View Full Version : Persons Principals and Chess

26th August 2023, 04:46 AM
The system is set up for persons. A person is a verb. Many people don't believe they are verbs. They actually think they are nouns instead. A person is an agent while nouns are principals. Principals outrank agents without exception and are the target of the agency calling itself the SPLC. This agency tries to make you believe sovereignty is the issue. A sovereign is a principal who has someone kneel before him, holding his right hand in both of theirs while they swear to pay his ransom when he is kidnapped. I know no sovereigns. The concept is derived from the board game CHESS.

26th August 2023, 05:00 AM
I actually created a person by writing the preceding paragraph. If you happen to be a noun happily sitting on a log and performing no activity that can be classified a verb you have no problem. Well, maybe one. Sitting is an activity that can be classed a verb. Appearance is a verb that is all that is needed to get you charged. If you appear you are there. If you are there then you might be charged with disturbing the peace.

This concept is important when deciding if you want to appear in response to a summons. Appearing creates a verb. Not appearing creates a negative verb. Should you decide to appear then you have proven whoever summoned you has power over you. Should you decide not to appear the warrant created will describe a verb/person who must be forcibly made to appear by LEOS who lack an understanding of grammar. Essentially an army of verbs will be dispatched to find a noun.