View Full Version : Far right Russian kidnapped by Chabad Cheka

10th October 2023, 06:18 PM
A resident of Khakassia received a year in a colony-settlement for the rehabilitation of Nazism
The man was also found guilty of illegal possession of ammunition.

TASS, September 28. The court sentenced a 49-year-old resident of Khakassia to a year in a penal colony for rehabilitating Nazism and illegal possession of ammunition. This was reported by the department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia.

“By the court’s verdict, the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of one year, to be served in a penal colony, with deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to the placement of materials on public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, for a period of four years.” , - the message says.

A resident of Abakan was found guilty under Part 1 of Art. 222 (illegal possession of ammunition for firearms), paragraph “c”, part 2 of Art. 354.1, part 4 art. 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (rehabilitation of Nazism). According to investigators, in 2021-2022, the man on his social media page denied the facts established by the Nuremberg Tribunal and approved of the crimes of the Nazis, spread false information about the actions of the USSR during the Second World War, and insulted veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Also, 16 illegally stored firearms cartridges and Nazi symbols were confiscated from him.


10th October 2023, 06:22 PM
The goy was probably posting pro-German and anti-Soviet posts online, then when kidnapped by the Chabad cheka, was found in possession of Nazi war artifacts and unproperly stored old (maybe WWII) ammo.

This is Trump and Putin "Populism"... which is Jewish Zionism. Which is hatred of German nationalism, hatred of those that fought for the Germans in WWII.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of Russian ACTUAL Patriots, far right nationalists that were kidnapped and some tortured by the Russian Chabad Cheka.

Today, most of the leaders of the (Russian) ultranationalist groups that used to organise (the far right nationalist) march are either in jail or in self-imposed exile. Their supporters consider them to be politically persecuted and complain about increasing state repression.

10th October 2023, 06:23 PM
Expect the same to be promoted in the US by the fake populists deepstater MAGA/Cheka Republicans.

Yes, here is one:

Anti-Semite from Florida will go to trial


Florida police have arrested a neo-Nazi who recently staged an anti-Semitic demonstration at the entrance to Disneyland in Orlando. The detainee, 48-year-old Jason Brown, is a member of the local neo-Nazi group Order of the Black Sun. Three more participants in the fascist action are wanted, reports Independent.

The neo-Nazis themselves actually collected the evidence base for law enforcement officers by posting a video online called “Disney - Shock and Awe,” in which they shouted anti-Semitic slogans and showed anti-Semitic banners and banners in front of the largest entertainment center in the world. In a release announcing the arrest, the Florida Department of Investigation thanked Gov. Ron DeSantis for passing the law, “giving law enforcement the tools to arrest this hateful radical.”

The law, which would make not only harassment but also any humiliation of someone because of their religion or nationality a hate crime, was signed into law by DeSantis in April. You can now be sent to prison for five years even for leaflets or graffiti with signs of ethnic intolerance. The law is intended to protect representatives of all religions and nationalities, but the authors acknowledged that the impetus for the creation of the law was precisely the increasing incidence of anti-Semitism in the state.

An Anti-Defamation League report last year noted that anti-Semitism in Florida, home to the third-largest Jewish community in the United States, had reached alarming levels. Over the past 10 years, the number of anti-Semitic incidents has increased by 300%, and since 2020, 80% of all hate crimes have been directed against Jews. In approving the law, DeSantis noted that in the United States there is freedom of speech, but there is no freedom to intimidate people, especially based on their religious affiliation. “Nazis are not welcome in Florida,” the governor, who is running for the presidency of the United States, emphasized at the time.


10th October 2023, 06:26 PM
MAGA gives you a wall, an anti-vax warning system, disinfo shills that keep you on the Republican Likud cia reservation.

It also gives you 1984.