View Full Version : Poll: Twenty Percent of College-Aged Americans Say the Holocaust is a Myth

14th December 2023, 02:25 PM
If you are wonder about one of the many reasons Republican deepstate fake populists are turning soft antisemitism... because since GIM1, antisemitism has exploded in numbers. And since the Netanyahu false flag event (https://apnews.com/article/new-york-times-hamas-attack-israel-gaza-6088cad78f5e4153d671fe9b5b819308), it has gotten worse.


With widespread antisemitism, fake populist cia Republicans want to blame the Jewish problem on leftist agenda. Saying there are "good" conservative Jews that support Ultra Orthodox Jews, mossad and Netanyahu. Then there are "bad Jews" that throw homo stuff in your face. The "bad Jews" are so blatantly obvious in their Jewish perversion agenda that you know they are trying to get those antisemites to say "conservative Jews" are "good" and liberal caring LGBTQ Jews are "bad".

Alex Jones has turned soft antisemitism. Elmo has turned soft antisemitism. The cia shills in the alt media have turned soft antisemitism. Trump and the cia MAGA movement have turn soft antisemitism. The reason for this is to say if the Jews support the Tories and Republicans they are "good Jews", if they support Biden and Trudeau they are "bad Jews". It is the old Jewish trick of blame the sins of world Jewry on a scapegoat, then receive "salvation" and conservative mossad is "saved and holy". Jews are notorious for this. Those that go along with this "cleansing of the Jews" are with Kissinger and the conservative Ultra Orthodox Chabad that run New York and Russia. You are with the conservative Jewish mobsters that did not promote LGBTQ, "only promoted" typical Jewish organized crime killings.

If conservatives and liberals reject this fake "salvation of the Jews", the deepstate would have to reject more and more of Jewry to survive. Antisemitism would spread the moreso. So selling yourself cheap for votes to defeat "globohomo Jews" to vote for cia fake populists, Chabad Jews are "saved" to you and your fellow Republican voters. It is the LGBTQ Jews that are the scapegoat for the sins of Jewry, and the Trump Jews and Russian Jews are the Jewish "saved". This is the belief system of the cia shill fake populists. No rejection of wall street Jews, no rejection of secret handshake Jews, no rejection of organized criminal Jews, no rejection of Chabad Orthodox Jews, no rejection of gangstaker Jews, no rejection of Jews that are part of the real deepstate of conservatives and tories. Only a rejection of Lesbians Jews that like immigrants. It is the reshaping of the problem of Jews for an easily solvable solution for Jews to simply reject Liberalism and thus "Jews are saved" and can continue running hollywood, the media, owning much of wall street and so on. "Jews are saved" and antisemitism disappears.

If you hold out and the public holds out and keeps on being antisemitic, then the deepstate would have to say the holocaust is a myth, Jews are criminals and so on. Jews would be more than "happy" to stop supporting gays and migrants to keep in the deepstate unattacked.

The deepstate does not want you spreading GIM1 ideas. The deepstate wants you to believe the alt media populists (Alex Jones, zerohedge ...) are fighting against deepstate and thus you don't need to educate others on GIM1 values. Gim2 "values" of Trump, MAGA and bitcoin (that is going to 100 million per bitcoin and beyond that) are the anti-GIM1 values. If you stick with tradition, traditional money of gold and silver, you are not going to be rich on earth, you are going to be spreading the defeat of Washington criminals. The same Washington criminals you "save" in promoting the "scapegoating" of lesbian Jews with the sins of World Jewry.

Nowhere on GIM1 did we believe nativism was the solution and lesbians were the problem with Washington. That is the "shield" of the deepstate to keep you focused on the leftist shield, and not take down the criminals in Washington, London and Hell Aviv. To fight a warrior with a sword and shield, focusing on hitting the shield, you will never win. Focus on hitting the actual cia Republican deepstate and you have defeated the warrior. GIM1 defeated the warrior so the fbi took it down. GIM2 was focused on not only solely attacking the shield, GIM2 promote more and more cia deepstate warriors to have to fight to defeat the deepstate. GIM2 joined the cult movement of Trump to where those that are supposed to fight the deepstate joined the new PNAC movement of MAGA. It turns out the caring leftist Bernie Bros are more a danger to the deepstate with cia Chabad Trump and cia pals wanting a one party state of only MAGA Republicans because the "traditionalists" are no traditionalists, they are the avant garde of the MAGA cult Trump movement. Moderates and leftists are the new knights to defeat the warriors of the deepstate. The moderates and leftists do not focus on the Soros shield of lesbians that like immigrants, moderates and leftists are trying to take down the cia fake populist Chabad Trump and the alt media shills such as "victim" Alex Jones.

The libertarian movement turned into a traitor movement with Trump and bitcoin. Seeking worldly riches and a fake populist cult leader, America is much further on the path of 1984 than ever before. Trump and bitcoin are easy movements because both are backed by millions of deepstate criminals. They are not the hard road, they are the easy road for the deepstate to have Anglo-American zionist exceptionalism, merchantilism to benefit only the crooks replace the globalist agenda of Kissinger to destroy German industry by sending the jobs to China.

14th December 2023, 03:34 PM
Hutchins v Maxicenters, 1989

The essential issue is whether the 1954 merger of law procedure and equity procedure has resulted in an amalgamation of the theory and substance of those two bodies of law to the extent that a strictly law remedy, such as replevin, can now be used to directly enforce a strictly equitable cause of action, such as an action to establish a constructive trust.


So contemplate a bit. Law is masculine. Equity is feminine. They merged the two in 1954 into a law form I call Hermaphrodite. Both male and female law in a one stop shop for justice.

Equity is huge on trusts. Law is big on contracts. If you have no contract (as happened in this case) the judge (let's call him Weasel) will navigate a mental landmine field until he can come up with a trust.

Law becomes inferior with no contract. And by its own rules substance is one element of a contract. Slaves don't own anything capable of forming a contract. They don't even own themselves. Dimensia Joe owns them so Weasel will look at the Defendant and choose his female parts to decide the case.

And you wonder why you don't fit?