View Full Version : It's worse in the Bahamas

30th January 2024, 03:15 PM
"Oooo La, La, La, Oooo La, La. It's worse in the Bahamas."

Bahamas travel warning updated amid violent crime wave

The US State Department on Friday posted a travel advisory update urging Americans to “exercise increased caution” in the Bahamas, citing crime.

“Gang-on-gang violence has resulted in a high homicide rate primarily affecting the local population,” the advisory reads, calling out the most-affected islands of New Providence, where Nassau is located, and Grand Bahama, where Freeport is located.

“Violent crime, such as burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assaults, occur in both tourist and non-tourist areas. Be vigilant when staying at short-term vacation rental properties where private security companies do not have a presence.”

The Bahamas is listed at Level 2, Exercise Increased Caution, out of 4 advisory levels.


90% of the population of the Bahamas is nig nog.

The problem is not Native Americans in the Americas nor Spanish Europeans. The problems are Nig nogs. Since Nig Nogs are among the ruling cia deepstate, you are never going to hear from Faux News about the severe infestation of niggers in America and elsewhere. You are going to be led to hate Hispanics (mainly descendants of Iberian Celts and Native Americans) because Hispanics are hated by the deepstate and only used for cheap labor and scare tactics to get out the vote by cia Republicans. The cia, in part controlled by niggers, would never point the hate that cia Faux News points at Hispanics at niggers instead.

Faux News would never say niggers are evil for being niggers. Faux News says "blacks are bad when blacks are Leftists". While Native Americans and Iberian Celts are evil for being Native Americans and Iberian Celts. Racial hatred is promoted against Hispanics, while niggers are said to be acceptable if niggers vote conservative. Because the nigger cia agents online are not leftists, these are suit wearing niggers that vote Republican because these niggers help run the cia in Washington and reject the Leftism of the majority of niggers.