View Full Version : Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

2nd February 2023, 07:43 AM
Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

This kike, Blumenthal, is the leader of the "resistance" against Jewish Zionism and the sins of America. Nigger-loving Jew Max Blumenthal tries to "shame" Ukrainians for wanting to be around people that look like them.


Zelensky in 2019 wanted to give up Ukrainian oil, natural gas, lithium and coal worth over 2,000,000,000,000 USD to fellow kike Putin. The Ukrainians said no and protested kike Zelensky. Kike Zelensky want peace with Russia to give into fellow kikes demand to keep giving more of Ukraine to Kikeland of Learned Elders of Zion Chabad Russia. So the kikes make money and Ukrainian lose their land and wealth.

CNN does not tell you this angle of white Ukrainians resisting against Jews and their Jewish war on Ukraine.

Ukrainians living in Europe are complaining about too many Muslims, too many blacks, too many Asians. Ukrainians refugees in Europe complain their kids are being put in unsafe schools because black students are unsafe to be around. This is the "LGBTQ" "liberal woke" culture of Ukraine that KIKE putin is destroying. Ukrainians are not drag queen leftists. They are traditionalists.

Here is Putin policy, control the far right abroad, and jail and kill the neo-nazis in Russia.



Netanyahu is also tasked with controlling the far right:


Trump is another faker, tasked with controlling the far right.

The kike is controlling the anti-Israel crowd, funneling them to support Putin.

Kikes: "You don't approve of America, how about Russia, you approve of Russia, don't you. One of our Jews runs Russia. Jewish mafia and Jewish chabad run Russia. You either support USA or Team Jew Putin"

Ukrainians saying blacks/minorities tend to be the criminals offends kike Blumenthal and brands these Ukrainian whites as neo-nazis/Azov. This is the "resistance" the Jews promote. The Jew approved "resistance" of Max Blumenthal.

The vast majority of Ukraine are like this, very conservative, very traditional. And kike Putin is doing human trafficking to hand over white women and girls to the Jewish Russian mafia to be raped in the Jewish run sex industry in Russia. The kike media in the West is not covering this. They cover Moscow forcing Ukrainian refugees into Russia. The Jew media fails to tell you the kikes that run Russia are raping the kids that disappear into Russia.

Putin supporters are race traitors. Those Putin supporters (that try to defame Ukrainian whites as "evil" nazis) are race traitors. Race traitors are supportive of Kike Putin. And the Kike media protects Putin and paints the false picture that Putin is anti-Jew. To funnel you to support kike Blumenthal.

When Jews try to corrupt Ukrainians that want to preserve their traditional culture - call the Jews - kikes.

3rd February 2023, 12:16 AM
Blumenthal is a kike??? I am shocked I tell you. Thanks for repeating it so you allow it to sink in through my thick skull…

3rd February 2023, 12:45 AM
Since I got internet TV, I have watch European TV channels. So I would not get any entertainment form Jewish media.

I looked for channels in Europe that deprogram your brain from Jewish filth we deal with daily. Jewish filth = Having to deal with niggers and jewish depravity.

The two channels in Europe that were the most pure white were Ukrainian. One a Ukraine cultural channel and the other a Ukrainian travel channel. Both are small TV outlets, similar to Public access TV where no jews are involved and it is simply real whites running the entire network.

These channels deprogram evilness of kikes. Because Ukrainians are traditional and good. This is how TV should be. Putin banned one of the TV stations. Putins war partly shut down the other channel.

Ukrainians had a great country, that cia and kikes played for battleground between Russia Republican cia/Chabad vs Beltway Democrats.

Ukraine was everything of GIM1 in a country.culture/people. It was a re-do of Nazi Germany. The Learned Elders of Zion (Chabad) run Russia. And Ukrainians are fighting against the Jew Deepstate. As a culture, as a people, and anti-WEF trolls call the traditional Ukrainians "Nazis", to pay homage to Jews.

Though I figured out Putin was evil way before watching European white TV. Simply watch this video on the Moscow Bombings. You learn that Jew Putin before 9/11 was into terrorist attacks on Moscow to be false flagged for Russian Wars. As Tony Blair support the Bush war of Terror. ZOG Tony Blair supported Putin in the Russian War on Terror.


This Putin-loving kike Blumenthal destroys the perception that Ukrainians are LGBTQ WEF leftists that want to promote niggers and CRT. The Ukrainians fighting the Chabad run Russia are the resistance. Are fighting against evil - Chabad Russia.

3rd February 2023, 01:04 AM
Jews Run the economy of Russia


Kike Putin makes sure there is no opposition. With the USA controlling the resistance so their Chabad/Learned Elder of Zion buddy Putin keeps winning elections. Putin says Russia has only two choices - Jews running the show with Chabad and Russian mafia vs USA cia running the opposition. This is the same kike deception in the USA - You have Washington vs Moscow, pick a side.

The USA cia is the controlled opposition in Russia.

The Jewish Russian mafia are the mob that threaten journalists and politicians to obey Jew Putin.




This is as the same as the cia that run the drug trade and oppose drug crime to maintain "power", Putin does the same with organized crime. Putin is the mob boss that the Russian Jewish Mafia have to obey, yet Putin uses fear of organized crime to say there need to be authoritarianism of kike Putin. This is a classic 1984 policy.

3rd February 2023, 01:17 AM

The Chabad Mafia is Recapturing Khazaria
February 24, 2022 Kyle 104 Comments

As tanks roll in, airstrikes destroy their targets, and innocent Ukrainians die, most “nationalists” in the West are cheering on Russia. They argue that NATO/ OTAN is corrupt and Ukraine is controlled by a jew, so obviously Russia is in the right to carve up as much of Ukraine as they see fit in their imperial ambitions. They always seem to ignore the fact that Russia is controlled by Chabad Lubavitch, “Holocaust” denial is illegal there and the Red Army is hailed as heroic for stopping the persecution of jews, and anyone Putin doesn’t like is labeled “Nazis”, with the most recent example being the Ukrainians who don’t want to be invaded.

“Nazi” Ukraine is currently being run by a jewish comedian named Zelensky, who is essentially their version of Jerry Seinfeld. And of course the jew-controlled government of Ukraine just responds by calling Putin a Nazi.

Just so it’s clear as day, both sides in this conflict are controlled by jews, and both sides are labeling each other Nazis.

***Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place.*** Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions and telling us we are going to have to deal with ludicrously high gas prices.

It’s almost as if this whole situation has been set up from the get go, with all the Zionist Occupational Governments playing their parts to ensure that Russia easily gains control of Ukraine. What could be behind all of this?

Well, Chabad is headquartered in Russia and would like for the new Soviet empire to include the entirety of old Khazaria.

Is it starting to make sense why the semitic Soviets demand eastern Ukraine, and contend that Ukraine is not a real country?

In the 20th century jews were able to use their shabbos goyim to lay claim to the “Holy Land” and make Israel into a world power. Now they are seeking to unify their old kingdom of Khazaria.

AJC tells us about how it’s anti-semitic to talk about Khazarian ambitions.

In the 6th century CE, the Khazars—an obscure warlike tribe in Turkistan [present day Kazakhstan]—fought for land that was ultimately overtaken by Southern Russia and Ukraine. Despite the decline in population and territorial defeat, the Khazars continued to be mentioned throughout history— especially as one of the first groups to adopt Judaism.

By the 8th or 9th century, antisemitic conspiracy theories began forming around the Khazars’ reported conversion to Judaism. This spurred antisemitic beliefs that they were building a secret empire which sought widespread control through financial gains.

Some people talk about how Khazarians are not the “real jews”, but truly I do not give a damn. These jews are enemies of humanity regardless of their racial background. The people of the six-pointed star are all working together for world domination.

It appears that the jewish comedian was installed in Ukraine so that he could open up the gates to his jewish comrades and allow for them to recapture Khazaria without resistance.

The jewish conspirators have been able to install so many thought leaders and talking heads in the dissident movements of the West that we have hordes of “nationalists” begging for daddy Putin to come and invade their own countries next.

They want us to think that we have to pick a side in whatever conflict they start, but every side they offer us is jewish.

We must always oppose these jewish wars and refuse to pick a side. It is with this “bagelian dialectic” that they are able to get us to side with our enemies, making us believe that we have to choose one of two sides of the same shekel.

I do not support Zelensky. I do not support Putin. I do not support Biden, nor Trump. I am against ZOG. I am for the good people of whatever countries are being terrorized by these talmudic tyrants.

Who will end up being the victims of the wars these leaders start? The “goyim” who just wish to live in peace in their own land. This is what they want to see destroyed.

We must stop our enemies before they cause even more death and destruction, and potentially usher in a new world war, which would be the nail in the coffin of the White race. We can only do this by unifying the White people, and actually all good people of the world, against our common enemy.


Zelensky did a play out of the Jew Hitler playbook in deliberately putting the Ukrainian army at a disadvantage. Zelensky is on Team Putin. Team Biden. Team British Royals. Team Chabad. Team Kike. Zelensky and Biden don't want Ukraine to win. Zelensky in 2019 wanted to give Russia free land. Kissinger wants Ukraine to give Russia free land. That Ukrainian land has 2,000,000,000,000 worth of resources. They are tasked with leading the Ukrainians so there is not a lack of a Western Leader. So both sides are controlled. So people don't point out that Washington wants Ukraine to lose.

The War is designed so that Ukraine loses. Only with divine or heroic intervention can Ukraine win. US does not send enough supplies so that Ukraine win decisively against Jew Putin. US send 31 tanks vs 100,000 Russian heavy weapons. Biden is doing the minimal to make it seem as though the USA is doing something. US spent trillions on the war on terror. Yet to defend from an Elder of Zion invasion of Europe, US sends 31 tanks. This is a joke of Washington on the goyim. To fool them.

Both sides of Ukrainian politics is run by Jews. The anti-West/pro-Moscow is run by Jews. The pro-West/pro-USA (ie: Tymoshenko is handled by the cia/Jews) is run mostly by Jews. Ukraine is between the hammer and anvil. Jew vs Jew. Zelensky Jew vs Putin Jew. The Jews run it to benefit Chabad and the cia.

The Ukrainians are WEF drag queens is kike propaganda. The Ukrainians are "evil" nazis is kike propaganda. So you don't care about the traditional values white European Ukrainians.

3rd February 2023, 01:29 AM
If you are fighting a pack of niggers and Washington says I am on your side and gives you a pack of paper to defend yourself. And you use the paper to defeat the pack of niggers.

Then either you are heroic or had divine intervention to defeat the pack of niggers. Washington obviously did not care about defending you.

Ukraine is defending against the expansion of the the Learned Elders of Zion.


Moscow Makow drops his mask
Posted on March 10, 2022

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
March 10, 2022 Anno Domini

It’s taken years for Henry Makow to let his mask slither down his face to expose the snake that he is.

But he has fully exposed himself now.

After years of using the lure of anti-Feminism and anti-Sabbateanism to build his audience, the Polish Jew from Winnipeg is now feeding his helpless readers a steady diet of propaganda manufactured in the Lubyanka. It’s as if the KGB/GRU’s Operation Trust officers in charge of these fake alternative media “analysts” have given orders to intensify shilling because an end game scenario is right around the corner and the game of pretenses is no longer necessary.

Once you take away the deception that Russia is an anti-globalist dissident fighting the Jews and the “evil West”, what is left? Russia is nothing but a long impoverished multi-ethnic state run by a cabal of criminal Jewish mobsters seeking world domination—the same as it was under Gorbachev, Khrushchev, Stalin, and Lenin. Nothing has changed but the design of the national flag and the official titles of the country and its massive internal security apparatus (Putin even reverted the national anthem back to the Soviet one, although without lyrics). If you haven’t figured this out by now, you absolutely must read the revelations of late Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception. Genuine Western conservatives and Christians are being set up for total annihilation. It’s a trap! Get out!
Screenshot of recent Kremlin cucking from Makow.

Before dropping his mask, Moscow Makow’s game seemed to be to allow some dissenting views on his site—his alibi. He was allowed to do this just as long as the Kremlin-kosher narratives were more frequently published. He would throw the occasional bone to his unwitting audience by “exposing” feminism and the “Illuminati” by peppering his rants with forced clickbait terms like “Jew”, “Cabalists”, and “freemason” to create the illusion of authenticity as a patriot dissident. But Moscow Makow isn’t Jewing everyone. We see right through him.

Recently, Makow begged his readers to financially support fellow Jew-in-Kremlin shillery “Brother” Nathanael Kapner, a member of the KGB-controlled Russian Orthodox Church who puts out the same crypto-Soviet scripts as Makow, just in his own style. Moscow Makow’s pro-Kremlin, anti-Western propaganda is a daily thing now both on his site and on his social media accounts. Most of his sources are Russian and have been for years, not just now during the invasion of Ukraine. Although there are drops of truth in his rhetoric, it’s generally full of doom, gloom, and fear mongering. Reading through his site is like a psychodrama. It is straining and hard on the soul. I’m sure much of his audience feels defeated and depressed. This is another reason to dump Makow, along with most of the alternative media, who all seem to be reading from the same Kremlin-Knesset script. We need encouragement and truth in these difficult times, not pessimism, mockery, and disinformation.


The Jews that are leading the "resistance" are funneling you to support Jews Putin and Chabad Russia. If you believe the Jewish West is decadent, then "you have to support" Jew con-artist Putin. This is the Kike message.

The deepstate is changing of the guard. Meet new Kike boss worse than old Kike boss.

3rd February 2023, 01:43 AM
"Oy Vey goyim, this C.Martel brought out the big guns to utterly destroy our Jewish propaganda in calling us Jews kikes again and again while exposing our entire plot fooling the filthy goyim. Lets attack the messenger."

3rd February 2023, 03:06 AM
Netanyahu is not only a friend of Putin.


Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, campaigned as the friend of Putin.

Netanyahu touts friendship with Putin in new billboard
Targeting Israeli-Russian voters, Likud hangs massive picture of PM alongside Russian president, with the slogan ‘Netanyahu: In a league of his own’


The Russian Jews have been the leaders of Israel since 1948. Putin is a Russian Jew. Putin is Jewish handler of Iran, China, Syria, North Korea.

3rd February 2023, 03:42 AM
I am not saying new information here. Millions have made the same observation.

3rd February 2023, 08:13 AM
Jewish Putin is in on it with the Jews in the West.

The Jewish Chabad want a system in the new global disorder, where there is only authoritarianism.

And the Jews run the only authoritarian system. There is no freedom of speech. No liberty. No human rights.

For those that say we are already there. Are sell outs. We are living in the post-WWII era of promoting liberty and freedom in contrast to Soviet Russia totalitarianism. The jews want to destroy this fragile system.

Russian Jews and Jews in general want to destroy the remnant of 1950s America. The remnant of liberty. And it is a very significant remnant.

The Learned Elders of Zion would kill us in Russia for doing this. Having a forum, exposing Jews and the Russian deepstate.

The Jews run national politics in the West. Loosely. With bribes, blackmails, threats, with agents of their own. Run the monetary policy and wall street. However, Jews still don't own the system as in Cheka Totalitarian Russia.

The Jewish machinations in the West are clear to see. They have been exposed. Jews want a system where you are unable to find, look or ask about those behind the curtain. No liberty. You are living in Cheka Russia. That is 1984. Russia is there. USA in not there.

However, as in Russia today, this is going to be sold as needed to fight the WEF and drag queens. You can't have freedom because we have to stop CRT. This is why before 1984 gets implemented, the jews are going to go crazy with in your face scare tactics for you to accept 1984.

That 1984 is the solution to your problems, especially those "problematic antifa woke liberals". This is how the Learned Elders of Zion - the Chabad sold it to Russians. Putin is sold as Nationalism and Orthodoxy. When Putin is neither. This is how Trump sold it to the USA. Trumps second term was going to be the beginning of 1984.

Trump was going to purge Washington and only have loyalists. Trump was going to arrest journalists and have them raped in prison. Trump was going to go after opposition and jail them. As conservatives cheered to 1984.

3rd February 2023, 08:20 AM
Why continue beating a dead horse?

Jewish Putin is in on it with the Jews in the West.

The Jewish Chabad want a system in the new global disorder, where there is only authoritarianism.

And the Jews run the only authoritarian system. There is no freedom of speech. No liberty. No human rights.

For those that say we are already there. Are sell outs. We are living in the post-WWII era of promoting liberty and freedom in contrast to Soviet Russia totalitarianism. The jews want to destroy this fragile system.

Russian Jews and Jews in general want to destroy the remnant of 1950s America. The remnant of liberty. And it is a very significant remnant.

The Learned Elders of Zion would kill us in Russia for doing this. Having a forum, exposing Jews and the Russian deepstate.

The Jews run national politics in the West. Loosely. With bribes, blackmails, threats, with agents of their own. Run the monetary policy and wall street. However, Jews still don't own the system as in Cheka Totalitarian Russia.

The Jewish machinations in the West are clear to see. They have been exposed. Jews want a system where you are unable to find, look or ask about those behind the curtain. No liberty. You are living in Cheka Russia. That is 1984. Russia is there. USA in not there.

However, as in Russia today, this is going to be sold as needed to fight the WEF and drag queens. You can't have freedom because we have to stop CRT. This is why before 1984 gets implemented, the jews are going to go crazy with in your face scare tactics for you to accept 1984.

That 1984 is the solution to your problems, especially those "problematic antifa woke liberals". This is how the Learned Elders of Zion - the Chabad sold it to Russians. Putin is sold as Nationalism and Orthodoxy. When Putin is neither. This is how Trump sold it to the USA. Trumps second term was going to be the beginning of 1984.

Trump was going to purge Washington and only have loyalists. Trump was going to arrest journalists and have them raped in prison. Trump was going to go after opposition and jail them. As conservatives cheered to 1984.

3rd February 2023, 08:27 AM
Anti-Ukraine/anti-European shills have 100s or 1000s of useless threads on the same topic of anti-ukraine. I have 2 running exposing Chabad Russia and Jew Putin. And not once has the members said stop on the anti-ukraine stuff in the anti-WEF shill threads. 100s of useless threads by the same members. The purpose of those anti-WEF shill threads, for you to accept 1984.

3rd February 2023, 08:30 AM
So a anti-WEF shill can say cokensky over and over. Yet to call out the kikes. Too much.

3rd February 2023, 08:34 AM
Putin and Netanyahu are tasked with being the handler of the antisemite far right.



The "resistance" has been fooled by the "anti-zionist" Jews. Kikes were put in your resistance to achieve Jewish ends. To make the resistance jewish. Pro-Chabad.

The "resistance" is Trumpian, Jewish Putin and cia Bitcoin.

The kikes from Brother Nathaniel, To Makow to Blumenthal. Are fake anti-zionist kikes. Put in with you, to lead you to a Jewish 1984. Putin is a jewish zionist, therefore these fake Jewish anti-zionist are frauds.

If you tried to figure out Jewish Brother Nathaniel and figure out if Brother Nathaniel is a fraud Jew. This period of history is the opportunity to see. Brother Nathaniel promotes fellow kike Putin. And kike run Russia.

Same with "anti-zionist" kike Makow. And "anti-zionist" Max Blumenthal. These Jews are skillfully tasked to fool you to support the Netanyahu agenda of Trump or Putin, and Bitcoin.

Do you support Trump and Putin. Or Trump and not Putin. or Putin and no Trump. Join the Jewish plan for 1984. A Russian 1984 of Russian Jews. The Learned Elders of Zion are the parents of the child - Chabad Jews of Russia.

Brother Nathaniel, a Russian Jew, supports this plan. Makow, a Russian Jew supports this plan. German Jews are part of this plan. Too many in the West oppose the government, jews and oligarchs. Putin is the Jewish solution to the problem of too many figured out the Jews in the West.

So to keep the deepstate operating, the Jews are disappearing the old deepstate, with the Russian Jews as the new deepstate, run again by or with Israel.

The old deepstate shut down GIM1. The Cheka-Chabad Russian Jewish new deepstate kidnap anti-jews and "neo-nazis" to camps of torture. So the Bushes are very supportive of this new deal.

The plan is to "Blame the sins of the cia, mi6 and jews" on the WEF, have Putin and Trump usher in a Chabad-Learned Elders of Zion Russian 1984.

You have been made into 5th columnists for the Russian Jews in supporting Trump, Putin, Bitcoin.

3rd February 2023, 08:39 AM
In Russia, they jail neo-nazis for being neo-nazis. They jail ultra-nationalists for being ultra-nationalists.

In Russia, they jail journalists for being journalists. You have only the ability to obey Jew Putin in Russia.

Is it not disturbing to many that the resistance fell for both Putin and Trump.

3rd February 2023, 09:28 AM
"Oy Vey goyim, this C.Martel brought out the big guns to utterly destroy our Jewish propaganda in calling us Jews kikes again and again while exposing our entire plot fooling the filthy goyim. Lets attack the messenger."

Ok continue to talk to yourself then. It was just friendly advice to make your post a bit more readable and sane. Rather than the ramblings of a madman…

3rd February 2023, 09:37 AM
From the protocols of zion: "we shall set up our own opposition. Our real opponents at hear will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards... Our subjects will be convinced to the existence of full freedom of speech."

You are to live in 1984 and not know it is 1984, the Jews have you duped. That is Trump. That is Putin. That is the mark of the beast cia bitcoins.

To defeat 1984, Trump has to be exposed as a fraud. Putin has to be exposed as a fraud. Bitcoin has to be exposed as a fraud.

The WEF scare tactics are only to increase as WEF is led by a jew that is there to scare the public to Trump and Putin.

Have you heard of livestock herding. There is something there to scare the flock to do the exact thing the owner wants. When the flock does its own thing, it is not a herd owned.

WEF is the way to corral the masses to Putin and Trump. Anti-WEF government/zionist shills on any forum you go to: "Drag Queens are out to get you and your kids... vote Likud Republican! WEF is gonna get you, unless you go along with the Putin agenda in Ukraine."

This is why those people that don't pay attention to the media, the anti-WEF shills, don't know about drag queens/castration in the schools, live their life to the fullest and reject being manipulated by WEF scare tactics to support trump, putin and bitcoin... are the good people.

Those that get angry over lesbians, abortion, eunuchs, Mexicans... are manipulated to be 5th columnists building 1984 for the Russian Khazar Jews.

A dozen years almost of this scare tactics. No banks collapses. Though the Jews are ready for the dollar collapse with the bitcoins. The fed coins are the scare tactics to have you demand bitcoins.

3rd February 2023, 09:42 AM

Putin a Rothschild-controlled Chabad Jewish Grand master put in power to usher in anti-Christ: Russian analyst
Posted on May 1, 2020
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s Chief Rabbi of Chabad Lubavitch Berel Lazar toast. —Getty Images

Putin’s defeat
By Andrei Piontkovsky
Translated from Russian

– This is an outline of the entire Russian political leadership, which accumulates its treasures in the United States.

The U.S. Financial Intelligence Agency is instructed to identify all assets belonging to the top of the Russian ruling class, beginning with Vladimir Putin, and to publish these data within 180 days (most likely, this has already been known to it). After that, all who should be followed will be subject to the laws in force in the United States to combat the laundering of criminally acquired capital. This is a fundamentally new character of US relations with Putin’s kleptocratic regime.

Putin was not going to put up with this. He sent Khodorkovsky to prison. Gusinsky and Berezovsky went into exile. However, for several years they continued to fund their new media, and even when some of these sites fell into their hands, they maintained their opposition views.

It was also the only site where former print journalists worked, mainly from the Kommersant newspaper, one of the most professional daily newspapers in post-Soviet Russia. Over the years, in Russia, as in other countries, more and more journalists who have lost their jobs in cutting print media have gone online. But online publications did not have the resources to pay for investigative reporting and reporting. Therefore, journalists increasingly became observers.

Why haven’t these laws been applied before, the thoughtful reader will ask? Because for the time being, while the deeds of the Russian elite were limited to plundering their own country, this situation suited the West, which was never distinguished by its crystal integrity. If you call a spade a spade, the West was an accomplice-beneficiary of these deals. But people from St. Petersburg’s gateways, drunk with crazy money, wanted, as a Pushkin old woman, also “geopolitical greatness” for themselves and their dynasties. And they demanded from the American goldfish not only the status of the richest people in the West, but also a new “Yalta deal”, recognizing them as rulers of half the world and securing entire nations and states in their possession.

From a former chess champion who funded Kasparov. During the short-term political spring under President Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian intelligentsia took heart and the online media became more ambitious. But problematic investigative units were raffled off. Thus, bloggers began to play a leading role in exposing corruption. This is a new trend encouraging him to cover in the media.

We will not share your email with anyone. To a large extent, it was decided that Russian online media cannot publish investigation reports on their own, and someone will have to break stories outside the country. The crisis in Ukraine led to hunger. The Russian invasion of Crimea was widely covered by online media, and the Kremlin’s intention to create its own merciless narrative of the events there decided that it could no longer tolerate foul language.

The methodical injection of more than a trillion dollars exported from Russia into the Western economy (a recent estimate by the authoritative National Bureau of Economic Research of the United States) was innocently combined with these entities with a passionate desire to spoil the same West, and especially the United States, wherever possible. I quote from the text of the law a list of objects of keen interest for US financial intelligence: “The largest political figures and oligarchs close to power in the Russian Federation, their condition, proximity to Putin and other members of the“ ruling elite ”, participation in corruption, sources of income and assets of their members families, relations with foreign business. ”

Since yesterday, not only freedom of information, but also freedom of discussion has been limited in Russia. World War II – others call it the “war on terror” – views humanity as a “savior”: Russian Vladimir Putin and his Putinism. Some argue that only he can save world peace.

However, the following shows that this person is affected by very dangerous ideas: he is a Jew who was educated and anchored in Mensol Talmudism. In particular, his rabbi is the Lubavitcher Chabad, whose goal is to influence the coming of the Messiah of Judaism, Ben David, during the course of the World War. To do this, he affects Putin. In addition, Judaists emphasize that communism is Judaism – and vice versa. Hence his inability to kill his critics.

Here is not only a threat to the assets of “Putin’s friends”, it is the collapse of their entire lifestyle, beyond which they and their offspring no longer think of their existence. This is modern Western medicine, which promises not only political, but also biological, if you want, immortality, this is education of children and grandchildren, real estate in the best resorts in the world, and a lot of anything that makes up a modest charm of belonging to the upper class of the world bourgeoisie. And in all this they will now be denied. Visa restrictions are introduced based on proximity to Putin. A personal war has been declared on hundreds of the largest thieves of the Russian Federation and part-time of its leaders.

Another Rasputin Putin is Alexander Dugin, who, like the very influential Igor Panarin Putin, his government and Russians sat in satanic Eurasianism: Restoring the Romanov Empire, including Dugin, says this is Russia’s order, doomsday blows. Death is the beginning of life, this atheist says!

But, first of all, Putin is the masons of the royal arch and is Grand Master. According to a classmate, he was chosen as the Antichrist of the Illuminati. Three nationalist philosophers of the century also greatly influence Putin and ordered his governors to read their works: Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov and Ivan Ilyin. “The Russian messianic idea,” Berdyaev wrote, “always emphasized Russia as a country that would help solve the problems of mankind.” Putin considers himself “this Messiah.”

In any case, the former post-communist Russia with its godfathers set up – to steal here, and dynastically and hedonistically enjoy the highest standards of consumption in the West – will no longer be. This form of kleptocratic being required the active and far from disinterested cooperation of the Western elites. Both the Russian state and its relations with the West will now be organized somehow differently. Maybe a lot worse, but in a different way.

Nationalism is the religion of Russians, who are mostly atheists. This religion of nationalism is sponsored by the Orthodox Russian Church, whose priests are mostly crypto-Jews. To what extent has all this Pharisee-Illuminati-Masonic national fascism influenced Putin in his role in the end of the world?

Former adviser to Vladimir Putin warns nations that Putin has been in the past 10 years. Therefore, Putin puffs himself up, makes himself stronger than him, and believes that the West will pace out of fear of his strong will. He was raised by a fanatical Jewish Talmudist. Interview with Daryl Bradford Smith with a well-informed Russian – after 00 min. Brand: Putin is a Jew, and the name of his mother, Shalomov, in Putin’s autobiography is a Jewish name that was later changed to Shelomov.

He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov in 1962. Leading researcher at the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of over 100 articles and several monographs on control theory, global moderation, nuclear strategy.

A family

Father – Andrei Andreevich Piontkovsky (died in 1973), professor-lawyer, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, member of the Supreme Court of the USSR. Mother – Tatyana Nazarovna, was born in the Shadrinsky district of the Kurgan region.

She switched to Russian – like many crypto-Jewish priests. In fact, Putin is intertwined with the Jewish doomsday sect, whose goal is to advance the coming of the Jewish Messiah to Rebbe Schneerson, like Ben David at the height of the great war – a political genius to make Israel the ruler of the world to do.

Putin wears a scarab on a tie and shows many signs of a Masonic hand. Playdes Library: The Scarab symbolizes the power of the body, the resurrection of the soul, the eternal and incomprehensible creator of Ra in His aspect as the Lord of the Sun. He was a symbol of Egyptian soldiers and is widely used in Freemasonry.


He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov in 1962. Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences.

Scientific activity

Leading researcher at the Institute for System Analysis Author of over 100 articles and several monographs on control theory, global moderation, nuclear strategy. In the 1970s, he studied computer models of the world, which in the West were developed as part of the Club of Rome. Member of the American Mathematical Society.

Although Putin’s confidant said that Putin-he did not. So, he and Russia are under the control of Rothschild. It is alleged that Putin has no choice but to. Messianic nationalism Putin is deeply nationalist-religious – influenced by three philosophers of the century: the Kremlin recently appropriated to the governors of three philosophical books, either Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov and Ivan Ilyin. They foresaw the greatness of Russia under the autocrat. Russia will surpass secularism and atheism and create a single spiritual empire. “The Russian messianic idea,” Berdyaev wrote, “always emphasized Russia as a country that would help solve the problems of mankind.”

Political activity

Since 1998 he has been engaged in political journalism, has published several hundred articles in Russian and foreign media. Winner of the Golden Gong 2001 Award in International Journalism. Published on the site “Grani.ru”. Member of the International Pen Club.

In 2004 he joined the Russian United Democratic Party Yabloko (after the defeat of the party in the Duma elections), a member of its federal council. It is in radical opposition to the political regime of Vladimir Putin.

Putin considers himself “this savior.” This paranoia was further developed by the Kremlin Insider: Igor Panarin’s vision that the Russian Empire would reappear, led by Putin. In recent months, the deception of Duginist ideas by the Putin regime has become increasingly apparent. But now, with the release by James Hazer of “The Liberation of the American Empire Must Be Destroyed: Alexander Dugin and the Danger of Root Harsh Days,” we finally have a complete book on this subject.

In order to be united “from Lisbon to Vladivostok”, this Eurasian Union needs a definition of its ideology, and for this Dugin developed a new “Political Theory”, which combines all the strengths of communism, National Socialism, ecologism and traditionalism.

Member of the Initiative Group for the nomination of Vladimir Bukovsky as a presidential candidate in the 2008 elections.

On September 25, 2007, the Basmanny Court of Moscow began to consider the case on recognition of the book “Unloved Country” as extremist. An expert from the prosecutor’s office found calls for violence and derogatory remarks against individuals of “Jewish, American, Russian and other nationalities” in the phrases “inciting racial and ethnic hatred” and “shameful goats.”

From traditionalism, he receives an excuse for ending free thought. Everything else is straight from National Socialism. “What Russia needs,” says Dugin, “is true, true, radical revolutionary and consistent fascist fascism.”

A person who believes that the “meaning of Russia” is the “end of the world” is a person whose geopolitical doctrine is implemented by the ruler of Russia. In short, Dugin and Putin’s Eurasianism are a satanic cult. And Dugin believes that Ukraine is a condition for Eurasia.

Russian people: in Russia you have to deal with a great European nation, a people of aggressive, hierarchical, revanchist extras, educated for military cults and military exploits, the modern world system does not recognize and stoic stubbornness in sees deprivations and difficulties as part of life. Russians are anti-liberal, absolutely not democrats, never inferior and deeply rooted in Russian history.


Putin is the anti-Christ of the Orthodox countries. And the forerunner of the Western Anti-Christ. Trump is the anti-Christ of the Western Churches. And you sat there cheering for Trump to build your wall.

In a deal with the devil, the Jews gives you a wall, pro-life judges. To have you vote for 1984.

3rd February 2023, 09:49 AM
The British mi5, mi6 and Tory Oligarchs are supportive of the Kike Putin agenda.


MI5 refused to investigate ‘Russian spy’s’ links to Tories, says whistleblower


Tory MI6 UK and Russia joined together to destroy Germany dominating Europe.

3rd February 2023, 09:49 AM
When the German Empire rivaled the British Empire. The British Industrialists, British Monarchy and Jews conspired against Germany to destroy Germany.

Europe rebuilt and learned about the evil jew again.

When antisemitism was widespread in Europe and Europe had awesome fascist nations. A Jewish clown named Hitler destroyed Europe in a war the kikes controlled both sides.

The Europeans rebuilt Europe and a devout German named Adenauer started the EEC and later EU, to be the new German Empire, an economic empire of successful and rich white Europeans. Germany ruling over Europe in peace. With Europeans wanting to be part of the New Holy Germanic Roman Empire.

When anti-semitism was widespread in Europe, the kikes tried over and over to destroy the Germanic 4th Reich of Audenauer - the EU.

Kikes are at it again. Trying to destroy Europe again. And Putin the Jew is the only reason for the war. To say otherwise, gaslights the whites of Ukraine that want their country back. The Jewish Chabad Russia is expanding their borders into Europe, under the guise rejecting/threatening free European nations banding together to not get taken over by Kikeland Russia and joining NATO to defend from Learned Elders of Zion Russia.

3rd February 2023, 09:56 PM
Joining NATO to defend ourselves against Russian Zionist kikes LOL. I have no problem seeing that Putin Trump Johnson Netanyahu, etc. is right wing controlled opposition. Just like the mainstream leftist fascist WEF leaders appointed in the west. Trudeau Macron, Sunak, Adern, Marin, Scholtz etc. They are just appointed as to make the rest of goyim think they have a choice. In essence I agree with you in most things you say, and I think most of the members here still active does too, but you have a way of presenting it which is totally off putting. I guess the synthesis of the two extremes presented as the “choices” we have is their plan for us to get. A few thousand Billionaire capitalist families that owns everything each being served by a few thousand disposable slaves, bred and trained to be obedient without too much thinking outside their responsibilities. The amalgamation of Capitalism and Communism. Forcing the plebs to be vaccinated with a toxic gene therapy and have a passport to prove it wouldn’t be a possibility without the corona fascists on the left and right appointed by WEF. There is no way an independent government in a country with an independent media representing the interests of the people would force this on their population for a rather mild but artificially created flu virus. Fauci and Gates were instrumental in this process…

4th February 2023, 08:23 AM
The Jews knew that a deepstate outbreak and a killer vaccine could bring down the cia Jewish global disorder. So shills have you blaming neo-liberalism and LGBTQ-WEF for vaccines and the outbreak.

The shill are having you blame the Chinese, Democrats, and other controlled opposition.

Had instead the blame and the exposure been on Kissinger, Bush, Trump, Rockefeller, cia, mossad, mi6 for the outbreak. We would have freedom by now.

Focusing on their sockpuppets, does not hurt the puppet masters. World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, North American Union. Environmentalists. Jews want you to blame these. This is the zionist Jewish Fox News Agenda. This is the zionist Likud Netanyahu Newsmax agenda.

Tucker only focuses on those that the jews approve you to hate. So each "enemy" of shill tucker is where the zionists want you to pay attention because these are not the deepstate behind the curtain. These are the scapegoats working for the deepstate. Fauci, Gates. Soros.

4th February 2023, 08:34 AM
Washington wants to be the deepstate with no rivals, only partners in London, Hell Aviv, Khazar Russia, and deepstater nationalists in France. No rival Germany. No rival Europe. No rival Global South. No rival East Asia.

So the Washington cia, that assassinated jfk over wanting to shut down the cia ruling Washington as the shadow government/the deepstate, are supposedly "planning to give Mexican socialists power to rule over America."

This is obvious scare tactics. cia: "anti-zionist Resistance, please defeat our enemies in Mexico and Europe. Europeans are WEF drag queens. Biden is having Mexico rule over Washington via the socialists, please resistance... our enemies are your enemies now - Europe and Mexico. Thank you for caring about our useless psy-ops and you are welcome to join Team Likud conservative Jew"


The UN is anti-US, and anti-Israel. Yet, the Jews are scare tactic-ing the goyim that the Jews are going to hand over the Jewish control of the globe to the anti-zionist UN.


The cia did not want to cede power to JFK and assassinated JFK over JFK wanting to switch power from the cia deepstate to the President of the United States. Yet were are to believe the cia wants to cede the United States to some North American Union. This NAU is scare tactics.

Only when the cia/Khazar jews are defeated, would the cia chimp out and consider trying for a global government of UN or other nonsense. And that is only considering. An anti-zionist anti-cia UN global government does not benefit the deepstate.

The cia staged covid. cia staged the war in Ukraine. The cia/Khazars are trying for 1984, the controlled "resistance" is not defeating the cia.

4th February 2023, 08:34 AM
Strange how the anti-imperialist camp is pro-Khazar Chabad Imperialism in Europe. And those leading this pro-Putinism are Jews.

4th February 2023, 09:48 AM
Fauci Gates and Soros are the scapegoats? Huh? They are not even close to being prosecuted… And they will not either. Ever. Whether they are puppets or not doesn’t matter. They are untouchable, above the laws of the common man, unless of course they stray too much off their job description. Then they may be Strauss kahned, JFK’d, Madoffed, Epsteined, Nixoned

12th October 2023, 08:41 AM
All this also shows that jews, seeing that the whole Covid-19 scam is on them, as they have left their fingerprints all over the place, are using perceived “Nazis” as a camouflage tactic, most especially now that they seem to be throwing all these, now very unpopular as well as expendable characters like Fauci and Trudeau, under the bus (check links respectively). Remember their “insurance policy”?


Kissinger and Rockefeller are the controllers of the vaccine and medical industry. Going back decades. Gates is the vaccine promoter. Fauci was the face of the medical industry, the expendable puppet. Both are designed to get the backlash for the depopulation shots while Kissinger and Rockefeller get away with the crimes.

Gates gets to fly on the lolita express as a perk for being the Rockefeller vaccine promoter. If 100% of the hate on Fauci and Gates went to Kissinger and Rockefeller, the deepstate would be dealt a serious blow. Name the cia... and the masses have gone after the actual deepstate of cia, Kissinger, Rockefeller behind the vaccines and evil about the USA.

In a taken down old video on youtube, a young aryan woman studying for a medical degree said that after posting many antivaccine informational articles on her face book page, her account/computer was hacked and she found the ip address of the source of the hack and it was a shell organization for Kissinger and Rockefeller. Her account was hacked several times; and by this Rockefeller and Kissinger group based in AZ.

The Rockefellers were the individuals that started the Modern Medical Industry.



It is in the Rockefeller and Kissinger interest that the newbies to conspiracy theories believe the deepstate started with Democrats and Liberals - Gates and Fauci.

It shields the entire Republican cia deepstate of the Rockefeller and Kissinger Medical Industry and cia Republican deepstate.

Rockefeller and Kissinger got away with the COVID conspiracy from the view of the duped public, because the shills got the duped masses to only hate Fauci, Gates and Trudeau. The expendable characters are the scripted "fall guys".

Most neo-liberal WEF spooks and actors are expendable for the deepstate.