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14th August 2023, 03:38 PM


Human Skull “Unlike Any Human Seen Before” Discovered in China? (https://answersingenesis.org/human-evolution/human-skull-unlike-any-seen-discovered-china/?utm_source=kenhamdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=blog&utm_campaign=20230814&mc_cid=3e25322615&mc_eid=17c1d03f93)
by Ken Ham on August 14, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Excerpt from article"

All human beings are descendants of the same fully human couple (Adam and Eve), who were made in God’s image and lived only a few thousand years ago.

So really, it’s variety within the human kind. In a biblical worldview, we understand that all humans—“modern” man, Denisovan, Neanderthal, and more—are not separate branches on a family tree as man becomes more evolved. All human beings are descendants of the same fully human couple (Adam and Eve), who were made in God’s image and lived only a few thousand years ago.

The individual whose fossilized remains were discovered isn’t a so-called “hybrid” but rather reflects some of the human genetic variability we find in the post-flood fossil record. It appears that God created Adam and Eve with tremendous genetic variability, some of which we still see reflected today (skin shade, eye shape, etc.) but some of which has disappeared from the human population (the Denisovan chin, Neanderthal brow ridge, etc.). It has nothing to do with evolution and everything to do with created genetic diversity.

This “new” find isn’t puzzling to those who start with God’s Word, and it doesn’t call for a rewrite of human history. It just adds to what we already know about diversity within the human kind.

14th August 2023, 05:57 PM
Humanism started around 2,000 years ago. Hue as in color of and Man as the entity created when Taurus turned into Aries. The current revolution is converting humans to transhuman. John the Baptist created his process of converting Man to Human by immersing the head in water. Dr Fauci converts Human to Transhuman by a jab in the arm.

Oh and not to forget Neanderthal, a poor individual who had advanced arthritis and so was declared a new species.

Understanding is consent. Knowing doesn't require proof. It demands belief.