View Full Version : Council on Foreign Relations Historical member Monica Crowley praises Joseph McCarthy

22nd June 2024, 05:33 PM
Here is McCarthy:


McCarthy was the deepstate, linked to the early career of a Jewish mobster, promoting NATO Washington success against the enemy of Washington - the enemy "communists".

If you listen further to Whitney Webb in the youtube video, you learn Hoover also joined in this anti-communist nonsense and knew about the sexual blackmail of politicians using little boys.

Former Trump Official Praises Joe McCarthy In Bonkers 'Deep State' Remarks

Crowley, who was also Trump’s pick for a National Security Council role before she declined it in early 2017 amid a plagiarism scandal, added that the deep state “removed Richard Nixon,” “went after Ronald Reagan” and “is now going after Donald Trump.”


The deepstate was Richard Nixon and Bohemian Grove Reagan and thank you for lumping them together since Trump is of the same deepstate as Nixon, Reagan (and Bush). Although CFR historical member Crowley does not want to mention Bush since Bush is so unpopular and completely exposed as part of the deepstate. The cia Republican want to make it seem as though Bush does not exist and hide that Bush was in a long line of cia Republicans that ruled Washington. Those same cia Republicans now have MAGA as the new brand of the Republicans and the cia conservative media of the New York Post approves of Trump. Wall Street Journal approves of Trump, cia Fox News shills for Trump. The old CFR Republican class that backed Bush, mostly back Trump. Crowley is one of them. So this is hilarious to hear a CFR gal say Nixon and Reagan were fighting the deepstate. Only clowns and idiots believe her. I own the book Thanks for the memories. The Republicans made full use of Project MK Ultra, raping little girls, including Nixon. The clowns and idiots that were groomed by Sarah Palin and Glen Beck to believe the deepstate began with nigger Obama are being told the deepstate existed in the 1970s and 1980s and it was the anti-war Democrats that were the deepstate. The same that believe Mexicans are the deepstate are now told the pot-smoking flower children fighting Nixon were part of the deepstate agenda of "leftists and communists".

Fox News makes it clear which side Trump is on. On the deepstate side of Thatcher and Reagan:


On GIM1, we knew the historical deepstate was the Republican Party, even before the neoconservative era, back during Nixon and Reagan and especially masonic Ford involved in MK Ultra and the rest.

The new phony populist brand of the Republican Party - MAGA - wants to blame the cia Republican deepstate on Democrats and Communists. That Nixon and Reagan were "victims" of the deepstate, instead of being "victims" of the controlled opposition Democrat media that were not initiated into the deepstate informing them the Republicans are the cia deepstate party. The former Democrat media now mostly circles the wagons around Trump from being detroned because the cia don't have any other options than MAGA.

When the final 1984 is here, the controlled opposition of over a century (the Democratic Party) are scapegoated as the deepstate.

I think this is hilarious and Trump voters chow this down. I love that. Crowley believes Catholic conservatives are stupid to hear praise of Catholic Republican deepstaters and fall for the psy-op. Those that watch cia/mason funded EWTN News are too stupid and brain dead while watching Raymond Arroyo, so idolize CFR gal Crowley.

The cia and ZOG have fooled conservatives. The leftists are the smart ones laughing at calling Nixon anti-deepstate. Hopefully, the leftists figure out Trump is the extension of the Bush, Reagan and Nixon cia Republican deepstate. Nixon and the Republican Presidents, including Trump, have been cia puppets following the script of the cia. You don't get much more deepstate than to be a Republican president controlled by the cia. JFK did not want the (Eisenhower Republican) cia controlling the White House and Presidency and was assassinated for trying to assert independence.

24th June 2024, 04:04 AM
Step One to gaining support:

Invent yourself as the victim.

With neoconservatives Sarah Palin and Glen Beck, the fake patriot movement against the deepstate were lied that the USA is the victim nation.

On GIM1, we knew the USA had been the perps since the civil war. That the good Americans were the William Jennings Bryan and Confederates fighting the Washington deepstate.

Trump was to lead the fake co-opted Tea Party movement to transform that into MAGA in 2012, yet the Ron Paul Movement stole its thunder and saved Iran from a war and China from a war. COVID was supposed to happen after Iran was defeated by McCain or Trump after the 2008 election or 2012 election.

Those that believe America is the victim are the deepstate and full supporters of the deepstate. Bush on 9/11 pretended America was the victim. GIM1 was about deprogramming the public by informing them America was not the victim, America was the perp. America was the perp with Obama. America was the perp with Trump. Trump filled the Bush role for COVID as Bush did for 9/11. Trump was in on the COVID virUS release on the globe. Any apparent "victimhood" of the US is a fake as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, staged victimhood to get Americans angry and supporting Washington policy.

Phony victimization leads to fake "victim points" where the victims victimize innocents. Jews did this to Palestinians. After the Hamas attacks, Palestinians on the side of BRICS, got their media "victim points" to hate whitey Europe.

MAGA: "Putin can bomb Berlin because of that Jew Zelenskyy." When in fact Zelenskyy is the ZOG tool to have Ukraine and Europe lose to Russia.

Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place. Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions.

So which is it, Zelenskyy plotted the war and knew of the war beforehand and did nothing, because the US told Zelenskyy for months that Russia was preparing to invade and Zelenskyy ignored these warnings. Or was Zelenskyy clueless to the invasion that the cia started using Jewish Russia. The truth is Zelenskyy was in on it with the cia and Jews to start this war. Deliberately set up Ukraine to fail. Because the new enemy to gang on is Europe. China and Russia are ganging on Europe. Le Pen and Trump have ganged on Europe. Brexiters ganged on Europe The goal is to isolate Europe as Europe is the new Iran. The Entente cia side of Trump, Putin, Le Pen, Farage and BRICS vs Europe. That is the new cia war.

In the late 90s and early 2000s, the enemy was terrorism, so the deepstate scapegoated terrorism on the decided fake enemy Muslims.

After 2006, the enemy of the public turned into the deepstate, and the freemasons and Jews lie that Communist China was the deepstate and that Continental Europe and the Germans are the deepstate. And the phony populists bought both lies, both scapegoating.

And since the cia knows that antisemitism was the fuel to blame Washington for terrorism, the cia invented the lie and deception that Jews are trying to destroy the American Empire. When the facts are the opposite (https://www.amazon.com/American-Trap-Americas-economic-against/dp/1529326877), yet these facts do not get reported by ZOG Fox News and ZOG Newsmax. The Jews want you to believe that Jews are ruining America, so then the Trump cultists run to defend America from the agenda that can really bring down the conservative freemasons and Jews defending the Anglo-American Zionist Empire.