21st September 2023, 12:00 PM
For argument sake, let's say Zelensky is a puppet of the "West" (US and UK).
Washington knew of a possible attack by Russia weeks and months before the February 2022 Russian invasion.
Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns
By Shane Harris
Paul Sonne
December 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. EST
White House warns Russian invasion of Ukraine may be imminent
Press secretary Jen Psaki warned that an “extremely dangerous situation” is building along the Ukrainian border where Russia is amassing troops.
Jan. 18, 2022, 1:55 PM EST
That would mean no action by Jew/puppet Zelensky to send sizable troops to the border to defend Ukraine means Zelensky and USA are in on it with the Russian Chabad and cia that control Russia.
Renegade Tribune figured this out in the first days of the war:
Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place. Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions
It’s almost as if this whole situation has been set up from the get go, with all the Zionist Occupational Governments playing their parts to ensure that Russia easily gains control of Ukraine. What could be behind all of this?
Well, Chabad is headquartered in Russia and would like for the new Soviet empire to include the entirety of old Khazaria.
That quote is from the article titled:
The Chabad Mafia is Recapturing Khazaria
As tanks roll in, airstrikes destroy their targets, and innocent Ukrainians die, most "nationalists" in the West are cheering on Russia.
The Zelensky/cia/Russian Chabad (in on it together) to betray Ukrainians is confirmed by a Ukrainian general:
“I only had one brigade.” Ukrainian General explains why Russians rapidly occupied southern Ukraine early in invasion
On the eve of Russia’s invasion, 1,500 Ukrainian troops were overpowered by a 20,000-strong invasion army from Crimea. A general speaks about the events that led to Russia’s rapid occupation of South Ukraine, which Ukraine’s counteroffensive is struggling to reverse.
Unanswered questions have fueled debate among Ukrainians since Russia’s rapid seizure of Kherson and advance on Mariupol early in the February 2022. Because the bridges stood intact in Chonhar, one of the two road and rail connections of the occupied peninsula with southern Ukraine, Russia’s invasion was swift and it promptly occupied vast swaths of land that Ukraine is currently struggling to regain.
Why didn’t Ukraine blow up the bridges to Russian-occupied Crimea? Who cleared the minefields at the Chonhar isthmus? Despite intelligence warnings, Kyiv seemed unprepared to defend the South. With no official explanation to what enabled Russia’s rapid invasion from Crimea, speculations flowered online: did a traitor enable this on purpose? Major General Andriy Sokolov, who commanded Ukraine’s Southern forces, now addresses these controversies in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda. He does not appear to blame himself and paints a picture of stretched resources and chaos, suggesting that the Ukrainian leadership was not taking threats of an impending Russian invasion seriously.
1,500 Ukrainians against 20,000 Russians
Major General Andriy Sokolov revealed to Ukrainska Pravda that Ukraine lacked adequate forces in the South at the start of Russia’s invasion. The military’s defense plan called for four brigades of 1,000-8,000 troops each, but there was only a single brigade in the region when the attack began.
Zelensky is in on it with Washington, a puppet of Washington, and Washington warned of an "imminent" invasion, yet as Russians had about 200,000 Russians on the Ukrainian border, Zelensky knew of the build-up and warnings, "Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place" and let Jew and cia buddies that control Russia into Ukraine.
Then look at the slow drip of weapons to Ukraine to defeat the Russians, only enough weapons are sent to keep the war going, exposing the purpose of the aid packages from the US. Abrams tanks eventually, ATACMS in months or years from first requested, F-16s in months or years. Yes, tens of billions in weapons, though slow trickle to keep the war going, never enough to crush Chabad Russia.
The only conclusion is Zelensky the Jew is in on it with Chabad Putin, and the Chabad cia controlled Washington that has directed this war.
Washington knew of a possible attack by Russia weeks and months before the February 2022 Russian invasion.
Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns
By Shane Harris
Paul Sonne
December 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. EST
White House warns Russian invasion of Ukraine may be imminent
Press secretary Jen Psaki warned that an “extremely dangerous situation” is building along the Ukrainian border where Russia is amassing troops.
Jan. 18, 2022, 1:55 PM EST
That would mean no action by Jew/puppet Zelensky to send sizable troops to the border to defend Ukraine means Zelensky and USA are in on it with the Russian Chabad and cia that control Russia.
Renegade Tribune figured this out in the first days of the war:
Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place. Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions
It’s almost as if this whole situation has been set up from the get go, with all the Zionist Occupational Governments playing their parts to ensure that Russia easily gains control of Ukraine. What could be behind all of this?
Well, Chabad is headquartered in Russia and would like for the new Soviet empire to include the entirety of old Khazaria.
That quote is from the article titled:
The Chabad Mafia is Recapturing Khazaria
As tanks roll in, airstrikes destroy their targets, and innocent Ukrainians die, most "nationalists" in the West are cheering on Russia.
The Zelensky/cia/Russian Chabad (in on it together) to betray Ukrainians is confirmed by a Ukrainian general:
“I only had one brigade.” Ukrainian General explains why Russians rapidly occupied southern Ukraine early in invasion
On the eve of Russia’s invasion, 1,500 Ukrainian troops were overpowered by a 20,000-strong invasion army from Crimea. A general speaks about the events that led to Russia’s rapid occupation of South Ukraine, which Ukraine’s counteroffensive is struggling to reverse.
Unanswered questions have fueled debate among Ukrainians since Russia’s rapid seizure of Kherson and advance on Mariupol early in the February 2022. Because the bridges stood intact in Chonhar, one of the two road and rail connections of the occupied peninsula with southern Ukraine, Russia’s invasion was swift and it promptly occupied vast swaths of land that Ukraine is currently struggling to regain.
Why didn’t Ukraine blow up the bridges to Russian-occupied Crimea? Who cleared the minefields at the Chonhar isthmus? Despite intelligence warnings, Kyiv seemed unprepared to defend the South. With no official explanation to what enabled Russia’s rapid invasion from Crimea, speculations flowered online: did a traitor enable this on purpose? Major General Andriy Sokolov, who commanded Ukraine’s Southern forces, now addresses these controversies in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda. He does not appear to blame himself and paints a picture of stretched resources and chaos, suggesting that the Ukrainian leadership was not taking threats of an impending Russian invasion seriously.
1,500 Ukrainians against 20,000 Russians
Major General Andriy Sokolov revealed to Ukrainska Pravda that Ukraine lacked adequate forces in the South at the start of Russia’s invasion. The military’s defense plan called for four brigades of 1,000-8,000 troops each, but there was only a single brigade in the region when the attack began.
Zelensky is in on it with Washington, a puppet of Washington, and Washington warned of an "imminent" invasion, yet as Russians had about 200,000 Russians on the Ukrainian border, Zelensky knew of the build-up and warnings, "Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place" and let Jew and cia buddies that control Russia into Ukraine.
Then look at the slow drip of weapons to Ukraine to defeat the Russians, only enough weapons are sent to keep the war going, exposing the purpose of the aid packages from the US. Abrams tanks eventually, ATACMS in months or years from first requested, F-16s in months or years. Yes, tens of billions in weapons, though slow trickle to keep the war going, never enough to crush Chabad Russia.
The only conclusion is Zelensky the Jew is in on it with Chabad Putin, and the Chabad cia controlled Washington that has directed this war.