View Full Version : EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them

9th June 2024, 05:31 AM
EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them

An electric car capable of running for 1 million miles is within reach.

In April, a group of people in a red Tesla driving through the Moroccan desert were glued to the odometer on the car’s giant touch screen. “Two million, Hans! Two million,” exclaimed the front-seat passenger to the owner and driver, Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg. His 2014 Model S had become likely the first electric vehicle to drive 2 million kilometers, or more than 1.2 million miles. The car could have traveled from the Earth to the moon and back, twice, then circled the equator 11 times.

The journey wasn’t entirely seamless. The car has had its share of repairs, including several battery and motor replacements. A handful of gas-powered cars have driven farther, most of all a 1966 Volvo that racked up some 3 million miles over five decades. But such fantastic mileages are becoming far easier to accomplish for ordinary commuters with electric cars. On a technological level, it’s possible that we’re not far from a time when nobody would flinch at an EV with as much mileage as von Gemmingen-Hornberg’s—that is, unless car companies themselves get in the way.

Unlike gas-powered engines—which are made up of thousands of parts that shift against one other—a typical EV has only a few dozen moving parts. That means less damage and maintenance, making it easier and cheaper to keep a car on the road well past the approximately 200,000-mile average lifespan of a gas-powered vehicle. And EVs are only getting better.


9th June 2024, 05:35 AM
I tried looking for electric vehicles in my area, can't find one.

Electric vehicles are hitting a road block: Car dealers

Some customers say auto dealers have steered them away from buying electric cars and trucks


EVs, if material supply issues are solved, can replace big oil and destroy the automotive industry's racket of selling cars that break for you to buy a new one every ten years.

Foreign automakers (Honda/Toyota) went for quality, American auto makers went for poor quality. That happened decades ago:

Study Suggests Consumers Still View American Cars As Inferior


Inexpensive electric vehicles not only make big oil weaker, they should make the auto makers make less money too.

Hydrogen fuel cells are promoted on schedule by the globalists.


Though difficulties makes Hydrogen costly to get going:

What is green hydrogen, how is it made and will it be the fuel of the future?

Abundant, cheap and clean-burning, hydrogen has long been described as the fuel of the future.

That future has never quite materialised, however, due to hydrogen's disadvantages. It's difficult to transport, it can make metal brittle and it's 20 times more explosive than petrol.

But in recent years, "green hydrogen" — hydrogen made without fossil fuels — has been identified as the clean energy source that could help bring the world to net-zero emissions.

Billions of dollars of investment capital and taxpayer support has flowed into the industry, and company share prices have soared.

This has accelerated in recent months, driven by the rising adoption of zero-emission vehicles, a deadline set by many countries to go carbon-free by 2050 and US President Joe Biden's support for clean energy.

The European Union plans to scale up renewable hydrogen projects and invest a cumulative amount of 470 billion euros ($740 billion) by 2050.


The globalists want to go to hydrogen as the replacement, to keep either big oil going or have big oil morph into big hydrogen.

The globalists would start crisis, chaos, conflict and/or war to disrupt supply chains of materials that would make EVs a total success replacing gasoline. The entire global population driving long lasting inexpensive EVs is the nightmare scenario for globalists (unless 100% of the EVs are Tesla and the globalists got rich off of their Tesla stock).

The globalists shut down the GM EV over two decades ago, watch the youtube video above. Then cia deepstater Musk was to be the deepstate promoted EV for the public. Then the public went for less expensive traditional automaker EVs, and the globalists chimped out.


The globalists want hydrogen or gasoline. If you choose EVs, the globalists want you to buy Tesla only to make Musk into the richest deepstater in America, leader of the phony populists. As automakers/dealers make it difficult to buy inexpensive EVs. Leases are hugely promoted among the American automakers for EVs. The globalists don't want you to own a car that could last 30 years or 50 years and not pay a dime into Big Oil racket on gasoline.

You can tell the many ways Musk is a deepstater - links to NASA, Washington Department of Defense contracts, promoted on wall street, huge confidence in Tesla shown by the P/E ratio (wall street knows Washington has shut down the EVs in the past, yet know that Musk has a higher rank than the Washington agenda being part of the Paymal mafia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0NNo0aQQw4)

The war on Detroit EVs continues, yet Washington promotes Tesla to be the leader in market share of EVs.

If you want to buy an electric vehicle, the globalists want you to buy a Tesla, because Musk is a globalist, assigned to lead the phony populist movement.

9th June 2024, 08:36 AM
If you want to buy an electric vehicle, the globalists want you to buy a Tesla, because Musk is a globalist, assigned to lead the phony populist movement.

That is the Talmudvision agenda.

Elon Musk: I’m not antisemitic, I’m ‘aspirationally Jewish’


Elon Musk says he's 'Jewish by association' after Auschwitz visit, sees 'almost no antisemitism'


Musk's associations:

33% of the People Elon Musk Interacts with on X Are jewish


Musk is more important to the deepstate criminals than Detroit Automakers and Big Oil. Musk is allowed to be among the richest Americans in an industry Big Oil has hated for years. Musk is there to lead the phony resistance against the deepstate, make deepstaters such as Musk and Tucker into their leaders to fight Democrats and Leftists. For the false paradigm of Republicans vs Democrats.

Musk is a groomer for the Jews, so there is no real resistance.

A deepstate tactic is to have their cia shills attack the extremes to then get the public to support the moderate ZOG and cia assets that the deepstate wanted you to support at the start. So Musk could attack Bibi, yet still promote Israel and the deepstate Republicans. Attack the staged extremes and then go "centrist" of Israel supporting.

13th June 2024, 01:52 AM
Electric generated from hydrogen should become the standard of EV’s, lithium batteries are madness…

13th June 2024, 04:04 AM
EVs are possible that go 5 million miles were it not for the threat of distracted drivers using cell phones. Accounting for this hazard results in an average of 65,000 miles between accidents 10% of which will be fatal.

15th June 2024, 02:20 PM
Electric generated from hydrogen should become the standard of EV’s, lithium batteries are madness…

Go to pro-Tesla forums/X.com and warn about the dangers of lithium batteries so there would be no Tesla car buyers.

I can't I believe in this:



21st June 2024, 03:25 PM
F-k evs

22nd June 2024, 05:48 PM
GIM1 used to be about this:


Opposing Big Oil and soon Big Hydrogen.

The globalists shut down EVs over 20 years ago to have deepstater Elon Musk be the globalist approved brand for EVs - Tesla. On forums around the globe, cia agents have promotes buying Tesla stock, as much as GIM1 promoted buying gold. cia agents on the forums that shill for Washington dominance, shill for Musk and Tesla and SpaceX.

Musk is promoting carbon capture to have the globalists control the climate:


Don't buy a Tesla, it is a deepstate operation. While the other EVs are about freedom of travel and self reliance despite the deepstate seeking to shut it down.

You can buy a large solar rig with batteries and charge your EV and have independence from the power grid and oil industry. Or you can help the oil industry and roll coal at Toyota Prius's.