View Full Version : White "Supremacist" Radio Ads Cause Stir

2nd April 2010, 12:21 AM
This guy is running for Senate in MO.


At the above link you can listen to all his ads. You can also go to his site at www.whty.org

A couple local MSM propaganda about him:



The thing I like about him is that he calls it like it is. No BS and the best part is they HAVE to run his ads. Great stuff.

2nd April 2010, 02:02 AM
I heard these ads, and although I can see how they sound bad, I found that I pretty much agreed with everything the guy said. If I lived in Missouri, he would get my vote.

philo beddoe
2nd April 2010, 06:52 AM
Glenn Miller is a federal informant guys.........

2nd April 2010, 01:36 PM
Glenn Miller is a federal informant guys.........

I don't think that has been proven. But I'd be interested to see any links or your insights into the matter.

Anyways, look at the "machine" try to silence him. This could set the standard for future rulings on this type of thing. I could imagine it even extending to "anti-Federal Reserve" candidates.


Radio Stations Wait for Ruling on White Supremacist Campaign Ads

By KSPR News

Story Created: Apr 1, 2010 at 8:02 PM CDT
Story Updated: Apr 2, 2010 at 1:42 PM CDT

Controversial campaign radio ads are raising constitutional questions. The Missouri Attorney General's Office may decide if a white supremacist is a legally qualified candidate.

Federal law requires radio and television stations to sell advertising time to legally qualified candidates. In a taped disclaimer Eagle and Falcon Broadcasting warns listeners about an upcoming campaign ad "These individuals can't be denied the power of broadcast media," the disclaimer said. The disclaimer plays before and after Frazier Glenn Miller’s radio ads.

In the ad Miller starts off with the phrase "Hey, white man." Miller urges white people to “unite” and "take our country back." KSPR asked the write-in candidate why his ads didn't say much about him or his platform. "I give my website where people can go and learn my position on all the issues,” Miller said. “I give my phone number and they can contact me directly. I'm the only candidate doing that."

Phones aren't ringing off the hook at the station miller paid to play the ads. "Our audience has been through this before he ran ads in 2006," KRMO and KSWM President Dewayne Gandy said. In 2006, Gandy says the FCC was clear on how to handle Miller's ads. "We would have to play or be in danger of losing our license," Gandy said.

This year Gandy says he’s getting conflicting advice. “I called the FCC and got three different opinions,” Gandy said. The Missouri Broadcasters Association asked the Missouri Attorney General to rule if Miller is a legally qualified candidate. If not, the FCC rules don't apply. "I’ve contacted the state's attorney general and I've demanded he arrest them for deliberately interfering with my constitutional rights," Miller said.

The NAACP legal redress chair for the Springfield chapter says he has only read about the ads. "I'm not going to get upset by someone making racist comments because that's their personal problem,” Wes Pratt said. “When you start inciting others to harm people that look like me, Jewish people or Muslims that's a violation of the law."

Several Kansas City radio stations are donating Miller ad money to the NAACP and Jewish organizations. "I want to tell them the next time they use the word 'redneck' they need to donate the proceeds to the Ku Klux Klan if they want to be fair," Miller said.

Pratt says he’ll continue to focus on bringing diversity to the Ozarks instead of what he calls divisive rhetoric. "This should be discussed so the media can inform people but in this case I think he got a lot of free publicity which is probably what he wanted to do," Pratt said.

Each ad buy at the local stations cost $195. Miller says he and his contributors bought the ads.

The attorney general's office has not ruled if Miller is a legal candidate meeting all filing requirements.

3rd April 2010, 06:01 PM
Glenn Miller is a federal informant guys.........

Good ole' Glenn. Even if he isn't a fed, I really don't think he's smart enough to be a Senator. Has anyone read his posts on VNN? Far from the sharpest knife in the drawer, even for VNN.

3rd April 2010, 06:10 PM
Glenn Miller is a federal informant guys.........


3rd April 2010, 06:12 PM
Glenn Miller is a federal informant guys.........

I don't think that has been proven. But I'd be interested to see any links or your insights into the matter.

It is 100% proven, and admitted by him on VNNForum.

He ratted on the men of "The Order," and admitted it, claiming he "had to" because "they ratted on me," which is BS.

3rd April 2010, 08:01 PM
Glenn Miller is a federal informant guys.........

I don't think that has been proven. But I'd be interested to see any links or your insights into the matter.

It is 100% proven, and admitted by him on VNNForum.

He ratted on the men of "The Order," and admitted it, claiming he "had to" because "they ratted on me," which is BS.

How soon I forget, sorry. I remember his confession on the Fort Smith trial, turning as a Fedgov witness against the Bruders.

3rd April 2010, 08:32 PM
Glenn Miller is a federal informant guys.........

I don't think that has been proven. But I'd be interested to see any links or your insights into the matter.

It is 100% proven, and admitted by him on VNNForum.

He ratted on the men of "The Order," and admitted it, claiming he "had to" because "they ratted on me," which is BS.

My mistake. I'll do some reading on it tonight.

One thing I agree with is that he is most certainly not the ideal candidate and clearly not the most intelligent BUT he is better than nothing and he calls it like he sees it, no BS and no dodging around the issues. I don't expect him to win or even get 1% of the votes (especially with the rigged systems we have these days) but if he gets even 50 people to open their eyes it is good enough for me.

3rd April 2010, 08:37 PM

We sure can't have racial supremacists running our government...lol.

3rd April 2010, 08:49 PM
Good ole' Glenn. Even if he isn't a fed, I really don't think he's smart enough to be a Senator.

Since when does being a Senator require intelligence?

All you need to do to be a good Senator these days is to vote no on everything.

3rd April 2010, 09:51 PM
One thing I agree with is that he is most certainly not the ideal candidate and clearly not the most intelligent BUT he is better than nothing and he calls it like he sees it, no BS and no dodging around the issues. I don't expect him to win or even get 1% of the votes (especially with the rigged systems we have these days) but if he gets even 50 people to open their eyes it is good enough for me.

"Rounder" Glenn Miller does one thing right, and that's make good propaganda.

I love the ads.

4th April 2010, 06:48 AM
White supremacy is a pretty idiotic idea to promote.

When I was born, Whites were a third of the world population, now they are less than 10%. How could White supremacy be feasible under such circumstances?

If someone advocated White survival I might support him, but when they they advocate White supremacy I think they work for the real racial supremacists, the Khazar-Jews. They are the Master Race.

The Jewsmedia would never give any air time to someone who peacefully advocates White survival. They will jump on the opportunity to label anyone who espouses the interests of White people as a "White supremacist". It's projection.

4th April 2010, 08:47 AM
White supremacy is a pretty idiotic idea to promote.

When I was born, Whites were a third of the world population, now they are less than 10%. How could White supremacy be feasible under such circumstances?

If someone advocated White survival I might support him, but when they they advocate White supremacy I think they work for the real racial supremacists, the Khazar-Jews. They are the Master Race.

The Jewsmedia would never give any air time to someone who peacefully advocates White survival. They will jump on the opportunity to label anyone who espouses the interests of White people as a "White supremacist". It's projection.

It is merely a label they are attaching to him Hoarder, I thought you would understand this. The vast majority of what are labeled "Racists" and "White Supremacists" are truly White Separatists.

Now on to that label of "Supremacist" here is the Wiki definition: "Supremacism is the belief that a particular race, religion, gender, species, sexual orientation, belief system or culture is superior to others and entitles those who identify with it to dominate, control or rule those who do not."

I believe in the first part of that. I believe White culture is superior to all others and that we are Nature's Finest creation where the definition falls flat for labeling someone like myself is that I (we) have no desire what-so-ever to "dominate, control or rule those who do not". We merely want our own land where we can determine our own destinies without alien interference.

"When I was born, Whites were a third of the world population, now they are less than 10%. How could White supremacy be feasible under such circumstances? "
If our race dies out and leaves the earth I would be inclined to agree with you but if population growth is the only consideration for "Supremacy" well then why don't the Africans or Chinese or Indians rule the world? Instead we find the world is ruled by a TINY minority.

"The Jewsmedia would never give any air time to someone who peacefully advocates White survival." They have to if they are a candidate for office. It is the law. Think, David Duke and his campaign.

4th April 2010, 09:23 AM
I generally agree, Brent, but the person in question has associated himself with "White Power" which implies power over non-Whites. That goes beyone separatism. Like David Duke, he may not currently associate with those beliefs/positions but because of their past associations and the fact that our enemies have the means to repetitively associate them with their past positions, niether one is worthy of rallying behind.

philo beddoe
4th April 2010, 09:41 AM
I generally agree, Brent, but the person in question has associated himself with "White Power" which implies power over non-Whites. That goes beyone separatism. Like David Duke, he may not currently associate with those beliefs/positions but because of their past associations and the fact that our enemies have the means to repetitively associate them with their past positions, niether one is worthy of rallying behind.
Who do you believe should be in control of the worlds resources ? Gooks? Should we give our nukes away to China and Somalia and Indonesia? Supremacist is a made up word, as well as racism. Being against white power means we might as well give all white assets over to negroes like South Africa did, and bend over and wait for them to destroy iit.

4th April 2010, 09:52 AM
White supremacy is a pretty idiotic idea to promote.

If "White supremacy" means "all Whites are better than everyone else," I agree with you.

Obviously we are not...we destroy ourselves at every opportunity.

4th April 2010, 09:58 AM
I believe in the first part of that. I believe White culture is superior to all others...

I question that. Yes, of course I want to live in a land with a culture that is what God intended for me and my people, but we must question whether "White culture" truly is superior, when it allows us to be so easily victimized by parasites.

We allowed what has happened. The Jew is a parasite, that could have been stomped out, just as our ancestors sent them packing so many times.

Yet "White culture" has allowed a cancer to metastasize across the White world, and even destroy the cure back in the '40s. I cannot accept the argument that "Jews have corrupted our culture." The culture allowed them in in the first place.

we are Nature's Finest creation

As the Bible says, the Adam-man (of which the Aryan race is part) is "the Image of God."

We merely want our own land where we can determine our own destinies without alien interference.

Yes. Yes!

4th April 2010, 10:02 AM
I generally agree, Brent, but the person in question has associated himself with "White Power" which implies power over non-Whites. That goes beyone separatism. Like David Duke, he may not currently associate with those beliefs/positions but because of their past associations and the fact that our enemies have the means to repetitively associate them with their past positions, niether one is worthy of rallying behind.

Didn't you say you're part Indian?

"White Power" was the response to "Black Power" in the 1960s. It does not necessarily have connotations of "White supremacy." I can't speak for Duke or his Klan associations, but I can speak about true National Socialism, which did not attempt to dominate each and every non-White within its control. Jesse Owens once said the biggest difference between Germany and America was that in Hitler's Germany he could ride in the front of the bus.

4th April 2010, 10:37 AM
The term "White Supremacist" was created by the MSM in the 1960's, largely in response to George Lincoln Rockwell's NS "White Power" movement. While I haven't read any recent writings by the traitor Miller (or his nome' de plume, Rounder), i don't recall him being that extreme.

The term is convenient to the Jewsmedia, as a one size fits all classification for anyone who doesn't accept the current racial situation in the US. In reality, there is a wide continuum of views; running from the hard core NSM types, to White Nationalists, to your J6P who aren't too crazy about having negroes move in next door.

26th July 2014, 01:22 AM
Glenn Miller was alleged to have committed this probable FF shooting at a joosh community center. (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/kansas-city-jewish-center-shootings-suspect-frazier-glenn-miller-cross/).. Interesting discussion here; consensus seemed to be they could take or leave GM the man, but it's about jooz.gov's being caught in lies. GM talk begins at 1h 15m:

The Heretics' Hour: The Right Not to Associate in America (http://carolynyeager.net/heretics-hour-right-not-associate-america)

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2014-05-19 18:20

click here to download podcast (http://carolynyeager.net/system/files/HH_Don-Hadding_5-19-14_6401805.mp3)

May 19, 2014

Don's Freedom of Association admendment would not affect public schools, but private schools would be protected from forced integration. Just look at the result.

Don Advo (http://renseradioarchives.com/stormfront/), the California attorney who has become co-host on Don Black's Stormfront radio show, talks about the importance of Freedom of Association and his proposed amendment to the US Constitution that would make it an expressed, not just an implied, right.

Don was last on The Heretics' Hour on September 23, 2013 (http://carolynyeager.net/heretics-hour-civil-war-civil-rights-white-slavery);
Proposed amendment: "The right of freedom of association, however and by whomever exercised on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability, whether real or perceived, whether exercised individually or otherwise, contractually or otherwise, in commerce or otherwise, by persons over the age of 18, is absolute and shall not be regulated or abridged by the United States, the several states or any political subdivision thereof."

In the second hour, Hadding Scott (http://noncounterproductive.blogspot.com/) shares with us about his efforts to discover and disseminate some facts about Frazier Glenn Miller in the wake of false reporting about him.

Federal Govt. wanted to take Miller out of action as a White leader and was embarrassed at getting no convictions (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Fort_Smith_Sedition_Trial) from his testimony;
Former Federal Prosecutor Doug McCullough has admitted the rumor that Miller was caught in a sex act with a black transvestite is false;
Do we not care if someone is lied about if we think they are a bad person, is discussed.

Don calls in to test the phone system at Blogtalk - my first caller.