View Full Version : Richard Nixon Watergate explained

14th September 2024, 09:47 AM
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15h • 8 tweets • 7 min read • Read on X
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Richard Nixon was a Noticer.


The Watergate scandal was a major political controversy in the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon from 1972 to 1974, ultimately resulting in Nixon's resignation. The name originated from attempts by the Nixon administration to conceal its involvement in the June 17, 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters located in the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C.

Post 2 
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“In 2007, Texe Marrs interviewed the late journalist and author, Michael Collins Piper about his new book at the time, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within. During that interview, Piper discussed the Watergate scandal and the ZI0NIST hidden hand at work to bring about a coup d’état of Richard Nixon.

Michael Collins Piper: “The whole Watergate thing was — let just be candid about it — it was a ish-ZI0NIST conspiracy from the get-go. I’ve written about this in Final Judgment rather than in the Judas Goats.
What was happening in the beginning of Richard Nixon’s second term was that Nixon had determined that he was going to clean house. Nixon had come to realize that he’d been in the circles of power here in the United States obviously for many years — and as we now know from many of the tapes that have come out that Richard had some very set opinions about ish power and influence in this country.”

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“And after his overwhelming re-election in ’72, he was beginning to make efforts in one particular area that very few people are aware of — he was determined to reassess and reestablish and recreate the federal bureaucracy in Washington. He wanted to eliminate many of the long-time ish career bureaucrats who were in high-level and mid-level positions of power in the bureaucracy. And this is one of the things he was planning to do —he was literally planning to clean house.”

“In addition, he was determined to force the ZI0NIST state of  to a major sit-down in the Middle East and solve the problems of the region. And he had back-channel operations going on to the Palestinians and to the King of Saudi Arabia, who was very anti-ZI0NIST. And basically what Nixon was saying was we are going to force them to sit down, and we are going to sort this all out.”
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“Well, of course Richard Nixon had Henry Kissinger as his Secretary of State, but Nixon was doing these things behind Kissinger’s back — and when Kissinger found out about it, Kissinger started to do everything he could to undermine Nixon. Now this is information that can be found in mainstream sources, but you have to put it all together to understand the bigger picture of what was happening.”

“It had reached a point — the struggle behind the scenes between Nixon and Kissinger and the ZI0NIST Lobby — that Nixon told people — he sent a message to the King of Saudi Arabia, he said, “In my next State of the Union Address — which would have been in 1975 —I’m going to tear up my prepared address and go before the American people on television and radio and explain to them precisely how the Jews are interfering with our foreign policy — and I am going to call for the American people to join me in trying to break the back of this conspiracy.”

“Now I’m, of course, paraphrasing — this isn’t exactly what Nixon said obviously — but this is what he was promising to do.

Post 5
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Needless to say, Deborah Davis makes it clear that the Watergate operation — and the spying on Richard Nixon — was being carried out by a CIA desk in the White House which was run by James Angleton. James Angleton was the CIA liaison to the MOSSAD. In fact, Miss Davis refers to this desk in the White House as literally an Israeli counter-intelligence desk.

So what we had was the Watergate operation — the spying on Nixon was being run by Israeli sympathizers in the CIA. They were determined to get Nixon out of there — and that whole Watergate burglary which was used to bring him down was obviously deliberately bungled. The intent was for these people to be caught. And then the media, of course, joined in the chorus against Richard Nixon. And Nixon made many mistakes in trying to contain the scandal — and only made it worse for him.

Post 6
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“Basically what we saw with Watergate was a ZI0NIST operation to discredit Richard Nixon and to run him out of the White House.
And what’s interesting is Vice President Spiro Agnew — who managed to get himself in trouble over a related thing — and incidentally, as an aside, those were Jish business men from Maryland who were the ones who gave testimony that implicated Spiro Agnew in corruption. And if you read Spiro Agnew’s book, it’s pretty clear that he was set up. In his book, Spiro says very specifically that one of the major forces in the Watergate affair was the ZI0NIST influence.”

“Spiro Agnew told people this, including Congressman Paul Findley and others that he definitively believed that it was ZI0NISM that was the prime mover behind the whole Watergate mess. So that’s what we had here — the ZI0NISTS assassinated Richard Nixon just as much as they assassinated John F. Kennedy.”

Just like they did Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky. Monica Lewinsky was a
ish spy used to blackmail Bill Clinton. Benjamin Netanyahu Demand Clinton Pardon Infamous Spy Jonathan Pollard, or he would leak the tape. Clinton was unable to, so the tape was leaked to Israeli intelligence Matt Drudge and Andrew Breitbart.“

Post 7
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“Texe Marrs: It’s interesting because in those tapes, Nixon also tells Haldeman, his chief of staff, and Billy Graham, the evangelist, talks about the “satanic ’s” involved in the conspiracy, and Billy Graham fully agreed with him. And Billy Graham said to the president, “After you’re elected for your second term, maybe you can do something about these ‘satanic ’s’.

[CFT Comment: Texe Marrs is somewhat misrepresenting what Billy Graham said on the Nixon tapes. He never used the phrase “satanic ’s”; rather he said to Nixon, “I told you one time that the Bible talks about two kinds of ’s. One is called `the S!NAGOGUE of Satan.’ They’re the ones putting out the pornographic literature — they’re the ones putting out these obscene films.”

Michael Piper: And that’s exactly what Nixon thought he was going to be able to do. Nixon was a scrapper — he was a fighter — he was a street fighter — he figured, “I’m president of the United States, and I have the power to do it.” But you know where he misjudged things — he made a bad gamble — he didn’t consider the power of the media — he did not consider the ish power over the media. Even the media itself, they crow and they gloat that they were the ones who brought down Richard Nixon — and that is exactly who did bring down Richard Nixon — the ish media…
Texe Marrs: Am I wrong to say that it was basically a coup d’état?

Michael Piper: That’s exactly what it was — it was as much a coup d’état as the coup d’état that took place in Dallas. They only difference was that Richard Nixon survived physically. But he will go down in history — thanks to the media — as a corrupt president. He may not have been the most honest man in the world, but he was no more corrupt than anyone else who’s ever been in the White House.”
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June 26, 1973
“The Palestine Arab delegation alleged that the “ZI0NIST leaders in the United States” are using the Watergate scandal to blackmail President Nixon into supporting Israel.”

“The ish Telegraphic Agency obtained a copy of the statement which is signed by Issa Nakleh, chairman of the Palestine Arab delegation, “Permanent Representative of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine,” headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon. The group is registered with the U.S. Department of Justice as a foreign agent”

“Its statement claims that “The objective of  and the Zi0NIST leadership is to dictate to the President the Middle East policy of the United States.” It alleges that to further that objective a “vicious and libelous campaign by the ZI0NIST controlled press, television and radio networks carried on against the President of the United States and his Administration over the so-called watergate scandal is an attempt to break the will of the President and to force him to submit to the dictate of  and the ZIONIST leaders.”
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19th September 2024, 06:01 PM
Nixon was a sweetheart of the banksters and he ended the gold standard. It was expedient to distance Nixon from the Jews, so much conflict between Nixon and Jews was staged, while no harm came to the banksters.