View Full Version : Republican Musk wants inflation higher and Fed to run the printing press
27th December 2022, 11:14 AM
Elon Musk wants the Fed to 'cut interest rates immediately' — but Jerome Powell says inflation 'remains far too high.'
It’s hard to say how effective the U.S. Federal Reserve’s tightening monetary policy has been at taming inflation. But one thing’s for sure: higher borrowing costs do not bode well for the economy.
Unsurprisingly, experts — including Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk — are now calling for rate cuts.
“Fed needs to cut interest rates immediately,” Musk says in a recent tweet. “They are massively amplifying the probability of a severe recession.”
But even the richest person in the world doesn’t always get what he wants.
Speaking at the Brookings Institution on Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says that inflation “remains far too high.”
“Despite some promising developments, we have a long way to go in restoring price stability,” he remarks.
Investors don’t like prolonged rate hikes. The S&P 500 has already tumbled roughly 15% this year.
The Republicanization of Elon Musk
Billionaire Oligarch Musk is losing billions in the stock market. Lost hundreds of millions/billions in crypto. "Micro-chip your brain" Musk wants the dollar to inflate, perhaps causing the demise of the dollar and the implementation of bitcoin as the only currency of the globe.
Musk is the Jewish imposed "leader of the resistance".
28th December 2022, 04:13 AM
Elon is for sure controlled opposition as he is a graduate of Klaus Schwabs ”young global leaders” of the WEF
28th December 2022, 02:54 PM
Jew Chabadite Vladimir Putin was young leader at WEF. Putin has an army of Jewish billionaires that back the Kike Putin.
Still the WEF is irrelevant, and does not mean the WEF are the controllers of the deepstate. Musk fits the bill of WEF and then "rebel". WEF is where neo-libs gather and make money. If you want to join the cia/Republicans and mossad/Likud that control the WEF, you turn into a "rebel", a "Patriot", anti-LGBTQ/woke and work directly for the goal of 1984. There are risks in both camps. The risk in rebelling against the WEF is if 1984 fails, if Trump fails, if bitcoin fails, if Putin fails, you are an outcast. If you stay in the WEF, the zionazi cia wants that WEF to be the sinking ship, not Republican cia agenda of a deepstate out of Washington. WEF is fake deepstate out of Europe and the UN. Which is the controlled opposition sock puppet rival to Washington as the deepstate. If the EU success was promoted and EU GDP was higher than the USA and China. If the EU was the place of decision making for the deepstate, then obviously the WEF would be the deepstate. Since the kikes are trying to take down the EU and promote Pompeo-Trump-Putin-cia-mossad ruling over the EU and destroying Europe. Then the WEF is truly a sock puppet.
Merkel: Putin Wants to Destroy Europe
Why Trump and his team want to wipe out the EU
WEF is there to make it seem as though Europe is the bad place, not Washington and Israel as the bad place. To frame leaders in Europe that are not part of the deepstate, to say they are deepstate, so cia conservative psy-ops and media coups can happen against those WEF dupes. Schwab is there to lure EU leaders into a group that is out to destroy them and Europe/EU. While pretending to be their Jewish friends.
Scare tactics for the masses: "If you don't vote for Bush/cia/Russia Republicans/Trump, the WEF is gonna get you."
Merkel was never the deepstate. Though nativists that hate Merkel believe so because she supports Syrians living in Germany fleeing the cia wars in the Middle East. I hate those Syrians, therefore Merkel is the deepstate, along with her UN WEF! Trump is gonna save us from the Mexicans!
This is disinfo shill stuff fed to dupes that are weaker than reactionaries. The Jew knows how control the Trumpers with staged events/crisis to make you hate the groups that the Jew hates.
Yes, the Jew hates Soros.
CNN Jews hates woke Bernie Bros.
Jews hate Mexicans politically, because Mexicans are woke/red pilled on the Jewish problem:
Jews hate those patsies in the WEF. Jews back the real deepstate of Kissinger, Bush, Rockefeller. British Royals, Tories. Putin, Chabad. Netanyahu and Likud.
29th December 2022, 04:54 AM
What is it you don’t understand of CONTROLLED opposition? The WEF trained them as well… Where did you see Trump, Putin, Musk speaking out against the WEF as an organization? They do oppose some or most of its ideas, but maybe that is their job. One example is Trump making himself the leader of the Obama birthergate, until the white house released the badly forged birth certificate and then he shut up. It is all a fucking show and WEF is instrumental in training them for it, both sides of the aisle.
29th December 2022, 11:27 AM
WEF is one of the recruiting grounds of the deepstate. It is not the deepstate. They do not make the decisions toward 1984. Decisions are made by the cia, mi6, British Royals, mossad, Likud, Russia Republicans, Netanyahu, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Jews. WEF is the cover for the deepstate, something to blame crimes on. If you are corrupt enough, same as Elon, then Elon is groomed into the deepstate and to be the leader of the resistance to WEF. Tom Daschle was not 1984, Tom Daschle was not the deepstate. Tom Daschle was controlled opposition to George Bush. WEF is controlled opposition to Netanyahu. WEF tries to soften up nations to be disturbers of the peace, so disinfo shills can lead you to Trump, Netanyahu, Likud, Russia Republicans and the cia. WEF is there to piss off voters, so the voters vote Republican and for the Netanyahu political parties of Europe, including for Le Pen.
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