5th May 2023, 09:52 AM
GIM1 was not conservative or liberal, GIM1 was anti-Washington, no matter the wall street crooks in Washington. Trump, Bush, Clintons. These are state sponsored criminals.
Trump has brought the anti-governments onto a cia reservation, to support the popo state. Sent to cia reservations because of staged crisis of immigrant or the old crisis of sending the negros into the cities where there is crime and the conservatives joining the cia Republicans.
Jews invent the problems and the Jewish solution is for the goyim to shut down the problem when it gets out of hand. This makes you part of the voting base of Likud Republicans, the statists.
The new problem to fearmonger is the "woke". It used to be the Muslims, then the Chinks. It is now the "woke" (woke used to mean red-pilled, woke from the matrix).
Have to vote Republican because of Muslim terrorists after 9/11. Then the scary Chinks. The new fearmonger is the woke LGBTQ Mexican Drag Queen that does not want to wave the Washington flag that defeated the confederates. They are unpatriotic to the zionists.
The blacks were used to take out the white cities, then black panthers started to eat the rich, and ate the Jews, and the Jews had to shut down their own Frankenstein movement that was eating them. And the goyim went along with the shut down. The goyim did not take it down when it was destroying neighborhoods with white flight, it only saved the Jews after the goyim enemy of Jews was defeated in the cities. Jews/cia used the Mujahedin in Afghanistan to fight the rival of Washington - the Soviets. Then after the Soviets were defeated, these towel head were not useful anymore, and the USA turned them into the scary terrorist boogiemen to blame for false flags. The goyim went along with the shut down of Muslims with the War on Terror. Kissinger used China to take away your jobs and the jobs in Europe to keep the white population down, so long as China remained weak, the Jews were happy. Weak China was stealing from white America and white Europe. Then China got too powerful and ZOG Trump was the shut down of the Chinese threat to Zionist hegemony. Then for years, the LGBTQ-CRT-multiculturalism was used to destroy traditional values and weaken the family. The traditionalists loathed the "government" and Washington wanted only stupid slaves. Then Trump took over the resistance and made it Jewish. As the "woke" liberals turned into the threat to the cia and jews with destroying the MIC war machine of new arms and loyal flag wavers for the Jew wars and Washington global dominance.
Jews invent the Frankensteins. It attacks the goyim, then the goyim shut it down before the Frankenstein takes out the zionists that invented the chaos.
George Carlin would say reject the jewish nonsense, and watch the Jewish golem/Frankenstein eat the Jews.
To get you to shut down movements the Jews started, the entire media is going to fearmonger against the George Carlin policy of anti-statism, anti-"government", defund the blue.
Back when George Carlin died, "woke" meant GIM1 libertarian traditionalism. To be unplugged from the matrix. To be against corporations and not an asleep slave of Washington.
For those that never were part of GIM1, it was like George Carlin, 24/7. It was that good. Which is why the popo shut it down.
GIM1 was not conservative or liberal, GIM1 was anti-Washington, no matter the wall street crooks in Washington. Trump, Bush, Clintons. These are state sponsored criminals.
Trump has brought the anti-governments onto a cia reservation, to support the popo state. Sent to cia reservations because of staged crisis of immigrant or the old crisis of sending the negros into the cities where there is crime and the conservatives joining the cia Republicans.
Jews invent the problems and the Jewish solution is for the goyim to shut down the problem when it gets out of hand. This makes you part of the voting base of Likud Republicans, the statists.
The new problem to fearmonger is the "woke". It used to be the Muslims, then the Chinks. It is now the "woke" (woke used to mean red-pilled, woke from the matrix).
Have to vote Republican because of Muslim terrorists after 9/11. Then the scary Chinks. The new fearmonger is the woke LGBTQ Mexican Drag Queen that does not want to wave the Washington flag that defeated the confederates. They are unpatriotic to the zionists.
The blacks were used to take out the white cities, then black panthers started to eat the rich, and ate the Jews, and the Jews had to shut down their own Frankenstein movement that was eating them. And the goyim went along with the shut down. The goyim did not take it down when it was destroying neighborhoods with white flight, it only saved the Jews after the goyim enemy of Jews was defeated in the cities. Jews/cia used the Mujahedin in Afghanistan to fight the rival of Washington - the Soviets. Then after the Soviets were defeated, these towel head were not useful anymore, and the USA turned them into the scary terrorist boogiemen to blame for false flags. The goyim went along with the shut down of Muslims with the War on Terror. Kissinger used China to take away your jobs and the jobs in Europe to keep the white population down, so long as China remained weak, the Jews were happy. Weak China was stealing from white America and white Europe. Then China got too powerful and ZOG Trump was the shut down of the Chinese threat to Zionist hegemony. Then for years, the LGBTQ-CRT-multiculturalism was used to destroy traditional values and weaken the family. The traditionalists loathed the "government" and Washington wanted only stupid slaves. Then Trump took over the resistance and made it Jewish. As the "woke" liberals turned into the threat to the cia and jews with destroying the MIC war machine of new arms and loyal flag wavers for the Jew wars and Washington global dominance.
Jews invent the Frankensteins. It attacks the goyim, then the goyim shut it down before the Frankenstein takes out the zionists that invented the chaos.
George Carlin would say reject the jewish nonsense, and watch the Jewish golem/Frankenstein eat the Jews.
To get you to shut down movements the Jews started, the entire media is going to fearmonger against the George Carlin policy of anti-statism, anti-"government", defund the blue.
Back when George Carlin died, "woke" meant GIM1 libertarian traditionalism. To be unplugged from the matrix. To be against corporations and not an asleep slave of Washington.
For those that never were part of GIM1, it was like George Carlin, 24/7. It was that good. Which is why the popo shut it down.