View Full Version : Katherine Watt- paralegal, Balliwick News- working with Sasha on the Covid Coup

16th January 2023, 04:02 PM
This is the substack of Katherine Watt, the paralegal who is working with Sasha Latypova:


American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.

https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_64,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:ste ep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F bc8f88dd-c184-44d5-9121-06b2f38c7fb6_1752x2361.jpeg (https://substack.com/profile/8540123-katherine-watt?utm_source=author-byline-face)

Katherine Watt (https://substack.com/profile/8540123-katherine-watt)

Apr 28, 2022

Research and organizing tool first posted April 28, 2022, subject to ongoing revision as new information comes to light. Last updated Jan. 14, 2023.

Other formats: Sept. 2022 small-print PDF (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2022/09/2022.09.20-american-domestic-bioterrorism-program-pdf.pdf) (67 pages); Sept. 2022 large-print PDF (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2022/10/2022.09.20-american-domestic-bioterrorism-program-large-print.pdf) (101 pages); Nov. 2022 Statutory History Orientation Memo (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/2022.11.21-statutory-history-orientation-memo-footnoted.pdf) (45 pages); Dec. 2022 Legal Structures Outline (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2022/12/2022.12.10-legal-structures-outline.pdf) (2 pages), Dec. 2022 Six Statutory Frameworks - Executive Summary (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2022/12/2022.12.19-six-key-statutes-creating-adbp.pdf) (14 pages)


I started looking closely at the legal architecture supporting the Covid national prison panopticon (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bentham-project/who-was-jeremy-bentham/panopticon) on Jan. 30, 2022, after hearing Attorney Todd Callender’s interview (https://www.americaoutloud.com/compulsory-vaccination-and-forced-quarantine-camps-in-arizona/), which provided information about the American domestic legal framework; how it fit with the oddly-coordinated pandemic story told by governments worldwide; and how it relates to the World Health Organization International Health Regulations of 2005 at the center.

I wrote up the interview:

Legal Walls - Short Version (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/legal-walls-short-version?s=w)
Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/legal-walls-of-the-covid-19-kill?s=w); PDF (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2022/05/2022.02.26-legal-walls-of-the-covid19-kill-box.pdf)

Prior to that day, I’d spent a lot of time, with increasing confusion and alarm and despair, trying to figure out why the U.S. Constitutional legal system hadn’t put a stop to the nonsense as its nonsensicality became obvious to so many people.

Why did it continue, with no end in sight, and not even a glimpse of a path to the end?

Since then, as I’ve dug into Callender’s analysis following the supporting paper trails, I’ve learned why, and how.

A whole lot of things that once were federal and state crimes and civil rights violations have been legalized by Congress through legislative, statutory revisions to the United States Code, signed by US Presidents, and implemented at the administrative, regulatory level by the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense through the Code of Federal Regulations.

I’ve reported on those findings in small bits and pieces, connecting the laws to court cases, executive orders, guidance documents for industry and researchers, academic papers, intellectual property patents, regulatory amendments, psychological manipulation programs, geopolitical developments and other facts as they’ve floated across my field of view.

I think the critical decay began around 1983, when the ‘public health emergencies’ section was added to the 1944 Public Health Service Act, although the 1944 PHSA itself represented an additional militarization of human medicine in the United States.

Most of the worst laws have been passed since 2000 — just before 9/11 and the US Department of Defense false flag anthrax attacks.

They are listed below, with links to the full text of each law, and a short summary of what I understand about how each one fits into the overall scheme.

The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.

That happened on Jan. 31, 2020, in effect as of Jan. 27, 2020 (https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/2019-nCoV.aspx) through the present day.

In other words: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers.

16th January 2023, 04:12 PM
Navigation Tool/Jump To:

1900-1929 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-theodore-roosevelt-william-howard-taft-woodrow-wilson-warren-harding-calvin-coolidge-herbert-hoover)
1930-1939 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-herbert-hoover-franklin-d-roosevelt)
1940-1949 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-franklin-d-roosevelt-harry-s-truman)
1950-1959 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-harry-truman-dwight-eisenhower)
1960-1969 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-dwight-eisenhower-john-f-kennedy-lyndon-johnson-richard-nixon)
1970-1979 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-richard-nixon-gerald-ford-jimmy-carter)
1980-1989 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-ronald-reagan-george-hw-bush)
1990-1999 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-george-hw-bush-william-j-clinton)
2000-2009 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-william-clinton-george-w-bush-barack-h-obama)
2010-2019 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/presidents-barack-h-obama-donald-j-trump)
2020-2022 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/i/52970715/present-presidents-donald-j-trump-joseph-r-biden)

Related reporting:

COVID-19 injectable bioweapons as case study in legalized, government-operated domestic bioterrorism (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/covid-19-injectable-bioweapons-as)
Faked Clinical Trials and 'Real World Evidence' (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/faked-clinical-trials-and-real-world)
US federal crimes for which there is evidence to prosecute Covid-19 bioterrorists who occupy US government positions (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/us-federal-crimes-for-which-there)
22 worst Congressional bioterrorism authorization and funding laws passed since 1983 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/22-worst-congressional-bioterrorism)
Run-up to the American bioterrorist State’s Jan. 31, 2020 declaration of war - Part 1 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/run-up-to-the-american-bioterrorist?s=w) (2014-2017)
Run-up to the American bioterrorist State’s Jan. 31, 2020 declaration of war - Part 2 (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/run-up-to-the-american-bioterrorist-37f?s=w) (2018-2020)
Timeline (1819-2022) of Supreme Court cases (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/where-does-the-current-supreme-court?s=w), related state cases and treatises

1900-1929 - Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover

1907 - Treaty at the Hague (http://lawofwar.org/hague_iv.htm) — Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, including Section III, Military Authority Over the Territory of the Hostile State: “Art. 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.”
1909 - Launch of the Round Table Movement (https://orientalreview.org/2019/07/06/the-british-roots-of-the-deep-state-how-the-round-table-infiltrated-america/). “By 1919, the Round Table Movement changed its name to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House) with the Round Table name relegated to its geopolitical periodical… in America, where knowledge of the British Empire’s subversive role was more widely known, the name “American Institute for International Affairs” was still too delicate. Instead the name Council on Foreign Relations” was chosen and was chartered in 1921.”
1913/12/23 - US Congress and President Wilson passed Federal Reserve Act. PL 63-43, 38 Stat. 251 (https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/legislink/pdf/stat/38/STATUTE-38-Pg251a.pdf). Created Federal Reserve Bank, central banking system in United States.
1921/11/23 - US Congress and President Harding passed Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act. PL 67-97, 42 Stat. 224 (https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/legislink/pdf/stat/42/STATUTE-42-Pg224.pdf). Established status of American-born babies — human beings — as collateral for national debt owed to international bankers; program operated through birth certificates/security bonds filed with state registries of vital statistics. Expired 1929, replaced by 1935 Social Security Act.

1930-1939 - Presidents Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt

1933/04/05 - President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 (https://www.goldline.com/images/conf-order.pdf), under state of emergency (Great Depression). Ratified by Congress through House Joint Resolution 192. Forbade the hoarding 'of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency,' confiscated gold held by private individuals, to remove the constraint on the Federal Reserve (1913 Federal Reserve Act) preventing it from increasing the money supply.
1933/06/05 - Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 (https://freedom-school.com/h-j-r-192.pdf), ratifying President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 6102; declared bankruptcy of US government; suspended gold standard; pledged lives of American people (registered at birth through Social Security program) as collateral/debt slaves to international bankers, against national debt.
1933/06/12 - London Economic Conference began. Report on Matthew Ehret, Clash of the Two Americas: Open vs. Closed Systems Collide: How Roosevelt Halted Previous Attempts to Implement a New World Order (https://expose-news.com/2022/08/23/how-roosevelt-halted-previous-nwo-attempts/).

1935/08/14 - US Congress and President Roosevelt passed Social Security Act - PL 74-271. 49 Stat. 620 (https://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=49&page=620#). Social Security Act governs Medicare and Medicaid, two of the federal authorization and funding pathways through which ‘breakthrough’ devices and drugs, fast-track products, products eligible for accelerated approval and other FDA-classified products are developed, manufactured and used on humans. Amendments to SSA since 1983 and pending, have expanded/will further expand the novel drug and device/bioweapon classes eligible for fast-tracked federal research and deployment funding within the Medicare/Medicaid programs.

1938/06/25 - Congress and President Roosevelt passed Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA). PL 75-717, 52 Stat. 1040 (https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/legislink/pdf/stat/52/STATUTE-52-Pg1040a.pdf). Original stated purpose: “to prohibit the movement in interstate commerce of adulterated and misbranded food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics.” Codified at 21 USC 9. By the outbreak of Covid in late 2019, FDCA had been amended by several decades of Congressional acts to become one of the key laws under which the American domestic bioterrorism program is authorized, funded and operated.
1939/09/01 - Globalists launched World War II.

1940-1949 - Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman

1944/07/01 - 07/22 - Globalists negotiated Bretton Woods Articles of Agreement (https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/files/docs/historical/martin/17_07_19440701.pdf) to establish a centralized global financial and banking system.

1944/07/01 - Congress and President Roosevelt passed Public Health Service Act (PHSA). PL 78-410, 58 Stat. 682 (https://uscode.house.gov/statviewer.htm?volume=58&page=682#). Consolidated, centralized and militarized the American public health system that had developed within several agencies since the Revolution. Codified at 42 USC 201.
1945/04/12 - President Roosevelt died; President Truman took office.
1945/07/31 - Congress and President Truman passed Bretton Woods Agreement Act, PL 79-171, 59 Stat. 512 (https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/legislink/pdf/stat/59/STATUTE-59-Pg512.pdf), authorizing President to accept membership in International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, later known as World Bank.
1945/09/02 - Globalists ended World War II.
1945/10/24 - Globalists established United Nations. US Congress ratified treaty.

1945/11/20 - Globalists began Nuremberg trials.

1945/12/27 - Bretton Woods Agreement entered into force.

1945/12/29 - Congress and President Truman passed International Organizations Immunities Act, PL 79-291, 59 Stat. 669. (http://archive.ipu.org/finance-e/PL79-291.pdf) Corey Lynn report - Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework (https://www.coreysdigs.com/u-s/laundering-with-immunity-the-control-framework-part-1/), Sept. 29, 2022.
1946/06/11 - Congress and President Truman passed Administrative Procedures Act, PL 79-404. 60 Stat. 237 (https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/jmd/legacy/2014/05/01/act-pl79-404.pdf). Established framework for the administrative state to operate within a de facto executive branch dictatorship, through the “committed to agency discretion” override of both the legislative process and judicial review. Codified at 5 USC 551.
1946/07/22 - Globalists established the World Health Organization and adopted the WHO Constitution, signed by 61 nations at International Health Conference in New York, to enter into force as of 04/07/1948. WHO Constitution amendments passed by World Health Assembly 02/03/1977 ; 01/20/1980 ; 07/11/1994 ; 09/15/2005.
1946/10/01 - Globalists concluded Nuremberg trials.
1947 National Security Act - 61 Stat. 499. Set up precursors to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
1947/10/30 - Globalists adopted General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) treaty.
1948 - UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, part of International Bill on Human Rights
1948 US Information and Educational Exchange Act (Smith-Mundt). PL 80-402. 62 Stat. 6. Set up programs for US propaganda distribution in foreign countries; limited use of government propaganda on American population. ‘Modernized’ to authorize domestic propaganda in 01/02/2013 National Defense Authorization Act.
1948/01/01 - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) treaty entered into force.
1948/04/07 - World Health Organization Constitution entered into force.
1948/06/14 - Congress authorized President Truman to accept membership in World Health Organization on behalf of US government. PL 643, 64 Stat. 441. Codified at 22 USC 290 (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/290).
1949/04/04 - US Senate ratified North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) treaty.
1949/06/18 - George Orwell published 1984.
1949/08/24 - NATO treaty entered into force.
1949 - Geneva Conventions

1950-1959 - Presidents Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower

1950/08/08 - Congress and President Truman passed Defense Production Act of 1950 (https://govtrackus.s3.amazonaws.com/legislink/pdf/stat/64/STATUTE-64-Pg798b.pdf), PL 81-774, 64 Stat. 798. Authorized federal takeover of private industry during declared war. Invoked in Spring 2020 for Covid-19 lethal injection production.

1951/05/25 - Globalists adopted first International Sanitary Regulations at theWorld Health Organization World Health Assembly, to enter into force 10/01/1952. International Sanitary Regulations were revised and renamed International Health Regulations in 1969. Revised again 1973, 1981, 2005. Draft revisions under review 2022.

1951 - Globalists adopted UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
1952/09/14 - Roman CatholicPope Pius XII presented speech On the Moral Limits of Medical Research and Treatment (https://www.papalencyclicals.net/pius12/p12psych.htm) to First International Congress on Histopathology of the Nervous System. “Insofar as the moral justification of the experiments rests on the mandate of public authority, and therefore on the subordination of the individual to the community, of the individual’s welfare to the common welfare, it is based on an erroneous explanation of this principle. It must be noted that, in his personal being, man is not finally ordered to usefulness to society. On the contrary, the community exists for man.”
1952/09/27 - President Truman signed Executive Order 10399 establishing the US Surgeon General as the “health administrator” for the World Health Organization on American soil, under 1948 WHO Constitution and 1951 WHO International Sanitary Regulations. 17 Federal Register 8648. (https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/fedreg/fr017/fr017191/fr017191.pdf)

1952/10/01 - WHO International Sanitary Regulations of 1951 entered into force in WHO member states.

1953/03/12 - President Eisenhower transmitted Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953 to Congress, subordinating US sovereignty to WHO International Sanitary Regulations, to be implemented by Surgeon General through the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (later renamed Health and Human Services). 18 Federal Register 2053 (https://archives.federalregister.gov/issue_slice/1953/4/11/2053-2054.pdf#page=1). Codified at 42 USC 202.

read the rest at the link


17th January 2023, 06:59 AM
Early on in the scamdemic I was researching Nevada's public health laws. That section of the NRS is filled with WHO garbage. The posts in the OP shed light on how that happened.

17th January 2023, 01:12 PM
On quietly bringing county, state and federal officials up to speed.
Sheriffs, prosecutors, lawmakers, judges, governorshttps://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_64,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:ste ep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F bc8f88dd-c184-44d5-9121-06b2f38c7fb6_1752x2361.jpeg (https://substack.com/profile/8540123-katherine-watt?utm_source=author-byline-face)

Katherine Watt (https://substack.com/profile/8540123-katherine-watt)

37 min ago


I’ve been fielding more emails and comments asking how to help and how to donate to legal funds to support the kinds of criminal cases I write about.
I’m still working on the fundraising piece. It needs to be set up to be somewhat under-the-radar but still publicly accessible, and that’s a hard balance to strike.
On the public education piece, the general public is far out in front of the public officials — most of whom don’t understand the massive criminal enterprise in which they’ve become entangled.
The gap between the two groups is widening as the public gallops on ahead.
More ordinary people understand the big picture of what’s happening, and more people are getting more angry about it, while so many prosecutors, lawmakers, judges, governors and sheriffs are just starting to catch on.
This is a good development overall.
Because so many ordinary people now understand things more fully, and the government officials (at least, those who aren’t willing, premeditated co-conspirators in the crimes) are finally noticing some things that seem a little off, the time is ripe for more ordinary people to make more ordinary appointments with county and state officials, and with your Congressional representatives, to talk through some of these things.
I know that many of you have been doing that already. Keep doing it.
If you haven’t been doing it yet, now is a good time to start.
The task is mobilizing potential statesmen to step up and follow where the people are already leading, and mobilizing more well-informed popular support at the same time, so the two groups can converge on each other and strengthen each other to withstand the genociders and the genocidal mass media that have been keeping the two groups weak, ignorant and isolated from each other for more than 100 years, and are intensifying those efforts now.
If you are interested, please find the offices and try to make an appointment to meet with one or more of the following people, wherever you live:

county sheriff

county district attorney

county commissioners

county magistrate judges

state attorney general

state legislators

state governor

state judges

Congress members

US Senators

federal judges

Go to the appointment prepared to explain the situation in America and the world right now, as you understand those things, in your own words.
Be prepared to explain as best you can how you would like these men and women to respond: by joining with you to publicly name and shame the covert globalist overthrow of Constitution and country; by resisting it; by repealing the unlawful federal, county and state pseudo-laws and appropriations that enabled it; by formally rejecting and refunding the hush money, bribery and extortion payments the feds have been funneling to school districts, towns, counties and states to buy silence and cooperation with evil; and by launching and supporting criminal prosecutions.
Two documents to print, bring with you and give to the people you talk with.

To demonstrate your own commitment to help these men and women see what’s happening and stand up at their sides to fight, print, sign and bring along the Affidavit of Noncompliance (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/affidavit-of-noncompliance-with-title-case-type.pdf).

To leave them material so they can educate themselves more after your meeting, bring along a copy of the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program Executive Summary (https://bailiwicknewsarchives.files.wordpress.com/2023/01/jan.-2023-legal-history-american-domestic-bioterrorism-program.pdf), Jan. 2023 version

Take notes during the meeting. Write down questions they have. If you can point them to sources of more information during the meeting, do that. If you need to track down answers to their questions and get back to them later, do that.

Keep pushing.

2nd February 2023, 03:40 PM
Lifesitenews article summarizing the findings of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova

There's an audio of the article, so you can have it read to you while you do something else:

How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’

‘Congress and U.S. Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution… through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program… on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,' writes legal researcher Katherine Watt.
