View Full Version : Biden US Energy Dept blame Chinks for the SARS false flag

27th February 2023, 08:04 PM
Here is a video, deleted on youtube, made nearly a decade ago.



The Republican Rockefeller, Republican Kissinger, Republican Likud Jews, Republican cia did the outbreak.

The Democrats blame China. The Democrats knew and par-took in the operation. Trump was put into office for the purpose of the Bush false flag and the Trump promoted Operation Warp Speed for you to get your kill shot.


27th February 2023, 08:09 PM
The outbreak blamed on China was planned by the Bushes in the early 2000s.

The Bushes planned the 7 countries in 5 years for the Project for the New American Century. After the war on terror was done, the Bush cia boardroom plan in 2005-2008 was to do a false flag against China after Iran was defeated. McCain was supposed to win to have the war against Iran. GIM1 Ron Paulism split the Republican/conservative vote and Ron Paulers refused to support McCain and the war on terror.

The cia tried again with Mitt Romney. And neo-cons were defeated. Therefore the cia Republicans skipped Iran for a later war, and went with the stop the rise of China agenda of a bioweapon release and a blame China, and a depopulation clot shot.

28th February 2023, 05:48 AM
A novel from the '80s which identified Russia as the source was edited around 2007 to change the source as Wuhan China. I forget the author of title but this turned up in a Google search https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.scmp.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/article/3050481/virus-called-wuhan-400-makes-people-terribly-ill-dean-koontz&ved=2ahUKEwie9aGWrbj9AhXDOkQIHYDgBFEQFnoECCkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3gtejlJkv0GpN2nyeU3P5l

(Eyes of Darkness by Koontz)