View Full Version : Trump: Jewish people who vote for Biden 'should have their head examined'

11th April 2024, 08:19 AM
ZOG Trump: Jewish people who vote for Biden 'should have their head examined'

"Any Jewish person that votes for a Democrat or votes for Biden should have their head examined," Trump said.


The Jews literally run the Democratic Party with niggers. And Trump says Republicans are more ZOG than Democrats, which is correct.

11th April 2024, 08:22 AM
This is what happens when you leave your alt media disinfo shill echo chamber designed with scare tactics to keep you supporting ZOG Trump and cia MAGA.

You find news that exposes Republicans as "anti-deepstate" fraudsters and phony populists.

If this is covered in the alt media, it is covered as "keep supporting Trump". "Trust the plan" nonsense of staying on the cia reservation that the alt media shills put you in.

11th April 2024, 08:28 AM
This Trump statement was released nearly with Ben Shapiro's statement that Hamas controls Biden, after Biden turns on Bibi to clamp down on Gaza atrocities.


News planned in cia boardrooms and mossad boardrooms, and the alt media are the cia disinfo shills protecting the cia ZOG Trump plan.

Trump is saying Trump is far more pro-Jewish and pro-Israel than Biden. Biden is caught in a condemned if Biden supports Palestinians, condemned if Biden supports Bibi. Condemned if Biden is in between. That is by design of this staged Gaza Conflict, staged by the mossad, fsb, mi6 and cia. Staged to help Trump and Trump is taking advantage of that. Blame Biden if Israel does not win. Blame Biden if Israel wins. Blame Biden for too many deaths. Blame Biden for speaking out about Palestinian deaths in not supporting Israel 100%. Blame Biden is the ZOG solution.

Trump is allowed to say to Bibi "get this over with", referring to the conflict. If Biden does not fully support Bibi, the ZOG alt media shills such as Shapiro would slam Biden for terrorism support, and Shapiro did that.

11th April 2024, 08:56 AM
You know which individuals need to go and listen to alt conservative media - Democrats. To learn about the dangers of Jews and niggers. Dangers of vaccines. Dangers of the the lies on the left.

You know which individuals need to go to alt left independent media, conservatives do. To learn about the deepstate corrupt of Republicans, to deprogram you from cia mind control for support of MAGA and Republicans. To deprogram you from the Big Lie.

The deepstate relies on conservatives going to their alt media for programming for control.

The deepstate relies on leftists going to their alt media for programming for control. If you flip the media, you get deprogramming. Because conservative alt media is only catered to mind control of conservatives, for fearmongering and lies. And leftists get their BLM mind control and get their LGBTQ mind control. Conservatives are immune from this programming, so they can read alt left media and realize both parties are ZOG.

This is why many alt leftists view Biden as a vampire or ghoul. And are Never Biden, because they can't handle the corruption of leftists and leftism by Biden. Real conservatives/populists/libertarians are the same with Republicans. Never Trump. Never MAGA. Never Republicans.

A never Biden because Biden is corruption to leftists.

GIM1 was filled with purists, and supported real gold and silver libertarians. Today if Bush was anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim and for building a wall, 99% of GIM2ers would support Bush and wave that stupid American flag.

The deepstate has not changed, it simply move onto more missions with MAGA as the base of the deepstate, instead of Christian Zionists. Yet the deepstate remains zionist.