View Full Version : I like this place!

1st April 2010, 12:43 PM
How come the other place (GiM2) doesn't have a general discussion forum? I think they really shot themselves in the foot, this place feels more like "home" to me. ;D

1st April 2010, 12:46 PM
Thanks, Chud, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Where'd you come from, Kitco? (because GIM and GIM2 have discussion forums).

1st April 2010, 12:47 PM
Where'd you come from, Kitco? (because GIM and GIM2 have discussion forums).

I'm from GiM. I didn't see a general discussion area over on GiM2.
GiM2 has: Energy News and Trading, Survival Prep, Firearms, aand Technical Analysis...but no *general* discussion.

Anyway, regardless, I like the feel of this place better. Thanks JohnQPublic!