View Full Version : Orban, completely clueless

10th April 2024, 07:49 AM
Orban was among the first alternative politicians. Orban has not figured out in 15+ years of politics, that Putin is a false flagging fake populist. Putin is a statist and enemy of Russian conservatives, nationalists and populists. Putin is on the criminals side, while fooling the Russians that Putin is for populism. This is a standard operating procedure for the deepstate, Le Pen and other Chabad Putinites use the same phony populism.

Putin is a false flagger for genocidal wars against Caucasians:


The Romanovs were notorious genociders and used by the Brits to stop rival Germany from surpassing the UK is greatness. Putin is the new Chabad version of the Romanovs.

This is common knowledge, even the globalists are not hiding the phonyness of Putin - Putin is a phony populist:


Putin is not only a phony populist, Putin is at war with rival populists and nationalists in Russia to have a total Chabad run Russian state:

The death of the Russian far right

How the Kremlin destroyed the far right in Russia, while backing it in the West.

Today, most of the leaders of the ultranationalist groups that used to organise the march are either in jail or in self-imposed exile. Their supporters consider them to be politically persecuted and complain about increasing state repression.


You have only one choice in Russia - Chabad Putin. Putin has turned Russia into a one party state. Friend of Bibi.


With the Chabad Jews running the economy of Russia:


If Orban ditches support of Chabad Russia, Orban could be useful. Since Orban is clueless and only used for cia covert warfare in being in Team Chabad - option 2, the media promoted rival of Washington, so the cia and Jews control both sides - Washington and Moscow, Orban is dangerously stupid.

Before Putin and Chabad Russia corrupted Orban, Orban was useful in fighting the globalists. When the globalists co-opted the movement with the Sarah Palin and Glen Beck neoconservative Tea Party aimed at not defeating the deepstate, aimed at defeat certain Democrat controlled opposition politicians, the populists turned more and more phony and irrelevant in actually defeating the cia, mi6, mossad and fsb deepstate.

Once the cia and cronies see a movement that threatens the deepstate, the cia attempt to take over that movement. And hence Bannon and Tucker:


And cia zionist Faux News. And the alt media shills promoting the idea that Democrats have been the deepstate and vote cia Republican.

10th April 2024, 07:51 AM
Thankfully a few can see through the lies of Putin, that it is in the cias interest that you believe the Putin side is the victimhood side, so you cheer for the new base of the deepstate - Putin and Trump:

Russian State Media Denounces Pro-Putin Westerners Trying to Frame Putin as a White Christian Savior

In 2018 RT (formerly Russia Today) ran an article that denounced Russia Insider for its 'anti-semitism' and made it clear that Russia does not endorse anything pro-White or anti-jew.
Kyle March 16, 2022 3 min read

In 2018 RT (formerly Russia Today) ran an article that denounced Russia Insider for its ‘anti-semitism’ and made it clear that Russia does not endorse anything pro-White or anti-jew.

From Anti-Semitic tirade on western pro-Kremlin site betrays ignorance of Russia:

As a result, we have a situation where a bunch of westerners are harming Russia by using the country’s name to promote an agenda which isn’t part of Russian discourse. And this is a phenomenon displayed in the behaviour of many zealots, who ‘support’ Russia as keyboard-warrior crusaders but don’t understand the place at all, in reality.

RT is right. Many of the idiots who shill for Putin endlessly on social media would be in for a rude awakening if they went to live in “Mother Russia”.

Instead, they are projecting their own issues with their homelands onto this country and its leaders. For instance, American and European far-rightists think that because Vladimir Putin has restored Russia as a strong and sovereign state, he’s somehow aligned with their beliefs. And is on some kind of mission from God to save ‘white’ Christianity.

I love how they put White in quotes and do not capitalize the word.

But, he’s not. Because Russia may well be the most ethnically and religiously diverse country in Europe. And Putin’s own cabinets have included a smorgasbord of Jews, Muslims and Buddhists in addition to the Christians and Agnostics who form the largest Russian ‘belief’ categories.

While these “rightists” hate Western mulitculturalism, they will make every excuse in the book for Putin’s embrace of multiculturalism, explaining how he needs to take such a stance because he rules over such a vast and diverse empire.

Sure, Putin has restored the prominence of the Orthodox faith and identifies as a believer himself. But that’s a cultural thing, rooted in hundreds of years of Russian history. And he’s not attempting to restore the official state religion of the Tsarist period. Nor has he publically considered banning abortion or outlawing homosexual relations, measures the church has frequently called for.

Whoa, you mean Putin has not kicked GloboHomo out of Russia? Why have these “rightists” misled me?

Instead, the Russian President has personally attended the opening of Russia’s largest mosque, in Moscow, and has been described in a Reuters article as “the closest thing Israel has ever had to a friend in Moscow.” While Russia’s chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, says “Putin is on our side.” He even told the Limmud FSU how “Putin was the first president to publicly speak out against anti-Semitism and did the most for the Jews. There is no institutional anti-Semitism in Russia. The attitude toward the Jews in Russia is excellent.”

The Putin shills do not want you to actually believe what Putin says, what his chief rabbi says, or what everyone else can see about him being in bed with jews. Instead they want you to believe some crazy conspiracy theory about Putin being “our guy”, and not actually in league with the jewish billionaires at his side.

Honestly I can’t believe I still have to explain to people that Putin is not our guy.


It is a standard ploy of cia disinfo shills to get you to attach your leaders with Chabad Putin and Chabad Trump, then the deepstate stage phony victimization of these Chabad cronies. You get outraged that Putin is a "victim", Trump is a "victim", Putinites are "victims". And you get drawn into supporting the cabal of the Chabad side, the Russia side. While nothing is ever done to actually stop Putin in the Russian mission to destroy European rivals of the Anglo-Americans and British Zionists, which Trump and MAGA are part of.

This is a longer than 100 year project to divide the globe between the Entente Team of UK, France, US and Russia and Jews.

11th April 2024, 09:12 AM
One of the partnerships that rule the globe

Changing of the Guards: British and French troops trade places to mark 120 years of Entente Cordiale

First signed 8 April 1904, the Entente Cordiale laid the foundations for a stronger Anglo-French relationship. British and French troops celebrated its anniversary by swapping places.

It was the beginning of a beautiful - if complicated - friendship.

120 years ago today, the United Kingdom and French Republic signed a series of agreements aimed at resolving conflicts between the two nations and strengthening their alliance in the face of an increasingly powerful German military.

It's become a pivotal moment in European history, not only redefining the relationship between two of the world's most powerful countries, but also key to shaping the continent's political landscape throughout the 20th century.

British and French troops paid tribute on the anniversary by taking part in their traditional Changing of the Guards ceremony - but swapping palaces.

Sixteen bearskin hat-wearing British soldiers from the No 7 Company Coldstream Guards joined thirty-two members of the Gendarmerie Garde Republicaine mount guard at the Elysee Palace in Paris.

They were visited by French President Emmanuel Macron and British ambassador to France, Menna Rawlings.

Meanwhile, 32 members of the Gendarmerie’s Garde Républicaine marched with 40 Guardsmen from the F Company Scots Guards at Buckingham Palace. On behalf of King Charles III, they were greeted by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh alongside the French Ambassador.

It was the first time a country from outside the Commonwealth has taken part in the Changing of the Guard ceremony in London.


This video explains why the UK sought to partner with France and later Russia:


To knock out, not a Jewish rival in Germany, Jews were very successful in Germany. The Jews wanted Germany strong to defeat the Tsar, as Benjamin Freedman said - the Jews wanted to see Germany lick/defeat the Tsar. It was the long policy of Britain to destroy European rivals and foes from the Spanish to Dutch to French to keeping down the Italians to destroying the German Empire. Jews were 100% partners in these British goals, since the wars against the Spanish. Though the goals were British. Jews got richer and stronger with each year. This is how the Jews took over much of the globe, with their British Crown secret handshake secret societies partners in the UK and America.

If you are British and don't support the defeat of the British monarchy and for wide European success throughout Europe, you are part of the deepstate.

Which is the purpose of Trump, MAGA and the phony populists. For a British-American success, to make not Europe great again, to make the US and UK great again, via staged cia and Jewish phony victimization to draw as much support. To have conflict, chaos, crisis and war waged on enemies of the UK and US. To have the Entente of UK, US, France and Russia be the last remaining along with the Jews.

As Cecil Rhodes mission was: "Ideal of Anglo-Saxon Greatness, a British American Federation and a secret society gradually absorbing the wealth of the globe to achieve the goal of UK and US dominance of the globe". That was the deepstate in 1900, and the Jews signed onto this mission because Jews would be full partners in dividing the globe among these criminals.
