View Full Version : Educte Me - $200+ software is needed to improve the forum?

General of Darkness
1st April 2010, 06:25 PM
If that's the case I'd be willing to pitch in some money for that. Anyone else.

BTW - What does the software provide etc.

General of Darkness
1st April 2010, 06:29 PM
I think they were talking about VBulletin - the same software that GIM1 used. $280-ish.
Don't know if it would allow transferring of old posts from this forum over to its database, though... if it happens soon enough that might not be much of an issue.

It seems to me that the BIGGEST issue would be maintaining user registrations, so people can still log in without re-registering. A lot of people probably wouldn't go for that.

Better now than later.

1st April 2010, 06:31 PM
Ah, I think they would, but this software seems pretty fast? I think if we can reach terms with J6P then this should be good enough. What does the other offer that this one doesn't?

1st April 2010, 06:33 PM
Ah, I think they would, but this software seems pretty fast? I think if we can reach terms with J6P then this should be good enough. What does the other offer that this one doesn't?

Familiarity mostly, I think.

This forum can be fine, as it is - so long as there are good posters and no bullshit rules.

1st April 2010, 06:35 PM
Ah, I think they would, but this software seems pretty fast? I think if we can reach terms with J6P then this should be good enough. What does the other offer that this one doesn't?

Familiarity mostly, I think.

This forum can be fine, as it is - so long as there are good posters and no bullsh*t rules.

I dig how the forum didn't sensor the whole word when I typed b u l l s h i t out.

I am me, I am free
1st April 2010, 06:35 PM
vBulletin rocks, it is the king of forum software. Nothing else comes close.

1st April 2010, 06:36 PM
OK has someone made a topic of feature requests? If not I will.

This software will do a lot and there are hundreds of "Themes" that can be added and user selected.

But the price is right, it is faster than VB and it doesn't cost money.

JQP is new at this and he is learning fast so bear with him before ya get the pitchforks out.

1st April 2010, 06:39 PM
No pitchforks. Dunno if you were a GIMmer, but we like to kick stuff around..., and complain. ;D

1st April 2010, 06:41 PM
vBulletin rocks, it is the king of forum software. Nothing else comes close.

As a forum the basic core of VB is good, but the way it handles the db sucks.

I personally like this software from a admin point of view. JQP seems to be catching on to it also. Plus there are many more mods for this software than VB. VB is a illusion, Invision is the pay for ware.

just my .05

General of Darkness
1st April 2010, 06:41 PM
No pitchforks. Dunno if you were a GIMmer, but we like to kick stuff around..., and complain. ;D

I'm with Wildcard. I have absolutely NO idea with web stuff. We use wordpress for my site www.vornetwork.com but it's not a forum.

1st April 2010, 06:43 PM
No pitchforks. Dunno if you were a GIMmer, but we like to kick stuff around..., and complain. ;D

Complain all ya want! ;D

I don't have to listen do I?

1st April 2010, 06:45 PM
I wouldn't.

General of Darkness
1st April 2010, 06:45 PM
No pitchforks. Dunno if you were a GIMmer, but we like to kick stuff around..., and complain. ;D

Complain all ya want! ;D

I don't have to listen do I?

Depends on if you drink or not... HAHAHAHAHAHA

1st April 2010, 06:47 PM

I definately would like to add "Thanks". I really liked that feature on GIM. I have not found it built in yet, but there may be an add on package that can enable it. If so, I would be willing to add it.

Other than that, I think this is a pretty good package. One thing about it is that it is based on a platform designed for mobile forums, so it works well on mobile devices. As they become popular, we may all be glad it is on this platform. I tried it on my Treo last night, and it was fast and efficient. You do not get all the info, but you can see and respond to the messages with little overhead.

1st April 2010, 06:48 PM
Poo on thanks, people can hit the reply button!

General of Darkness
1st April 2010, 06:50 PM

I definately would like to add "Thanks". I really liked that feature on GIM. I have not found it built in yet, but there may be an add on package that can enable it. If so, I would be willing to add it.

Other than that, I think this is a pretty good package. One thing about it is that it is based on a platform designed for mobile forums, so it works well on mobile devices. As they become popular, we may all be glad it is on this platform. I tried it on my Treo last night, and it was fast and efficient. You do not get all the info, but you can see and respond to the messages with little overhead.


No complaints at all my friend. I was just offering to financially help out if you guys wanted to improve things with additional software or something like that.

And thanks for doing this, I feel WAY more comfortable than at part deux.


1st April 2010, 06:51 PM

No complaints at all my friend. I was just offering to financially help out if you guys wanted to improve things with additional software or something like that.

And thanks for doing this, I feel WAY more comfortable than at part deux.


Hear, hear!

Desolation LineTrimmer
3rd April 2010, 03:43 PM
Don't worry about money. If you want to switch to vbulletin you'll get your donations. I'm in for $20. I doubt it will be easy transferring the accrued posts here though, and losing them will be bad because it documents the destruction of GIM 1.

3rd April 2010, 03:56 PM
The vbulletin would be SWEET!!!!!!! Yes, lets do it!!!!!! Everyone loved that old place and I think we would be able to attract more of the old GIMmers there. It would be like the old GIM but MUCH BETTER!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

3rd April 2010, 06:11 PM
Don't worry about money. If you want to switch to vbulletin you'll get your donations. I'm in for $20. I doubt it will be easy transferring the accrued posts here though, and losing them will be bad because it documents the destruction of GIM 1.

Right, if there is a need, I'm ready to help out too. This place has captured the "feel" of GIM1 and I really enjoy it!

Desolation LineTrimmer
3rd April 2010, 06:22 PM
This place has captured the "feel" of GIM1 and I really enjoy it!

Glad to see you here, Argentium -- although I expected you here as a matter of course. :)

3rd April 2010, 06:54 PM
I've spent a lot more time on vbulletin forums so I am used to them, however I feel great here. I have the black background and it looks sweet. Plus the company is great, its like GIM's greatest hits over here. The best GIMMERs minus trolls/shills/dipshitmods (for now).

I wholeheartedly thank everyone who has worked on this project.

3rd April 2010, 06:57 PM
I've spent a lot more time on vbulletin forums so I am used to them, however I feel great here. I have the black background and it looks sweet. Plus the company is great, its like GIM's greatest hits over here. The best GIMMERs minus trolls/shills/dipsh*tmods (for now).

I wholeheartedly thank everyone who has worked on this project.

I agree completely with every point!
