View Full Version : Zelensky is controlled opposition

21st September 2023, 12:00 PM
For argument sake, let's say Zelensky is a puppet of the "West" (US and UK).

Washington knew of a possible attack by Russia weeks and months before the February 2022 Russian invasion.

Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns
By Shane Harris
Paul Sonne
December 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. EST

White House warns Russian invasion of Ukraine may be imminent
Press secretary Jen Psaki warned that an “extremely dangerous situation” is building along the Ukrainian border where Russia is amassing troops.
Jan. 18, 2022, 1:55 PM EST

That would mean no action by Jew/puppet Zelensky to send sizable troops to the border to defend Ukraine means Zelensky and USA are in on it with the Russian Chabad and cia that control Russia.

Renegade Tribune figured this out in the first days of the war:

Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place. Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions

It’s almost as if this whole situation has been set up from the get go, with all the Zionist Occupational Governments playing their parts to ensure that Russia easily gains control of Ukraine. What could be behind all of this?

Well, Chabad is headquartered in Russia and would like for the new Soviet empire to include the entirety of old Khazaria.

That quote is from the article titled:
The Chabad Mafia is Recapturing Khazaria
As tanks roll in, airstrikes destroy their targets, and innocent Ukrainians die, most "nationalists" in the West are cheering on Russia.

The Zelensky/cia/Russian Chabad (in on it together) to betray Ukrainians is confirmed by a Ukrainian general:

“I only had one brigade.” Ukrainian General explains why Russians rapidly occupied southern Ukraine early in invasion

On the eve of Russia’s invasion, 1,500 Ukrainian troops were overpowered by a 20,000-strong invasion army from Crimea. A general speaks about the events that led to Russia’s rapid occupation of South Ukraine, which Ukraine’s counteroffensive is struggling to reverse.

Unanswered questions have fueled debate among Ukrainians since Russia’s rapid seizure of Kherson and advance on Mariupol early in the February 2022. Because the bridges stood intact in Chonhar, one of the two road and rail connections of the occupied peninsula with southern Ukraine, Russia’s invasion was swift and it promptly occupied vast swaths of land that Ukraine is currently struggling to regain.

Why didn’t Ukraine blow up the bridges to Russian-occupied Crimea? Who cleared the minefields at the Chonhar isthmus? Despite intelligence warnings, Kyiv seemed unprepared to defend the South. With no official explanation to what enabled Russia’s rapid invasion from Crimea, speculations flowered online: did a traitor enable this on purpose? Major General Andriy Sokolov, who commanded Ukraine’s Southern forces, now addresses these controversies in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda. He does not appear to blame himself and paints a picture of stretched resources and chaos, suggesting that the Ukrainian leadership was not taking threats of an impending Russian invasion seriously.
1,500 Ukrainians against 20,000 Russians

Major General Andriy Sokolov revealed to Ukrainska Pravda that Ukraine lacked adequate forces in the South at the start of Russia’s invasion. The military’s defense plan called for four brigades of 1,000-8,000 troops each, but there was only a single brigade in the region when the attack began.


Zelensky is in on it with Washington, a puppet of Washington, and Washington warned of an "imminent" invasion, yet as Russians had about 200,000 Russians on the Ukrainian border, Zelensky knew of the build-up and warnings, "Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place" and let Jew and cia buddies that control Russia into Ukraine.

Then look at the slow drip of weapons to Ukraine to defeat the Russians, only enough weapons are sent to keep the war going, exposing the purpose of the aid packages from the US. Abrams tanks eventually, ATACMS in months or years from first requested, F-16s in months or years. Yes, tens of billions in weapons, though slow trickle to keep the war going, never enough to crush Chabad Russia.

The only conclusion is Zelensky the Jew is in on it with Chabad Putin, and the Chabad cia controlled Washington that has directed this war.

21st September 2023, 12:27 PM
Old Lenin communist tactic is to control the opposition. When a criminal group desires total control, that group seeks to lead the opposition to the criminals with a puppet or handler. Zelensky is the puppet. Putin is the handler of the opposition to the cia, and handler to opposition to zionism.

Boris Yeltsin had entourage of ‘hundreds’ of CIA agents who instructed him how to run Russia, claims former parliamentary speaker
“There must have been a hundred [CIA employees],” Khasbulatov said. “They determined everything.” He also added that, after winning the presidential election, Yeltsin would send security officials and heads of departments to the US so the Americans could “examine them” and “give conclusions.”



The cia controlled Russia after the fall of communism. Yeltsin was their cia asset ruling in Russia. Yeltsin allowed the US cia officers and Washington agents in Russia to make decisions for Yeltsin. This would have included the choice of Yeltsins replacement - Putin. Putin was chosen for ties to cia linked Chabad. Ties with cia linked Russian mafia. Ties with cia linked Russian Oligarchs.

Here is the Russian Chabad influence in the US, access to the White House, partners with cia/white house:


Putin ties to Chabad:

The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin

Putin lets the Chabad Jews runs the economy of Russia:


After the collapse of the Soviet Union Western Anglo and American Oligarchs looted Russian oil and gas industry to be among the main shareholders.


The Western Oligarchs working with Russian Oligarchs own the Russian oil and gas. While Putin kicked out neo-liberal Oligarchs from the 1990s, Putin did not kicked out the Western Oligarchs or exposed Russian energy was and is controlled by cia cronies.

And Chabad Jews are only smaller players compared to the Anglo-Americans of Bush, Trump, Blair...

The Chabad Jews serve their Anglo-Zionist masters in the cia and serve Kissinger.

Jews in russia as the main players of Russian Chabad running the economy, Russian Jew mobsters controlling politics and society, Russian Jewish Oligarchs as the ruling Oligarchs of Russia. Yet this is only the facade of the Russia structure. Behind the scenes is not published in newspapers. The US built that landscape of Russian politics with the collapse of communism, the cia actively controlled Russia in the 1990s in direct Kremlin control, and since, indirectly control Russia via cia players in Russia including Putin. The cia allowed their old Jewish cronies to be the face of Russia, when the cia still controls Russia via cia linked Chabad, cia linked Russian mafia, cia linked Russian oligarchs.

If Putin was not chosen by Yeltsin and the cia, then the cia and mi6 leaders of Bush and Blair would have lost control of Russia. And both Bush and Blair would have been adversarial to Russia. Instead, cia Bush said could see the soul of Putin, bush gave approval of Putin, bush said Putin is trustworthy.

Flashback: President Bush on Putin’s 'Soul'

mi6 Tony Blair, only shortly after Putin was picked by Yeltsin said it was the Prime Minister of UKs job to like Mr Putin. And Tony Blair armed the russians against Muslim Chechens.

When Tony Blair backed Putin’s brutal war
Tony Blair and Vladimir Putin struck up an extraordinary bond in the early 2000s as Russia engaged in a destructive military campaign in Chechnya that was similar to its war on Ukraine.

The cia ran the Kremlin with Yeltsin and helped to pick Putin. Putin was their cia Chabad asset. And after Putin was picked, US and UK heavily supported Putin.

Since the new brand of the cia Republican Party is populist MAGA and Bush is fully aware anything Bush says is viewed as the cia deepstate because Bush was exposed and highly unpopular, Bush knows a Bush approval of Trump is a kiss of death and plays the new role of anti-Trump. When MAGA is simply the new version of the Bush Project for the New American Century. The replacement of cia neoconservatism is cia neo-populism. Putin is another fake populist. Bush are instead controlling Russia behind the scenes and controlling MAGA behind the scenes for more PNAC Anglo-Zionist wars.

The far right populists were crushed by Putin:

The death of the Russian far right
How the Kremlin destroyed the far right in Russia, while backing it in the West.


Putin does not want competition. To have democracy in Russia would expose the entire cia Chabad rigged criminal racket of cia Jewish Russia.

Putin is the cia/mi6 handler of those that want to end Anglo-Zionist oppression. Putin wants to be the leader of that, to be the fake opposition of the cia, so the cia can guide when and how the resistance against Anglo-Americans react via Russians working for the cia. That is the purpose of handlers. To control those the cia want controlled. Putin is self-appointed leader opposing the cia.

BRICS is a fraud because Kissinger influenced China is part of it, cia controlled Russia is part of it, Modi is part of it.

BRICS is wanted by Chabad Washington to isolate rival and foe European Union. E. Michael Jones said for years that the cia has wanted to keep down Europe, keep it only as junior partner for cia wars. Europe rejected Trump and cia wars. Chabad is doing a hit piece on Europe


The Anglo-Zionists only want Israel, UK and US to dominate the globe. WWI and WWII were about keeping down rival of Germany. Anglo-Zionists gets the peasants to fight and destroy each other. MAGA cia Republicans wants to use BRICS to isolate Europe.

Chabad Jews see Ukraine as the enemy. Jew Zelensky made sure the Russian invasion would succeed and Russia take the coal and gas rich regions of Ukraine, so that Ukraine would not rival Russia in terms of natural gas.


Kissinger wants Russia to win by annexing territory. PNAC deepstater Trump and the fake populist that wants to microchip your brain, Musk (https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/06/05/elon-musks-neuralink-wants-to-put-chips-in-our-brains---how-it-works-and-who-else-is-doing-it/?sh=49c3974cbabb) want Putin to win by taking territory. The new replacement of the deepstate - PNAC America First MAGA want Putin to win by annexing Crimea and other parts of Ukraine.

Kissinger says Ukraine must give up land to Russia, warns West not to seek to humiliate Putin with defeat


Kissinger is the deepest of the deepstate and Kissinger wanted the defeat of Europe.

Added to the fact that Kissinger for decades has mocked Germany as too big for Europe, too small for the globe. Kissinger wants Jews to keep down Europe and German led EU. This is a Jewish war on Europe. And Zelensky made sure Russia would have early successes in the first stages of the war.

21st September 2023, 12:45 PM
Russia is the playground for the Jewish mafias and the cia that defeated the USSR. The cia never left, the Jews never left.

Putin was put in place by neoconservatives at the cia. Russia is the last remaining bastion of the Bush neoconservative cia. Russia is the fiefdom of Chabad Jews and neoconservative cia. The endless cia wars are still going on, with Putin vs the EU, that the cia has wanted to destroy since the 1950s when the EU was the EEC, and before that the European Coal and Steel Community.

Trump wanting conflict with Iran was PNAC. Trump wanting to stop the rise of China was PNAC. Trump wanting to destroy the EU was PNAC. Putin war on Ukraine is PNAC.

Zelensky is in on it. Putin is in on it. Chabad is in on it. Trump is in on it.

This mission to destroy Europe is PNAC:




Netanyahu is controlling the nationalists in Europe that seek to divide Europe and make it vulnerable to Russian schemes.


The goal is to divide Europe against Germany


And have service to warmongering Chabad Russia:



Russia is staging a migrant crisis in Europe, to weaken pro-Europe political parties to have only parties that are controlled by Netanyahu, Trump and Putin.



Putin is the last of the remaining old neoconservatives. Putin is a total fraud.

21st September 2023, 02:12 PM
the cia shills lie and say the Jews and cia want to destroy America. The only thing the cia and Jews do is sell fake victimhood of Americans via Muslim terrorist boogiemen, or Chinese boogieman or the new woke boggiemen. The Faux News fearmongering is to draw you to vote republican by believing the cia propaganda that you are victim of Democrats or other Jew groups that are there to sell fake victimhood.

The real victims of Jews and cia are the Europeans. Jews are not trying to destroy Anglo-Zionist America, the same Anglo-Zionist America that has existed since the 1950s when the cia took over the entire Executive branch of Washington. The Jews want to influence the EU to destroy it (https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-weaken-europe-eu-1433213). Jews are not trying to destroy Chabad-cia Kissinger, Rockefeller, Trump, Musk and Rothschild America to weaken and destroy it. Washington exports its problems to Europe via wars, financial crisis and economic crisis. Washington is trying to bring down white Europe. Ukraine is the bastion of white nationalism in Europe, and a few white nationalist sites are picking up on the facts that the Jews are seeking to destroy white Europe, using Chabad Russia as the Jewish tool.

26th September 2023, 06:31 PM
The Nazi side is the Ukrainian side. Not saying the Ukrainians are Nazis, though the Nazis side is Ukraine. The Jew side is Chabad Russia. The Anglo-Zionist side is cia Bush Russia. The Ukrainians are the side for liberty. They are the side opposed by the Anglo-Zionists/Chabad Zionists.

I am not a Nazi, I am not German or highly Nordic, so Nazism is alien to me. Though the Nazis were the good guys of WWII. Once the fighting started, you had to support Germany, the victim in a staged Anglo-Zionist war. While the Anglo-Zionist side was the evil side of WWII. Once the fighting started with a Russian invasion, you had to support the Ukrainian people, the victims in a staged Anglo-Zionist war.

As explained by euromaidan press.

Like many Ukrainians of his day, Hunka joined the Germans only to fight against what he saw as the greater evil – Soviet occupation


Euromaidan Press says the Allies side of the Soviets were the #1 evil of WWII to Ukrainians. By logical reasoning, this denies the holocaust. "The Jewish suffering" demanded you to support the defeat of Germany and defeat of Europe. That is the holohoax and holocaustianity. The holocaust was the hoax to send the Jews of Europe to Palestine. To get Israel.

The WWII Soviets were the evil empire and the Ukrainian (fighting for the) Nazis were the innocent victims. This is essentially the message of Euromaidan. It denies the message of the holocaust that Jews are "more important than you". "More important than Nordic Ukrainians".

Zelensky and the neo-liberals only exist to have the Chabad Russia side win. These zionists support the Ukrainians only to be the handler that stabs the Ukrainians and Europeans in the back. Zelensky is not on the side of the innocent Ukrainians. A Jewish stab in the back for Anglo-Jewish dominance.

Zelensky is defeated by Ukrainians winning.

Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place. Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions

It’s almost as if this whole situation has been set up from the get go, with all the Zionist Occupational Governments playing their parts to ensure that Russia easily gains control of Ukraine. What could be behind all of this?

Well, Chabad is headquartered in Russia and would like for the new Soviet empire to include the entirety of old Khazaria.
