View Full Version : Do unto Jews as Jews do unto you

24th September 2023, 04:40 PM
Jews that invent fake goyim organizations for manipulation, money and influence, are suddenly offended when the goyim do this to the Jews

German media report on fake Jewish organizations
William Noah Glucroft
09/23/2023September 23, 2023

According to a public media report, people connected to the extremist "Reichsbürger" movement have founded fake Jewish nonprofits in Germany. Their intentions remain unclear, yet their efforts may not have been illegal.


26th September 2023, 05:09 AM
Most likely just a Jewish projection on us.

26th September 2023, 02:32 PM
True. I would not doubt that.

Here is one of the culprits, Iwan Götz, a goy impersonating a Jew. The dude is hilarious. Not sure if a shill for the usual suspects. Could easily be a Russian asset trying to take down the EU with links with the Chabad and thus an agent. Still I hope this is normalized.

Götz claims to be the son of a Russian KGB general. He also claims he used to be an active agent of the former KGB under the code name of Grigori, and that he smuggled children from GDR children's homes to pedophile high ranking Western officials and politicians (a conspiracy theory popular in the German extremist right scene). According to his allegations, he even had connections to Belgian pedophile murderer Marc Dutroux.[1] Götz accused numerous high-ranking German politicians as pedophiles. Among them, according to Götz, were former state presidents Richard von Weizsäcker and Johannes Rau, but also politicians like Jörg Schönbohm, Ole von Beust[2], Kuno Böse, Rainer Eppelmann and so on. The German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost published several articles about his fabricated stories. Götz wondered, however, why German authorities never charged the accused politicians and suspected a nation-wide conspiracy against him in this case. Similar denunciations were voiced by one Janett Seemann (also belonging to the German extremist right scene) whom Götz declared a fellow combatant.

The definite antisemite Iwan Götz considers himself a Jew and superior rabbi, but on the other hand denied this on several other occasions in internet pamphlets written by him[3], hosted on the websites of a member of the extremist right party NPD in Mittweida (Saxony). In order to increase his credibility, he presented a forged membership card of a Jewish organization from the town of Halle. It is obvious that this card shows no registration or serial number. According to information given by the Synagogengemeinde Halle, Götz never was and also presently is not a member of that organization[4] who announced to sue Götz. Furthermore, the Union Progressiver Juden in Deutschland e.V., in a public statement made January 19, 2009, declared[5][6] Götz has never been a member of the Synagogengemeinde Halle and nor a member of UPJD or WUPJ. WUPJ and the Union Progressiver Juden know of no Jewish institution or authority which bestowed the titles rabbi, rebbe or superior rabbi to Götz. Furthermore, the title Rabbi is not protected by German law.

The German ultra-conservative sedisvacantist Rolf Hermann Lingen is one of Iwan Götz' supporters.[7] Pamphlets by Götz can be found at the publishing company Franken Bücher (now Andromeda Buchversand).


Brother Nathaniel is a fake brother. And is there to get you to accept Chabad Russia.