View Full Version : Trump’s team keeps promising to increase inflation

30th May 2024, 04:40 AM
Trump’s team keeps promising to increase inflation

Voters trust Trump to lower prices, even as his advisers put forward plans for increasing Americans’ cost of living.

Donald Trump is currently leading the 2024 presidential race, in no small part because voters trust him to combat inflation. This is a bit strange since Trump has for months now been advertising plans to drastically increase consumer prices.

Over the weekend, an NBC News poll found Trump leading Biden nationally by a 46 to 44 percent margin. Yet on the question of which candidate would better handle inflation and the cost of living, the Republican led the Democrat by a whopping 22 points.

Step 1: Reduce the value of the U.S. dollar

In the years since the Covid crisis, inflation has plagued consumers all across the wealthy world. Americans, though, have one advantage over their peers abroad: Their nation’s currency is relatively strong.

The US economy is growing at nearly twice the pace of other major rich countries without suffering substantially higher inflation. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve has kept America’s interest rates elevated. Taken together, these two realities increase demand for the dollar: Foreign investors want to place their capital in countries that are growing fast and/or that are offering high, low-risk returns on their sovereign debt. America is currently doing both. Thus, many investors abroad are swapping their local currencies for greenbacks, thereby bidding up the dollar’s value.

As a result, Americans’ paychecks are going a bit farther, as a strong dollar makes imported goods cheaper for them.

But Trump’s advisers want to change this. According to Politico, the former president’s policy aides are “ actively debating ways to devalue the U.S. dollar if he’s elected to a second term.”

Their rationale is not hard to understand. Although a strong dollar is good for US consumers, it’s not great for US exporters, as it renders their goods more expensive to potential customers abroad. And since Trump and his former trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, have long sought to boost American manufacturing and shrink the trade deficit, they’re prepared to privilege the interests of the nation’s producers over those of its consumers.

Lighthizer reportedly hopes to coerce other nations into strengthening the value of their currencies by threatening to impose tariffs on their exports if they don’t comply. Trump’s advisers are also mulling ways to weaken the dollar without foreign cooperation, according to Politico.

Reasonable people can disagree about whether the US dollar is currently too strong. Plenty of analysts on both the right and left believe that America has a national interest in sustaining and growing its domestic production capacities. And all else being equal, a strong dollar does hurt American manufacturing. On the other hand, only about 8.6 percent of US workers are employed in the manufacturing sector, which suggests that a large majority of Americans have a stronger immediate interest in affordable imports than competitive exports.

Further, there’s reason to believe that the Trump team’s plans would backfire, as many foreign governments would retaliate against tariffs and dollar devaluation by imposing duties on US-made goods and seeking to weaken their own currencies.

Yet even if one supports Lighthizer’s priorities and proposals, an inescapable fact remains: A plan to devalue the dollar is — quite literally — a plan to make products more expensive for American consumers.

And this isn’t the Trump team’s only proposal for directly increasing your household’s costs.


Trump: I plan to raise inflation, then blame Biden.

And the media is barely covering the Trump agenda. If Biden was proposing to increase inflation, Biden would be daily destroyed in the media and the Democrats would have to look for a new candidate, maybe Michael Obama.

Trump: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," and neither would the media destroy Trump so much, Trump is no longer a viable candidate. Because the Anglo-Zionist deepstate is on Team Trump. Trump is the worst criminal in America and the media protects Trump from being exposed daily/repeatedly for these crimes.

Trump was found by a court to have finger-banged/raped a woman, Trump has multiple credible rape accusers and gets away with rape and sex crimes. Trump is a notorious drug user.


Trump has been involved in deepstate cia criminal racket operations since the 1970s with Trump-owned/cia mob (Jewish mob)-linked hotels. Trump did money laundering for the Russian Jews since the 90s/80s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrJzf6eUSWA). Trump gave nuclear submarine secrets to buddies (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/05/us/politics/trump-nuclear-submarine-classified-documents.html).

Only one of Trumps millions of crimes from killing millions from the cia COVID virUS and operation warp speed vaccine would sink a non-deepstate candidate. Yet Trump is going to return in 2025, with the excuse "it is Bidens fault".