C slows down viral attacks, why would it not slow down an MRNA vax, which is basically the same thing?

The other things that are known to slow the vax down are NAC, Glutathione and a natural food grade of EDTA. I do not like long videos, so I explained this fairly well. For more detail and a probable 55 minutes of ramble for 5 minutes of data, Click here, the most relevant stuff is 42 minutes in. (https://rumble.com/v1coa1j-foc-show-information-worth-dying-for-dr-brian-ardis-and-dr-rashid-buttar-fl.html)

All the NORMAL people took the vax, because they just thought they could trust the system, like NORMAL people do. Normal is average. All the above average people who were truly above average smelled a rat and said HELL NO.

Nobody at the Pentagon wants to take responsibility for forcing a poison shot on the troops (https://dossier.substack.com/p/biden-officials-scramble-to-escape)

In other corners, rage against what the vax did to people is exploding, the NPC's are getting some reality coding upgrades and are beginning to rage. This is probably why new AI's are being spawned on a regular basis to enforce the official lie.

Fox News: The Corona vax is the most dangerous vax ever created (https://twitter.com/_/status/1557572027862630400)

My comment: Their viewership is not rock stupid so they had to say that to save face.They may be getting ready to burn Fauci

It is not rumor that he is now making statments about "being able to defend and explain everything he did". We all know he cannot but that is a good sign - the Covid scammers might all soon be on the run. EXACTLY what we need.

Hyundai/Kia - First exploding engines, now exploding seat belts (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11137211/Urgent-recall-Hyundai-i30-sedan-CN7-models-seatbelt-pre-tensioner-explosion-fears.html)

Hyundai and Kia which are sister companies have, in the last five years had significant problems with the engines self destructing due to manufacturing process problems that caused the parts to not be properly deburred. The metal burrs, or "flash" will come off the parts, and then cause damage in critical areas before the oil fiter catches them. Over a short time, maybe 20,000 mies or so, the damage self increases until a rod is thrown or something else fails. It has been a serious problem for Hyundai/Kia, more so with Kia.

Now a new issue has happened - in the old school, seat belts engaged with a counterweight that would swing forward and lock the belt. In the newer Hyundais, the locing of the belt that happens on impact is electronically controlled, and the parts are esploding in a way that can dill the occupants. NOT impressive.

Rainwater not safe to drink??

I have seen several reports stating that the world is so contaminated that rainwater is not safe to drink no matter where you live. I CALL BUNK.

Would I drink the rain that falls across the street from a Chinese vinyl factory or after an incident like Bhopal? No, obviously not. However, I'd say that 99 percent of the world has rain that is perfectly safe to drink, no matter what "they" say. And it is quite obvious why they are saying it -

It is called control. To funnel everyine into drinking water only from approved sources that have been "contaminated" exactly the correct way.

They might be coming after mainstream alt video sites

The "gods" may have declared Youtube be the only one. Get a load of this!

" Aug 22 (Reuters)

A day after a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York last May, the video-sharing website BitChute was amplifying a far-right conspiracy theory that the massacre was a so-called false flag operation, meant to discredit gun-loving Americans.

Three of the top 15 videos on the site that day blamed U.S. federal agents instead of the true culprit: a white-supremacist teenager who had vowed to "kill as many blacks as possible" before shooting 13 people, killing 10. Other popular videos uploaded by BitChute users falsely claimed COVID-19 vaccines caused cancers that "literally eat you" and spread the debunked claim that Microsoft founder Bill Gates caused a global baby-formula shortage.

BitChute has boomed as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook tighten rules to combat misinformation and hate speech. An upstart BitChute rival, Odysee, has also taken off. Both promote themselves as free-speech havens, and they're at the forefront of a fast-growing alternative media system that delivers once-fringe ideas to millions of people worldwide.

Searching the two sites on major news topics plunges viewers into a labyrinth of outlandish conspiracy theories, racist abuse and graphic violence. As their viewership has surged since 2019, they have cultivated a devoted audience of mostly younger men, according to data from digital intelligence firm Similarweb SMWB.N.

Online misinformation, though usually legal, triggers real-world harm. U.S. election workers have faced a wave of death threats and harassment inspired by former President Donald Trump's false claims that the 2020 election was rigged, which also fueled the deadly Jan. 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol riot. Reuters interviews with a dozen people accused of terrorizing election workers revealed that some had acted on bogus information they found on BitChute and almost all had consumed content on sites popular among the far-right.

BitChute and Odysee both host hundreds of videos inspired by the QAnon conspiracy theory, whose supporters have been arrested for threatening politicians, abducting children and blocking a bridge near Arizona's Hoover Dam with an armored truck full of guns and ammunition.

My comment: If that does not read like setting the stage for shutting all of them down, even Bitchute which really is not alt at all anymore, I don't know what would. I found this via Drudge HERE (https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/special-report-new-breed-of-video-sites-thrives-on-misinformation-and-hate)

Remember my children on trains report where they were really just traffiking the kids and they were not on the trains at all?

An immigration judge was just arrested for Human trafficking (https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1562081065484828673)

That is not surprising at all.RUMOR: LBGTQ is taking the T out and rejecting trans (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzYHBPTfXCI&feature=emb_logo)

Youtube shut down the coast to coast Youtube channel

Coast to Coast was not as good without Art Bell but some thought George Noory was OK. We will see if it comes back but this might be part of the big purge that was spoken about. I have warned constantly for people to be on their own platforms but Youtube is such a huge feed trough it is tough to make it without it.

British soldiers being told to Prepare their families and relatives to lose them (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/british-soldiers-told-ready-war-27791322) in a war with Russia

Tne mirror is the only one with the story. Grain of salt? who knows.

Sky flashes

I would like to say it is over the horizon thunderstorms causing flashing in the sky I have noticed over the past few weeks, but I can't say that is what it is.

I have noticed recently that having everything flash, the entire night sky from horizon to horizon without a cloud in sight (all stars visible) so it cannot be lightning - and no subsequent sound at all - has been happening lately and I suspect it is weathr mod glitching the sky up in the ionosphere. They are pushing it too hard to create their drougts and disasters and it is noticeable even above the city lights..

I am not a kid, I have never seen the sky flash like that before, ever, let alone every single night. It is a random flash that lights everything up, color is white. I know distant thunderstorms can do that but this seems different.

BOOOOM!! FAUCI RESIGNED!! (https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/statement-anthony-s-fauci-md)

Statement by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.

August 22, 2022

I am announcing today that I will be stepping down from the positions of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, as well as the position of Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden. I will be leaving these positions in December of this year to pursue the next chapter of my career.