View Full Version : Jews dial up terrorism in France to promote anti-Islam for the elections

24th June 2024, 06:29 AM
Youths charged over terror plot against Jews days after ‘anti-Semitic rape of 12-year-old girl’

A teenager and a minor have been charged with planning a terrorist attack on Jewish targets in France, just days after a 12-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped in an anti-Semitic attack.

Jews living in France, which has the largest Jewish community in western Europe and the biggest outside Israel and the United States, say the country has become a frightening place to live since Oct 7.

“It’s terrifying to see that once again in France, in 2024, we can be physically attacked because we are Jewish,” said Caroline Maury, secretary-general of the Jewish collective Nous Vivrons (We Will Live).

“The attack is all the more terrible as the victim was 12 years old. She was a little girl. The suspects were also between 12 and 13, which reinforces the horror of it all. A new threshold has been reached,” she said.


24th June 2024, 06:30 AM
The American cia when seeing the results of the parliament election in Europe had their Americanist agent in France - Macron - call for new French elections to stop Meloni and the conservatives from ending the migrant crisis with electoral support from the public.

The freemasons, Jews, cia and Macron wants Le Pen to either get the credit or to crash the movement to end the migrant crisis.

Czech Liberal Party ANO, aligned with Macron during the elections, abandoned Macron saying Macron/France ruined the capitalist party of Liberals - the ALDE.

The Czech ANO party launched its EU election campaign on Wednesday, with the fight against the EU Green Deal and the migration pact being among its top priorities, further distancing itself from its European partners in the liberal Renew Europe group.

On Wednesday, ANO kickstarted its EU campaign with the motto: “Czechia, everything for you.” Aside from criticizing the new EU’s migration and climate policies, the party is also strongly committed to protecting Czech sovereignty.


There are dozens of political parties and nearly 100 leaders from various parties and positions in Europe that want to end the migrant crisis and stop the European Green Deal. Macron wants to make it only about masonic Le Pen or nothing. Macron: "Only our ZOG leaders can solve your problems or else your problems are not getting solved."

Macron/Le Pen/cia/Jews want Meloni to side with an ID super group led by Le Pen to have masonic Marine Le Pen lead the "resistance" in Europe.

The resistance is planned to be:

Chabad Putin in Russia:


Masonic Le Pen in France:


Chabad Trump in America:


Masonic British Royals Farage in the UK:



These are your ZOG and cia phony leaders of the phony resistance. With cia bitcoins planned as your money. No gold. No silver. No freedom of speech. No anti-negro/jew. The resistance of, by and for the deepstate to fight sockpuppet communists trying to ruin the victors of WWII dominating the globe with the Jews.

The cia are planning more woke psy-ops to scare you and fearmonger. The woke psy-ops are the new Muslim terrorist psy-ops. Both to elect Republicans.

25th June 2024, 01:18 AM
The resistance is planned to be:

Chabad Putin in Russia:


Masonic Le Pen in France:


Chabad Trump in America:


Masonic British Royals Farage in the UK:



That is why quotes such as this are the new stance of the cia: “Just look at who’s funding my opponent. It is the Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Eric Cantor types,” Good told Bannon. “The swamp folks, the RINOs for whom the endless wars, allegiance to the military industrial complex — that’s who’s funding my opponent. That’s who’s supporting my opponent. He would vote very differently from me in Washington.”

The cia endless wars is done by the Russian BRICS side. Funds for Ukraine and Europe and NATO is not the cia endless wars, that is akin to arming Saddam. Democrats want to arm Saddam (Europe), while Republicans are on the side of Russia having a free hand for war on the new enemy of Europe. The cia switched sides and is for destroying NATO Europe nations, because Washington hated the ECSC/EEC/EU since the 1950s. After the War on Terror is the Anglo-Saxon Mission.


Which was to destroy China, and since Europe sided with China over Washington, Russia is to destroy the success of Europe. The Jews and their pals are on the side of Russia.

Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place. Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions.

The US deepstate has the balancing act to side with NATO Europe, so it does not lose European support, and to side with Russia so Europe and Ukraine don't win and have to deal with the Chabad Russia crises.

Deepstaters such as Bannon, project the deepstate at controlled opposition Democrats. The cia endless wars are started by the Russian and BRICS side, with Russia and the Towelheads as the phony victims that start the wars.