25th June 2024, 04:27 PM
(Liberal term used here are Free Trade Adam Smith Capitalists = Liberals; Democrat term used here has nothing to do with American Democrats)
Masonic and Jewish back Americanist Macron could be going down and replaced as de facto leader of the Liberal (Economic Liberal Capitalists) Party.
French liberal Valérie Hayer (a Macron puppet) heading off ALDE challenge for EU liberals leadership
ALDE, the largest of the three political forces that make up the centrist Renew Europe, has been eyeing the French leadership of the grouping since the June election result - and now has a name in mind for the role: MEP João Cotrim de Figueiredo.
French liberal Valérie Hayer looks set to survive a challenge to her leadership of the European Parliament's liberal Renew group after an attempt by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) — which forms the centrist group with Macron's Renaissance and the European Democratic Party (EDP) — to unseat her, according to two sources familiar with the issue.
After an ALDE council meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last weekend, its bureau members proposed Portuguese MEP João Cotrim de Figueiredo, one of two first-time winners of seats for the Iniciativa Liberal party in the EU elections for the role — but support for his candidacy within the group does not seem strong enough, two sources confirmed to Euronews.
Hayer is expected to secure sufficient support from the EDP, her own party and some ALDE members to continue leading the Renew group in the European Parliament.
Applicants had until 10 pm this Monday to submit their candidacy, and a group vote will decide the new leader on Tuesday, where Hayer, from Macron's Renaissance party, will likely overcome the challenge, the sources said.
The leadership contest follows a significant loss of seats for the French liberal delegation in the Liberal group, which fell from 23 to 10 after the June elections.
Earlier this month, during a meeting of delegation leaders in Brussels, the ALDE party confirmed its intention to replace the French as leader of the group, which has been under French leadership since 2021 — first with current French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné, and since January with Hayer.
“Recognising the crucial role we play within the European Parliament and the group, ALDE Party is ready to assume the leadership responsibilities within the parliamentary group,” they said in a press release after the meeting.
The original plan was to give unanimous support to Sophie Wilmès (Mouvement Reformateur), the former prime minister of Belgium — but she did not put her name forward for the post because, according to three group sources, she may be eyeing a higher role in national politics.
The leadership challenge comes at a bad time for the liberals, who have been bypassed by the far-right European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) as the third force in the parliament, with 83 seats to 74, after the pro-European Volt group decided to stay with the Greens and the Czech ANO party quit the group last Friday.
The EU liberal group has until Wednesday to agree on its final composition, with more members expected to join Renew Europe and close the gap with the ECR group.
At the time of publication, Wilmès' cabinet did not respond to a Euronews request for comment.
The Macron masons and jews are chimping out.
That cunt Valérie Hayer was recently appointed and is a mini-Macron politician that does not care about the fate of Europe, only cares about the Jews and Masons handling and controlling European politics. She is an Entente Cordial Cunt, for Queen/King and Country. And hopefully she and Macron go down in the Liberal Party. Replace Renew with the ALDE.
The many leaders in Europe that partake in the World Economic Forum are only being groomed by the WEF to potentially corrupt them. These are not WEF policy leaders as the Jews and cia are. Valérie Hayer and Macron are the WEF cia, masonic and Jewish policy makers; equal to the worst WEF shills.
There is a chasm of difference between Valérie Hayer and Marin of Finland. Valérie Hayer is the deepstate. Marin is not.
Defeating deepstate masonic and jewish candidates and leaders is normal in Europe. In America, especially with Trump, it is not.
Macron and the masons and Jews have hit the arrogant and prideful French public with so much Muslim multiculturalism, to repel the public to support Le Pen and the masons. Traditionally France was socialist and leftist, when France was French. When hit with so many psy-ops, violence and multiculturalism, the French rebelled from socialism as was planned and are now are conservative and easily manipulated. France is nearly a lost cause as it is falling for the same psy-ops that the Tea Party fell for. To forget the past and only define yourself based on the current news of outrage staged by jews and masons. In this way, the voting public is manipulated to abandon their past principles and accept the ZOG agenda of conservative deepstate political parties.
Marcon never wanted to be the leader that delivered and was a success such as Churchill. Macron and the other controlled opposition are deliberately failures so the general public stops voting for controlled opposition. Macron is there to crash Europe for America, and the cia have Masonic Le Pen, Chabad Putin, British Royals Farage to get the voters that Macron and WEF piss off.
How are the Jews/cia not running a criminal racket, the jews and cia invent the crisis, then profit off of it by leading the fight against the crisis to cement control over the globe. That was the purpose of the War on Terror. That is the purpose for the war on wokeness. The endgame was never have Muslim terrorists take over the White House and Congress and rule. The endgame is never to have the communists take over Washington. The endgame is after you have been fearmongered and scare tacticed, you vote in Republicans to vote in Le Pen. That is the endgame. And the Jews and cia are relentless, cia asset Steve Bannon said so, saying the Trump side are going to never stop until taking over Washington for their 1984 project of destroying any opposition.
The Jews and masons control both sides. Have their controlled opposition Macron and WEF never be success, only with bad ideas, not to ruin the West, to ruin the opposition of the West, so the cia Republicans and their deepstate parties in Europe such as FN defeat the controlled opposition designed to lose.
Europe is actually trying to defeat the masons and Jews, while it gets slander from the cia disinfo shills that Europe is a lost cause. There are far too many politicians in Europe and leaders in Europe that are not controlled, that the phony resistance have written off.
Here is one of hundreds of examples:
That is a former member of the European Parliament that was part of an Italian video saying the US did 9/11. Europe is the target to destroy, Macron is in on it. The masons are in on it. Chabad Russia is in on it.
The Republican Party is the lost cause and the Republican minions are a lost cause that want to harm Europe now that Europe has a conservative majority in Parliament to end these masonic and jewish crises from the cia and Russia. The WEF exists so Europe can never stand on two feet to defeat the crises sent by Russia and the cia. The Republican voters are there so the WEF fires don't burn down America too. As the WEF is the Jewish destroyer, not the endgame to destroy Washington. It is an endgame to destroy Europe if Europe does not obey the cia Republican deepstate and does not join Team Putin/Team Trump. The WEF is an endgame to destroy the many rivals and foes of the Anglo-American Empire if Europe does not submit. And the deepstate is ready to lead the phony resistance against the WEF so that their cia and mossad puppets get credit for defeating the WEF. A total racket.
Masonic and Jewish back Americanist Macron could be going down and replaced as de facto leader of the Liberal (Economic Liberal Capitalists) Party.
French liberal Valérie Hayer (a Macron puppet) heading off ALDE challenge for EU liberals leadership
ALDE, the largest of the three political forces that make up the centrist Renew Europe, has been eyeing the French leadership of the grouping since the June election result - and now has a name in mind for the role: MEP João Cotrim de Figueiredo.
French liberal Valérie Hayer looks set to survive a challenge to her leadership of the European Parliament's liberal Renew group after an attempt by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) — which forms the centrist group with Macron's Renaissance and the European Democratic Party (EDP) — to unseat her, according to two sources familiar with the issue.
After an ALDE council meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last weekend, its bureau members proposed Portuguese MEP João Cotrim de Figueiredo, one of two first-time winners of seats for the Iniciativa Liberal party in the EU elections for the role — but support for his candidacy within the group does not seem strong enough, two sources confirmed to Euronews.
Hayer is expected to secure sufficient support from the EDP, her own party and some ALDE members to continue leading the Renew group in the European Parliament.
Applicants had until 10 pm this Monday to submit their candidacy, and a group vote will decide the new leader on Tuesday, where Hayer, from Macron's Renaissance party, will likely overcome the challenge, the sources said.
The leadership contest follows a significant loss of seats for the French liberal delegation in the Liberal group, which fell from 23 to 10 after the June elections.
Earlier this month, during a meeting of delegation leaders in Brussels, the ALDE party confirmed its intention to replace the French as leader of the group, which has been under French leadership since 2021 — first with current French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné, and since January with Hayer.
“Recognising the crucial role we play within the European Parliament and the group, ALDE Party is ready to assume the leadership responsibilities within the parliamentary group,” they said in a press release after the meeting.
The original plan was to give unanimous support to Sophie Wilmès (Mouvement Reformateur), the former prime minister of Belgium — but she did not put her name forward for the post because, according to three group sources, she may be eyeing a higher role in national politics.
The leadership challenge comes at a bad time for the liberals, who have been bypassed by the far-right European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) as the third force in the parliament, with 83 seats to 74, after the pro-European Volt group decided to stay with the Greens and the Czech ANO party quit the group last Friday.
The EU liberal group has until Wednesday to agree on its final composition, with more members expected to join Renew Europe and close the gap with the ECR group.
At the time of publication, Wilmès' cabinet did not respond to a Euronews request for comment.
The Macron masons and jews are chimping out.
That cunt Valérie Hayer was recently appointed and is a mini-Macron politician that does not care about the fate of Europe, only cares about the Jews and Masons handling and controlling European politics. She is an Entente Cordial Cunt, for Queen/King and Country. And hopefully she and Macron go down in the Liberal Party. Replace Renew with the ALDE.
The many leaders in Europe that partake in the World Economic Forum are only being groomed by the WEF to potentially corrupt them. These are not WEF policy leaders as the Jews and cia are. Valérie Hayer and Macron are the WEF cia, masonic and Jewish policy makers; equal to the worst WEF shills.
There is a chasm of difference between Valérie Hayer and Marin of Finland. Valérie Hayer is the deepstate. Marin is not.
Defeating deepstate masonic and jewish candidates and leaders is normal in Europe. In America, especially with Trump, it is not.
Macron and the masons and Jews have hit the arrogant and prideful French public with so much Muslim multiculturalism, to repel the public to support Le Pen and the masons. Traditionally France was socialist and leftist, when France was French. When hit with so many psy-ops, violence and multiculturalism, the French rebelled from socialism as was planned and are now are conservative and easily manipulated. France is nearly a lost cause as it is falling for the same psy-ops that the Tea Party fell for. To forget the past and only define yourself based on the current news of outrage staged by jews and masons. In this way, the voting public is manipulated to abandon their past principles and accept the ZOG agenda of conservative deepstate political parties.
Marcon never wanted to be the leader that delivered and was a success such as Churchill. Macron and the other controlled opposition are deliberately failures so the general public stops voting for controlled opposition. Macron is there to crash Europe for America, and the cia have Masonic Le Pen, Chabad Putin, British Royals Farage to get the voters that Macron and WEF piss off.
How are the Jews/cia not running a criminal racket, the jews and cia invent the crisis, then profit off of it by leading the fight against the crisis to cement control over the globe. That was the purpose of the War on Terror. That is the purpose for the war on wokeness. The endgame was never have Muslim terrorists take over the White House and Congress and rule. The endgame is never to have the communists take over Washington. The endgame is after you have been fearmongered and scare tacticed, you vote in Republicans to vote in Le Pen. That is the endgame. And the Jews and cia are relentless, cia asset Steve Bannon said so, saying the Trump side are going to never stop until taking over Washington for their 1984 project of destroying any opposition.
The Jews and masons control both sides. Have their controlled opposition Macron and WEF never be success, only with bad ideas, not to ruin the West, to ruin the opposition of the West, so the cia Republicans and their deepstate parties in Europe such as FN defeat the controlled opposition designed to lose.
Europe is actually trying to defeat the masons and Jews, while it gets slander from the cia disinfo shills that Europe is a lost cause. There are far too many politicians in Europe and leaders in Europe that are not controlled, that the phony resistance have written off.
Here is one of hundreds of examples:
That is a former member of the European Parliament that was part of an Italian video saying the US did 9/11. Europe is the target to destroy, Macron is in on it. The masons are in on it. Chabad Russia is in on it.
The Republican Party is the lost cause and the Republican minions are a lost cause that want to harm Europe now that Europe has a conservative majority in Parliament to end these masonic and jewish crises from the cia and Russia. The WEF exists so Europe can never stand on two feet to defeat the crises sent by Russia and the cia. The Republican voters are there so the WEF fires don't burn down America too. As the WEF is the Jewish destroyer, not the endgame to destroy Washington. It is an endgame to destroy Europe if Europe does not obey the cia Republican deepstate and does not join Team Putin/Team Trump. The WEF is an endgame to destroy the many rivals and foes of the Anglo-American Empire if Europe does not submit. And the deepstate is ready to lead the phony resistance against the WEF so that their cia and mossad puppets get credit for defeating the WEF. A total racket.