View Full Version : Satan's Chosen Psychopathic Demons

9th January 2024, 10:00 PM
These people are even more psychopathic and PURE EVIL than I ever realized. I cannot believe the horrors the Palestinians have endured for 75 years living next to these psychopathic demons from the pits of hell.

"Killing Children Brings Israelis Together"
"There’s nothing like killing children for bringing together hearts and minds. For the past 18 weeks, Israelis have been fighting each other, unable to find anything to bring us closer together. Then came the killing of the children in the Gaza Strip and proved that we’re brothers, after all.

Israeli says to American stopped by Israeli police: “The Godly thing to do is to kill you (and yet those Christian Zionist Dumb F*cks worship Israhell)

These demons burned an 18-month-old baby and his parents to death. Every year on the anniversary they have a party celebrating the death of the child. They hold pictures of the dead baby as they dance with joy. These terrorists are funded by Jared Kushner

Israel brutalized 13-yo Autistic, broken skull, innocent, psychological and physical torture.

Stew Peters@realstewpeters
Hamas did NOT bake a Jewish baby in an oven.
However, the Israelis did bake a Palestinian child in an oven and made the child’s father watch.

https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-stealing-organs-dead-bodies-gaza-officials its been going on for decades http://www.whale.to/c/organ_harvesting.html

Hussein Masalmeh, 39, had 19 years stolen by Israel. he was freed in critical condition and died shortly after. This is deliberate and this is the the fate of hundreds of former captives. What kind of society does that?

Israel brutalized 13-yo Autistic, broken skull, innocent, psychological and physical torture.

Tortured him. Made him drink gasoline. Then lit him on fire… from the inside…Police then harassed his family beating and arresting his cousins. What kind society is this?

torturing Palestinian captives, stripped, beating them, tied up, blind-folded

These are ‘Israelis’What are they doing? Dancing and celebrating the burning to death of a baby. They burned the baby alive. Now they are stabbing a picture of the babies face. This is Zionism.
the baby who was burned alive is now part of depraved Israeli marriage rituals, where they take photos of him and stab it as a symbol for all Palestinian babies they want to burn and kill. Ben Gvir, now a top member of Netanyahu's government, has joined in this genocidal ritual:

Israeli Facebook post: "We need to arrange a Holocaust for Arabs. Exterminate them. Murder their children who will grow up to become terrorists, neuter their women, sterilize their men" This is the genocidal ideology pulsing through the veins of Israeli society. This is Zionism.

A couple of weeks ago in Gaza, my second cousin and his wife carried white flags as they walked out of their house, but were killed by the IOF in front of their children. One son was shot in the eye (the doctor removed it w/ no anesthesia), and one was kidnapped. 1/6

Utter depravity of IOF- shot a man in front of his 7 children as they were hiking to safety. Utter brutality, war crime.

"Absolutely Unimaginable": Children in Gaza Face Amputations Without Anesthesia, Death & Disease
(9,000 children have had amputated limbs, 1,000 children amputated limbs with NO ANESTHESIA because the Zionist psychopathic demons from the pits of hell will not allow it into Gaza,

And we always knew they were behind this:
Confession of Mossad agent Elizabeth Tsurkov. She worked to fuel hate between Shia and Sunnis including backing Syrian rebels. Later she was caught in Iraq doing the same thing. This is Israel’s job. They want terrorism. They create it.

10th January 2024, 04:45 PM
On twitter, where I've been reading, people do seem to be waking up to these Jewish/Israeli psychopaths--new people who never knew about all that we know, learning that they did 9/11, about the talmud, and hating Christians, seeing them come out of the tunnels was great timing--got people talking about Jews & ritual sacrifice and noticing lots of "conservative" influencers who were silent when the Jews came out of the tunnels---as in, if NYC found tunnels under a Mosque or a Catholic church, we never would have heard the end of it.

People waking up to how much US tax $$$$ going to Israel for them to get everything for free, while the US goes to hell

Just learned about this:

Did you know Israelis can fly to the US and receive medical procedures for free including American organ donations meanwhile Americans have to pay for those same procedures and don't have free healthcare? Apparently, Israelis get fast tracked in getting organs (probably Jews too)

Also, on RFK Jr--

apparently one of his donors is Bill Ackerman (big money Jew behind getting the black lady at Harvard axed for not going along with censoring people calling out Israhell), so that's why RFK Jr was out there tweeting at Ackerman about how he'll get rid of free speech on campuses (he's really turned into an EPIC ZIO WHORE---his handler appears to be sleazy Rabbi Shmuley, who sells sex toys w/his daughter...did you know another Rabbi runs PornHub---people are noticing, again, new people/normies)

Max Blumenthal: "I’ve been saying that RFK Jr’s fanatical Likudnik politics are at least partly transactional, and not rooted in principle Now one of his major donors, ultra-Zionist vulture capitalist Bill Ackman, appears to have influenced him to abandon his stated commitment to free speech" "The backsliding, refusal to debate or even engage, the drift into neocon hysteria - it’s all becoming clear"

Max Blumenthal to Bill Ackerman: "Besides donating to RFK, who endorsed your anti-free speech crusade, I'd describe you as a thin-skinned, censorious, hypocritical Scrooge McDuck-turned-Stern Gang genocide goon who produces nothing of value and weaponizes your fortune to crush constitutionally protected dissent. Take your Epstein-sponsored plagiarist wife's orbs and shove it.

Also, Ackerman was apparently behind the scenes one of the people pushing for a HARD LOCKDOWN--and this is who RFK is whoring for. (He sold out faster than most!!)

And RFK Jr is going to be speaking at an event w/Rabbi Shmuley & Sheldon Adelson's widow (apparently Sheldon Adelson was one behind the scenes involved in going against Assange--probably why Trumpstein did not pardon him).

The only ones NOT WHORING for Zios are Dr Shiva and Dr. Michael Recentwald

11th January 2024, 11:54 AM
South Africa's case against Israhell in the International Court of Justice.


The case has been presented to the court. What I saw watching this is pretty accurate per what I have seen following this genocide on Telegram since October 7. I can notsee how the concensus of the judges can be anything other than Israel is indeed guilty of genocide.

However I doubt that Israhell will honor or abide by any rulings that may come out of this toothless court.

11th January 2024, 03:03 PM
South Africa's case against Israhell in the International Court of Justice.


The case has been presented to the court. What I saw watching this is pretty accurate per what I have seen following this genocide on Telegram since October 7. I can notsee how the concensus of the judges can be anything other than Israel is indeed guilty of genocide.

However I doubt that Israhell will honor or abide by any rulings that may come out of this toothless court.

Yes, I think a toothless court. I listened to Judge Napolitano today (either w/Jeffrey Sachs or Mersheimer), it was said that all they can do is issue a cease and desist to Israhell, but no way to enforce it.

I don't think these psychopaths are going to stop. Satanic Jew central banking cabal wants ww3.

After all I've seen, I have NO doubts these psychopathic demons did everything they are accused of during the Bolshevik revolution---they honestly don't seem human. There was even a video with an IDF, smiling as he talked about killing a 12 year old girl, and saying that he was looking for babies (to kill).....OMG I've never seen/heard of such EVIL before in my life. They don't even seem human (fwiw- years ago, on Michael Collins Piper's radio show, there was a guest who said that Jews have Neanderthal in them)

15th January 2024, 05:46 PM
Well since it looks like these psychopathic demons are going to start WW3, this seems to fit:

''The Jews are born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race." Voltaire

20th January 2024, 08:03 AM
Two million is a thing with them as well?

evidenceunseen.com: (Ex. 12:37) Were there really two million Jews in the Exodus? (https://www.evidenceunseen.com/bible-difficulties-2/ot-difficulties/genesis-deuteronomy/ex-1237-were-there-really-two-million-jews-in-the-exodus/)

CLAIM: The Bible states that there were roughly 600,000 men in Israel’s assembly (Ex. 12:37; Num. 1:45-46; 11:21; 26:51). If this number only included the men, then it would place the entire assembly of Israel (men, women, and children) at around two million people.

RESPONSE: There are multiple views regarding the large numbers of Israel

Reuters: Israeli Minister Repeats Call for Palestinians to Leave Gaza (https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-minister-repeats-call-palestinians-leave-gaza-2023-12-31/)

Dec. 31, 2023
What needs to be done in the Gaza Strip is to encourage emigration," [Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel] Smotrich told Army Radio. "If there are 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs in Gaza and not 2 million Arabs, the entire discussion on the day after will be totally different."

He said if the 2.3 million population were no longer there "growing up on the aspiration to destroy the state of Israel", Gaza would be seen differently in Israel.

"Most of Israeli society will say 'why not, it's a nice place, let's make the desert bloom, it doesn't come at anyone's expense'."...

Palestinians and leaders of Arab countries have accused Israel of seeking a new "Nakba" (catastrophe)
huffpost.com: House Democrats Ask Biden Admin To Clarify That Palestinians Can’t Be Pushed Out Of Gaza (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/congress-palestine-displacement-biden-gaza_n_65aaa086e4b076abd7ab6bba)

Jan 19, 2024
A group of 60 House Democrats is urging the Biden administration to emphasize the U.S. does not support forcing Palestinians out of Gaza and to firmly resist any Israeli plans that would include expulsion as a resolution to the Israel-Hamas war.

In a letter sent to Secretary of State Tony Blinken on Thursday...
cnn.com: Blinken reiterates US support as Israeli defense minister warns of "a long war" (https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-news-hamas-war-10-16-23/h_4f8a5e2000f10836f15ff232be74b618)

October 16, 2023
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated Israel will “always have the support of the United States," while speaking alongside Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in Tel Aviv on Monday.

Blinken said the US had a "deep commitment to Israel's right, indeed, its obligation to defend itself and to defend its people."

Gallant, in turn, warned, "This will be a long war."

“The price will be high, but we are going to win for Israel and the Jewish people and for the values that both countries believe in,” Gallant said.
snopes.com: Did Netanyahu Say Israel Has to Control Palestine 'From the River to the Sea'? (https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/01/19/netanyahu-river-to-the-sea/#:~:text=Alleged%20remarks%20by%20Israeli%20Prime% 20Minister%20Benjamin%20Netanyahu,to%20the%20sea%2 C%E2%80%9D%20in%20reference%20to%20Palestinian%20t erritories.)
Among pro-Palestinian activists, “from the river to the sea” is a pro-freedom chant. Others view the slogan as antisemitic. (https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/01/19/netanyahu-river-to-the-sea/#:~:text=Alleged%20remarks%20by%20Israeli%20Prime% 20Minister%20Benjamin%20Netanyahu,to%20the%20sea%2 C%E2%80%9D%20in%20reference%20to%20Palestinian%20t erritories.)

Jan 19, 2024
"Therefore, I clarify that in any other arrangement, in the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea."

21st January 2024, 04:51 PM
The proof that this is primarily a spiritual war is imo- the INCREDIBLE willing blindness of so called christians to believe the obvious. Read the book of acts and count the satanic conspiracies!