View Full Version : Maui victims fund raising from Ed Dowd via Sasha Latypova
14th August 2023, 02:19 PM
"My previous post on the attack on Maui received a lot of attention. Thank you all who commented and provided additional insights.
To follow up, I wanted to share this information from Ed Dowd who is organizing a way to help the victims directly. This is a link to a spreadsheet with names of some fundraising pages that will make real difference and aid the affected families directly. Please consider contributing. My approach was to check several links in the spreadsheet and contribute to some that had the least mount of funding raised so far. "
Here is the spreadsheet list of organizations taking donations. (
Link to fundraising by victims of Lahaina fire
15th August 2023, 03:40 PM
I was wondering if anyone would do a bit of investigative journalism and tell us exactly how the fires started and analyze all possible and more likely explanations.
Political cartoonist has now done so and I applaud his effort.
“You’ll Burn and we’ll be happy” ( HxO%2Fep%3Ac%2Fg73ycgax%2FSryz05t7%2FU0vfEKRn3bDj)
Cartoon published 08/15/2023
Joe Biden may not have a comment about the devastating fire in Lahaina, Maui….but I do.
Tina and I visited Maui many years ago and to me the island really was paradise. Lahaina was a quaint town on the Northwest coast of the island and it was charming. It disturbed me to see how it was suddenly annihilated by a fire fanned by a hurricane that was 700 miles away. I extend my condolences to all the families who lost loved ones.
Nearly 100 have died due to the conflagration, and that death toll keeps rising. The fire reminded me of the one that took place a few years ago in another paradise of sorts—Paradise, California.
That fire was very unusual. It melted engine blocks in some cases while sparing trees nearby. Was that a directed energy experiment? Were some sort of directed energy beams, lasers or microwaves used? Yes, I know I come across as a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ but I have good reason to be suspicious. After seeing Building 7 fall during 9-11 and after the planned-demic foisted upon the world by Gates, Fauci, and Big Pharma, I have every right to my suspicions.
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Everyone knows how government forces have long been conducting weather experiments. It’s what power-mad control freaks do. The people aren’t supposed to know about it, but we do. Could the sudden and very intense fire at Lahaina be due to an act by sinister globalist forces? Did they try to wipe out the residents intentionally? I can’t say for sure, but the citizens there said “It was like a bomb had been dropped.”
It certainly looked as if some sort of directed energy beam had been used. Even boats in water burned. What happened to the warning system? There were no sirens, and certainly no government warnings. The Hawaiian governor took the easy way out and blamed ‘climate change.’
Really? A week or two earlier they told us the lie that oceans near the equator were boiling. Are they now telling us that the climate is so hot that it caused spontaneous combustion on the island?
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More likely the fire was sent intentionally, or perhaps a power line was blown down by the wind, thus sparking a fire in the very dry and non-native grass. Still, why were some buildings spared while others burned to a crisp? Again, it resembled the California fire. Are the globalists trying to burn out the middle class and their businesses there as well as the poor? That’s what they did during the lockdowns. Small businesses were shut down. It’s all part of the UN’s Agenda 21 and 30 plans. WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab said we would own nothing and be happy. He wants us to eat bugs, not meat. In actuality he wants us dead. Deadly vaccines or burning out whole towns are ways to start.
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The future might hold some answers about what really happened in Lahaina. Many of the residents probably don’t have enough insurance to rebuild—and rebuilding will be far more expensive due to complex building codes and regulations that have been added over the years. If we see the ultra rich swoop in and buy up the land, our suspicions will have been confirmed. Space is very limited on Maui and the globalist billionaires like Oprah and Bezos would love to get their grapple hooks on it.
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We all have the right and perhaps a duty to question ‘official’ narratives and vent our suspicions, but the legacy media will no doubt soon ignore the fire altogether rather than investigate its causes. Instead we will hear the fire cited by the usual ‘expert’ loudmouths as evidence of ‘climate change.’ It’s bunk.
Most of us know they buy out scientists who then cherry pick the data to make their case, which is pushed by the corporate media (also bought-out). Their climate change narrative is not going away any time soon. They will happily burn down entire towns to ‘prove’ it.
— Ben Garrison
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16th August 2023, 09:51 AM
Very nice Substack from Peggy Hall regarding Maui and Directed Energy Weapons with embedded video.
Proof of D.E.Ws on Maui (
TheHealthyAmerican, Peggy Hall
Aug 16, 2023
"Friends, yesterday I shared proof of direct energy operations within the U.S and evidence of this laser technology on the island of Maui. These lasers or directed-energy weapons (DEW) refer to a type of weapon that operates at a distance and inflicts damage onto its intended target by the utilization of concentrated energy, without the need for a physical projectile. Examples of such weapons include lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. " SNIP,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:st eep/ f-0d58-42a2-a876-435481d2f746_2048x1536.jpeg,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:st eep/ 6-9bbc-44db-9fec-93d9ad2f3249_2048x1536.jpeg
16th August 2023, 04:48 PM
Same as the fires in CA a few years ago. DEW
16th August 2023, 04:50 PM
Paradise California.
16th August 2023, 07:27 PM
Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Hawaiian Land (
Aside from the federal government’s bureaucratic failure, Hawaiians have good reason to be suspicious of the recent fires.
Greg Reese
Aug 14, 2023
Greg Reece did excellent video. NWO government blocking delivery of survival supplies to victims.
Bolsheviks have taken over our government -
16th August 2023, 08:42 PM
18th August 2023, 06:02 AM
Thought I would repost here what I just posted in an oldish Dr. Meryl Nass Substack on subject of Directed Energy Weapons DEWs.
Writes Dachsie’s Substack
25 mins ago August 18, 2023
Directed Energy Weapons are a subject familiar to 9-11-01 conspiracy analysts.
Dr. Judy Wood PhD is the expert on the "Toasted Cars- Near the World Trade Center on 9-11-2001.
The parts of the cars that were made of plastic polycarbonates did not burn while the steel components melted.
"There is little evidence of high heat being involved in the destruction of the WTC."
Energy and heat do not necessarily go together in reference to directed energy weapons. A TV news reporter commented how odd it was that a bouquet of flowers in a church left standing unburned in Maui was apparently unaffected from what must have been high heat in the area, but perhaps there was no high heat in the air if DEWs were used.
Dr. Wood, a PhD in engineering and materials science and, I think a tenured , university professor lost her position when she exercised her First Amendment rights and spoke and wrote freely her observations about " Ground Zero " in New York City.
Our USA governmental agencies and universities and academia have been in cahoots with secret government actions and narratives for many decades.
18th August 2023, 07:40 AM
Black Rock One World Death and Slavery System for All has captured the great state of Hawaii.
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5:17 video runtime
The Reese Report
Mass Murder and the West Maui Land Grab
Maui will either be a major milestone for the ruling class, or a line in the sand for we the people.
Greg Reese
Aug 18, 2023
The blame for the destruction of West Maui is falling upon Hawaiian Electric who knew as early as four years ago that there was a risk of fire due to their own negligence of maintaining power lines. But did nothing. Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, has been shifting their focus to clean energy. But in order to Build Back Better, they must first destroy the old system. And so the power was left on to feed the fires.
The outdoor siren warning system on Maui is one of the most advanced and maintained warning systems on Earth. Residents are accustomed to monthly tests and on the day of the fire, no sirens went off. The director in charge of this warning system was at a FEMA disaster seminar in Oahu as the fires were devastating the people of Maui.
When asked if he regretted not sounding the alarm, he said no. Because he was worried that the people would run into the fire.
But instead, they burned to death. Including an untold number of children who were home alone that morning because of a school cancellation.
The water wasn’t on. Fire hydrants were dry. And the Deputy Director of Water Resource Management, who was named an Obama Foundation Leader, refused to release water for the west Maui fires until it was too late. He says that in order to share water, Hawaiians need to discuss equity.
Without any warnings and without any water, the people tried to flee. But they were stopped by the police who had orders to keep people from escaping.
The Maui chief of police, John Pelletier, was the incident officer at one of the biggest cover-up operations in US history; the 2017 Las Vegas shootings.
Residents are not allowed to leave unless they get a permission slip from the federal government. But the government recently decided to shut that option down.
While the fires burned, a book was published about the entire event. The book blamed climate change and was written by a Dr Miles Stones. The definition of milestone is; an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
Hawaii is being usurped by the same billionaires pushing for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. They have been planning on turning Maui into a test bed for their Artificial Intelligence Smart Grid. But the people were in their way, so they burned them out. Maui will either be a major milestone for the ruling class, or a line in the sand for we the people.
The federal government offers a one-time payment of seven hundred dollars to each family that has lost their home. And the Governor of Hawaii tells reporters that the state plans on acquiring the land.
And if it wasn’t for the local community, the survivors would be left alone to die in the ashes of their neighbors.
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By Greg Reese
A commentary on the current course of human destiny.
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Don Paul
Writes Stands the Human Being
7 mins ago
Thanks again, Greg! Very cogent and inspiring, as is usual with you. One step we can take to become the mass-movement of disinvestment and rebellion that we need to make:
Why On Earth Would Anyone Trust NASA?
Watch now (13 mins) | The Fake Apollo Moon Missions
Apr 29
Greg Reese
Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Hawaiian Land
Watch now (5 mins) | Aside from the federal government’s bureaucratic failure, Hawaiians have good reason to be suspicious of the recent fires.
Aug 14
Greg Reese
CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States
Watch now (4 mins) | United Nations Agenda 21 warned us they would seize control of flyover country
Feb 24
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18th August 2023, 01:06 PM
Dr. James Fetzer broadasts as a video show on his Bitchute Channel of his new Republic Broadcasting Network radio audio show.
Monday Througt Friday
3:00 pm Eastern Time Authentic News w/ Jim Fetzer (Starts Monday 8/21)
4:00 pm Eastern Time Authentic News w/ Jim Fetzer (Starts Monday 8/21)
Dr.. Fetzer calls Maui a false flag false event and definitely involving some form of Directed Energy Weapon. Much new damning evidence brought to the table.
RBN Authentic News (17 August 2023)
1:58:00 video runtime
First published at 11:45 UTC on August 18th, 2023.
Jim Fetzer
Jim Fetzer
14043 subscribers
The evidence now appears to be overwhelming that the Maui fires were not natural occurrences but were induced by Directed Energy Weaponry. Best guess is the total lives lost will exceed 1,000. Before and after photos, the charred remains of a dead dog, and the boats at sea bursting into flame are among the key points of proof. The effects are like those in Paradise, CA, where the homes were completely demolished (turned to ash) but the trees and brush surrounding them were unscathed. Witnesses reported seeing flashes of light and circles of fire that were not ordinary events. Blackrock is no doubt ready to sweep into Maui and seize control of this extremely valuable property, where Biden (insultingly) offers $700 per household at the same time he's sending $24 billion to Ukraine. And a book on about the catastrophe was published while the event was still ongoing! Now if there were a mountain of evidence that the leader of your party was the head of a crime family, what would you do to distract the public's attention? Savage his rival with a massive RICO suit to make it look as though he were the head of a crime family! But this case in GA is so shoddy and legally preposterous that it's not going to do the job. Indeed, it's already having repercussions for key Democrats (such as Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams) who have spent years protesting elections they lost on the ground that they actually won! The indictments were even posted BEFORE the grand jury had voted! And when you read through the acts cited "in furtherance of the conspiracy", it reads like a comic book. This case makes a mockery of the law. Pure propaganda. Insulting beyond belief!
Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over
24th August 2023, 11:19 AM (
An emergency declaration was signed on August 8, authorizing several actions, including activation of the Hawaii National Guard, appropriate actions by the director of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency and the Administrator of Emergency Management, and the expenditure of state general revenue funds for relief of conditions created by the fires. By August 9, the state government of Hawaii issued a state of emergency for the entirety of the state. On August 10, U.S. President Joe Biden issued a federal major disaster declaration. Maui fire investigation: Maui's top emergency officials were on a different island for a disaster training as flames flared and did not join response call until five hours after the deadly wildfires begun (
The Daily Mail's link supporting their headline is too an older DM article that does not seem to mention this, but some internet searching confirms the meeting nearby at the time the disaster started. Enhancing Disaster Resilience: American Samoa participates in Pacific Partnership Meeting 2023 (
Mon, 08/14/2023
The Pacific Partnership Meeting (PPM) 2023 brought together FEMA federal partners, the state of Hawaii and Pacific territories to meet, collaborate, discuss and receive information on programs, services, opportunities and resources available through the federal agency.
According to a press release from the Governor’s Office, Pacific territorial leaders — including Gov. Lemanu P.S. Mauga, were able to share with FEMA Region IX Regional Administrator Robert Fenton, “unmet needs and request assistance to help them improve their readiness for future disasters.”
...The Pacific Partnership Meeting 2023 took place in Honolulu, Hawaii, from August 8- 10.
We have seen this before, especially with disaster drills 'unexpectedly' going live. Not necessarily proof that these particular government officials were engineering the disaster, but have seen this too often with high publicized disasters or incidents to be this often happening randomly as it could from time to time. Like 9-11. Probably more like some of these government officials, like much of the public, are also being abused by modern western Stasi's plague and democide the citizens terrorism.
9/11 Synthetic Terror-Made in USA: With the 46 Drills of 9/11 by Webster G Tarpley (Nov. 11 2011)
24th August 2023, 08:12 PM
Yup, we've seen this before. captured US govt waging war on the people. Yet, most are still asleep and have no clue.
25th August 2023, 06:25 AM
More and more western public servants these days, if not purposely demociding those they serve, are becoming too incompetent to care for citizens.
Associated Press reporting citizens that disobeyed their civil servants survived. In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out. Those who dodged a barricade survived (
As flames tore through a West Maui neighborhood, car after car of fleeing residents headed for the only paved road out of town in a desperate race for safety.
And car after car was turned back toward the rapidly spreading wildfire by a barricade blocking access to Highway 30.
One family swerved around the barricade and was safe in a nearby town 48 minutes later, another drove their four-wheel-drive car down a dirt road to escape. One man took a dirt road uphill, climbing above the fire and watching as Lahaina burned. He later picked his way through the flames, smoke and rubble to pull survivors to safety.
But dozens of others found themselves caught in a hellscape, their cars jammed together on a narrow road, surrounded by flames on three sides and the rocky ocean waves on the fourth. Some died in their cars, while others tried to run for safety...
The road closures — some because of the fire, some because of downed power lines — contributed to making historic Lahaina the site of the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century...
And later, as the fire began to swallow homes in its ravenous path, Maui County emergency officials declined to use an extensive network of emergency sirens to alert Lahaina’s residents to flee.
During a news conference Tuesday, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier said police officers drove up and down streets, knocking on doors and using loudspeakers to tell people to leave, but he didn’t say exactly where and what time those efforts occurred. The Associated Press has filed public records requests for location reports and other documentation including video and internal communications to clarify the details of the police and fire response, but Maui County has not yet released that information.
A team of Associated Press journalists documented the first hours of the deadly wildfire by interviewing dozens of survivors and public officials, examining public documents and analyzing citizen videos, satellite images and publicly available data. The timeline reveals the chaos that overtook the town.
The town's fire hydrants had water (different water supply) but firemen busied themselves blocking routes whilst the residents access to water was shut off? Hawaii delayed diverting water that could have helped Maui wildfires, letters obtained by CNN allege (
August 18, 2023
Glenn Tremble of the West Maui Land Company, which manages water supply companies, complained in a letter to the deputy director of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management that the agency failed to quickly approve his company’s request to divert stream water to nearby reservoirs.
The agency told Tremble that his company first had to ask about impacts on downstream users, according to the letter.
It’s unclear whether a prompt approval of the request would have significantly bolstered firefighting efforts in Lahaina. In the wake of the blaze, state officials announced they are investigating the emergency response to the disaster that has claimed more than 100 lives.
Hours went by, Tremble wrote in his August 10 letter, before his request was approved. Tremble told CNN by that time, his company’s water system manager left the area to evacuate his family and other staff couldn’t be reached.
Tremble said he made his initial request on August 8, when the fire ripped through Lahaina.
He and his colleagues watched the fire spread “without the ability to help,” Tremble wrote.
“We anxiously awaited the morning knowing that we could have made more water available to (the fire department) if our request had been immediately approved,” he wrote. “We cannot know whether filling our reservoirs at 1:00 p.m. (as opposed to not at all) would have changed the headlines when dawn broke… We know that we need to act faster during an emergency.”
The correspondence was previously reported by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser and the Honolulu Civil Beat. In an email to CNN, Tremble said his company asked permission to fill their reservoirs before the fire swept into Lahaina, though he said his company’s systems are not connected to the county’s systems that supply fire hydrants.
The chairperson for the Commission on Water Resource Management responded to Tremble’s letter the same day, stating that her agency would largely grant his requests related to filling reservoirs and loosening regulations for fire emergencies in the area. In a follow-up letter, Tremble thanked the chairperson for the prompt response.
Asked about reports that firefighters didn’t have enough water to tackle the fire, Gov. Josh Green told reporters in a news conference Monday: “One thing that people need to understand, especially from far away, is there’s been a great deal of water conflict on Maui for many years.”
This isn’t the first time West Maui Land Company and the state’s water commission have been at odds. The commission had proposed slapping one of the company’s subsidiaries, Olowalu Water, with a $470,000 fine in 2022 after it drew more water than was allowed from a West Maui stream.
Unfortunately it seems a half a million dollar fine last year was enough 'modern western Stasi' to ensure or train the residential water supplier to not help his fellow citizen's and customers without appropriate government official's approvals.
25th August 2023, 03:02 PM
Nowadays western civil servants follow modern woke protocol that degrades and enslaves by abusing citizens as if they are all children with safety protocols insisting on completely shutting down the roads for relatively minor hazards (i.e. one is safe from downed wire electrocution inside a car) for excessively long period of time (blocking the routes out of town) probably up to the minute they decided to flee for their lives.
Not a big consumer of this type of news, but finally looking into this disaster today, many of their utility poles apparently were rotten, the large amount of obvious public services and civil service incompetence and failure is opposed to the last few weeks of fringe controlled opposition speculation of DC regime space laser or current years Democrat politics (arson) and such competence. AP: Wind, policy fanned Lahaina fire (
August 24, 2023
Hurricane Dora brought strong winds to Maui as it passed roughly 500 miles south of the Hawaii island chain. Those winds downed at least 30 power poles in West Maui, and Hawaiian Electric had no procedure in place for turning off the grid -- a common practice in other fire-prone states. Video shot by a Lahaina resident shows a downed powerline setting dry grasses alight, possibly revealing the start of the larger fire.
Shane Treu wakes early on Aug. 8 and is in his backyard when he hears a utility pole snap next to Lahainaluna Road. He sees the downed powerline ignite the grass and calls 911 at 6:37 a.m. to report the fire.
Small brush fires aren't unusual for Lahaina, and the fire department declares this one 100% contained by 9:55 a.m. The assurance puts many residents at ease; the high winds have prompted the closure of some public schools for the day, and others have not yet started. That means many of Lahaina's 3,000 public school students are home alone while their parents work.
Contained is not controlled, however, and the town is being battered by high winds. While many of Maui County's fire crews work to extinguish the Upcountry fire on the eastern half of the island, the wind is toppling power poles and scattering embers like seeds in Lahaina.
According to Treu's neighbor Robert Arconado, the fire reignites around 2 p.m. He records video of it spreading at 3:06 p.m., as large plumes of smoke rise near Lahainaluna Road and are carried downtown by the wind.
Around 3:30 p.m., Hawaiian Electric sends a news release asking Maui residents to prepare for extended outages. The utility says more than 30 power poles are down in West Maui, including along the Honoapiilani Highway at the south end of Lahaina. The fire department closes the Lahaina Bypass road because of the fire.
The closures block the only route out of Lahaina to the south.
Mike Cicchino decides to flee with his wife and several dogs from their neighborhood near Lahainaluna Road. He tries to get out of town, taking the highway south.
"And then we hit a roadblock going towards Kahului," Cicchino said, forcing them to turn the other way. He cuts through parking lots and side streets, and ends up on Front Street.
"So the police were blocking roads, the exit, some of the exit roads out. And I'm assuming it's because there's been some downed power lines or some downed trees," he said.
Pelletier confirmed that at a news conference two weeks later.
"We did not close or forbid people from getting out of Lahaina," Pelletier said. "If there was a downed power line that was live, we wanted to make sure that you didn't go over a downed live power line."
Plastic residential piping! Expect future additional propaganda for 'smart meter' water meters to allow officials to turn off your water when they want to next time. Yet, in this disaster, they not even bothered to turn on the town's emergency alarm. As Inferno Grew, Lahaina’s Water System Collapsed (
Hoping to control the blaze as it took root among homes along the hillside nearly a mile above the center of town, fire crews encountered water pressure that was increasingly feeble, with the wind turning the streams into mist. Then, as the inferno stoked by hurricane-force gusts grew, roaring further toward the historic center of town on the island of Maui, the hydrants sputtered and became largely useless.
“There was just no water in the hydrants,” said Keahi Ho, one of the firefighters who was on duty in Lahaina...
On the day the fire tore through Lahaina, the fight was complicated by winds in excess of 70 miles per hour, stoked by a hurricane offshore. Not only did the wind fuel the blaze, it made it impossible during much of the day to launch helicopters that could have carried in and dropped water from the ocean...
John Stufflebean, the county’s director of water supply, said backup generators allowed the system to maintain sufficient overall supply throughout the fire. But he said that as the fire began moving down the hillside, turning homes into rubble, many properties were damaged so badly that water was spewing out of their melting pipes, depressurizing the network that also supplies the hydrants.
“The water was leaking out of the system,” he said.
Every time they set up to suppress the fire in one area, the blaze would spread and they would find themselves scrambling to stay ahead of it. The water pressure was a continuing problem, he said.
"Every time they set up to suppress the fire in one area, the blaze would spread and they would find themselves scrambling to stay ahead of it. "
Thankfully individual households have better method to protect their property during wildfires if handy and prepared, survivors have shown, and that does not rely on civil services.
Rural property owners that have survived wildfires fires talk of having their own generator, pump and water supply (a hot tub or like sized tank or two), going into their house when it is impossible to be outside as a fire-front burns through/over the property, then going outside between such events and putting out any fires that started on the house while such house exterior fires are still small, then repeating this for up to 24 hours or so, checking the exterior for small fires every 20 minutes or half hour. Houses need to be spaced far enough apart though.
27th August 2023, 07:47 AM
Nowadays western civil servants follow modern woke protocol that degrades and enslaves by abusing citizens as if they are all children with safety protocols insisting on completely shutting down the roads for relatively minor hazards (i.e. one is safe from downed wire electrocution inside a car) for excessively long period of time (blocking the routes out of town) probably up to the minute they decided to flee for their lives.
Not a big consumer of this type of news, but finally looking into this disaster today, many of their utility poles apparently were rotten, the large amount of obvious public services and civil service incompetence and failure is opposed to the last few weeks of fringe controlled opposition speculation of DC regime space laser or current years Democrat politics (arson) and such competence. AP: Wind, policy fanned Lahaina fire (
Plastic residential piping! Expect future additional propaganda for 'smart meter' water meters to allow officials to turn off your water when they want to next time. Yet, in this disaster, they not even bothered to turn on the town's emergency alarm. As Inferno Grew, Lahaina’s Water System Collapsed (
"Every time they set up to suppress the fire in one area, the blaze would spread and they would find themselves scrambling to stay ahead of it. "
Thankfully individual households have better method to protect their property during wildfires if handy and prepared, survivors have shown, and that does not rely on civil services.
Rural property owners that have survived wildfires fires talk of having their own generator, pump and water supply (a hot tub or like sized tank or two), going into their house when it is impossible to be outside as a fire-front burns through/over the property, then going outside between such events and putting out any fires that started on the house while such house exterior fires are still small, then repeating this for up to 24 hours or so, checking the exterior for small fires every 20 minutes or half hour. Houses need to be spaced far enough apart though.
Agree that the conditions were present in that the fires could easily be explained by poor infrastructure. IMO still fits the elite agenda.
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