View Full Version : DeSantis Suspends 4 School Board Members after Parkland Shooti

27th August 2022, 11:38 AM
Dachsie comment:


Jeff Childers August 27, 2022

I guess this is "encouraging news" but it still based on the February 14, 2018 Parkland event not being a false event, that is, a false flag event. Nobody Died at Parkland either. Official story - 17 killed, 17 injured.

I have made red the reference to angry parents. Those parents were crisis actors and we have zero evidence that they had children at the school who were killed or injured.

Dr. Fetzer has some choice evidence on some of the vicsims who were shot in the lungs at close range by an AR 15 rifle and were discharged from the hospital just a few days after admission doing just fine. Not!
And another pic where the girl vicsim was shot in the leg in like manner and was walking around giving press conferences with a band-aid on her leg like a few days later. Not again!

But it is great that deSantis is clearning up Broward County. I heard that Sheriff Israel is gone from office now. That's definitely good.


 Changing subjects, for some very encouraging news, National Review ran a story yesterday headlined, “DeSantis Suspends Four School Board Members for Neglect of Duty after Parkland Shooting Report.”

Yesterday, Governor DeSantis suspended four Broward county school board members for “incompetence.” And I don’t think he’s going to be called a “dictator” this time. They REALLY deserved it.

The school board members were suspended because a grand jury investigation into the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting concluded that the school district showed “clear evidence of incompetence, neglect of duty, misfeasance or malfeasance” when it came to school safety.

Among other findings, the grand jury concluded that the school board members mismanaged the SMART Program, a multimillion-dollar bond intended for school safety and renovations.

For years, bereaved Parkland parents believed the school board was responsible for the deaths, for implementing ineffective woke disciplinary policies and diverting grant money that should have gone to safety equipment and staff to woke programs instead.

Yesterday Governor DeSantis finally brought some long-overdue justice for these unfortunate — and angry — parents. For far too long, public officials have seemed completely unaccountable for their terrible decisions. Governor DeSantis supplied some real accountability yesterday. Arrests would have been better, but this is a strong start.