View Full Version : Your Digital Prison Has Been Constructed - Aman Jabbi with Maria Zeee

17th December 2022, 07:05 PM
Worth a listen IMO, and worth sharing!

Your Digital Prison Has Been Constructed - Aman Jabbi with Maria Zeee


REQUIRED VIEWING!!! "A digital identity means that you're ALWAYS IN A DIGITAL PRISON." Aman Jabbi has over 25 years’ experience working in Silicon Valley as an engineer primarily on camera technologies. He joins us to expose extremely alarming technologies being set up in Smart Cities, including street lights that can KILL, “The Internet of Eyes”, and how people will be forced into the Metaverse under the new Digital ID slavery system in what he calls “The Final Lockdown”, and the only solution we have to avoid this.

18th December 2022, 06:46 PM
David Knight talks about Internet of Trees, the digital tracking of trees, which is what the whistleblower guy above (Aman Jabbi) mentioned. And I recall years ago Lynnette Zang saying something along similar lines, like they want to track every living thing on the planet, as in even every bean of coffee. Knight doesn't get into why, but I'm assuming that maybe they don't want the freezing masses to start chopping down trees to burn them to stay warm (goal is for us to freeze to death)--maybe this will count against carbon credits or something:

The Internet of TREES (a different IoT)https://www.bitchute.com/video/KdGdZjO2zXaa/

19th December 2022, 07:40 PM
1984 is the big brother surveillance state. You are profiled. You are pre-crimed. The gubermint knows more about you than some of your friends do. Social credit system of your facebook and instragam profile is used by employers to profile applicants.

Do you own a smart TV, that watches you watching TV and can record you and your familys actions around the house, you have let big brother into your home. How about an alexa devise that is listening 24/7.

The FBI noted that TV manufacturers and app developers have the ability to listen to and watch you. But a potentially more serious threat comes from bad actors who gain access to your unsecured television and take control by changing channels, adjusting volume levels, and even showing inappropriate content to children. At worst, they might turn on your TV's camera and microphone to spy on you, or use that access to find a backdoor into your router and other connected devices.


Do you own a Ring doorbell or some google hive doorbell that records your entire front yard for the feds and popo. You are an agent of the surveillance state, an unpaid employee of bigbrother.

Do you own bitcoin, the planned replacement to the dollar system for the cia Qanon movement.

You have accepted the mark of the beast money that tracks you and traces you and records your "private" buys and earnings to the entire globe on publicly accessible ledgers designed by bigbrother.


Do you have your phones camera uncovered or unlocked, letting the feds record you. How about your tablets microphone, is it off. Or do you let the surveillance state record you.

Are you preping with gold and silver or buying junk from China that is there to track you. Are you buying gold and silver/food or wasting it on big brother junk from China.

The old days of buying gold and silver and food/toilet paper were the good of days of self-sufficiency from Big Brother. Today, you make billions from bitcoin and vote for Trump and believe you are fighting the deepstate, as you install a Ring Doorbell latest gadget junk from China that the popo use against you. You support Trumps biometric tracking system and believe you are "defendin' 'merica" from them immigrants.


The cia have you played like a fiddle. To the Qanon supporters.... the forum of GIM1 is ancient history, a memory if that.

Trump supports Pre-crime, and no total rejection of zio-Trump.


20th December 2022, 06:09 AM
Status. Are you seated above or below the salt? If you are above the salt you want your servants to pay attention to your every word, movement or gesture. Government is your servant and not your master. Don't you want them detecting your every want or desire?

Take the other extreme. Say you hired a servant and they ignored you? Would they be employed for very long?

There is a bit of paranoia out there. Much of it stems from not being able to anticipate what your own actions should be in every situation that could get you in trouble. Government calls these actions criminal and you get locked up for a time for attitude readjustment. Except you are never told what you did wrong or how you might have acted differently. Here is a clue: all criminal acts involve dishonor. Learn what honor means and how to stay within that boundary and learn to love government as much as I do. As well as how to keep them at arms length when they interfere excessively.