View Full Version : Ron Paul
1st April 2010, 09:16 AM
Controlled Opposition or not?
I vote that he is compromised.
Here he is speaking at Georgetown University, a Jesuit stronghold in the US.
Notice the masonic symbols behind him:
His wife is a member of the Eastern Star. This is an organization for Masonic wives. His girls are "Rainbow Girls", a Masonic org for kids.
He is a member of the John Birch Society, a Rockefeller founded gatekeeper organization.
There is a billionaire in his corner, a Bilderberger by the name Peter Thiel.
Thiel is also a money supplier to the Rand Paul campaign.
1st April 2010, 09:40 AM
Yeah, I have no doubt he is controlled oppostion. It's so obvious now. I wanted to believe and actually fell for it early on. All that hippie love crap. There is no love involved in a revolution. He is a speed bump to slow down angry Americans. It's not spontaneous, it's planned.
I've come to realize we are all on our own. I don't need you and you don't need me. We just have to rely on ourselves. Don't trust me, don't trust anyone. Don't write your plans down, don't tell them to anyone.
After you see the truth (the whole truth) then YOYO (you're on your own), plan accordingly.
1st April 2010, 09:48 AM
I've come to realize we are all on our own. I don't need you and you don't need me. We just have to rely on ourselves. Don't trust me, don't trust anyone. Don't write your plans down, don't tell them to anyone.
After you see the truth (the whole truth) then YOYO (you're on your own), plan accordingly.
And there you have it, in a nutshell, my sentiments exactly!
1st April 2010, 10:11 AM
IMHO, no man is an island and the days are coming where strength in numbers and skill sets will be mandatory, at least for most.
I've kept track of RP since the 70's and I don't think he's CO. He's done more to wake people up and stir the sleeping giant than anyone. Just my .02.
1st April 2010, 10:16 AM
If he were a true threat he'd be dead imo.
In poker, Doyle Brunson wrote the first major "how to play" book in poker. At first many of the other poker players were so upset that he'd given away all their knowledge and inside tricks. Then they began to realize that even though people read the book they couldn't stick to winning tactics. Knowing what to do and doing it are two very different things.
We have brainwashing everywhere we look from birth nowadays. A few people are telling some of the truth. Even on places like GIM where people can know the truth...nothing is being done. Knowing the truth and doing something about it are two very different things.
All the protests and marches were kept in the lines. A real protest would have involved violence and destruction. That's just history.
1st April 2010, 10:27 AM
If he were a true threat he'd be dead imo.
In poker, Doyle Brunson wrote the first major "how to play" book in poker. At first many of the other poker players were so upset that he'd given away all their knowledge and inside tricks. Then they began to realize that even though people read the book they couldn't stick to winning tactics. Knowing what to do and doing it are two very different things.
We have brainwashing everywhere we look from birth nowadays. A few people are telling some of the truth. Even on places like GIM where people can know the truth...nothing is being done. Knowing the truth and doing something about it are two very different things.
All the protests and marches were kept in the lines. A real protest would have involved violence and destruction. That's just history.
I agree absolutely. However, there is a benefit from sites like this, in that Gold and Silver bugs are not cut from the standard cloth that most sheep are cut from, and therefore newcomers are bound to learn from posts like yours.
Although we have been subjected to brainwashing since childhood, we can break free, and even though there haven't been violent revolts or assassinations of banksters, and even though people are complying and staying in their "Free Speech Zones", other people are learning the truth and they are prepping.
That is one thing that can be said. These sites will cause you to prep. If they don't you should be browsing different sites.
EDIT - I should also note, to stay on topic that Ron Paul is a known mason.
Also, it should be noted that the Jesuits have been infiltrated by the jewish/freemasonic fifth column, so it should come as no surprise to see those symbols.
The name Jesuit = Society of Jesus.
These conspirators know no boundaries.
philo beddoe
1st April 2010, 10:49 AM
I don't believe in Ron Paul, or think he is ever going to do anything for me. Also, he is too old to be effective anymore. It doesn't surprise me that he is a freemason
1st April 2010, 11:57 AM
I've thought about this a lot. I honestly don't think he is CO. If he is he's been doing it a looooong time. I think he is an honest man. TPTB are not threatened by him because they know he could never really win an election since they are all rigged anyhow. JMO.
6th April 2010, 09:53 PM
I think he's more than legit but I wouldn't smite ya over you having doubts, I would even say that I was 99.9% sure but it wouldn't be the 1st time that bit me in the ass.
6th April 2010, 10:16 PM
As long as he is anti Zionist he could be the devil himself for all that I care.......
Grand Master Melon
6th April 2010, 10:29 PM
OMG look at those evil symbols.
Geez, you guys crack me up.
6th April 2010, 10:48 PM
Wow, I would understand if that was a picture inside his home. Some people are paranoid beyond comprehension. :P
6th April 2010, 10:52 PM
His heart is in the right place, as far as I can tell.
I think he follows it.
7th April 2010, 03:20 AM
My intuition so far tells me that he is genuine.
7th April 2010, 04:16 AM
Ron Paul is the real deal.
What would have been the point of him giving birth to the 'tea party' movement, just to have Fox and others 'tea bag' it.
7th April 2010, 06:46 AM
Jim Puplava was educated at a Jesuit university,
should I disregard him?
Judge the message, not the man.
Just the fact that he is a congressman means he is controlled, but that does not mean he is not sincere.
Ron is not so much there to lead us, but to inspire us, and in that respect he wins.
However, CFL keeps calling me for $
and I will not give any of them another cent,
I gave until it HURT in 2008, and he dropped out a few weeks later.
7th April 2010, 08:58 AM
i'll talk about this now. i tried once or twice on GIM, but skyvike banned me for a week once and deleted my posts.
i used to live in houston and had a good friend who had a cottage on galveston. she knew the pauls personally, and i met him on several occasions around 1995 or 1996.
the thing about him is that he is the real deal, but he's also a defeatist. he believes in what he is saying, but at the same time, he believes there is nothing we can do to change it because "we are outnumbered." i heard him say numerous times that the best things americans can do is to "do for themselves" because the government is lost and CANNOT be changed.
i don't know if he ever says this in public, but i heard him say it on at least 2 occasions in my friend glenda's living room.
this is why i have never taken him seriously. he isn't doing all of this to change the system, he's doing all of it to get people to "prep up," so to speak. i guess that's good and all, but that's why i called bullsh*t on "ron paul is going to save the world" on GIM many times. ron paul doesn't want to save the world, he just wants to save groups of people.
the closest thing i can relate how he thinks is to liken it to calvanism- try to do good works on earth, but we are all doomed to hell.
7th April 2010, 09:04 AM
I doubt Ron Paul is CO.
But he has chosen people to put into leadership roles that are. And those people have appointed others.
As for the photo, Ron Paul does very little to select his locations. The guy is on the move 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In 2007-2008, he would show up where ever the local meetups had rented (many times a bar). And to be honest, some of the people around him barely know anything about the CFR and the Bilderburgs. They are leaches looking to ride the movement for a few years to get paid.
And yes his family has a history of being Masons. But I have tried but never confirmed that he is.
7th April 2010, 09:05 AM
Chad? that was what I posted elsewhere, I don't know anything about poletics but I feel the same way about Ron to late for him to change anything but he can control what is going to happen when it happens, I would like it if were to be a younger person.....
7th April 2010, 09:11 AM
Chad, isn't he right to try?
If these united States are the Titanic, what is the best thing to do?
Try to fix the ship or try to build/secure the best small boats we can?
Ron Paul has allowed people who didn't know each to network and build small boats.
It never had anything to do with "him", it had to do with his ideas.
Without him, many would still think that they were the only ones on the Titanic that knew that they were going to die.
7th April 2010, 09:15 AM
yeah, i don't fault him for speaking out, but i don't think personally that he believes it can be changed. more power to him, but in the end, he's just some guy from texas. i don't have anything against the guy, it's just that i have heard him say i the presence of 4 people or so that he thinks it's past the point of saving logistically speaking.
i don't know, maybe he has changed his outlook, when i met him that was at least 12 years ago.
1st October 2010, 08:16 AM
While still a medical resident in the 1960s, Paul was influenced by Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom, which led him to read many works of Ayn Rand and Ludwig von Mises. He came to know economists Hans Sennholz and Murray Rothbard well, and credits to them his interest in the study of economics. He came to believe that what the Austrian school economists wrote was coming true on August 15, 1971, when President Richard Nixon closed the "gold window" by implementing the U.S. dollar's complete departure from the gold standard.[8] That same day, the young physician decided to enter politics, saying later, "After that day, all money would be political money rather than money of real value. I was astounded."
Yeah, he is a real asshat....
1st October 2010, 08:32 AM
Everyone with any power is compromised or dead.
Say you were a mayor or congressman or something... one day someone tells you that you can do such and such or you're going to have a problem. You don't do it and then your daughter comes home and says some strange man on the street said to do such and such or you'd have a problem. Now are you going to do it? Maybe your wife gets raped next.
Maybe you have no family at all and don't care about anything... then you just get found suicided next to a pile of kiddie porn.
Everyone with political power is going to be someone's bitch. Either the bitch of someone who threatens them and their families, or the bitch of the cops that may forget to protect them as well as they could. All the talk of masonic symbols is a red herring for me, because it doesn't matter that one candidate will be compromised when the reality is that all of them are and always will be as long as still are turning men into gods.
I think it would be great if he had won. I think there's a lot of good people out there trying to get somewhere in politics. But my point is, you never put your trust behind them totally. Believe in the ideas - don't believe in a person.
1st October 2010, 08:41 AM
Paul is 100% correct about the government being irreparably broken and us having to look out for ourselves.
gunny highway
1st October 2010, 04:09 PM
Everyone with political power is going to be someone's bitch. Either the bitch of someone who threatens them and their families, or the bitch of the cops that may forget to protect them as well as they could. All the talk of masonic symbols is a red herring for me, because it doesn't matter that one candidate will be compromised when the reality is that all of them are and always will be as long as still are turning men into gods.
my thoughts exactly. but i still don't think he's CO, not in the sense that his loyalties have been comprimised or that he's pushing his opposition agenda as some sort of calculated effort to distract the sheepe with false hopes of freedom. he's the real deal, but he also has no real power. he has been effectively marginalized in the media and his colleauges on the Hill actually laugh at him. while he isn't "taking orders" from anyone and no one is telling him what to say, i do however think he's being used by the media and TPTB to make anyone who agrees with him, and what the Constitution says, seem as crazy and racist as they try to make him sound. they have been succussful so far in portraying RP as small and mousy, old, and slighly crazy. this is a concerted effort to tarnish his credibility and credibility of anyone who evokes his name in conversation, and thus the founding principles of this country. i noticed that after his run in 08 he was on TV more. America was ready for Change and was acting all progressive by electing a Kenyan as the Prez. now they don't have time for all these antiquated ideas RP is talking about. he's just a crazy old man from Texas talking about stuff they don't care about or understand. with the exception of the few people i know that support him, this is how everyone looks at him. and his repeated appearances on TV just reinforce it. damned if you do and damned if you don't. i'm damned because i want him on the tube running his mouth because maybe he'll wake up some more people, but then i'm also damned because the more he does just that the more he reinforces the negative image the media has constructed for him. ain't life grande? ;D
1st October 2010, 04:14 PM
It still bothers me that he went along with Obama's certification without even asking a question.
1st October 2010, 05:18 PM
It still bothers me that he went along with Obama's certification without even asking a question.
Why should he have entered the fray if he knew he would come out on the loosing side? He would have been swamped under with the issue and his credibility along with it.
gunny highway
2nd October 2010, 01:36 AM
i just have a hard time dealing with the fact that there is no one in a position of power that gives a shit about us. i'm not the only one either. but of course, that's my burden; whatever. but i really think that this is what the TPTB rely on every day; us feeling isolated and powerless. it's all about making us feel sorry for ourselves, like we couldn't mobilize ourselves as a group and kick somebody's ass. we're just a bunch of complacent ineffectual loud mouths who care more about what our useless college football teams do on Saturday than what our useless national "servants" do the rest of the week. preaching to the choir, i know. it just seems futile to think that we can change 500 years of financial, social and political manipulation. i see where Ron is coming from when he sounds defeatist. dude, they got us by the short and curlies. what can we do other than bitch about it. no one is man enough, including me, to go Braveheart on this shit. classic Catch 22. anyone read that book?
;DGo Wolfpack!!! ;D
2nd October 2010, 06:44 AM
i just have a hard time dealing with the fact that there is no one in a position of power that gives a sh*t about us. i'm not the only one either. but of course, that's my burden; whatever. but i really think that this is what the TPTB rely on every day; us feeling isolated and powerless. it's all about making us feel sorry for ourselves, like we couldn't mobilize ourselves as a group and kick somebody's ass.
TPTB would love to have you "kick somebody's ass".
That's where they lead you.
TPTB would love to see us killing each other.
that is the plan
2nd October 2010, 08:31 AM
It still bothers me that he went along with Obama's certification without even asking a question.
Why should he have entered the fray if he knew he would come out on the loosing side? He would have been swamped under with the issue and his credibility along with it.
Cause it would have been the right thing?
2nd October 2010, 08:56 AM
It still bothers me that he went along with Obama's certification without even asking a question.
Why should he have entered the fray if he knew he would come out on the loosing side? He would have been swamped under with the issue and his credibility along with it.
Cause it would have been the right thing?
I doubt Ron Paul had solid evidence, one way or the other, to put the question to rest. Since the evidence that was already out there wasn't making the case, why would Dr. Paul have championed the cause, when it was clear that Obama was in.
Did you really want to see Dr. Paul pick another fight he couldn't win?
2nd October 2010, 09:01 AM
The reason the evidence didn't make the case was because Elena Kagan was refusing to judge it.
Yes Paul should have fought this!
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