View Full Version : Turkey Rejected NATO Expansion last week. What Happened This Week? A Coincidence...

9th February 2023, 05:52 AM
Turkey Rejected NATO Expansion last week. What Happened This Week? A Coincidence...


If I was a betting man...I would say this was done to Turkey on purpose. As evil as the United States Government is...would we do something like this? Oh yea. Notice the face at about 4 o'clock in the cloud? Creepy.
From Sixth Sense:
The strange cloud, could this be a prep of technology, creating an antenna in the sky for the directed energy transfer/targeting process? I would imagine the HAARP technology has advanced quite a bit by now, there is a lot of technologies hidden and being built by smart dust and self assembling particles, no doubt this is possible. Of course they would deny and say it was a natural event.

apparently, last week, US and a number of western nations closed their embassies in Turkey, saying they were doing so because of fear of terrorism (yet we all know who is behind "terrorism"--and Turkey knows too, I think a while back there were explosions in Istanbul and someone from the Turkish govt said on camera in a very angry tone "we don't accept condolences from the US" which made me think that he knew exactly who was behind the attacks)

I don't know anything about earthquakes, but some of the building collapses over there seemed strange. Like I didn't' see any rocking or shaking, a particular building would seem fine, I would be puzzled why the camera was looking at the building, and then it would just come down.

Also, fwiw, in the early 2000s, former Congressman Kucinich introduced a bill to ban "exotic weapons" including weather weapons and tectonic weapons. The bill went nowhere (of course), but I took it to mean that at least Kucinich suspected they have such weapons. (and I know decades ago, they were working on a "tsunami bomb," so IMO that kind of speaks to intent and aspiration to develop weapons that could cause "natural" disasters.)


US-Imposed Sanctions Add To Sufferings Of Quake-Stricken Syrians


9th February 2023, 06:35 AM
Turkey Rejected NATO Expansion last week. What Happened This Week? A Coincidence...


If I was a betting man...I would say this was done to Turkey on purpose. As evil as the United States Government is...would we do something like this? Oh yea. Notice the face at about 4 o'clock in the cloud? Creepy.
From Sixth Sense:
The strange cloud, could this be a prep of technology, creating an antenna in the sky for the directed energy transfer/targeting process? I would imagine the HAARP technology has advanced quite a bit by now, there is a lot of technologies hidden and being built by smart dust and self assembling particles, no doubt this is possible. Of course they would deny and say it was a natural event.

apparently, last week, US and a number of western nations closed their embassies in Turkey, saying they were doing so because of fear of terrorism (yet we all know how is behind "terrorism"--and Turkey knows too, I think a while back there were explosions in Istanbul and someone from the govt said on camera in a very angry tone "we don't accept condolences from the US" which made me think that he knew exactly who was behind the attacks,

I don't know anything about earthquakes, but some of the building collapses over there seemed strange. Like I didn't' see any rocking or shaking, a particular building would seem find, I would be puzzled why the camera was looking at the building, and then it would just come down.

Also, fwiw, in the early 2000s, former Congressman Kucinich introduced a bill to ban "exotic weapons" including weather weapons and tectonic weapons. The bill went nowhere (of course), but I took it to mean that at least Kucinich suspected they have such weapons. (and I know decades ago, they were working on a "tsunami bomb," so IMO that kind of speaks to intent and aspiration to develop weapons that could cause "natural" disasters.)


US-Imposed Sanctions Add To Sufferings Of Quake-Stricken Syrians


I would be puzzled why the camera was looking at the building, and then it would just come down.

When I saw those videos with the camera focused on a multistory building prior to its collapse then suddenly it turned to a huge pile of dusty rubble I wondered how the camera person knew the building was about to come down and why the video was steady with no apparent shaking of the camera.

9th February 2023, 06:37 AM
Here's the some info on bill I was talking about:

The bill states "SEC. 7. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) The term 'space' means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space."
However, in Section 7, 2 (C) it states. "The term 'exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage space or NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or CLIMATE, WEATHER, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space." (emphasis added.)

9th February 2023, 06:41 AM
When I saw those videos with the camera focused on a multistory building prior to its collapse then suddenly it turned to a huge pile of dusty rubble I wondered how the camera person knew the building was about to come down and why the video was steady with no apparent shaking of the camera.


And this happened multiple times.

And for one of the buildings that went down, I just got a creepy feeling because most people in the foreground were clearly terrified and running, but I saw one guy wearing lots of black, maybe black hood, just casually turn around and walk away--like totally not bothered by what just happened, it gave me a creepy feeling, like did that guy just remotely detonate that building??--he did not seem scared, terrified, upset...just casually walked away.

midnight rambler
9th February 2023, 06:52 AM
If one sees/hears a severely EQ damaged building partially upright that's showing slight movement and emitting sounds of movement and shifting then it's a safe bet it will be falling in the near term. Standing by with a camera to capture the collapse would be natural for some - since essentially EVERYONE has a camera on them (their phone). If you've seen the drone footage of the destruction then it's apparent that all this was all total destruction strictly from seismic damage - no need for any explosive 'help'.

9th February 2023, 07:32 AM
"(1) The term 'space' means all space"

Good one! But defective.

midnight rambler
9th February 2023, 12:06 PM
Regime change.

9th February 2023, 06:22 PM
Regime change.

One of Erdogan's sons?

I would think the purges Erdogan has executed would keep any opposition from arising.

I don't think we could do a Syria, Libya, or Iraq on Turkey.

10th February 2023, 02:55 PM
It is not a coincidence, it is a ‘Cohencidence’.

11th February 2023, 05:25 PM
Thought this was interesting- she mentions what was going on in Europe, 10 embassies closing, Romania was given warning not to travel to Turkey 5 days prior, She says Erdogan was standing up to Klaus Schwab, Davos,etc. Erdogan was trying to broker peace between Ukraine and Russia (that would definitely tick off the satanic blood thirsty jewish central bnakers) This woman clearly knows about the depopulation agenda, alleged pandemic, kill shots, etc. Seems quite aware of the existence of EQ/tectonic weapons.

Romanian Senator is blaming the Turkish earthquakes on WEATHER WARFARE!!


Her name is :
Senator Diana Lovanovici

12th February 2023, 03:49 PM
Look! There is a new "Grand Canyon" in Turkey - Turkey’s landscape after the HAARPquakehttps://www.bitchute.com/video/qEFVCd75LvnB/

More videos of buildings collapsing in Turkey:

End Of The World?! Watch MASSIVE Buildings COLLAPSE In Broad Daylight Across Turkey 2-11-23 Benny Johttps://www.bitchute.com/video/N2mrkKz8zAau/

13th February 2023, 08:50 AM
While the rest of the world is helping with the rescue work and providing aid in Syria and Turkey Uncle Satan and NATO are sending billions to Ukraine and 0 to aid the victims.

https://t.me/strategic_culture/1976 (https://t.me/strategic_culture/1976)

⚡️⚡️ A 7.8. magnitude earthquake hits Europe’s southern neighbors Türkiye and Syria – and the NATO alliance does next to nothing in response. What sort of security organization is that?

The death toll in both countries has risen to over 11,000 with tens of thousands injured and made homeless. With thousands of missing people trapped under rubble, the casualties will increase over the coming days.

Many countries were quick to send emergency rescue teams to the zone of havoc that straddles the border between Türkiye and Syria. Russia and Iran – experienced in such natural disasters – were among the first neighboring countries to send in aid and salvage crews.

By contrast, the apathetic response from the U.S.-led NATO bloc has been abject. What’s even more incredible, Türkiye is a long-time prominent member of the organization and is considered a vital partner for the European Union.

All one has to do is compare the massive mobilization of military and financial aid that the U.S. and NATO mounted for Ukraine. The proxy war in that country against Russia has been fueled with over $100 billion in “emergency” spending by the United States and its European allies.

Why aren’t the United States and NATO members mobilizing tens of billions of dollars in aid and rescue crews for the quake victims? What are all those airplanes, ships, tanks and engineering equipment for if they can’t be deployed with efficient timing and logistics to save lives? Where is the will to move heaven and earth to dig people out of crushing debris?

Of course, the answer is that NATO is not a “security organization” in the normal meaning of the word. It is a war machine that serves U.S. imperialist objectives 裡

When a real-world emergency happens, all of NATO’s pious and self-regarding talk implodes in a pile of dust (https://telegra.ph/Quake-Delivers-Earth-Shattering-Blow-to-US-Led-NATO-Hypocrisy-02-08).

 Finian Cunningham writes (https://strategic-culture.org/news/2023/02/08/quake-delivers-earth-shattering-blow-us-led-nato-hypocrisy/)

#Turkey #Syria #earthquake #disaster #NATO


1st March 2023, 08:08 AM
Vanesa Beeley @VanessaBeeley exposes how the west is exploiting the catastrophic earthquake that struck Syria recently by funding al-Qaeda terrorists in northern Syria through rebranding the White Helmets and funding them with millions of dollars under false allegations.A must be watched video, comprehensive and full of important information.
