View Full Version : James Kanter, neolib agent of the British Crown to weaken the EU

7th April 2024, 01:22 PM

James Kanter is the British globalist influencer of the EU to promote leftist destructive evils on the EU to make it weak so it can never rival the Anglos and dominate the globe peacefully.

James Kanter serves the British, so that British succeed in the European Union and are successful.

James Kanter blames Europe for Palestine, promotes cia fake stories about fearmongering over arms sales, has the job to promote the British led agenda in Europe to destroy the EU from within with net zero carbon and mass immigration. While Brits reject destroying their economy and society, James Kanter makes sure the Europeans do destroy Germany and Europe, while James Kanter promotes the dominance of Brits in the EU to be a phony pro-EU faction that is working for the radicalization of Europe to pro-Russian factions serving the cia agenda of a weak and foreign owned Europe.

Here is the website of James Kanter: https://euobserver.com


Ways the Jews and Anglo-Zionists weaken Europe:
blame whitey for ZOG conflicts https://euobserver.com/world/157686
net zero carbon https://euobserver.com/green-economy/157999
mass immigration https://euobserver.com/opinion/158068
keeping Europe and Germany "junior partner" of US and UK

Similar nonsense is preached to Democrats in America.

The neo-populists and neo-nativists are threatening Europe says James Kanter, yet the evil policies of Kanter are causing the rise of the ID political parties. And Kanter knows this. The ZOG has their agents preach the very destruction of the EU with mass immigration and net zero carbon, then these same warn of the reaction to these destructive policies telling Europeans they only have two solutions: ZOG phony populism led by Netanyahu, Trump and Putin or millions of Africans in the EU as mass immigration. Chose your Jewish poison pill. Servitude to the Chabad Putinism or Rothschild neo-liberalism with millions of Africans more in Europe.

So the solution is to expose both sides. The chaos promoters on both sides of the Jewish Hegelian Dialect. Covert warfare of the Anglo cia and mi6 using Jewish invented problems to destroy rivals of the Anglo-Zionists.

Remember the old days of Jewish pirates of the Caribbean seeking to stop Catholic Spanish Imperial success for the English defeating the Spanish. That tag teaming never stopped. British and Jews have been working together to stop German success, French success, Spanish success, Italian success, Greek success... So that none can rival the British.

The whole plot is described here:


Jews working for the British and Anglo-Americans. That is the deepest of the deepstate.

8th April 2024, 05:59 AM
Another article from Kanters EU Observer to get the Europeans to accept the economic crippling Green New Deal.

EU fiscal rules will leave multi-billion gap on green, social goals

"Planet over Profits" is pushed to Europe to accept net zero carbon and carbon capture.


Carbon capture would cost trillions of dollars. And European businesses are expected to foot most of the bill along with consumers destroying European competitiveness.

Anglo-Americans, Anglo-Zionists and Jews are pushing evil agenda on Europe to harm Europe so it does not rival Anglos. Notice how Jews are not pledging to pay many trillions of dollars for carbon capture. The Jews expect Europe to pay while the Jews control the amount of CO2 in the air for climate modification. You heard of weather modifications since the cold war. Carbon capture is global climate modifications. To pick climate winners and losers, and the Anglos and Zionists expect Europe to pay:

Delaying carbon dioxide removal in the European Union puts climate targets at risk


The European Union will need 1.5 trillion euros ($1.6 trillion)per year of investments to meet its 2050 net zero emissions target, research backed by Green EU lawmakers said on Monday.


Voting for an ID political party in 2024 means you waste your vote on an irrelevant political party in 2024. If the ID voters voted for ECR parties, the crippling Green New Deal would be dead and so would the irregular migrant crisis. If the conservatives don't win enough seats, the socialists would be in government and migrant and Green new deal chaos would continue. The ID parties are the tool by the deepstate to make sure the Green New Deal continues and mass migration continues, as voting for the ID parties is a wasted vote as the ID parties are pro-Chabad and anti-Europe.

8th April 2024, 06:07 AM
The Jews and their Anglo partners want to make Europe a high cost place and low growth economy. To have stagflation. That is the Jewish and Anglo mission. Kanter is part of this. To send to Europe millions of migrants. To destroy white Europe.

And there is no news channels covering this. Faux News sells fake victimhood to cia Republicans. CNN sells fake victimhood to nig nogs. There are no news channels covering this. Because the cia would shut it down for exposing the cia plan to destroy a free Europe.

Europe is the target for secret handshake British Crown chaos, conflict, crisis and war. And the disinfo shills tell you the Chabad is the side for you to support.

9th April 2024, 06:21 AM
James Kanter is more influential to the EU than the EU Observer. Kanter counts among the most influential people in the Brussels bubble. The EU Observer has not changed their dripping with Rothschild agenda for the EU from Editor to Editor. In the EU Observer, you learn the agenda of Kanter, one of the most influential persons in the Brussels bubble.

I have been following EU Observer since Kanter joined in 2022, it has not changed in agenda.