View Full Version : TUCKER CARLSON: Queen Elizabeth II was the 'last living link to a truly Great Britain

14th October 2022, 08:19 PM
That is what Tucker said about the old hag that died. BTW, GIM1 members in the early 2000s referred to her as the old hag when speaking of silver maple leaf. Remember silver and silver coins. Not many do. GIM2 is about promoting Trump, Russia and posting about bitcoin. There is no drive to buy up silver and break the short positions of bankers. Crypto is the promoted thing by bankers and big tech and media.

Would you accept Tucker saying, "When Rothschild dies, he will be the last living link to a Great Europe"

Vomit from cia Tucker Carlson on British "Royals". To Tucker... the Mossad, cia, and mi6 are patriotic organizations. British "Royals" are to be respected. Trump and Tucker honor the British "Royals" because Tucker, Trump and "Royals" are the deepstate.


News Analysis Sep 9, 2022 Source: The Post Millennial 09/11/2022

TUCKER CARLSON: Queen Elizabeth II was the 'last living link to a truly Great Britain'

Carlson noted that the Queen "was born in one world and died in another," suggesting that the Britain she once ruled over was no more, replaced by something less grandiose and powerful.

On Thursday, Queen Elizabeth II passed away surrounded by family at Balmoral in Scotland. She was ninety-six years old.

Following her death, tributes to her legacy poured in, and among those offering their take on what she meant to the UK was FOX News' Tucker Carlson.

Carlson began by noting that the Queen "was born in one world and died in another," suggesting that the Britain she once ruled over was no more, replaced by something less grandiose and powerful.

He pointed out that the week she was coronated, a British subject from New Zealand became the first man to summit Mt. Everest, calling the feat "symbolic" as it put Britain "on top of the world."

"But in fact, Britain was already over," Carlson contended, "whether the British knew it or not." He went on to suggest that despite being on the winning side of the two world wars, the conflicts had destroyed and eventually humiliated Britain.

"The empire evaporated, along with it Britain's self-confidence, and ultimately, its self-respect," Carlson continued, adding that "it's hard to believe now, but Britain wasn't always a regional banking centre / refugee camp; it was a real place, with a history and a language and a culture, and a genuinely remarkable people."

He commended Britain for being able to take over the world, despite being the size of Alabama, and said that while it "wasn't perfect," the British ruled with "decency unmatched by any empire in human history."

"Queen Elizabeth II was the last living link to a truly great Britain," Carlson added, lamenting the fact that the British empire has disappeared almost entirely.

He went on to highlight a tweet made by Cornell University professor Uju Anya, who wished the Queen "excruciating" pain in her death, calling her the "chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire."

"How, for example, did Africa fare after the British left?" Carlson said in response to Anya and those who shared similar sentiments.

He pointed to the murderous dictatorship that took hold in Uganda, the decline of Rhodesia after it became Zimbabwe, and South Africa's corrupt ANC, pointing out that China has, in many ways, attempted to fill the void left by the British, and that it will have disastrous consequences for those living there.

"In an ideal world," Carlson explained, "there would not be empires ... only sovereign nations, but we don't have that world ... In the real world, the one that we live in, strong countries dominate weak countries, and that trend shows no sign of changing."

He highlighted numerous examples of how the British not only took from their colonies, but added, pointing out that they helped end the transatlantic slave trade, and provided architectural and cultural elements that still exist to this day.

Carlson concluded by decrying the tendency among the youth of today to destroy links to the past via acts such as the toppling of statues.

"Destroy the statue, erase the memory ... slander the ruler, discredit the entire period she lived in. That's exactly why they're attacking Queen Elizabeth II, not because she was a bad person, she wasn't a bad person, but because she lived during a better time."


14th October 2022, 08:23 PM
Video on Trump and British "royals" and ties to Epstein.


Virginia Wolfe was trafficked out of Mar-a-lago.

The entire "resistance" is 100% owned, except for a few gems. Fitzpatrick Informer. Deanna Spingola. To name two of those who have figured out the controlled opposition. Not figuring out Putin is a deepstater, a false flagger too... is like after 9/11 wanting to bomb Muslim nations over the false flag of 9/11 and having Bush for your hero and believing you are part of the resistance.

If they are CNN vs Faux, you are dealing with puppets. If CNN and Faux picked a side. Those sides are controlled. If Republicans and Democrats picked sides, more puppets of the deepstate. Ron Paul, GIM1, gold and silver buying... the deepstate try to shut down, both Republicans and Democrats, both Faux and CNN shut down Ron Paul. The banker Russia vs Ukraine War is designed by the Trump appointee Bushite Powell to have inflation. This war was planned on both sides by the cia. The cia taking the Russian side with cia links in the Kremlin. And the DoD taking the Ukrainian side to draw out the war as long as possible to crash the global economy. The cia have their Puppet Putin. The DoD beltway neo-libs have Zelensky. Control both sides, same with Jewish Hitler vs Jew controlled Churchill.

It was pretty settled that Hitler was a jew, from GIM1 discussions, here is more evidence:



Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels were big fans of the film Metropolis. Goebbels met with Lang and told him that he could be made an honorary Aryan despite his Jewish background. Goebbels told him "Mr. Lang, we decide who is Jewish and who is not." Lang left for Paris that very night.

Hitler was tasked to put Germany on max to crash Germany for decades and to keep Germany down as US and UK policy. The Ukraine war is more against Germany, as I said, economically politically as the Germans lead the EU. And to perhaps crush Germany militarily. Hitler destroyed the rivals of the US/UK in Europe. Putin is trying to destroy the rivals of white European nations.

Tucker is anti-white, pro-mi6 goals to crush the rise of white successful, rich and powerful Europe... to keep down the whites of Europe for Washington and London dominance.