View Full Version : EU’s Michel tells Trump ‘get the facts straight’ on Ukraine funding

19th April 2024, 03:32 PM
The EU and its members have committed some €144 billion in military and financial aid to Ukraine, but have allocated for delivery only about €77 billion of that, according to Germany’s Kiel Institute, which compiles national contributions to Kyiv’s war effort. The U.S. has committed about €68 billion in total aid and has allocated for delivery about €66 billion, according to the Kiel data.


20th April 2024, 08:38 AM
More than one-third of the $60.84 billion spending outlined includes $23.2 billion dedicated to replenishing weapons and ammunition systems for the U.S. military.


I totaled my car today. I am surprised I survived. The good news is I am going to do double accounting as Washington does with Ukraine aid.

I contacted my insurance and they assured me I get ~$35,000 for the totaling of my car. And I get ~$35.000 to buy a new car. Fantastic!

My house burned down last night, the only thing surviving was my internet and internet gadgets, the insurance company gave me ~$500,000 for my house burning down. And gave me another ~$500,000 to rebuild my home. Super. I like when I do Washington Ukraine aid accounting.

For those that are clueless. Washington in previous aid packages sent US weapons, many of which were soon to be retired, and accounted for the full price of the value of the equipment as Ukraine aid. So you say Washington only once accounted for sending the aid to Ukraine? No, Washington is saying buying replacements to the often older equipment counts as Ukraine aid too. Twice for the same (loss) equipment sent.

Once for the loss of the equipment in aid to Ukraine, and accounting a second instance in replacements.

My boat that sank with my precious metals in a boating accident sank again this morning. I was able to recover the boat back then, except my PMs could not be found they are at the bottom of the lake with everybody else's PM that sank due to a boating accident. Though I saved the boat. And it sank again with my crypto wallet filled with alt coins. Too bad. Happily I called my insurance company. The boat was worth ~1.5 million dollars, it was an older yacht. The insurance company gave me 1.5 million dollars for the loss of the boat and another 1.5 million dollar to purchase a new boat.

This is how Washington provides Ukraine aid. Aid to Ukraine - 100 million in artillery shells to Ukraine. And "aid to Ukraine", 100 million to the USA to purchase 100 million in shells for American stockpiles for war with China. Double accounting listed as aid to Ukraine.

If you find this interesting, you should see the "Israel aid bill". Money for Palestinians. "Those Jews, hiding as Palestinians. Since Israel aid only goes to Israelis". Which is proven false. Further proving that 60.84 billion for Ukraine is a load of malarkey.

21st April 2024, 07:30 AM
It is fair to say that more than a third of these funds ($23.2 billion) will actually remain in the United States, as they will be spent on replenishing the US weapons and supplies that have been transferred to Ukraine.


Nearly $35 billion is apportioned for replenishing U.S. military stocks and funding on-going European deployments.


The package largely mirrors the foreign aid proposal passed by the Senate in February, although it designates $10bn of the Ukraine funding as a repayable loan to appease some Republican members.


Ongoing European deployments = Another $15 billion will be used for "military training and intelligence sharing." To date, Ukraine has conducted dozens of training exercises with NATO to enhance its defense capabilities and modernize its military forces.


22nd April 2024, 01:08 PM
Too little too late by design and planned by the cia Anglo-American globalists that started the war using puppet Putin to invent fake reasons for war, more fake than Iraq War excuses:

West’s Aid to Ukraine: Too Little, Too Late?

By Alexandra Brzozowski | Euractiv
Apr 21, 2024

Ukraine and its European allies breathed a sigh of relief when the US House of Representatives approved the long-delayed $60 billion in military aid to Kyiv in a rare show of bipartisan unity. But the euphoria could be short-lived amid the struggle to provide substantial support in time.

The proposed bill is set to allocate $60.8 billion to Ukraine, with $23.2 billion earmarked for restocking weaponry (for the US military) and supplies sourced from the US, $13.8 billion foreseen for advanced weapons systems and $10 billion in economic aid.

The legislation, if approved by the US Senate as widely expected, could be signed into law by US President Biden as soon as Tuesday next week.

“Thank you, America!” Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, adding the ‘vital’ US aid bill “will keep the war from expanding, save thousands and thousands of lives, and help both of our nations to become stronger.”

“This sends a clear message to the Kremlin: Those who believe in freedom and the UN charter will continue to support Ukraine and its people,” said European Council President Charles Michel.

“Ukraine is using the weapons provided by NATO allies to destroy Russian combat capabilities. This makes us all safer, in Europe and North America,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, welcoming the US military aid package.

But the euphoric response on this side of the Atlantic won’t be able to disperse thoughts that the West is doing ‘too little too late’ to prepare Ukraine, for what is most likely coming as Russia is expected to go in a fierce offensive in the coming months, if not weeks.

Military officials acknowledge in private that considering Ukraine’s currently dire battlefield situation and the creeping advances Russia’s forces have made over recent months, the new aid might not be able to radically change Kyiv’s prospects.

It can at best help Ukraine counter Russia’s continuous assaults and maintain control of territory, they believe.

Some experts also believe Russia could now be pushed to carry out attacks, it might otherwise have waited to launch before more Western aid reaches Ukraine’s battlefields.

But severe ammunition and air defence shortages, coupled with an increasing lack of manpower, will require more resources and time to overcome.

“The decision of the US Congress to finally pass its Ukraine support bill comes late, very late – but not too late,” Steven Everts, director at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), told Euractiv.

“Now EU member states need to do their part by delivering the air defence systems that Ukraine so badly needs – these systems do exist in Europe,” Everts said.

“Russia is a threat as much as to Ukraine as us. So there should be no excuses – it’s decision time,” he added.

“Hope this vote encourages all allies to look through their warehouses and do more,” said Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

In an extraordinary NATO-Ukraine Council this Friday (19 April), called by Zelenskyy in response to Russia’s intensifying missile strikes on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, NATO countries confirmed they have more air defence systems that can be dispatched to Ukraine.

“NATO has mapped out existing capabilities across the lines and there are systems that can be made available to Ukraine,” said Stoltenberg, adding he would expect concrete announcements “in the near future.”

Although the preference would be largely more primarily Patriot systems, “there are other weapons that allies can provide, including SAMP/Ts [surface-to-air missiles],” Stoltenberg also said that “many allies who do not have available systems have pledged to provide financial support to purchase them for Ukraine.”

“Now is also the time to remember that the EU now has to increase our own production of armaments, ammunition and supplies to aid Ukraine on a long-term basis,” said Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström.

EU foreign and defence ministers, meeting in a rare joint session in Luxembourg, are expected to yet again discuss further military aid to Kyiv.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov are expected to join the talks via video link.

“This won’t be an easy session,” one EU official, asked about the expectation for Monday’s talks, said.

“It might not be obvious to everyone – and some might simply not want to see the reality quite yet – but there is an increasing feeling, that we’ve been doing too little, too late,” they added.


Can the heroism of Traditional, racist, homophobic, right wing Ukrainians defend from Chabad Russia (http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-chabad-mafia-is-recapturing-khazaria/).

23rd April 2024, 08:30 AM
When the Chabad Jews in Russia destroy an American M1a1 Abrams tank or defeat a Patriot Missile System, this is the same as criminal friends playing Risk getting gleeful over winning on a board game. The deepstate is in on it together.


Al-cia-da was a former US project. Saddam was a former US ally. Russia is run by the Chabad. Typically the US and UK do not engage in a war where a real opponent is fighting them and can defeat them. The Anglo-Americans did this vs Germany and it dismembered the British Empire despite victory vs Germany. The US would much rather fight controlling both sides.

2nd May 2024, 05:11 PM
MAGA Republicans and their Fox News are unreliable for news and information. I have to go to the State Department's/Washington's Kyiv Post article to find some facts.

Kyiv Post is about gaining Ukrainian public opinion of America by supporting Ukrainian issues with a big American flag attached to the Kyiv Post media.

ANALYSIS: Trump Says Europe Is Freeloading on Ukraine, But the Actual Numbers Are Bigly Different

Trump told Time America is picking up almost the entire tab to support Ukraine and cheapskate Europe won’t pay up. The reality is the US is pretty clearly in second place.

Former US President Donald Trump in a major interview with Time magazine charged – again – that Europe isn’t helping out as it should with financial support and arms to Ukraine it should, and that American taxpayers are being taken for a ride, but fact-checks by Time and more in-depth fact-checks by Kyiv Post show reality doesn’t mesh with his narrative.

According to Trump, he supports Ukraine and wants to prevent aggression in the Old World, but Europe isn’t paying anything close to its fair share on the Russo-Ukraine War and deterring the Kremlin. And American largesse and patience has its limits, he said.

“I want nothing bad to happen to Europe, I love Europe, I love the people of Europe, I have a great relationship with Europe. But they’ve taken advantage of us, both on NATO and on Ukraine. We’re in for billions of dollars more than they’re in in Ukraine. It shouldn’t be that way. It should be the opposite way,” Trump said in part. “Europe has to get there also and do their job. They’re not doing their job. Europe is not paying their fair share.”

Trump doubled down on the narrative that Europe is delinquent on security spending and that the US is being left holding the tab elsewhere in the interview: “Europe has to pay. We are in for so much more than the European nations. It’s very unfair to us. And I said if Europe isn’t going to pay, who are gravely more affected than we are. If Europe is not going to pay, why should we pay?

For a full transcript of the interview click here.

But a comparison of Trump’s claims of European stinginess and expansive American largesse to the actual numbers on foreign support to Ukraine by all states since Russia’s Feb. 2024 invasion doesn’t support that narrative.

Based on data published by individual states, Europe and not the US is Ukraine’s primary source of international assistance and has been so for months. European leadership in assistance to Ukraine is undeniable and widening, independent monitoring agencies report.

Thanks in part to a near four-month total halt to all US assistance to Ukraine, from January through late April, the gap between US support to Ukraine and European support to Ukraine is already distinct, and it’s in Europe’s favor, data compiled on state-to-state assistance by the Kiel Institute for World Economy (KIWE) shows.

According to findings published by that Germany-based independent research group, the value of international financial and military assistance to Ukraine since Russia’s Feb. 2022 invasion from European states to date has been worth some $95.2 billion. That number is money or materiel allocated, as opposed to promised, researchers said.

The United States, over the same period, has committed $71.8 billion to Ukraine in all forms of assistance, an April 24 report compiled by KIWE researchers found.

That finding directly contradicts Trump’s claim that US commitments to Ukraine are “billions more” than Europe’s.

A second Trump gripe about Europe, that clever Brussels politicians are taking advantage of American generosity and good nature, also seemed at least unsubstantiated, and possibly invented, when national burden-sharing is computed. By most estimates, the ballpark size of the EU economy is equivalent to $15.5 trillion annually, while the comparable figure for the US is substantially larger, around $25.4 trillion for FY 2024.

Based on overall contribution figures referenced to the size of economies, for every dollar’s worth of support the US sends to Ukraine EU states send $1.25. The average individual European citizen is coughing almost three times (Kyiv Post’s back-of-envelope calculation was 2.795 times) as much to tax collectors to help out Ukraine than their American counterpart.

Claims Europeans are not paying their fair share on Ukraine are even more difficult to substantiate if compared using the measure of GDP relative to the total population, i.e., GDP per capita. By that metric, Europeans such as in the Baltic states, Denmark, Poland, and Finland, are spending between one and two percent of their entire national GDP on Ukraine assistance.

US citizens, by that measure, are sharing a Ukraine assistance burden at least three times and as much as six times less than European citizens living in those countries, KIWE researchers found.

Kyiv Post reviews of previous KIEW reports, statements by individual states and aid updates published by Ukraine Finance Ministry found the KIEW April 24 estimates to be consistent with other officially published data. Kyiv Post first reported overall European assistance to Ukraine was edging out US assistance in total value, in January.

Kyiv Post was unable to determine whether Trump was either unaware of official, state-published data of actual international support both promised to and received by Ukraine, or he was aware of data and ignored it when commenting to Time. Kyiv Post asked President Trump’s office for comment but had not received a response to that request by the time this article was published.

An April 25 KIEW statement cautioned that future estimates of international assistance to Ukraine should be measured not in aid promised, but in actual allocations of money, and noted that in terms of pure military aid European and American assistance to Ukraine are almost exactly equivalent at around $42.5 billion since the start of the Russo-Ukraine War.

But were promises of future aid long-term to become real Ukrainian assistance, and receive allocated funding, the US-European wedge would widen and in the opposite direction Trump complained to Time magazine – currently the figures are the US, $3.53 billion, and Europe, $87.6 billion.

Trump’s remarks regarding Ukraine focused on money and the relative weight of purported fiscal commitments, and effectively ignored political decision-making – in particular a 3-month+ impasse in Congress on US aid to Ukraine, at times dragged out because Trump intervened in cross-party negotiations inside the House.

Also unmentioned by Trump was a pair of critical European victories on pushing cross-continent support to Ukraine in the early months of 2024, during the US stop to all assistance.

On Feb 1. the European Commission approved a €50 billion ($53.4 billion) financing program called the “Ukraine Facility.” The funding project committed Brussels and EU member state taxpayers to transfer money to Kyiv in grants or highly concessional loans, to pay government worker salaries including paychecks for Kyiv’s close to one million service personnel, pensions, and state services and infrastructure support.

By late March a Czech-led initiative had found political and financial backing in the form of individual state contributions worth at least $1.5 billion to locate on international markets and ship to Ukraine 800,000 critically needed artillery shells, in large part because American shell supplies had dried up at the end of 2023.

Liberal Time Magazine allows the lies of Trump go unchallenged. That is the Liberal MSM for you:

A little peculiarly, a Time magazine fact-check report on the Trump interview, published on April 30, did not challenge the former US President’s claim America is paying through the nose for Ukraine and Europe is doing close to nothing. Instead, the 4,000+ word Time review of Trump’s statements for accuracy did not mention the word “Ukraine” even once.

6th May 2024, 04:14 PM
cia disinfo shills have fooled the phony resistance that the EU is the new world order. This false narrative about the European Union as of Satan was push by Christian Zionists and their cia disinfo shills in the 80s and 90s, Jack Van Impe as a Christian Zionist promoted this. The ECSC/EEC/EU was the classic Jewish scapegoat for the globalists for you to attack instead of the globalists themselves - don't take out the British Royals and their secret societies, take out the German-led/German-dominated 4th Reich (https://www.euronews.com/2021/12/24/berlin-wants-eu-to-be-fourth-german-reich-says-poland-s-kaczynski). Classic case of Jewish/deepstate projection onto rivals and enemies. Churchill and Britain were steadfastly opposed to the German-led creation of a European integration that eventually led to the European Union. The globalists were immensely opposed to a continental-led European union. The British and American globalists scapegoat the Germans as the globalists and scapegoat their German-led European Union. The UK only joined decades later because of it was massively successful in promoting economic prosperity for Europe. The Germans won. The conservatives and many fascists of Europe called for a European Union decades before its formation. European integration was more about a return to Christendom than globalists out of London, New York and Washington. At its inception, the Swiss bankers, the London bankers wanted no part of it. The cia wanted it to collapse. And we are stuck with cia shills such as Alex Jones lying that the deepstate is continental Europe and the European Union (the same Alex Jones that claimed the Federal Reserve (https://truthpodium.org/watch/zionist-shill-alex-jones-says-muslims-control-the-federal-reserve_sQg9CAVLTfvfH8K.html) and Hollywood were run/owned/controlled by Muslims). When the deepstate has been Britain since WWI and centuries before since the British secret hndshake group in the 1500s promoting the British Empire for global domination. Alex Jones is part of that masonic disorder, admitted the Alex Jones family has many high level masons (https://truthpodium.org/watch/shill-alex-jones-admits-his-freemason-roots_wKj4ec9XwBS7efO.html) and worked with the cia. Then Alex Jones says its not the British masons or their minions the Jews, Alex Jones says the globalists are the Germans and their German-led European integration that the globalists have been wanting and trying to crash for 70 years. When Alex Jones scapegoats the German-led EU, it is not Germany and Europe, that is Jewish scapegoating. Alex Jones is a Britain Firster and America Firster for the cia/mi6 wars on rivals and foes siding with Chabad Russia. Which is why you can never support Britain and American dominance over Europe. Britain and the US have to be subservient to European success, otherwise you are with masonic Alex Jones and MAGA in America First over Europe. European subservience to London and/or Washington is the main objective of the globalists for over 400 years. That is the purpose of the British secret societies that help the Jews and negros. Europe's destruction by negros or Chabad is the goal of the globalists. And the cia controls both sides - Washington vs Moscow.

As one commenter said: who even still follows (Alex Jones)? he has been exposed again and again and again. Blaming everything on either globalists (read continental Europeans), "nazis", democrats, chicoms, aliens, muslims or arabs.

The entire operation of Alex Jones is to get you supporting the phony resistance and attacking deepstate enemies, enemies of cia zionist Republicans.

When the deepstate had Christian Zionists as the voting base of the Republican Party, Alex Jones supported the Jews. When the deepstate is MAGA, Alex Jones supports MAGA.

6th May 2024, 06:11 PM
As Prime Minister in 1951-55, [Churchill] opposed joining the European Coal and Steel Community, predecessor to the European Union. Clearly, Churchill would not have had to pronounce on Brexit, simply because with him there would have been no “Brentry.”



Churchill opposed a supernational union in Europe involving the UK and Germany. However, Churchill supported a Franco-British union, to promote the success of the Entente victors of WWI and WWII. Churchill promoted a London sponsored a path to a one global government. Churchill was opposed to joining a German-led European Union, as this would help rival Germany recover and surpass the UK again. Churchill wanted more UNSC-esque ways for the City of London and Corporation of Washington DC to rule the globe. The EU was never part of this globalist plan.

Destroy the European Union and that Churchill invented one global government Churchill path takes over Europe, that is a fact, and it happens without media attention. So the globalists send their shills and their shillbots to spread hatred of the European Union, the same European Union that has been anti-deepstate since its inception. When the EU fails to the globalist and Jewish and nigger crisis and chaos sent to Europe, globalist Churchill wins and so does the one global government.

6th May 2024, 06:13 PM
Queen Elizabeth II was a Brexiter, same as her globalist Churchill:


Gallagher insisted the paper was right to run the story, saying: “We were in no doubt that the Queen’s views were strongly of the opinion she would want to leave the European Union.”
It detailed an occasion when the Queen allegedly vented her anger with Brussels at the strongly pro-EU Nick Clegg during a lunch at Windsor Castle when he was deputy prime minister.
Her stinging reprimand [concerning her hatred of the EU] went on for “quite a while”, leaving other guests around the table stunned.
Written by the Sun’s political editor, Tom Newton Dunn, it quoted “a senior political source” and “a highly reliable source” as saying that people who heard the conversation “were left in no doubt at all about the Queen’s views on European integration”.

The Queen was a devil, the leader of the deepstate, and her venom was filled with hatred of the EU:

A parliamentary source, who relayed the remark to The Sun, said: “It was said with quite some venom and emotion. I shall never forget it”.

The family of the Devil - the British "Royals" - supported Brexit.

“The EU is clearly something Her Majesty feels passionately about.” - Queen Elizabeth passionately hated the European Union.

If the globalist leader - the British Monarchy - hated the EU, then the EU was never a globalist project nor globalist. Which is exactly what the history books wrote, it was founded by devout Catholics and Christians seeking to have Europe economically prosper once again following the devastation of the Second World War - these weren't globalists, these were the anti-globalists seeking European cooperation and unity. If hitler could seek European unity, these devout Catholics could too. The globalists hated the project and their shills scapegoated the sins of the deepstate on the European Union.

The Queen that ruled the deepstate of Jews, British secret societies, and their minions of CFRs, Rhodes Scholars hated the EU. The globalists once given the option to destroy Europe and a European Union take the opportunity to spread crisis and chaos in Europe, to weaken the anti-globalist project the EU.

So hitler could unite Europe, yet Europe cannot unite Europe, says the globalist alt wrong shills.

6th May 2024, 06:18 PM
Your entire fake MAGA reality with the fake resistance is a fiction. MAGA and Putinites are working for the deepstate to install a Tory/Likud/Republican 1984. When Alex Jones wins, the deepstate wins. Alex Jones cheers for the British masons, cheers for MAGA, cheers for Putin. Alex Jones has only one mission, to terraform those that wake up to the reality of the government is evil for Alex Jones to turn them into flag wavers by telling them the government does not want you to wave the flag and does not want you to be a patriot for America First. Explaining the whole Fox News cia Republican support for Trump and MAGA. The resistance never took over Washington, Washington took over the phony resistance, sold lies and psy-ops by Alex Jones and other cia disinfo shills.

The fact that two obvious deepstaters - Trump and Putin want to and were tasked with destroying the EU. Elizabeth II, leader of the British deepstate, also wanted to destroy the EU.

Proves that E Michael Jones sources were correct, the cia and the deepstate have hated the European Union project since the 1950s, the cia has sought to destroy the European Union, to divide and conquer Europe, keep Europe divided and weak.

Trump, wanting to recently cozy with the Europeans, is a deepstate fraud along with buddy Putin.

6th May 2024, 06:49 PM
cia asset Tucker Carlson was another of the haters of the EU, supporter of cia MAGA and Chabad Russia, and promoted the British "royals".


The entire shill alt media is on the same message of oppose the success of Europe, cheer for destroyers of Europe (- Chabad Russia) and scapegoat Europe.

From Brother Nathanael to Elon Muscovy:


The neo-populists are the new neo-conservatives. Cheering for the Mother Chabad Russia war on Ukraine and Europe. Not opposing Jew agent Putin, not warning and support the victims of war. BRICS under the tutelage of Putin are the cia war starters. From Hamas to the Russian military. Where a war is wanted to be started, the US does not need to invade, get a BRICS nation to start the war. And the Chicoms said China plans to annex Taiwan:


BRICS wars are really cia wars. Because the Chabad runs Russia and the cia own the Russian Federation, have owned it since 1991.

Boris Yeltsin had entourage of ‘hundreds’ of CIA agents who instructed him how to run Russia, claims former parliamentary speaker


The cia agents left, the Chabad run the show of Russia, including the economy of Russia, says the Chabad.

When the cia agents left the Kremlin, Bush never made Russia the enemy, said could see Putins soul in approval of Putin. Additionally, Bush let Russia invade Georgia relatively unpunished. Tony Blair said it was the Prime Minister of the UKs job to like Mr. Putin. This was after the cia agents left the Kremlin. cia agents left the Kremlin, the Chabad and the mainly Jewish Oligarchs ran Russia as replacements. cia Tucker shills for Russia. NASA partner Elon Muscovy shills for Russia. Jew Brother Nathanael shills for Russia. heavy deepstater Alex Jones shills for Russia and Trump.

The deepstate wants Europe encircled and destroyed, because non-victors of WWII are not supposed to be global leaders. This is not about socialist vs conservative. This is about destroying rivals and foes. America and Britain only want these as weak junior partners. So as London and Washington send limited weapons never enough to crush the Russians, the UK and US pretend to be on the side of NATO Europe, Biden included.

Trump told E.U. that U.S. would never help Europe under attack, senior official says
Thierry Breton, a French commissioner who is responsible for the European Union’s internal market, said Trump made the remarks to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.


Hillary was in on it with the Chabad. Obama was in on it with the Chabad. Obama was a fake opposition to Russia. Obama was a cia asset. And Hillary plays her controlled opposition role too. Hillary really hates Europe, plays her role. Democrats and Republicans are frauds. Biden and Hillary are given their role to play in Washington, then follow the cia script written for them. And the media do their script.