View Full Version : Foreign or Domestic?

14th August 2023, 06:19 PM
There are things found or located within other things that are not considered part of that other thing. The contents of your digestive tract is no part of you. You begins with a thin membrane lining that tract. This concept is enshrined in a law circa 1215 know as the Law of the Forest. Not about the digestive tract but that the king can define an area and designate a forest. The boundary marks belong to the king but things are enclosed that are not subject to forest law but are within the enclosure. They call these things parks, warrens or chases and each lacks one or more element necessary to be called a forest.

Back to your digestive tract. The contents are foreign to you so do not obey the same laws you do. How do you go about extending your laws into this foreign "goo" ? Or more importantly how does this "goo" go about making YOU obey it's law?

Let's call you "Oregon" and the "goo" The State of Oregon, Oregon State or STATE OF OREGON. The "goo" wants you to defer to it's law. My opinion is that once this starts to happen a good laxative will settle the dispute and it's laws now may be applied to each septic tank, outhouse or sewage treatment plant the "goo" happens to lodge in.

What you need, my friend, is a powerful laxative. And it won't be found in statutes.

15th August 2023, 08:17 AM
Foreign or domestic?

The placenta has a purpose. The fetus contains cells foreign to the mother and sure to trigger the immune system. The placenta is there as a barrier to keep the immune system from killing the baby.

By coincidence or design cancer cells have discovered that they also can be protected from the bodies immune system and shield themselves from destruction using the same method.