View Full Version : Tom Cotton, another phony populist MAGA

16th April 2024, 06:40 AM
MAGA are the new neocons. Neocons have no problem joining MAGA, for it is cia Republican deepstate.

Tom Cotton evolves from neocon hero to MAGA icon

President Trump may be the political figure who has attracted the most controversy for his reaction to the sometimes violent protests that have broken out since George Floyd died in police custody, but Sen. Tom Cotton is a close second.

The Arkansas Republican has been the highest-profile public defender of Trump’s proposal to use the military to suppress rioting in cities where state and local authorities can’t or won’t do so themselves. Cotton’s New York Times op-ed calling for invoking the Insurrection Act against the “orgy of violence” seen in multiple major cities sent the newspaper’s staff into open revolt.

“These rioters, if not subdued, not only will destroy the livelihoods of law-abiding citizens but will also take more innocent lives. Many poor communities that still bear scars from past upheavals will be set back still further,” Cotton wrote. “One thing above all else will restore order to our streets: an overwhelming show of force to disperse, detain and ultimately deter lawbreakers.”

Many New York Times staffers took to Twitter to argue that the paper’s publication of the op-ed endangered its black employees. The NewsGuild of New York, a union to which many area reporters belong, argued Cotton’s piece “undermines the journalistic work of our members, puts our Black staff members in danger, promotes hate, and is likely to encourage further violence. Invariably, invoking state violence disproportionately hurts Black and brown people. It also jeopardizes our journalists’ ability to work in the field safely and effectively.” The editorial page editor defended the decision, though the publication later backtracked.

Cotton’s emergence as a populist ally of the president was not always to be expected. The Harvard-educated Army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan arrived in Washington in his 30s as the great hope of many neoconservatives, some of whom have since gone Never Trump, at a time when libertarian forces in the Republican Party were ascendant. His letter challenging President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and pointing out that it was not a ratified treaty, signed by all Republican senators, helped launch his national profile. One prominent neocon who later turned Never Trumper cited Cotton as a possible foil to Rand Paul’s presidential ambitions: “I think Christie-Cotton is much more likely in 2016 than Paul-Amash.”

Now, Cotton is talked about as someone who might grab the top spot of the Republican ticket in 2024, running as a higher-brow Trump imitator. “I think he would make a fantastic presidential candidate,” said a source familiar with the senator’s thinking, “but he would be very open to serving in the Trump administration in a second term if the president is reelected.” The source emphasized that Cotton is currently focused on his Arkansas constituents. Cotton is up for reelection this year but did not draw a Democratic challenger.

Cotton, 43, served only a single term in the House before knocking off Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor in the 2014 midterm elections. He wasn’t initially considered a Trump enthusiast, mentioning the future president by name only once in his 2016 Republican convention speech. But in 2017, he introduced legislation that would reduce legal immigration levels overall and shift admissions criteria away from family reunification toward job skills. Trump backed the bill. Cotton replaced Jeff Sessions as the leading immigration restrictionist in the Senate when the latter became Trump’s first attorney general.

Since then, Cotton has led the charge on cracking down on China in response to the coronavirus. He has been a strong Trump supporter. He and Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley are widely seen as the top GOP populists in Congress.

“I have worked for the senator and have a lot of respect for his opinions due to his background as a U.S. Army Ranger, Harvard education, and his simple upbringing in rural Arkansas,” said Little Rock-based Republican strategist Noelle Nikpour. “He was originally brought on to the scene and was a product of the Club For Growth. He has the backbone to stand out but does so in a well-thought-out way. I feel he will definitely have a place on the national scene either in a military leadership role/appointment or if he decided to seek a national office.”

Polling suggests that Cotton’s position on a military role in quelling the riots is not unpopular with voters as it is in the New York Times newsroom. Morning Consult shows the idea with 58% support. “Americans want order,” the source close to Cotton said. “They want peace. They don’t want anarchy.” The Cotton ally likened it to the 101st Airborne helping to desegregate Little Rock public schools but noted, “No one wants the American military attacking our citizens.”

But Cotton did not flinch from Trumpian tough talk, writing, “Nihilist criminals are simply out for loot and the thrill of destruction, with cadres of left-wing radicals like antifa infiltrating protest marches to exploit Floyd’s death for their own anarchic purposes.”


16th April 2024, 06:56 AM
'(Tom Cotton) wants to kill Americans': GOP senator backtracks after calling for violence against protestors

And Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) is drawing vehement criticism after promoting violence against protesters. Tom Cotton wrote: "I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands. It's time to put an end to this nonsense."


cia disinfo shills promote MAGA because it is the new political and voting base of the cia Republican Party. It was once neoconservative Christian Zionists, with the neocons losing in 2008 and 2012, Sarah Palin and Glen Beck groomed the alt conservatives with American flags and patriotism to be the voters of the cia Republican Party, to blame the deepstate on Obama with the Tea Party. Because this group was sitting out the elections, the cia gave you Trump and MAGA.

MAGA are no different than voters of Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney. Same cia Republicans, different brand to vote for the deepstate party of Republicans. Except MAGA are duped to believe deepstater Trump is fighting the deepstate. You can thank Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for that, fooling conservatives to believe nigger Obama was the beginning and origin of the deepstate, without mentioning the cia, Bush and Republicans as the real deepstate and Obama as a cia asset.

Republicans are to make a deal with you, you vote for the cia political party and you get your wall. You get your nationalism, your patriotism of waving stupid flags, only if you vote for the deepstate party.

16th April 2024, 07:21 AM
If the deepstate so easily joins the "resistance", the phony resistance, to lead and be the political party of the "resistance", you are not dealing with controlled opposition, you are dealing with the disappearance of the deepstate as the "resistance".

The Democrats are the controlled opposition, have been. You know this because the deepstate party steals the elections - Bush stealing Florida and Gore had to take it. Bush stealing Ohio and Kerry had to take it.

And with the neocons morphing into MAGA, the deepstate changed brands, kept the same deepstater Republicans and the deepstate kept stealing elections:

Computer scientists say they have strong evidence election was rigged against Clinton in three key states

Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were potentially manipulated, according to prominent computer scientists and lawyers who have spoken with the Clinton campaign


While selling fake victimhood:

Trump decided months before the election to declare victory if he lost, says former campaign manager Brad Parscale

Parscale told the Jan. 6 select committee that Trump planned as early as July to falsely claim he'd won the 2020 presidential election — months before Election Day


Bannon confirmed this Trump scheme:

Leaked Audio: Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump Planned to Falsely Claim Victory

“That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.”


The deepstate before the 2024 election is probably gonna release "evidence of stolen election", when it is more lies. The deepstate circles the wagons around their deepstate leader Trump.

18th April 2024, 08:40 AM
MAGA Tom Cotton wants to 'mobilize vigilantes' against anti-Israel protesters: analysis

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) has drawn a great deal of criticism for an April 15 tweet in which he promoted violence against protesters who are opposed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's military policies in Gaza.

On X, formerly Twitter, the GOP senator posted, "I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands. It's time to put an end to this nonsense." But he later replaced "take matters into your own hands" with the longer "take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way."

Liberal opinion writer Paul Waldman, in an MSNBC column published on April 17, warns that Cotton has a long history of encouraging violence against protesters he disagrees with.

READ MORE:'He wants to kill Americans': GOP senator backtracks after calling for violence against protestors

On June 3, 2020, the New York Times published an op-ed by Cotton that called for then-President Donald Trump to "employ the military" against protesters who were holding demonstrations following George Floyd's death in Minneapolis.

"Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., must have trouble tracking his views on public protest," Waldman writes. "In a 2020 New York Times op-ed, the Arkansas Republican senator called for the military to be mobilized to crush the 'orgy of violence' he said was engulfing the country during the protests following George Floyd's murder. In fact, the overwhelming majority of those protests were peaceful."

Waldman adds, "Four years on, Cotton has decided that law enforcement and the military are insufficient tools to deal with protesters. It's time to mobilize the vigilantes."

After the April 15 tweet, Waldman notes, Cotton went on Fox News and doubled down on promoting violence against demonstrators — saying, "If something like this happened in Arkansas on a bridge there, let's just say, I think there would be a lot of very wet criminals that have been tossed overboard, not by law enforcement, but the people whose road they're blocking.”

The MSNBC columnist laments that Cotton and other Republicans are fine with right-wing protests — for example, truckers who were opposed to pandemic restrictions — but are "increasingly advocating violence as a response to liberal activism."

Waldman warns, "The prevailing belief on the right is that even nonviolent liberal protest is inherently illegitimate, and if it inconveniences you in the slightest, you should meet it with force…. Yes, sometimes protests get out of control. But the answer to that is for anyone who commits a crime to be punished — not by a mob or a self-appointed crusader wielding his car as a weapon, but by our legal system. If we abandon that, the fallout will be far worse than being stuck in traffic."


18th April 2024, 08:41 AM
Opinion | Tom Cotton’s public protest hypocrisy could end very, very badly

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., must have trouble tracking his views on public protest. In a 2020 New York Times op-ed, the Arkansas Republican senator called for the military to be mobilized to crush the “orgy of violence” he said was engulfing the country during the protests following George Floyd’s murder (in fact, the overwhelming majority of those protests were peaceful). Four years on, Cotton has decided that law enforcement and the military are insufficient tools to deal with protesters. It’s time to mobilize the vigilantes.

After activists campaigning for a cease-fire in Gaza blocked traffic in a number of cities Monday, Cotton tweeted, “I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way. It’s time to put an end to this nonsense.” He then repeated the sentiment on Fox News, adding that “if something like this happened in Arkansas on a bridge there, let’s just say, I think there would be a lot of very wet criminals that have been tossed overboard, not by law enforcement but the people whose road they’re blocking.”


27th April 2024, 10:39 AM
word has it that Cotton is a closeted homo (quick marriage to someone he was never seen dating), The same might be true of that Black guy, from SC, Tim Scott. All of the sudden announced he was engaged, yet never seen dating, which is why there was speculation he was gay (so 2 gay senators from SC)

America is toast.

27th April 2024, 10:42 AM
Online threats against pro-Palestinian protesters rise in wake of Sen. Tom Cotton's comments about protests

Online threats and hateful rhetoric against pro-Palestinian protesters have accelerated since Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas encouraged people affected by the mass protests to "take matters into your own hands," according to a report obtained by CBS News.

Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that conducts public interest research, says it found that there has been a surge in calls for violence against pro-Palestinian protesters across social media platforms this week after Cotton's comments, with users threatening to kill or injure protesters.

The report found many of the threats were in direct response to Cotton's post, as well as to right-wing accounts and personalities who shared the post online, including Fox News commentator Sean Hannity.

"RUN THEM OVER!" one user wrote on Truth Social, the social media platform owned by Trump Media, which is majority-owned by former President Donald Trump. "They are terrorists and should be shot," wrote another. Others suggested mugging, hanging, executing, zip tying, or throwing the protesters off of bridges they are occupying.

To counter protesters who sometimes glue their hands to roads, one user on far-right social media site Gettr suggested that their arms be ripped off or that they should have their hands cut off.

"I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands. It's time to put an end to this nonsense." Cotton posted on X April 15, before editing the post six minutes later to add "to get them out of the way." Cotton accused the protesters of being pro-Hamas, though he offered no proof of this.

Earlier in the day before Cotton's comments, protesters demanding a ceasefire in Gaza had shut down major roads and bridges in multiple cities, including San Francisco, Oakland, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. Dozens of protesters were arrested, but there were no reports of violence.

Cotton continued to encourage a vigilante approach in interviews with Fox News and NBC News, telling Fox News that "if something like this happened in Arkansas on a bridge there, let's just say I think there'd be a lot of very wet criminals that have been tossed overboard — not by law enforcement, but by the people whose road they're blocking." He told NBC News that if people are blocked by the protesters, "they should get out and move those people off the streets."

It is not the first time Cotton has used charged language to describe how nationwide protests should be handled.


15th May 2024, 12:27 PM
The Jew media verbal engineering, if you are for Putin, you are labeled a "populist" by the media. That is populism, support of the Chabad.

If you are a real populist that opposes the Chabad and are a right winger. The media has a label for you, you are called "Hard right".




Jews: if you support Putin and the Chabad, you get the soft comfy label of "populist".

Jews: if you oppose Putin and are a right winger, you are the "hard right", the 'bad' guys.

This was a decision made by Jews many years ago. If you support Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, and Orban you are the "populists". If you oppose that Chabad run side, you are the enemy - fascists or hard right. Nobody wants the label hard right.

That is why the alt media promote the populists. It is the co-opted term to mean Jew-supporter.

Netanyahu's Unholy Alliance With Europe's 'Anti-Semitic' Far Right

On the ultra-conservative periphery, among the xenophobic, nativist fringe, right-wing populists are unabashedly rejoicing.
