View Full Version : Not looking good for team humanity--anyone see any signs of hope???

29th August 2023, 03:50 PM
Okay, just curious if anyone here thinks there are signs of hope out there. Seems like things are not going well for team humanity. They just got away with incinerating the people of Lahaina. Looks like they are bringing back another pandemic hoax. And there's talk of another kill shot. And China is collapsing and apparently is going to send the world economy to the grave.

I guess I better get back to serious prepping.

30th August 2023, 06:36 PM
Okay, just curious if anyone here thinks there are signs of hope out there. Seems like things are not going well for team humanity. They just got away with incinerating the people of Lahaina. Looks like they are bringing back another pandemic hoax. And there's talk of another kill shot. And China is collapsing and apparently is going to send the world economy to the grave.

I guess I better get back to serious prepping.

Get away from the population centers

31st August 2023, 09:15 AM
The guns are for when the state comes to take your household's last food supplies to feed demociding city staff and political opponents. Aka Bolsheviks, Holodomor.

The guns are also for when the neighbors are no longer being FBI military swat teams arrested for political show trials but just start disappearing and are not herd from again. Aka the Solzhenitsyn moment.

China just finished building the best version of the modern (20th century western) industrial and technological over developed excessively entropic unsustainable modern state. It will probably let then act the US after WWII for a few generations.
China could do better if they don't let those with a 'religion' of nation destruction take over, but will have additional environmental problems, not the nation destroyer's scam of climate terror but resource entropy and wildlife collapse.

31st August 2023, 09:26 AM
The guns are for when the state comes to take your household's last food supplies to feed demociding city staff and political opponents. Aka Bolsheviks, Holodomor.

The guns are also for when the neighbors are no longer being FBI military swat teams arrested for political show trials but just start disappearing and are not herd from again. Aka the Solzhenitsyn moment.

China just finished building the best version of the modern (20th century western) industrial and technological over developed excessively entropic unsustainable modern state. It will probably let then act the US after WWII for a few generations at least.

If we adhered to the United States Constitution we would have an active, thoroughly civilian #2A Militia, Armed Organized and Disciplined (trained) per Article I §8 Clause 16 of the Constitution. and no Standing Army for a period of more than 2 years. Congress has circumvented this with the Dick Act creating the National Guard masquerading as the Militia of the several States and the National Defense Authorization Act to perpetually maintain a standing army which keeps the military industrial complex fat and happy and the taxpayer poor.

31st August 2023, 10:20 AM
If we adhered to the United States Constitution we would have an active, thoroughly civilian #2A Militia, Armed Organized and Disciplined (trained) per Article I §8 Clause 16 of the Constitution. and no Standing Army for a period of more than 2 years. Congress has circumvented this with the Dick Act creating the National Guard masquerading as the Militia of the several States and the National Defense Authorization Act to perpetually maintain a standing army which keeps the military industrial complex fat and happy and the taxpayer poor.

Democracy is the militia.

Militia vote for their officers.

If you vote then you are a militiaman.

Nation Guard & regular Army do not vote for their officers.

I believe 45 years of age is the cutoff for being a militiaman.

So you guys who vote be assured that the battle you are being led into will be directed by your preferred leader. The honorable Commander in Chief Joe Plagiarist Biden.

5th September 2023, 04:21 PM
The financial collapse IS the hope. The current system is what funds all of the unnatural and bad things we have seen all our lives.

Once the current financial system dies, humanity will thrive. The hard part is making it until then in one piece.

6th September 2023, 08:31 AM
The financial collapse IS the hope. The current system is what funds all of the unnatural and bad things we have seen all our lives.

Once the current financial system dies, humanity will thrive. The hard part is making it until then in one piece.

Good point.
And when it collapses, I hope that humanity rises up and hunts down these City of London banking families.