View Full Version : Q/Trust the plan crowd still around????

21st December 2023, 03:33 PM
Looks like there are people who are still following Q or some kind of trust the plan info (not me ever).

Not sure where this info is coming from (Dave @x22 report??), but I thought people would have woken up to this by now.

But I just got this email below--it seems like someone out there is telling Trump supporters that there is a plan, that he ended the 1871 corporation, that all is well and the City of London banking cartel is on its way out. So no need to fear digital ID, CBDCs, because the Republic has apparently been restored. Anyone know where this info is coming from?? Any thoughts on this??

Here's the email message:

As for Israel and a cyberattack. If you truly believe that the Act of
1871 was nullified in 2018ish, and if you believe that the Executive
Orders signed pre/post the 2020 election triggered Continuity,
Devolution and WAR powers, and if you understand the breadth of the
Clinton machines "honey pot/blackmail operation" aligning with Mossad
and MI6 using Epstein/Maxwell as their front, and if you understand why
Trump started the US Space Force post the nullification of the Act of
1871 and its import of which only yesterday the Commander announced the
agency is fully operational then yeah, for sure, the false flag Whitney
is writing about and movie the Obama's produced for their predictive
programming crap can be seen as a definite chess move daring the US
Space Command.

They will lose. Period.

One either knows what is happening and the big moves always being made
or they don't. I am a student of as much as I can be, and I
unequivocally without a scintilla of hesitation place my trust in Trump
and his teams PLAN. He's told the world since 2020 he is a war time
President. Because he is. He's been introduced publicly as the 46th
President of the United States numerous times - publicly. Because he is.
He's told us he caught them all - the swamp aka the infiltrators.
Because he has.

The entire Israel/Hamas tragedy is a last gasp by the bankers in London.
You see State and CIA and even Austin, but do you see any US military
doing anything over there? How about Ukraine? Sure we've sent military
advisors over but no troops/mechanics/etc. Why? Ask yourself that.
Wouldn't we normally militarily engage, b/c you know, we need to feed
the monstrosity known as the MIC? We have a bunch of ships sitting in
the Red Sea being fired at by Houthis. What exactly are we doing about
that? Little to nothing. You know why? Because October 7 was a false
flag perpetrated by Netanyahu, the bankers and the commies who
infiltrated the corporation.

An election occurred on 11/3/2020. In the dead of night 7 states
shutdown their count, shuddered the doors, kicked out all witnesses and
proceeded to adjudicate one ballot over and over and over again in
voting machines tabulator for Biden. Mail-in ballots were perfect as in
no creases w/the ovals perfectly filled in. Those 7 states coupled with
Cuba, Iran, China and ??? disenfranchised all Americans votes. That is
an ACT of WAR, Sandra. It would be the very height of treason,
recklessness, insanity to turn the country over to a commie cabal after
they stole the election, dontcha think? Does Trump strike you as a guy
that would just walk away and go golfing for the next four years?

Foreign entities hacked into America's election infrastructure, changed
votes, donated funds to the infiltrators on the ground, padded the
numbers w/fake ballots to show Biden won by more than Obama did in '08
and '12? Then the corporations useful idiots along with institutions
that were infiltrated closed every door imaginable to remedy. Trump had
no other choice but to file the EOs moving America and her assets under
the military. That's where we've been all this time while the
corporations infiltrators are kicking and screaming.

The only real thing that is truly happening is HunterGate and know the
impeachment inquiry is likely going to become a vehicle that will
ensnare the entirety of the grift and grifters...whew, that's when the
real kicking and screaming starts.

Why do you think DC is empty as in federal buildings? Why do you think
Biden's swearing in was so bizarre or the national guard remaining in
place at the Capitol long after J6? Why do you think the commies staged,
infiltrated and created the riots on J6?

Trump has done more than earn my trust. He's made me a believer. I stand
firmly behind him.

Trust, Sandra, things are only going to appear worse and worse in the
coming months. Seriously. Do you understand why? Devolving a corporation
that has been pretending to be a government for 150-years tends to stir
up a lot of kicking and screaming; especially by those who've benefited
from and infiltrated said system, have been caught and the spotlight is
slowly swinging around to be steadied on them...all of them - foreign
and stateside. Don't forget what Jan Halper-Hayes said in her GBN
interview - Biden is the prez of a bankrupt corporation. Because he is
and that's all he is. Why do you think the Dems aren't running anybody
else...yet? Think of Biden as a duck blind...it's the commie idiots
behind him that are kicking and screaming b/c they've been caught and
they are trying like hell to fight back.

Their grift is up. It's this simple, honestly - Trump ended the
corporation 2018ish. He then established under the Republic, which he
returned the US to, the US Space Command. The election was stolen by
foreign and domestic enemies which is an act of war. Trump nor any
individual in his shoes could/would/should vacate. Not going to happen.

This Space Command is not part of the dying corporation but rather the
Republic. It goes fully operational during the very week a documentary
about a cyberattack is going to occur and destroy the country -
pppppffffffttttt, I say. If there was no Trump then believe you me, that
attack would absolutely, unequivocally happen. But there is a Trump and
he's a gazillion steps ahead of the stupid commies. The US Space Command
manages ALL infrastructure and will be the supra entity to fend off
cyberattacks and more by our enemies. Lahaina was a domestic test run by
our enemies. Think Chinese balloon. Fascinating the timing of the
documentary, the expose of CTIL and cyber and the Space Command
announcing they are fully operational. Check, check and CHECKMATE.

2024 is going to be one helluva year! I need to start writing b/c few
get the magnitude of the Act of 1871's nullification much less the 2020
election. It's massive and touches on every part of our lives and it's
yummy good. Trump keeps telling his voters all is going to be better
than ever before. Believe him. He's trustworthy.

And understand the infiltrators and their merry band of idiots will
continue to throw any and all obstructions in the way to stop him from
succeeding. And they will use their number one tool - FEAR.

Choices - trust or fear.

Everything I've written above can be and will be further substantiated.
This phase of the crazy all begins with the 2020 steal, and whether one
believes a man who gave up everything to end the commies grift and new
world order/great reset crap in 2016, would then just stroll away and go
golfing after the country was attacked by foreign and domestic enemies
on 11/3/2020. He wouldn't.

Truthfully and trustfully yours,

21st December 2023, 04:37 PM
I don’t bother to even read the drivel. Mike King is one of the worst. I have some of his books and once respected him but I can’t tell if these people are actually deeply placed shills that give Us a lot of truth but try to mind-fuck us and lead us astray when it really matters. I will add Alex Jones and Mike Adams to the list.

midnight rambler
21st December 2023, 04:47 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPQgfaB3S1c&pp=ygURYWxkbyBub3ZhIGZhbnRhc3k %3D

21st December 2023, 05:19 PM
I don’t bother to even read the drivel. Mike King is one of the worst. I have some of his books and once respected him but I can’t tell if these people are actually deeply placed shills that give Us a lot of truth but try to mind-fuck us and lead us astray when it really matters. I will add Alex Jones and Mike Adams to the list.

Yes, I was actually shocked that Mike King got hooked into that Q/Trust The Plan BS. I used to subscribe to him and even thought about getting one of his books.

I'm just shocked that this BS is still going on. I honestly don't know where it's coming from, but I think it might be Dave x22.

After hearing 4 years of "nothing can stop what's coming," when all we got was 2 bogus impeachments, a stolen election and a global pandemic hoax, I thought for sure people would wake up to the BS and realize they were played but apparently not.


And I got that message after sending out links on Whitney Webb's warning about the coming cyber attack and plans to implement digital ID and end online privacy. I'm assuming that this Q/Trust the plan crap just appeals to those who cannot face reality.

21st December 2023, 07:14 PM
Yes, I was actually shocked that Mike King got hooked into that Q/Trust The Plan BS. I used to subscribe to him and even thought about getting one of his books.

I'm just shocked that this BS is still going on. I honestly don't know where it's coming from, but I think it might be Dave x22.

After hearing 4 years of "nothing can stop what's coming," when all we got was 2 bogus impeachments, a stolen election and a global pandemic hoax, I thought for sure people would wake up to the BS and realize they were played but apparently not.


And I got that message after sending out links on Whitney Webb's warning about the coming cyber attack and plans to implement digital ID and end online privacy. I'm assuming that this Q/Trust the plan crap just appeals to those who cannot face reality.
I truly believe that most people are simply driving through life on autopilot. Even those that are very intelligent are not using their innate ability to see the path in front of them. I think a number of things have programmed them in this regard; public school, media and entertainment, chemicals and foods to just name some.

22nd December 2023, 04:59 AM
If you don't use your given 5 senses your reality won't be the same as those who do.

Illusions have one thing in common: someone who tells you they are real.

Take this recent invasion by prospective immigrants. If you really were interested you would ask each one by what process they emigrated (everyone knows you cannot immigrate if you first did not emigrate). And you would discover none of them actually emigrated. That simply means their status is insolvent tourists.