View Full Version : Now this could be explosive... or a dud !

16th June 2023, 04:24 AM
For several years I wondered if my question would ever be answered by at least one of the many financial advisers I read daily. I have never seen this question answered, much less even asked in the first place.

What is my question ?

When, not if, the dollar and then ALL other fiat currencies collapse into their intrinsic value which, by the way, is ZERO, what about the value of our coinage ? No gold or silver content but at least we could drill a hole in them and have a washer. The paper currency ? Not even good toilet paper.

Do I have to remind everyone that paper dollars as well as digital dollars are created by the Not-So-Federal Reserve while the coinage is created by the US Treasury Department ? In fact I recall reading some time back that the Federal Reserve had tried to have our coinage created by themselves rather than the US Treasury Department. But they were refused. It is obvious that if the Fed were to have succeeded, then ALL currency would have been in the hands of a private corporation and NOT our government. Control down to the last dollar would have become control down to the last penny !!

Beginning to feel like the story of how to catch wild hogs ? The first side is gold and silver. The second side is convertibility. The third side is removal of all gold and silver. The fourth side with the gate is digital currency. And Viola, we now can pig out with all the free bacon we can shove down our gullets. Oink much !

I'm creeped out but that is just me, a 76 year old patriot to America and the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights.

Say, isn't there something in those early papers that stated that anyone guilty of debauching the US money world be punished with the death penalty ?

Oh, yeah, here it is buried in some ancient writings back when the authors didn't have a television or a radio or even a cell phone. How could they even carry on an intelligent conversation in those days ?

"Section 19 of coinage act of 1792: death penalty for debasing currency
And be it further enacted, That if any of the gold or silver coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse as to the proportion of the fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or shall be of less weight or value than the same out to be pursuant to the directions of this act, through the default or with the connivance of any of the officers or persons who shall be employed at the said mint, for the purpose of profit or gain, or otherwise with a fraudulent intent, and if any of the said officers or persons shall embezzle any of the metals which shall at any time be committed to their charge for the purpose of being coined, or any of the coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint, every such officer or person who shall commit any or either of the said offenses, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death. section 19 of coinage act of 1792

The Federal Reserve debased our currency. Take a look at your coinage. See any gold or silver there?

The founders of this nation knew that banks left to themselves, would substitute cheap metal tokens for real money. They had seen it happen in England, and they saw the results; massive unemployment and poverty for the people."

These days we don't have to fall asleep to experience a nightmare; they are all around us in our so called awake hours. Starting to sound like a zombie movie ? Most folks seem to have lost their cognition, if they ever possessed it in the first place. Just look at what our skools are teeching. DUUUUUH much. Garbage in garbage out. What did you expect ?

I am really concerned for our younger citizens. Have they been lobotomized by cell phones ? But the voltage is so low; what harm can it do ? It's not the voltage but the messages the voltage communicates. DUUUUH once again.

Was it Marshall McLuhan who wrote "The Medium Is The Message" ? Or Media if you prefer. A bit of mental jerky to chew on.

They did one Hell of a bang up job propagandizing wherein the general public doesn't know (or care about ?) the difference between currency and money. Night and day, one might say, loses its meaning to the blind, deaf and therefore dumbed down.

It has been said that the devil can only do to you what you allow him to do.

Best wishes,

Remind me if you want to hear about the mark of the beast. I would call it a "daymare", a nightmare in real time, a real Revelation. Sleep well; it may be your last. Halloween is not that far off.


16th June 2023, 12:07 PM
The value of gold or silver is their SUBSTANCE. SUBSTANCE is one key element to form a lawful contract. Without SUBSTANCE your complaint will be shunted to an interpretation in EQUITY rather than LAW. EQUITY is the preferred system for women and slaves. LAW on the other hand is not subject to the whims of a judge.

That is the WHY. The HOW is accomplished with one dollar of SUBSTANCE ALTHOUGH if you prefer to reserve judgment from a jury you need 21 dollars. The jury approach is not preferred because juries are composed of imbeciles who are wards of the court calling themselves U.S. citizens.

16th June 2023, 03:44 PM
The value of gold or silver is their SUBSTANCE. SUBSTANCE is one key element to form a lawful contract. Without SUBSTANCE your complaint will be shunted to an interpretation in EQUITY rather than LAW. EQUITY is the preferred system for women and slaves. LAW on the other hand is not subject to the whims of a judge.

That is the WHY. The HOW is accomplished with one dollar of SUBSTANCE ALTHOUGH if you prefer to reserve judgment from a jury you need 21 dollars. The jury approach is not preferred because juries are composed of imbeciles who are wards of the court calling themselves U.S. citizens.
Furthermore those dollars are to contain 371 1/4 grain of fine silver ��

16th June 2023, 06:02 PM
Dealing with real estate contracts involving cities I prefer silver. Land and gold are synonymous and silver probably should not be used.

Of course when I claimed 1600 square miles m/l of abandoned land from parties unknown and likely long dead the exchange involved planting wild rose seeds at each claim marker. Nature it would seem prefers an exchange of things more natural.

Along those lines at the top of my mountain in Arizona there are probably 6-8 claim markers to be found involving placing stones on top of each other. In theory there should be a note in a can or bottle in each of these monuments but I have never been curious enough to break the taboo of checking this out.

16th June 2023, 07:05 PM
Agnut, tptb have their plan. We are just along for the ride at this point. :)

Until they make a bold play that could possibly awaken the masses, it just a point of positioning.

If you look at today's situation, one could say, tptb are getting what they want. Maybe a few ripples, but they have bigger cannons to turn tides when necessary...

I don't know if you might have come across him, but Mike Gaddy has different interpretations upon just about everything we may think about our "founders". In a nutshell, the founders founded a system for themselves and their bankers at the time. "Get me Haym Salomon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haym_Salomon)"

Mr. Gaddy is currently having his podcasts hosted here at Mike Sledges site.
Mike Gaddy: Teach Me True History 5/24/2023 (https://americannationalradionetwork.podbean.com/e/mike-gaddy-teach-me-true-history-5242023/)

I first came across on revolustion raido. He did 2 shows there before he left

Here are the archive links.



But there has been a falling out at multiple sites. Seems like some of these "free radio" sites are controlled ops. Mr. Gaddy, challenges just about everything. He's a big fan of Patrick Henry as well as despises stinkin Lincoln.

17th June 2023, 04:11 AM
For several years I wondered if my question would ever be answered by at least one of the many financial advisers I read daily. I have never seen this question answered, much less even asked in the first place. The best yardstick to measure people who have influence is omission. Much can be said about what they omit.