View Full Version : Canadian parliament applauds Nazi Waffen SS veteran (for service)
24th September 2023, 12:39 PM
Canadian parliament applauds Nazi Waffen SS veteran (as a war hero who was a military veteran fighting the Soviets) (VIDEO)
The 1st Galician Division, formed from Ukrainian volunteers during WWII, is blamed for multiple atrocities against Poles
Ukraine’s president and Canada’s prime minister greeted a former member of the infamous SS 1st Galician Division, which fought for the Nazis in World War II, as they attended a parliament session in Ottawa, according to images shared by the Associated Press.
One of the photos, taken in the House of Commons on Friday, showed a smiling Vladimir Zelensky clenching his fist and Justin Trudeau offering applause to somebody outside the image.
AP’s caption explained that the two leaders “recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance and fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.”
What the US news agency described as “the First Ukrainian Division” was in fact the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the 1st Galician Division.
Similar images have been shared by AFP, which described Hunka, aged 98, as a “Canadian-Ukrainian war veteran.”
Videos from parliament also showed MPs giving a standing ovation to the former Nazi unit fighter.
The 1st Galician Division was assembled the Nazis in 1943, when the Soviet Union was gaining the upper hand on the Eastern Front. It comprised some 80,000 volunteers, mainly Ukrainians, from the region of Galicia, spanning what is now southwest Poland and western Ukraine.
The infamous unit participated in brutal anti-guerrilla operations across Poland and Soviet Ukraine, and were accused of massacres and other atrocities against the Polish, Jewish and Russian civilian populations. It was crushed by the Red Army in July 1944 and soon rebranded as the Ukrainian National Army, before surrendering to the Western Allies after the fall of Berlin in May, 1945. After the war, some of the members of the 1st Galician Division fled to Canada, which has a large Ukrainian diaspora.
During his speech to the Canadian Parliament, Zelensky said Canada has always been on the “bright side of history” during previous wars, and thanked Trudeau’s government for the support it has provided to Ukraine amid the conflict with Russia.
In late August, Zelensky posted an image on social media, featuring a Ukrainian soldier sporting the patch of the 1st Galician Division. Kiev’s troops have also been spotted wearing patches of the notorious 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, one of the worst Nazi penal units, the 3rd SS Panzer Division ‘Totenkopf’, and assorted swastikas and other far-right symbols.
Ukraine is the only country in the world that has integrated openly neo-Nazi militias into its national military. These units were once described by Western media outlets as “neo-Nazi,” but are being referred to as “far-right groups” amid the conflict between Kiev and Moscow.
24th September 2023, 12:45 PM
Anglo-Zionists, Anglo-Nationalists and Anglo-Americans are saying this is the final straw of Zelensky. Zelensky and pro-Ukraine side supporting The SS Ukrainian Nazis in WWII over the Soviets.
Fake anti-zionist George Galloway, says this is the final straw. The British anti-zionists are fake resistance. They don't support the Germans in WWI, WWII and the Ukraine War. These Anglos want Anglo City of London dominance over the globe. That is where the populists and conservatives are leading the globe - to regain the British Empire with a destroyed Europe. Tucker, Trump and the Britain and America Firsters want is a Project for a New Anglo-American Century. PNAC. Europe is the enemy, has been the enemy since the 1950s. Russians were used war after war by the Anglo-British to destroy Germany and Europe. Chabad Russia is the new tool of the Anglos.
If you do any research, it was not the Jews pushing for war with Germany, it was the British monarchy and British industrialists using Jews to get the US/Wilson into the war. The Jews and the Anglos made a deal to support each other in dominating the globe. To leave out the Germans and Europeans. This is the Trump agenda with the Jews. Anglo-zionism. Often Anglo crimes of WWI are blamed on the Jews. Anglos Bush and Gates are called Jews. When Jews are the partners in crime to the British monarchy. Are the shills going to say the British monarchy are jews too.
Less than 25% of Ukrainian heavy arms equipment is donated. Ukraine is only given a few dozen tanks from US and UK. This war is a staged war planned by Jews and Anglos in the UK and US to defeat Ukraine and the EU.
Moscow has been used in three European Wars to keep down the Germans (2nd Reich and 3rd Reich) and the Fourth Reich - the German led EU.
Decades ago Kissinger made fun of Germany as too big for Europe, too small globally. Yet Germany had the last laugh at the Jews and Anglos with the success of the Catholic invented European Steel and Coal Community/EEC/EU led by Germany. Germany seeks to expand the borders of the 4th Reich to Ukraine and the Anglo-Zionists using Chabad Putin are trying to stop this.
24th September 2023, 01:05 PM
The Jews have been the scapegoats for Anglo imperialism for over a century.
When the cia demolished the World Trade Buildings, the cia employed "Israel art students" to rig the three buildings with explosives. Or to be the patsies for rigging the buildings. Either way Anglo-Americans ordered the destruction of the WTC ( The main purpose of 9/11 was to hide the cia control of Russia, secondarily for the wars in the Middle East.
The report fails to mention, many of the "Israel art students" had explosive expertise, covered in another news outlet report.
This is only one video:
Italians made 2 hours long films with the only conclusion that the US destroyed their own buildings in a false flag attack.
Former President Cossiga said the cia did the 9/11 attacks.
The Anglo dominated cia had Jews do the dirty work and be the face of the blame, then the cia and NORAD staged the entire 9/11, and when interested parties ask about those behind the 9/11 attacks, the cia agents and shill say Jews did it or a rogue element in the nation did it. The Jews are part of the crime, though the official scapegoats of the Anglo-Americans.
These cia shill assets blame neo-con Jews for the Bush cia Wars, saying either Bush is a Jew or Bush was deceived by Jews. Saying Bill Gates or Bush is a Jew is widespread among the fake resistance. And E Michael Jones says Bush and the cia are deceived by the Jews to do the bidding of the Jews. "Anglos are the victims of the Jews" is the mantra when Anglos bomb your nation, with the lie: "the Jews made Anglos do it". Bill Gates is accused of being a Jew because the British don't want you to figure out the Gates family connection to the British Rockefellers. This is how the Anglos get away with crime after crime. The two perennial rulers of the USA are Kissinger and Rockefeller. A Jew and a British-American Industrialist. When anti-semitism is exploding in popularity, Anglo crimes and imperialism are going to go crazy. Because Anglos wants you to blame the Jews when Anglo schemes are an epidemic. Then ban anti-semitism and not allow criticism of the Anglo partners in crime - the Jews. Blame Jews for Anglo crimes is the only cover, other than censorship.
90% of those that spew stuff about the "deepstate" believe "if there are no Jews, there is no deepstate". These drank the kool-aid. The cia deepstate can hide in plain sight if the cia says it does not like Jews.
Watching this video is the eye opener. The war that started the Anglo-Zionist take over - WWI - was not started by Jews. The impetus was from Anglo industrialists and monarchy with Jews helping the Anglo agenda.
Once you watch the full video, you see the truth that the Anglos start the wars, with Jews in support.
I used to blame the Jews for everything, until seeing that Corbett video. Then realized those behind the wars are the Anglo-Zionists and Anglos, with Jews being the front face, so you don't blame the Anglos.
The one area where Jews equaled the Anglos in warmongering was the Bush wars. It was a failure, so the Anglo cia and Anglo mi6 greatly reduced the Jews in decision making with Trump and MAGA.
Anglos would not care if the deepstate was only Anglos. Jews don't care if the deepstate is only Jews. Yet both Anglos and Jews use each other for controlling the globe. And Europe is the centuries old enemy.
Even the worst anti-Jew that exposed the factual Jew schemes in WWI, Benjamin Freedman, said the Jews in the UK did not want to defeat Germany, Jews were successful in Germany. The Jews wanted the defeat of the Tsar and wanted Palestine for the Jews. So made a deal with the Anglos that plotted the war against Germany to backstab the Germans in a deal for Palestine to get Wilson into the war.
That is literally how the Jews operate. Jews work for and with Anglos for Anglo dominance and Jewish dominance. Anglos and Jews partners in crime.
Jews accepted the role of being the scapegoats, that is their deepstate role, to work with the dominant Anglos, to be the scapegoats. Once you blame the Anglos, you can blame the Jews too. Because both work together for the same goals.
24th September 2023, 01:55 PM
The Second World War was about stopping Europe from anti-Anglo sentiment. It had nothing to do with Jews.
The Anglos promoted the success of the appeasement of UK agent Hitler to get the war the UK wanted to defeat the Germans again. And to isolated the Italians that were spreading anglophobia.
UK starts wars in Europe to crush Germany, Germany keeps rising from the ashes.
Those shills against the European Coal and Steel Community/EEC/EU, are for destroying Germany once again for Anglos.
WWII was to isolate and defeat anti-Anglo Mussolini, and to finish off the Germans.
Had Italy not went anti-Anglo, Hitler would have never happened. Hitler was the tool to destroy a Europe that was slipping away from the post-WWI UK control. When Mussolini wanted to take out Hitler in 1934, both the UK and France rejected taking out a weak Hitler.
Hitler was a puppet financed by business interests and proto-deepstaters
Hitler was a foreign agent working against the best interests of Germany.
While Italy was being punished and isolated, Hitler was allowed to annex neighboring nations three times.
When Mussolini wanted to attack Germany in 1934, when Hitler was weak, France and mainly the UK said no, and went to facilitate the rise of Hitler. While trying to weaken and isolate fascist Italy, which was not a puppet of a foreign power, Italy promoted anti-Anglo sentiments. Italy was the real clear and present danger to the UK, steering Europe toward anti-Anglo fascism. Nazism was completely alien to fascism, nazis killed Austrian fascists and ended their fascist state of Austria - you know the state of the sound of music before the Nazis took over, that was fascist and traditional. The fascists were the good guys of Europe in the early to mid 1930s, opposed to nazis and anglo dominance. Mussolini called Hitler a clown, and said nazism was the pagan mimicking of fascism.
Fascism names the Anglos. If you blame those behind the wars - the Anglo-Americans - you are fascist. The Second World War was staged to take down fascist Italy, it would not have happened otherwise, Germany would have remained Wiemar, because Hitler was a UK coup on Germany. Once Germans saw post-war freedom in Italy, the industrialists and usual suspects in the US and UK led the resistance, blamed the Jews in Germany (the typical Anglo tactic to deflect from blaming the main culprits - the Anglos), and had their agent Hitler lead Germany off a cliff.
Hitler's Nazism was about imitation of Mussolini fascism. Mussolini recognized this. Nazism was the mimicking of fascism. Hitler wanted to eventually draw Italy to Germany's side. To later have a war with the UK, USSR and the US and have Italian anglophobia be defeated.
History is filled with loads of facts on Hitler that did not make sense, Hitler could have made nukes years before the US, his scientists were years ahead of the Americans, then Hitler stopped or thwarted the efforts to develop a nuclear weapon as soon as possible. And the scientists would have known the power of nuclear weapons and conveyed this to Hitler. The first nation to develop nukes would win the war. Hitler did not want that, went against developing nukes. So ok, at minimum Hitler was a moron that did not want to win the war because "Hitler perhaps did not want civilian casualties". Which is disproved in the war itself. So maybe Hitler did not want nuke/bomb London. This is disproven by the fact that Hitler was winning the Battle of Britain by destroying the RAF airbases and planes. Then completely switched tactics when winning, which is highly suspect, and focused on bombing London. So the decisions of Hitler are suspect upon suspect. The one thing keeping from Operation Sea Lion was the RAF, and Hitler changed tactics that was destroying the RAF, particularly the airbases. If Hitler continued the attack on RAF airbases and destroying RAF planes quicker than the British could make them, Hitler could have invaded Britain, as the UK/US invaded Normandy. Except Hitler did a deliberate blunder in letting the British leave at Dunkirk if Hitler had the chance to invade Britain, those British solider would make it more difficult for the Germans to invade Britain. Proving, based on these facts, Hitler deliberately did not want to defeat Britain, the very nation Hitler was suspected working for to destroy Germany again for the UK. Then Hitler instead of securing oil via the Middle East and easily defeating the UK and her interests in Iraq by having a full invasion of Egypt and the Middle East in a repeat of the Battle of France, Hitler deliberately attack the Soviet Union for oil and land. Opening up two main fronts, the UK front and the Russian front. Not finishing off the UK before attacking the Soviet Union. When Hitler saw that the Germans could capture Moscow in 1941, Hitler diverted the German forces to capture Kiev. If Germany captured Moscow in 1941, there were Japanese forces in Manchuria that could have easily opened up a second front in Soviet Far East, draining resources and manpower. Japan via being baited to attack Pearl Harbor instead got the US into the war. Hitler could have said would split the Russian oil with the Japanese. Instead Hitler declares war on the US. None of this makes sense unless one sees that Hitler was trying to dig a grave for Germany.
Germany and Europe is the enemy. Making sure the resistance never names the Anglo is the main goal, more than stopping anti-semitism. Anti-semitism exists so you don't blame the anglo. And bans on anti-semitism exist so you keep your mouth shut while wanting to blame the jew, to support the Jewish partners in crime of the Anglos. This info can easily be found before the midnight of 1984. We are there before midnight. As Chabad Russia plan to take over Europe. With Anglo-American cia ruling Russia and Chabad controlling Russia. When the entire schemes of the Anglo-Zionists are laid bare. Trump and Putin are the deception that Jews are losing control, that the deepstate is losing control. When it is only getting much worse. And it has nothing to do with Mexicans that the Jews send to keep you focused on. The deepstate shills: Don't blame the Anglos, blame the Jews. Jews: Don't blame the Jews, blame the Mexicans.
24th September 2023, 03:09 PM
This is why, if you are not an Anglo or Jew, you say, "I want to be part of the real resistance. Trump is a fraud."
And why if you are an Anglo, you say, Trump is on my side, Trump is fighting for me. Because Trump is fighting for the British Monarchy and for the British dominance of the globe. The British Monarchy is MAGA, MAGA is the new PNAC. This is why MAGA is the avant-garde of the cia Republican deepstate.
The anglo and jewish goal is to keep down the rest of Europe, while controlling the globe.
Then as people wonder about this, the neo-liberal shills blames whites in general. I was banned from Mastodon for blaming the British government for their crimes. Because I said it was not the whites, I blamed the Anglos. And was immediately banned from a left-wing platform after a few hours of exposing Anglos. You are not allowed to blame Jews or Anglos. Blame whites in general for the crimes of the Anglos and Jews is the way to keep the left from growing a brain.
24th September 2023, 03:43 PM
Netanyahu's Unholy Alliance With Europe's 'Anti-Semitic' Far Right
Netanyahu is one of the main Jewish leaders of the deepstate. Likud is the core party of the deepstate, with the Tories and Republicans.
And Netanyahu wants to control the Identity and Democracy political parties that are trying to bring down Europe.
I was watching the BBC about 5 years ago and there was a Jewish guest on the BBC, she said Europe needs these anti-EU political parties to be in the majority governments of Europe, they need a share of the table.
This is the Jewish agenda, for the Jews to send migrants to Europe and Chabad Russia to send migrants to Europe, to polarize once homogeneous Europe to support this Anglo-Zionist agenda of bringing down the EU.
UK got out before the planned controlled demolition of Europe. Trump was tasked to take down Europe. Next is for these Netanyahu political parties of Identity and Democracy to take down Europe from the very staged crisis the Jews were part of inventing.
The resistance is Jewish controlled to take down the enemies of Anglo-Zionism. To use MAGA and America Firsters to take down PNAC enemies. You are not only fooled to blame only Jews. Jews use you to further the deepstate agenda of Trump 1984.
Pro-EU Europeans wanted to break up with UK/US, and are warned about trouble for Europe if Europe breaks free.
Anglo-Zionist tool of Russia is there as the threat to make Europeans run back to the UK and US for help. This is why for the past 18 months, I have been contacting European politicians to rearm and to have self-sufficiency. It is the coup of the century if Europe breaks free of the Anglo-Americans.
The fake resistance of shill Netanyahu/Putin/Trump political parties are the opposite of the resistance. These are the new deepstate to usher in the new era of Anglo-American dominance. To destroy the rivals of the Anglo-Zionists.
25th September 2023, 01:14 PM
Euromaidan Press defends Waffen SS Soldier fighting against the evil Russians.
Factcheck: Did the Canadian parliament really invite a Nazi?
An independent Canadian commission cleared Ukrainian WWII veterans who immigrated to Canada of wartime atrocities, contrasting current questionable charges.
byEuheniia Martyniuk
4 minute read
Canada row over Ukrainian WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka
Ukrainian WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka in the Canadian Parliament. Photo: screenshot
Article by Euheniia Martyniuk and Bohdan Ben
Anthony Rota, Speaker for House of Commons of Canada, apologized for praising the 98-year-old Ukrainian WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka after Canadian Jewish groups alleged a connection to the Holocaust. However, these accusations lack merit and align with Putin’s agenda of labeling Ukrainians as “Nazis.”
Row in Canada over Nazi accusations against Ukrainian WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka
The 98-year-old WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka was invited to the Parliament of Canada, where Ukrainian President Zelensky spoke on 22 September. Hunka traveled to Ottawa from North Bay, Ontario, which is nearly a 5-hour drive by car.
Ukrainian WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka in the Canadian Parliament. Photo: deleted photo from the social media of Karina Gould
In the Parliament of Canada, Speaker Anthony Rota referred to Yaroslav Hunka as a “hero,” the entire chamber greeted him with a standing ovation. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Parliament with President Zelensky at that time.
“He is a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service. [Hunka] fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russian aggressors then and continues to support the troops today,” Mr. Rota said.
Later the local Jewish organization CIJA (Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs) accused Hunka of being a Nazi who participated in the genocide of Jews.
“We are deeply troubled and disturbed that a Ukrainian veteran of the infamous 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS – which actively participated in the genocide of Jews – was celebrated with a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament,” CIJA stated.
This led to a political scandal in Canada, ultimately prompting an apology from the Speaker of Canada’s House of Commons.
“I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so… I particularly want to extend my deepest apologies to Jewish communities in Canada and around the world,” Anthony Rota said in a statement shared by his office.
So, what was the Ukrainian Yaroslav Hunka doing during WWII?
Hunka, originally from the village of Urman in Ternopil Oblast, served in the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division “Galicia” during WWII. This division was formed on 28 April 1943 and consisted mainly of volunteer ethnic Ukrainians operating under German command.
The unit was renamed the First Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army before surrendering to the Western Allies in 1945.
Canadian row over Ukrainian WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka
Ukrainian WWII veteran Yaroslav Hunka in the 1940s, standing in the center. Photo: Вісті комбатанта
Did the division take part in Nazi crimes?
Historical accounts indicate that most Ukrainians who joined the First Ukrainian Division during World War II were not motivated by a desire to assist Hitler and the Nazis in conquest and genocide. Instead, these Ukrainians saw the division as an opportunity to resist Russian imperialism and try to establish an independent Ukrainian state free from Soviet domination.
The majority of division recruits came from the Ukrainian region of Galicia, which shared its name. Prior to 1939, Galicia was part of Poland and had relative cultural autonomy. In 1939, the Soviet Union occupied Galicia, leading to mass killings and repression. Thus, when the Germans first arrived in Galicia, many locals saw it as a chance to free themselves from Soviet occupation.
While the division did fight under overall Nazi command, Ukrainian recruits objected to its genocidal policies, even if they felt compelled to ally with Germany militarily to achieve Ukrainian self-determination.
“They [the soldiers of the First Ukrainian Division] identified with the fight for an independent Ukraine. In 1943, [when they joined forces with Nazi Germany], the world was still unaware of the full extent of Nazi’s atrocities. Only later, when the Western Allies entered the Nazi concentration camps in 1945, the world discovered the full extent of Hitler’s crimes,” noted Ukrainian historian Mykola Posivnych.
Although soldiers of the First Ukrainian Division faced accusations of killing civilian Poles and Jews, the Nuremberg Tribunal did not find the unit guilty of any war crimes.
Furthermore, Canada initiated an independent investigation into the alleged presence of Nazi war criminals who had immigrated to Canada after World War II. In 1985, the government established the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada, commonly known as the Deschênes Commission, to investigate these allegations. The Commission conducted extensive hearings over nearly two years, interviewing witnesses and reviewing evidence. Ultimately, the Deschênes Commission concluded that none of the members of the First Ukrainian Division who had settled in Canada were found guilty of committing war crimes during their service in World War II.
So, when the CIJA organization accused the Ukrainian veteran of involvement in the Holocaust, it would have been good to provide some evidence. While individual experiences in wartime can significantly differ, accusations of participating in something as horrific as the Holocaust require substantive proof. It should be thoroughly examined if CIJA has credible documentation or testimony indicating Yaroslav Hunka’s involvement. Unsubstantiated charges risk unfairly tarnishing a person’s reputation.
The complexities of World War II extend beyond a simplistic good versus evil narrative. Ukraine did not exist as an independent state, and many Ukrainians saw the turmoil of war as an opportunity for self-governance. However, competing visions divided pro-independence groups. Ukrainians had difficult choices and clashing perspectives during the war. Some welcomed the Nazis as liberators, while others continued supporting the Soviet war effort. By war’s end, some Ukrainians had collaborated with the Nazis; others joined the Soviet resistance.
While the glorification of Hunka may be a dubious or exaggerated step, even more groundless is an accusation of him as a Nazi, given that soldiers like him were motivated to prevent further Soviet atrocities in Ukraine, which still remain overlooked by historians today.
Thank you for your service, Ukrainian Waffen SS soldiers. The Canadian Parliament said they only knew the man was a Ukrainian that fought against the Soviets in WWII (obviously on the side of the Germans, for those that know history).
How the Waffen SS soldier was introduced:“We have here in chamber, today, a Ukrainian Canadian veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98.”
They say they did not know he was an Waffen SS soldier. Though Canada previously cleared Ukrainians of slander that fought for that Waffen SS division decades ago. So perhaps some knew he was Waffen SS, especially those from his MP district.
When a Nazi Waffen SS Soldier is honored, the Jews and Anglos cry the loudest, then the Russians after. Keeping down the "Nazi Germans" is a two front battle against Germany. You have the Anglo-Zionist keeping Germans down with Anglo and Jewish dominance in the West. And you have Chabad Russia that says everything German nationalism is "evil" and "Nazi". Both sides of Chabad Russia and Anglo-Zionism are wrong and slanderous against the Germans. Ukrainians face the same thing as the Germans. Anglo-Nationalism is about keeping down Europe. Russian nationalism is about keeping down Europe. As the Jews play both sides.
An Italian (Rota) recognized a Waffen SS soldier as a war hero in the military service to Nazi Germany.
Wikipedia: "Rota introduced and recognized Yaroslav Hunka in the parliamentary galleries. He identified Hunka as a "war hero" who fought for the First Ukrainian Division; Hunka was applauded by members of all parties."
Anglo-Zionists in Canada are chimping out. Anglo-nationalists in the UK are chimping out. Jews are chimping out.
Ukraine and Germany are fighting for their existence from Anglo-Zionism. Wars waged by Anglo-Zionists. And again, the Anglos and Jews make themselves "the victims".
When you realize that the Ukrainians that fought against the Soviets under German command were the good guys and Nazis and the Nazis were the good guys. Jews minds are blown. Anglo-Zionists minds are blown. Finland was also fighting against the Soviets and was helped by Nazi Germany for several years and the Finns were the good guys on the Axis side. Again Anglo-zionists cannot handle this. Chabad russia cannot handle this. When you realize the Allies were butchers and murderers and killers, then you realize the Germans were the good guys for both WWI and WWII. And that the Anglo-Zionists staged both wars to keep down Germany. Therefore Nazi soldiers are innocent. Ukrainian may say he was not a Nazi, though this is splitting hairs. He was on the side of the Nazis fighting for Germany and that was the good side of WWII, same as Ukraine is the good side in this Chabad Russia war on Ukraine.
25th September 2023, 01:43 PM
The mi6 Anglo-Zionist conservative party of Canada blames the Prime Minister.
Those on the Soviet side, the Moscow side, the Putin side... you are opposed to the Ukrainian SS Nazi side and you are on the same side as the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Ukrainians want to glorify their past - anti-Russian hatred in WWII. Putin wants to jail those that glorify the Axis in WWII and rejects Nuremberg.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that makes it a crime to justify or deny Nazi war crimes.
The law also punishes those who knowingly disseminate "false information about the Soviet activities" during World War II.
So congratulations to Muscovites on being on the Jew side, greet your buddies in the Chabad that run Russia with Chabad Putin.
Renegade Tribune saw this war as a Jew war on the Ukrainian people in the first days of the war.
Chabad wins with Putin.
As tanks roll in, airstrikes destroy their targets, and innocent Ukrainians die, most “nationalists” in the West are cheering on Russia. They argue that NATO/ OTAN is corrupt and Ukraine is controlled by a jew, so obviously Russia is in the right to carve up as much of Ukraine as they see fit in their imperial ambitions. They always seem to ignore the fact that Russia is controlled by Chabad Lubavitch, “Holocaust” denial is illegal there and the Red Army is hailed as heroic for stopping the persecution of jews, and anyone Putin doesn’t like is labeled “Nazis”, with the most recent example being the Ukrainians who don’t want to be invaded.
28th September 2023, 04:59 PM
Less than 25% of Ukrainian heavy arms equipment is donated.
That is an old statistic. Recent donations from mainly Europe have brought it above 25%.
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