View Full Version : Jew Putin wears a Kabbalistic Talisman.

29th January 2023, 03:35 AM
Jew Putin wears a Kabbalistic Talisman.

Putin wears Kabbalah red thread talisman at Eurasian summit (video)
Posted on December 19, 2022

Putin’s red string is visible in the above video from the 2:13 – 2:56 minute mark, taken from video broadcast at the opening of the Eurasianist ASEAN summit in Sochi, Russia in May 18, 2016.


For those that doubt me. Here is the article in Wikipedia on this red string charm/ jewish talisman


Putin is a kike. The worst of Kikes to Europeans, those that start wars in Europe to set Europe as a killing field of whites. Why would CNN and the kike media inform you that Putin is a fraud. Instead kike media says Putin is your leader, same as the media does with Trump. The jew media does not inform you Putin and Trump are fake populists and nationalists and do not tell you to not support them by informing you Jews control Putin and Trump to fool you.

30th January 2023, 02:14 AM
What this shows is that Putin-Trump-cia bitcoins are the new version of the deepstate of Rockefeller-Rothschild and the Federal Reserve.

15 years plus of Henry Makow. I tried and tried to figure out why this jew hates the Western zionists, a self hating jew? No. Because Henry Makow pushes the propaganda that Russia is your savior and Putin is your leader. When Russia is a jewish playground for jews.

Makow wants you to hate Rothschild Zionism of Ashkanazi Jews and back the Learned Elders of Zion of Putin of Russia and Chabad. The key to this passing of the guard is for you to believe only German Jews are the problem and to not be aware of Chabad owning Russia, owning Putin and Trump. So when the passing of the guard happens, you are completely unaware of the Jews controlling things more than before. You believe Jews have been defeated with Trump and Putin and bitcoin replacing the federal reserve. When it was a Jewish coup against defeated and exposed Jews and exposed goyim. The old structure and old system that has been laid bare to observers and is not functional anymore is to be replaced by Jews controlling the new system, with 1984 attempted with the changing of the guards. Russia is the new brand of world jewry.


The Fed coin is more of the same. Bitcoin is the mark of the beast. Satoshi Nakamoto translates to Central Intelligence. And it is the money of the cia.




The shills run the entire "resistance". It is a fake resistance. When cia Sean Hannity, cia Fox News, cia US Senators are the "resistance", you have a serious problem. And that is not even covering the shill quacks.

The new deepstate is cia Russia Republicans.



Putin is a zionist kike. 25 years of cia Republicans cozying with Putin. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Russia Republicans controlled the Kremlin. The Bush cia controlled Yeltsin. Yeltsin and the cia picked and vetted Putin to be your Trumpian fraud leader.


The Bush cia and mossad and mi6, started a new entire deepstate to replace the old cold war era deepstate of Bretton Woods, of the Federal Reserve, of WEF, of neo-liberalism. The new deepstate started with Putin, the kike. And with cia bitcoins. Fraud Trump led this with the MAGA cia Republicans. This is the Netanyahu project to control the resistance:


The easiest way to defeat cia bitcoins is for anti-washington individuals invest in Precious Metals and/or altcoins. To reject fraud kike Putin, and fraud Trump. Those behind Putin, Trump and bitcoin are mossad and the Bush cia. Though the new Rothschild group is the Learned Elders of Zion - the Chabad. The Chabad have been Bush cia partners for decades. And these Russian Jews are to replace Rothschild and the Rothchildism. Rothschild is buddies with Russian Jews. Though as in a monopoly game, loses influence with Chabad taking over the global zionist disorder.

So as you cheer for kike Putin, cia bitcoins, and Chabad replacing Rothschild, you are entering a new Bush cia, a new mossad Likud era - 1984. Rothschild signed off onto this because Rothschild wants you to believe Rothschild has been defeated with Putin and Trump, so Rothschild with the Chabad can reorganize while you believe the jew state has been defeated by kike Putin.

So the jews decided that you "resistance", the more you believe in shills and spread Putinism and Trumpism and bitcoinism, you build the new worse zionist system of Netanyahu and Bush and mi6. Instead of defeating the kikes, you build the new international temple of the jews - Jewish Russia, Jewish bitcoin, Chabad America.

This is the only reason why zionist Fox News is on board with this. Why zionist Republicans want bitcoin, Putin and Trump. These are the new deepstate worse than the previous deepstate.

30th January 2023, 05:20 AM
IF you support zionst Trump, Kike Putin, or cia bitcoins, you are being duped by the Learned Elders of Zion.

This is the grandest deception: bitcoin, Putin, Trump.

15 years of shills with one goal. To hide the deepstate again.


To make the deepstate disappear before your very blind eyes. Because these shills say the Democrats, WEF, Bill Gates are the deepstate... when the deepstate has been for years - Trump, Putin and Bitcoin.



30th January 2023, 05:20 AM
IF you support zionst Trump, Kike Putin, or cia bitcoins, you are being duped by the Learned Elders of Zion.

This is the grandest deception: bitcoin, Putin, Trump.

15 years of shills with one goal. To hide the deepstate again.


To make the deepstate disappear before your very blind eyes. Because these shills say the Democrats, WEF, Bill Gates are the deepstate... when the deepstate has been for years - Trump, Putin and Bitcoin.



30th January 2023, 05:37 AM
Trump is trying to hide the deepstate. That is one of the main purposes of Trump. Putin is trying to hide the deepstate in plain sight. It is very easy to see if you stop listening and watching anti-WEF shills. Bitcoin is trying to hide the deepstate by you believing bitcoin is about freedom. When in fact the bankers and cia founded bitcoin to stop the rise of gold and silver. To keep gold and silver at 2000 and 25 dollars for years and years. To make gold and silver of no threat to the deepstate.

Republicans want to have crypto as money, showing you that bitcoin is no threat to the Republican cia deepstate.

The WEF is the jewish scapegoat for the sins of the deepstate. And like poof, it goes away and the shills have you fooled the deepstate has been defeated.

When the WEF promotes Trump, Bitcoin and Putin, then the WEF has become the deepstate and stopped being controlled opposition.

If cia bitcoin, kike putin, zion trump fail. We have gold and silver as money when the dollar collapses. We have sound money. We have libertarians that invested in gold and silver as millionaires.

30th January 2023, 05:43 AM
Those paid shills that are blaming the WEF as the deepstate have their mission to promote bitcoin, putin and trump. So instead of libertarianism and liberty as the result of a collapse of wall street, the dollar and Washington. The shills have the masses ready to demand ZOG Putin, ZOG Trump and mark of the beast cia bitcoin.

No gold is money, no silver is money, no millionaires from investing in gold and silver. No libertarianism.

You are to have sham election after sham election where cia Republicans win, you were primed for this with the big (https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/leaked-audio-steve-bannon-trump-2020-election-declare-victory/) lie (https://news.yahoo.com/trump-planned-to-falsely-declare-victory-months-prior-to-2020-election-jan-6-committee-183709946.html). You have pre-crime of Barr and Trump. You have Big Brother. You have the deception there is no deepstate with Trump and Putin and bitcoin.

The anti-WEF shills have you where you usher in a Chabad nightmare 1984.

The libertarians no longer want life in the old West, no long want gold and silver. Are fooled by kike Putin to usher in a Chabad Learned Elders of Zion 1984 hellscape of Putin and Trump. And have the masses of resistance there to promote this as 5th columnists and believe totalitarianism of Putin and Trump is normal, needed to fight the WEF deepstate.

30th January 2023, 03:26 PM
Putin 'appears' to be the only adult in the room. The whole Ukraine thing 'appears' to be an effort by the deep state (Western Jewish Oligargchy) to hang on to the dollar empire which they are using to control the world. It 'appears' that they would rather have a nuclear war and hide in their holes than let go of their power.

Appearances can be decieving. We shall see.

30th January 2023, 11:02 PM
Likud/Chabad was part of the ruling deepstate since the Bush post-cold war era. Before Trump... Netanyahu was tasked with the mission to control the resistance and liberartarians. Kike Putin also has the same task.


No coincidence Netanyahu and Putin are close partners.

The kike oligarchs want you to focus on their disposable henchmen. Fauci, Democrats and WEF.

Instead of fighting against Likud, mossad, cia and mi6... The Jews have you fighting sock puppets that the shills focus on.

The fake resistance led by shills have the masses so fooled that when henchmen and sockpuppets disappear, the duped masses are gonna believe the deepstate has been defeated with a Russia Republican dictatorship/BigBrother to defeat liberals and the fall of Europe to Chabad direct control.

The Elders of Zion are to control Europe. If you listen to E Michael Jones, there is ample evidence the cia and kike hated the EEC and EU. The British mi6ers and American counterparts - the cia - wanted to destroy Europe since the Treaty of Rome. The Germans created a new German 2nd Reich in the EU. German Chancellor Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer was the main founder of the European Union. And it has been the commerce empire of white Europe for decades. Germany leads the EU economically, militarily and politically. The kikes made China the manufacturing hub precisely because the EEC was going to be the trade empire of the world. With Germany exports making Germany their reigning economic power. cia, mi6, Kikes and their friends could not handle this.

30th January 2023, 11:08 PM
Jew Putin was for the kike plan to send niggers from Africa to collapse the EU.



Why? Because Putin is tasked with destroying the EU. Along with Trump, Pompeo and cia Russia Republicans


The entire Trump agenda was to destroy the old order and reshape the global order without Germany (https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/11/opinions/trump-wants-to-destroy-european-union/index.html), without Continental Europe (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/feb/18/trump-pompeo-bolton-eu-eastern-european-states). To have Chabad Russia, British mi6 British Royals/mi6 Tory, Russia cia Republican with mossad/Likud Israel be the new only players in the globe. No Germany, no Europe.

white successful EU has been the scapegoat for the kike for 20 years. They don't want the rival. Read the above article.

31st January 2023, 12:03 AM
Trump has been owned by the jews for decades. Trumps mentor was Roy Kohn and Roy Kohn pimped little blonde boys to Washington politicians and oligarchs for blackmail.

Roger Stone said Roy Kohn was always surrounded by little blonde boys. Trump was aware of this. Trump ran the blue suite in a hotel where kids were raped by Jews and cronies.

Trump was in debt to Jews, meaning the Rothschilds owned Trump. The Jewish bankers owned Trump. Trump had heavy ties with the Learned Elders of Zion - the Chabad.


Trump had decades ties with Russian Jewry and got millions in Russian Jew money.

The agenda of Trump was the agenda of the Learned Elders of Zion, the Jews owned Trump. The agenda of Trump was to take out the rivals of Russian Jews - the European Union.

Trump’s (and Putin’s) Plan to Dissolve the EU and NATO.


Donald Trump’s transition team have called EU leaders to ask “what country is to leave next” with a tone suggesting the union “is falling apart” this year, according to the outgoing US ambassador to the bloc.
In a pugnacious parting press conference, Anthony Gardner warned of “fringe” voices such as Nigel Farage, the former UK Independence party leader, holding influence in Washington over Mr Trump’s team.
Speaking days before leaving office, Mr Gardner said it would be “lunacy” and “the height of folly” for the US to ditch half a century of foreign policy in order to support further EU fragmentation or become a “Brexit cheerleader” in Brussels.
“I was struck in various calls that were going on between the incoming administration and the EU that the first question is: what country is about to leave next after the UK?” he said.
“The perceived sense is that 2017 is the year in which the EU is going to fall apart. And I hope that Nigel Farage is not the only voice being listened to because that is a fringe voice.”

Trump was tasked by Jews with the mission to leave NATO to allow a Russian invasion of NATO Europe. To have the Jews of Russia run Europe.

And tasked with the mission to collapse the German run European Union.


Germany was the enemy since 1900 to the British and Rothschild. The EU is the new German Reich, that is how many Germans look at things.


German Reichs freak out cia trolls, mi6 trolls, likud trolls and the Learned Elders of Zion - the Russian Jews that run Russia.

The cia and Likud want to destroy Germany too. Jew Putin is the designated jew to destroy a unified Europe, led by Germany.

Here is an article of an angry Greek complaining that Germany rules the EU:


The more powerful the EU/Germany get, the more independence from the US and Israel. The more of a multipolar global order.

So the kikes send niggers from Africa to try to ruin the EU. Jews say Europe must be multicultural to kill the EU. Jews sent black sharecroppers to the Northern cities, to kill white ethnic power in white Northern cities. Jews know multiculturalism destroys their enemies. Send crisis after crisis to try to destroy the 4th German Reich (EU). And get the shills to have the resistance join the Jews to destroy kike rival - EU. To blame the EU for the cia/Jewish migrant crisis.

Trump is Jew owned. Trump agenda is the Jew agenda. Trump and Putin want to usher an age of Learned Elders of Zion (Chabad) ruling you.


These Chabad Jews - The Learned Elders of Zion - are the same Jews that were in the Bush white house photos. The cia is partners with them. These Learned Elders of Zion Jews run the economy of Russia.


The EU was never to tool to world government. That was cia/Jewish propaganda. The cia want the EU destroyed and the shills tell you the EU needs to be destroy because it is global government. It is really Germany ruling over Europe in peace without war.

Many Germans and especially Jews see the EU as the 4th Reich. The Jews see it as goyim banding together for strength. You are being fooled by the Jews to hate the EU.

If the EU were to support Putin, then it would be evil. Then it would be supporting the Learned Elders of Zion. Then the EU would not be touched by the kikes.

The cia in internal documents have expressed hatred of the EU/Treaty of Rome since the 1950s.

Because Rothschild is hanging out with your blonde cousin to ruin her and kill her, do you hate her and want her dead, or do you warn and befriend Germany.

The shills have produced millions of pawns of Rothschild. Siding with kike Putin. Siding the the actual Learned Elders of Zion.

Trump does the bidding of Rothschild and Chabad (Learned Elders of Zion). The agenda was send the economic success for whites away from America and Europe to China. This was the Kissinger Plan - to keep down the whites. And when China was fattened, kill it.

The whole reason for Chinese manufacturing was to defeat the success of Germany and other enemies of the Chabad and cia. To prevent the EEC and EU from rivaling the cia and jews.

31st January 2023, 05:23 AM
I believe most people here actually understand the concept of turdsandwich left vs turdsandwich right and controlled opposition. WEF trained all major power leaders that weren’t CIA assets. I doubt you could reach congress or senate nowadays without being an intelligence asset. Some are just tasked with telling the truth, not the whole truth obviously…

31st January 2023, 07:47 AM
Some are just tasked with telling the truth, not the whole truth obviously…

Limited hangout. Cucker Tarlson from Fox will expose many conspiracies, especially old ones that everyone knows, like the Kenedy assassinations but completely deny the real deal on 9/11. Alex Jones never uttered the 'J' word. It is always useful for them to gain trust by telling some truth. Of course the most effective lies are products of telling the truth in a devious way. As we here all know, omitting parts of the truth tells a lie.

I've been looking for a drawing that has a small picture showing a man being stabbed but when it zooms out to the larger picture, the attacker is actually fleeing from the other guy who is the real attacker. Can't find it anywhere but it is a perfect illustration of the technique of lying with the truth.

1st February 2023, 10:34 AM
The cia Zionist Sean hannity opposes wef. cia tucker Carlson opposes the wef, the cia Zionist fox news opposes the wef, the cia Zionist neocon ny post opposes the wef, the cia Zionist washington times opposes the wef, the cia Zionist republican senators oppose wef. Wef is a scapegoat. The deepstate went from "goyim fear scary Osama to scary wef". Osama was a CIA asset. Wef is run by kikes to be scapegoat of deepstate, so the Jews can push their agenda and have shills blame scapegoats and have your attention not with the real deepstate.

If the 2000 election were held for the first time in 2024. You would have cia Republican deepstate shills saying climate change wef al gore is the deepstate. And the deepstate wants you to vote for al gore. And you have to vote bush to defeat the wef "deepstate". This is how far the anti-wef shills have taken the masses.

For instance shills for 3 years blamed fauci, when fauci was designed to be blamed, so fauci bosses Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bushes, and Trump were not blamed. Deepstater musk wants you to demand fauci be prosecuted to be the one scapegoat. Fauci is aware of this role given to fauci.

Those that say the cia changed with trump have been fooled. The cia was neocon. Wanted to destroy Iran. The bush family control the cia and before 9/11 tried to start conflict with china. Destroying the fattened Hansel and Gretel china was a mission for over 20 years. However, china saved itself by making deals with Washington to not oppose the war of terror. After unable to start a war with Iran with McCain and Romney. The cia went with deepstater trump to take out china and the German led EU. The cia and Jews/freemasons planned since 2005 to release biological weapons on china to blame and start a war. The cia did the outbreak and vaccine with trump as president of this cia policy.


This explains operation warp speed. And then the scapegoats were china and Democrats. So far that failed. None of the anti-wef shills say this. And it is ok to hate the chinks because it is Beijing policy for chinks to jag off to images of dead Caucasians in Ukraine. Chinks are going along with kike Putin war to destroy Germany's Europe.

WEF has interlaced with German success. So anti-wef shills try to get you to hate German success and richness of white Germans as you say down with the wef. This is a kike plan. Get you to hate your own. That is the main objective of the anti-wef shills to get you to take down Europe and European leaders not going along with the cia deepstate plan.

Wef turns from controlled opposition and scapegoat to deepstate when the wef supports trump, Putin, musk and Bitcoin.

(When the wef goes deepstate, that is probably when enemies of the deepstate disappear without media coverage. That is when the west turns into Russia. Political opponents of the cia and Jews are killed. Journalists exposing the deepstate are killed.)

Wef Jews, gates and fauci are in on it with trump, Putin, bitcoin - the deepstate

Jewish religious duty to oppose George Soros


The Soros agenda is not the deepstate agenda. It is there to herd you to support the Washington statist big brother 1984 agenda.

Scapegoating Soros is your Jewish religious duty

Scapegoating gates is your Jewish religious duty

Scapegoating fauci is your Jewish religious duty

Scapegoating Democrats is your Jewish religious duty.

By blaming the scapegoats of the Jews, you join the learned elders of Zion faction. This is the reason for thousands of anti-wef shills. You are being prepared to accept 1984 and the mark of the beast.

Only gold and silver, God's divine money can stop this. Because Bitcoin is the linchpin connecting these together. The deepstate cannot have a successful 1984 without Bitcoin. when the dollar collapses, it would be a 6 millionth holocaust of the Jews/cia to go with gold and silver. The entire Washington deepstate, federal reserve and Wall Street operate to keep down gold and silver. While Bitcoin goes up a ~million times its starting price. 50 years of Washington's main reason for existence was the suppression of gold and silver as money. more important the endless wars, is the mission that gold and silver do not become money again. with Bitcoin, the USA empire lasts a thousand years and no end of 1984. This is why deepstater kike Putin and trump are expendable to the cia. Bitcoin is not. If Bitcoin loses to gold and silver, it is game over for Jews and 1984. The learned elders of Zion - the Chabad Jews aligned with the cia go crash and burn with gold and silver.