View Full Version : Immigration Amnesty...coming up

1st April 2010, 08:06 PM
Been thinking about this alot.

This has to be the next shoe to drop. Stop worrying about 2nd crap, not going to happen YET. Bigger fish to fry.

SS is broke, as are most other entitlements.

So how do you fix it? How do you re-inflate the ponzi scheme and blunt the force of the baby boomers?

Easy, just add citizenship to millions of illegals. Now supposedly they will have to start paying taxes and voting.

Voila.. can kicked down the road a little longer.

mick silver
1st April 2010, 08:08 PM
we all will be sold out one more time ... this will past also ...

1st April 2010, 08:09 PM
I just don't see how they can do that without taking the guns first. I think people are ready to crack at any moment. Of course I've thought that for a long time and they keep putting up with more and more, but I think they legalize 30 million illegals and say hey whitey pick up their health care tab and we're gonna see some fireworks.

mick silver
1st April 2010, 08:11 PM
when will the gov have the info on bank acc an every thing else

1st April 2010, 08:13 PM
I just don't see how they can do that without taking the guns first. I think people are ready to crack at any moment. Of course I've thought that for a long time and they keep putting up with more and more, but I think they legalize 30 million illegals and say hey whitey pick up their health care tab and we're gonna see some fireworks.

Nahh.. everyone will take that lying down. They are used to the idea by now.

It will be a non-event...

This is step 1 to unification.

1st April 2010, 08:16 PM
I can't see a bigger "show" than was done on Healthcare.

I am me, I am free
1st April 2010, 08:17 PM
I just don't see how they can do that without taking the guns first. I think people are ready to crack at any moment. Of course I've thought that for a long time and they keep putting up with more and more, but I think they legalize 30 million illegals and say hey whitey pick up their health care tab and we're gonna see some fireworks.

I know an old timer who's been 'aware' since the early '50s. about 15 years ago he shared his perspective with me: "in the late '60s I was thinking that any moment the house of cards would come down and ts would htf; I kept thinking that for years, that 'they' couldn't keep the scam going, that it had to collapse. I finally realized that 'they' have accomplished everything they've needed to accomplish, and now it's strictly a 'mop-up operation' - there will never be that one big moment that everyone can point to and say, 'THAT is the collapse.'"

I am me, I am free
1st April 2010, 08:39 PM
I know an old timer who's been 'aware' since the early '50s. about 15 years ago he shared his perspective with me: "in the late '60s I was thinking that any moment the house of cards would come down and ts would htf; I kept thinking that for years, that 'they' couldn't keep the scam going, that it had to collapse. I finally realized that 'they' have accomplished everything they've needed to accomplish, and now it's strictly a 'mop-up operation' - there will never be that one big moment that everyone can point to and say, 'THAT is the collapse.'"

Sounds like he probably knew what he was talking about! I've often wondered if TS has already HTF in an irreversible way.

No, it has not reached that tilting point, the game is still on.

1st April 2010, 08:40 PM
I guess so, we only need to look to Britain for our future. I won't be there to see it.

1st April 2010, 08:53 PM
Well, sh*te hitting the fan is most profitable when it is planned, as in a staged demolition.

Strong legs down with checkpoint stops.

1st April 2010, 09:03 PM
Nahh.. everyone will take that lying down. They are used to the idea by now.

It will be a non-event...

This is step 1 to unification.


We are living in a huge Zio-Ant Farm under Talmudic rules. After they shipped all our factories over to China they don't care what happens to goyim USA anymore.

1st April 2010, 09:06 PM
I guess that would mean they have China under their thumb now?

2nd April 2010, 07:53 AM
I guess that would mean they have China under their thumb now?

So long as they can keep it.

2nd April 2010, 08:05 AM
Capital controls first, to prevent emigration.
Amnest next, to inflate the welfare bubble.
Disarmament third, to quell potential revolt.
Then it's open the FEMA camps for business, the velvet glove comes off! >:(

It's always seemed to me that they could get the masses to more than willingly walk into a FEMA welcome center, hell, I think people will fight to get into them. Let the monetary collapse occur, food stuffs dwindle to nothing etc. A parent will do anything, anything! not to watch his his family starve.

2nd April 2010, 08:28 AM
I just don't see how they can do that without taking the guns first. I think people are ready to crack at any moment. Of course I've thought that for a long time and they keep putting up with more and more, but I think they legalize 30 million illegals and say hey whitey pick up their health care tab and we're gonna see some fireworks.

At least once a week I think to myself "is the day we are going to crack?" I've only been thinking this for the last few years. I am leaning toward a new mindset now, after discussing world and national events with friends, family members, and strangers: They're on drugs. Their drugs are traditional (prescription or street), as well as TV, consumerism and denial. You can't reason with a drug addict. You can't understand why they can't just get clean like you did. They are pacified by their need to stay entertained in shallow ways, and I don't see anything changing, any time soon.

2nd April 2010, 08:28 AM
First step is amnesty, I agree 100% and been ranting about it to friends for the past year. It's coming, probably in 2011 sometime.

The new citizens will help keep Hussein in office, IMO for the 2012 elections.

After that comes the real ugly stuff.

2013 War with Iran

2013++(?) domestic round ups of dissidents.

There will be a whole new 30 million strong civilian group backing Hussein because he granted them citizenship.

2nd April 2010, 08:30 AM
Dmac, I see it like that too.

2nd April 2010, 08:47 AM
I discount no theory as to the progression of the US collapse. There are a thousand scenario's and combinations of each that are possible. One totally unforeseen event can and will change the outcomes and the dynamics of each potential theory.

The thing is....every theory leads to the same outcome and none of the events in between are pretty.