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27th April 2010, 05:15 PM
Interesting the "RESTORE AMERICA COUNTER PUNCH 1-3" A favorite on my youtube was removed, I did a search and only came up with one now that works. These for some reason are being pulled.

27th April 2010, 10:14 PM
As a follow-up to GE Kennedy's announced in advance topic of his 4/18/2010 TNP live broadcast (which ended up being a taped re-run of his 4/11/2010 Manifesto/Bill stuff mentioned above)...
...I'd like to make note of a post from the american grand jury site "comments section" posted earlier this morning, Tuesday 4/27. It relates in a very interesting collaboration sort of way, to what GE Kennedy did NOT even so much as mention on his 4/25 "live broadcast" 2 nights ago, i.e., and I quote from my posted notes:

Next Sunday's broadcast will be about the updating of the some 5,000 guardian members at last count. The updates will deal with the GE's interactions with the de jure republics' attorneys-general in the 53 republics.


EDIT: I did find a copy posted on another forum, and am pasting those 2 relevant posts below.

Today (Tuesday, 4/27/2010) 2 postings from the american grand jury forum. (1) is interesting to say the least. Something about Tim saying Attorney Generals being arrested unless they halt foreclosures within 1 week? (2) is from someone who is a grand juror being trained in Nevada:


Comment Author: Floridafree
Comment Date: 2010-04-27 08:00:20
Comment ID: 20969 [Respond]
In response to 20960 posted by UhOh

UH oh show me where I said Tim wants out ? I never said that I said Dave did not want to discuss it because info was only suppose to come from the Elders. I said that Dave sounded like he was not happy that the lady caller was giving out info meaning Dave was afraid it would hurt the RAP by prematurely releasing the info.

The only person I said that wanted nothing to do with RAP was that guy John who was a guest on the show. I know the elders are committed to RAP.

Before you accuse me of something you better get your facts right go back and read what I said maybe my wording was bad I said "Tim Turner said he wanted to get out meaning he wanted the word to get out that the AG's would be arrested o.k. I will admit I omitted the part if the foreclosures did not cease that is when the AG's would be arrested. The point was Tim Turner said that AG's were being arrested. Yes it was late and the show was long and the lady spoke quick but I was not intending to say that Tim Turner wanted out I was meaning Tim Turner wanted to get the word out! I was trying to say it the way the lady said as when Dave said about only elders getting info out the lady caller said "Tim Turner wanted to word to get out that if foreclosures did not stop AG's were being arrested".

Comment Author: Jacqlyn Smith
Comment Date: 2010-04-27 09:07:53
Comment ID: 20975 [Respond]
Good morning all......I haven't listened to Dave's broadcast yet but I do know for a fact (this is not an opinion)....everyone has been told to put a lid on it.......Dave was revealing too much on his show and people were misinterpreting some of his revelations so I think they must have jumped on his case and said NO more information unless it comes directly from the Elders.....we as jurors were told we can not discuss anything that takes place in our meetings which is a good thing......as jurors here we weren't suppose to be discussing stuff on the internet either! Anyway.....we are at a very crucial stage and they mustn't show everything quite yet.....when you have so-o-o-o many folks involved in this plan it is very difficult to keep things quiet.....on our training call they said we are being listened to at every step of the way so everyone has been told unless it comes from one of the Elders and they specifically say it is okay to put it out to the public then MUM is the word!!

Please note that when I first read the above, it immediately occurred to me that this "not for public consumption" posting was on the heels of last night's djGJury training SKYPE phone call w/Turner. Said poster expressed later this same day, her dismay at finding her "posted as grand juror commentary" on two other sites and thusly flung around the internet (i'm visualizing some galactic slingshot peeble whizzling around cyberspace.) ;D

Levi Philos
28th April 2010, 09:02 AM
This message appears on the yahoo group TeaParty on April 22: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/teaparty/message/92068

Source: Jeff Dickstein: http://twitter.com/jdlaw

In mid February, 2010, I traveled to Florida to attend the criminal pre-trial conference in the Hirmer Case, 3:08-cr-79. I represented Mark and Claudia Hirmer.

Pre-trial, two defendants plead guilty. Joseph McPhillips plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud the IRS, conspiracy to commit wire fraud against the customers of Pinnicle Quest International, conspiracy to commit money laundering, several counts of wire fraud. Mark Lyonalso plead guilty to several counts.

Pre-trial, the government moved to dismiss the wire fraud counts against all defendants except Ellen Stubenhaus. She is currently in a Costa Rica jailresisting extradition. She has been in jail there for at least six months now.

Pre-trial, Arnold Mansala decided the court lacked jurisdiction and he failed to appear for various court hearings. He was arrested about two months before trial started, deemed a risk offlight, and spent all time since then in custody at a Florida County jail.

Defendant Mark Leitner decided to proceed pro se using the redemption theory, filing numerous admiralty pleadings with the Court, all of which pleadingswere rejected by the Court. Being pro se he did nothing to preserve the record, and there are no pleadings to be reviewed by the 11th Circuit.

Defendants Dover Perry, Michael Leonard, and Arnold Mansala fired their attorneys and filed a series of30 magic bullet motions authored by a new group, the Gatekeepers. As far as I know, the leader calls himself Dr. Eike (not sure of the spelling). The gist of the motions were 15 supposed substantial motions and for each, a motion for thecourt to appoint an expert witness who would present testimony regarding the motions to the jury whowould have no choice but to immediatelydismiss the indictment. A copy of these motions is attached as a .pdf file.

The court denied each of themotions. Ellen Stubenhaus also tried to file the motions, but since she had not made an appearance, the motions were returned without filing.

As to the other defendants: Art Merino was represented by the public defender's office; Gino Casternovia and Robert Pendell were represented by CJA attorneys. Manansala, Leonard, Perry and Leitner all had CJA court appointed attorneys as standby counsel. They sat in the back of the courtroom and remained silent.

During the trial, Leitner, Manansala, Leonard and Perry remained silent and presented no defense whatsoever. Rather than having nine experienced trial attorneys on the defense, our numbers were basically cut in half as the result of theidiotswho convinced these people to follow their BS tactics. Let there be no misunderstanding; I hold the Gatekeepers and Redemption people directly responsible for the across the board guilty verdicts returned by the jury after a day and a half deliberations. Government lies were not refuted during the trial because of the standing moot posture the pro se defendants took.

During the trial the judge threatened me with contempt on five separate occasionsfor attempting to defend my clients. Part of this was a threat that if I did anything during the trial to promote the 16th Amendment issue, I would be thrown in jail, despite the fact that the Hirmers were also charged with evasion of the payment of income tax for several years.

The only highlight was that after 25 years of effort, we were finally able to at least show the jury the original document from the Kentucky Senate, although it was not admitted into evidence.

One of the defendants who plead guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering testified he engaged in no hidden financial transactions, thereby admitting he did not commit that offense. The IRS agent testified he merely guessed and presumed, from gross receipts using the bank deposit method,whether the Hirmers had any gross income. The IRS custodial witness admitted the certification of the assessment andpayments was false, but the judge allowed thedocuments into evidence anyway.

After a two day legal debate as to whether my clients could present a good faith defense as to the various offenses,the judgeallowed us to proceed. However, seeing that we actuallyhad a good faith defense resulted in the judge continually interrupting the testimony, andpreventing the presentation of the defense. Each time the judge agreed to a procedure for the testimony, she changed her mind. I regrouped to the new procedure, only to have that procedure stopped. This happened three times.

Trial started on March 1, 2010 and ended March 31st. Since mid February I worked a minimum of 18 hours a day. My goal was to stay close to the courthouse, but because my clients were not prepared, I ended up staying with them to help them prepare. They lived one and ahalf hours each way from the courthouse, resulting in 3 hours of lost time and lost sleep, although I spent timeworking in the car on my laptop computer.

At the conclusion of the trial, the judge gave a judgment of acquittal to Robert Pendall. Everyone else was found guilty and immediately taken off to jail. Two days later the Hirmers had a hearing for bail pending sentencing. The judge decided that since they had offshore bank accounts and holdings in Panama, they were a risk of flight. The judge also decided that since they claimed to be "sovereigns" and believed the government was violating the constitution, this made them a danger to the community. This, notwithstanding, the same allegations were made pretrial and they were released on their own recognizance and proved they were neither a risk flight nor a danger to the community.

The indictment also charged forfeiture, which is mandatory upon conviction of a conspiracy to commit money laundering. The forfeiture allegations were dismissed as to all defendants except Mark and Claudia Hirmer. The jury entered a verdict to forfeit two parcels of real property in Florida and a little over $3,000,000 in money, although they did not render a verdict to forfeit any particular bank account.

All defendants except Robert Pendall and the two who plead guilty are currently in custody in county jails awaiting sentencing. Sentencing is scheduled for the last week in July.

The message is perfectly clear. The federal government will absolutely not tolerate American's speaking out against the government, and has no problem ignoring the First, Fifth and Sixteenth Amendments. Dissidents are to receive kangaroo court trials and only the most skilled lawyers will avoid being jailed for representing their clients. The injunction suits against Bill Benson, PQI, and the criminaltrial of the PQI people are perfect examples.

Another perfectly clear message is that paralegal gurus have no problem selling their clients down the river in exchange for a few pieces of silver to pay for their unadulterated, ridiculous, not a chance in hell of winning, "legal advice." These people just might as well be prosecutors and federal employees; they are certainly a huge part of the problem.

The jury was given adequate grounds to acquit if they wanted to, thanks to my defense efforts, which amounted to 85% of the defense effort put on by any of the defendants. Yes, the judge helped them to vote for conviction, but it is clear to me that for the average, uninformed person sitting on the jury,to be "patriotic" means to support, not resist, the conduct of government. (During jury selection four people who were anti-tax couldn't help but totell the judge, thereby eliminating anything close to a jury of the defendant's peers.)

I was not paid anything for the six weeks I spent in Florida, and a good portion of my pretrial work was not paid for. As a result of not being paid, I have been evicted from my home/office and have unpaid credit card expenses for money I spent during thetrial. Ihave until the end of April to vacate my home/office.

I am in the process of packing. I have already thrown away two dumpsters full of my possessions, books, legal work, and other things as I have no place to store them. Assuming I can come up with funds, my intent is to load my belongings into the smallest U-Haultruck I can findand see where destiny has me headed. Right now, it looks bleak.

I do not have a forwarding mail address at this time nor phone number, and my current e-mail addresses [redacted]will be out of service within a week.

A back up e-mail address is[redacted] At some point in time I will be able to check e-mail.

As you know, both 16th amendment webpages,jeffdickstein.comandfightbacknow.us,are off-line. Anyone inclined to assist financially can do so through paypal using the e-mail address [redacted]

Take care and good luck to all of you. Hopefully you will be able to discern some wisdom from the Hirmer/Benson civil and criminal litigation experience.

Sincerely,Jeffrey A. Dickstein

Even though Dickstein does not agree with redemption tactics or the guardian efforts, there is no doubt in my mind that he is a true patriot.

Levi Philos

28th April 2010, 10:17 AM
that was a WONDERFUL copy/paste effort which highlights many important issues.

The first one that creased my conscious thought was the truism: "Never bring a knife to a gunfight."

The second thought following hard on its heels was: this post of yours is about the most perfect example of corrupt courts, corrupts judges, and corrupt verdicts as currently practiced in "PUBLIC POLICY" corrupt judge courtrooms all over this north american continent!

The third thought that just about trumps the first two was this piece of logic so fondly ascribed to me by my loving wife and illustrated amply in my following query. Why on earth would the owner of a Blue Ribbon Persian Cat compete in any American Kennel Club (AKC) contest and expect a "best of show" ribbon to be handed to the cat owner?

Personally? I believe it is through exposure of blatant, black/white/green/yellow/and blue examples such as you just shared that we hone our individual and ultimately collective sensibilities as to what is:
right and wrong,
lawful vs legal,
Creator endowed vs man's contrivances...
...and find our way back to De jure governance.

It is my sincere belief these non-PERSONAL injury incarcerated persons so identified above in your copy/paste are about to be set free.

An individual can only injure another individual.

An individual cannot injure a corporate fiction, i.e., the STATE OF XXXXX, the FEDERAL RESERVE corporation, the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE corporation, ad nauseum.

Until that TRUTH sinks in, and
the De facto (color of law) is dismantled, and
De jure RULE OF LAW is restored in this great nation....
....will these gross miscarriages of "public policy" administered justice be stopped and the We, The People freed.


28th April 2010, 04:58 PM

I've just completed an exhausting verbatim transcription of a fascinating portion of a 4/7/2010 GE Turner radio interview. (URL will be below transcription.)

The reason it is being offered here and now is due to my persistent curiosity over just what and where does the De facto SUPREME COURT fit into all this?

GE Turner's response is below:

Starting: Minutes -->23:26:

SPEAKER: Guardian Elder Tim Turner

"The Restore America Plan was brought together simply because there needed to be a solution to the problem of the corporation.

"What happened is, that as some of our people went and talked to the SUPREME COURT and to powers that be, and explained to them (about the corporation)...they understood. They said, 'yes, we understand your problem.'

" 'The problem we (SCOTUS) have is that we can't see you.' It's a legal term: I can't see you. That means you don't exist in the legal sense.

"And the COURT was exactly correct. Because the People vacated their office, they did not exist.

"So what the SUPREME COURT explained was, '...in order to exist, so we can see you, you're going to have to resurrect a civil authority. One of the ways you can resurrect a civil authority is create a Grand Jury in every STATE, of 27 people, and then we can see you and recognize you.'

"Then they said, 'if we can see you and recognize you, we will support what you do.'

"And that is where the Restore America Plan began. So, we set about organizing the 50 grand juries. And that's when I (Turner) was asked to come on board, to help organize the people. As most of you know, I've been working on that for a number of years."

Co-Host: C.W. asked a question: "can you share with us how the american public was fooled into vacating [their civil authority] ?"

GE Turner: "Well, Basically, in 1868, the congress, the 41st congress assembled and said, we're going to create a corporation. This is right after the Civil War. The country was pretty much in turmoil, the south was being ransacked by the carpetbaggers, and things were pretty much in a mess. Many of the people in the south were either executed or put in prison and their property was stolen from them.

"Everybody thinks that Abraham Lincoln is a real righteous, godly, christian man. Actually he was a direct descendant of the Rothschild family. He was...most people do not know who assassinated President Lincoln, and this is NOT, folks, something we got off the internet. This actually came out of the records of his family. He was assassinated by his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln because he had an affair with another woman and had two illegitimate children.

"His real name was not Lincoln at all. His real father's name is A.A. Springs. And A.A. Springs was a descendant of the Rothschild family.

"And so, Lincoln was....he did a lot of bad things in his presidency that was covered up. And, one of the things he did was he arrested more than 2,000 political prisoners during his term in office, and put them in prison without any trial or anything. He also stole a lot of property and lands from people when he was president and passed laws to take a whole lot of other things. Contrary to popular belief, Abraham Lincoln was not a good man. And that's in the historical records. That's not off the internet. I've got books on that.

"Anyway, he's the illegitimate son of A.A. Springs, and his mother in those days knew it wasn't any good to have an illegitimate son, so she gave him the name Lincoln.

"He was an attorney, a lawyer, and he did make it to the presidency, as everybody knows. And he was the president during the Civil War. The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery. Actually, he enslaved many people. It had everything to do with economics.

"As a result, right about 1860, the bankruptcy was due and they needed additional leverage so to speak, or collateral to refinance the national debt, because the bankruptcy [period] had ended and it was time to reorganize. He wanted to take the public lands in the South, and use them as collateral.

"And the South said NO. And that's why the Civil War was held.

"So, he actually took the southern lands, the public lands and many of the private lands as well in those days. His friends ended up with lots of it. He ended up with lots of it. But anyway, right after the Civil War and after all this, the South was ransacked , and the property was collateralized to refinance the debt, the corporate government was created in 1868.

"In the years between 1868 and 1871, they created a new constitution, and a new form of government in America. And the American People never really knew that we incorporated our government.

"Then all the states were incorporated.

"And all the cities and counties were incorporated. And to this day, it's all nothing more than a corporation.

"And for those of you who do not believe that, all you have to do is to go onto Dun and Bradstreet and look up their Dun's numbers. And look up their EIN numbers. They all have them. They are corporations. They have corporate filings. And even your courts are corporations. So everything you're dealing with is a corporation.

"And, what do corporations do? They make money.

"So, the biggest source of revenue for this corporation--since it does not produce anything --except more debt--is the people. We are their source of revenue.

"So, we went through this corporate system from 1871 till 1933, and then there was another change in the government. At this time, we had another end of another bankruptcy period. And we re-collateralized not only the public lands again for the national debt, but we also collateralized the private lands of the people."

Host Dr. Valerie: "So, when you say collateralized, you actually mean they put liens on, right?"

TT: "Well, they borrowed money against it. "

Dr. Valerie: Yeah, right, that's what a lien is, isn't it? All our properties have liens on it without our even recognizing it?"

TT: "Yes, absolutely."

Dr. Valerie: "So, all of our property has liens on it without us even realizing it."

TT: "All have secret liens on it, yes. Even if you think you own your property outright, stop paying your property taxes and see what happens. It will be sold for taxes and they'll take it from you.

"And at some point in time, depending upon the laws in your state, you will lose your property---because it didn't belong to you to begin with. It was only loaned to you. Fact: it says on most deeds, You are a Tenant On the Land.

"You don't own your vehicles."

Stopped: minutes 36

http://www.voiceamerica.com/voiceamerica/vepisode.aspx?aid=45600 (http://www.voiceamerica.com/voiceamerica/vepisode.aspx?aid=45600)

28th April 2010, 07:34 PM
Much appreciation for your tenacity and time Beef, excellent work! To think that the SC ever gave them the information they sought is in itself mind boggling, let alone that they ever stated that they would support such a thing, holy sh!t.

All this time I've been under the presumption that the Corp was set up in 33, as I understand it now it only expanded in 33 but it was originated in 1868, during Reconstruction. That would have been a very opportune time to pull it off as the states that had seceded were under military law and all representatives were appointed by Lincoln and the north.

This sure does bolster that 70 year cycle you brought forth earlier!

I was reading AGJ earlier at work and ran across this. Keep in mind this is hearsay and not documentable fact, but if it's true, RAP is indeed a whole new BIG ballgame.

Snip...(some spelling corrected)

He was on a call with some one else who said
that six grand jurors were stopped in a car by officials sent out by the
governor. The officials said they had felony warrants for their
arrest and they would shoot them if they did not comply.The jurors
stayed in there car and made a call in just a few minutes a duce and
half pulled up troops got out with weapons and told the officials
they had better leave which they did............. Snip

I know, take it with a chunk of salt but this story is floating around.

28th April 2010, 10:24 PM
Thanks, LT for your kind words. And for your "holy sh!t"...that made me smile.

I've visibly relaxed around this whole RAP matter, as I see it IS happening. I'm not waiting for any "baseball bat larrapin' between the eyes" of this ole cayuse. No, Sir! They've done got my attention already, trrrrrrust me! 8)

Don't figure it takes a brain surgeon to see some pretty solid things going on that have a longer history than the 28th of March when I first learned about this R.A.P. stuff.

Like GE Turner has shared, and Darrell Freck has shared in another phone interview, and GE Kennedy has shared, and teamlaw.org folks back in the early days has shared, and on and on it goes, well, LT...pulling on this loose yarn end from where I sit now, April 28, 2010...I'm not unraveling a crappy knitted sweater (that I didn't like too much but loved the person who knitted it for me)....No, Sir. I'm unraveling a WHOLE CLOSETful of sweaters, CHEST OF DRAWERSful of sweaters, PLUS Grandma's afghan, and even some of those "sofa throws" like my wife likes to decorate with...at least that's what she calls that knitted stuff draped over the furniture 'round here. ;D

The more I pull on the loose yarn in my hand, the more I'm seeing emerge from behind the R.A.P. scenes, even with the GAG order currently invoked by the GE's.

1) The Civilian Authority djGJs-- THEY relate to the SCOTUS outfit.

2) The 100 man Civilian Authority militia per republic --THEY relate to the finest military leadership in the world, our JCOS.

3) So, now I'm looking around and seeing what the "financial relationship" is and where Civil Authority fits into this vital segment. (No workee, no monee, my momma usta say.)

Obviously neither the FEDERAL RESERVE Corporation nor the IRS Corporation, Nor the Exchange Stabilization SLUSH Fund, are going to survive this Civilian Authorized reset to constitutional law. That probably goes triple for GMAC, FNMA, FMAC, CITI, JPMorgan, Chase, GS, BoA, HSBC, UBS, and the rest of the rotten lot!

That leaves Civil Authority input/impact I guess, on the only logical historical clue I can think of...that is impact upon of the US Treasury itself. Well, now won't THAT be interesting!

4) Now, moving to the Civil Authority and how they relate to the the 3rd branch, the Executive Branch...
....if I understand the De jure processes that were thrust to the surface by the glaring, minimalizing, MSM headlight focused on Eric Madsen ( the Colorado De jure Governor elected a few years back) then THEY also exist... And who is the currently elected de Jure President of the We, the People? When do we meet POTUS How was s/he nominated? What is his or her life experience?

5) Now, I'm moving down the list to the Legislative "reset." Where/who are the de jure Senators. GE Turner says he's one of the two from Alabama. I haven't heard a single tidbit about the bicameral lower chamber a.k.a. the House of Representatives being talked up in this new Civil Authority era reset/RAP. That is something left to unfold. I reckon I'll keep an eye out for that one.

LT, this is better than any old jigsaw box puzzle at the senior centers around the nation ! Interesting is it not, that the image on the "puzzle box lid" bears strong resemblance to the one we're all familiar with from the Pre-Constitution days, and printed on the back of the phony fiat in our wallets??

I promise you one thing, LT, ya'won't catch me in long white stockings nor short pants, NOR wearing one of them powdered wigs, a posin' for an official portrait!!!!

But .....if they'll let me wear my navy blue support socks and garters, as well as my comfortable Berkies, then I'm good to go.



29th April 2010, 08:33 AM
"3) So, now I'm looking around and seeing what the "financial relationship" is and where Civil Authority fits into this vital segment. (No workee, no monee, my momma usta say.)

Obviously neither the FEDERAL RESERVE Corporation nor the IRS Corporation, Nor the Exchange Stabilization SLUSH Fund, are going to survive this Civilian Authorized reset to constitutional law. That probably goes triple for GMAC, FNMA, FMAC, CITI, JPMorgan, Chase, GS, BoA, HSBC, UBS, and the rest of the rotten lot!

That leaves Civil Authority input/impact I guess, on the only logical historical clue I can think of...that is impact upon of the US Treasury itself. Well, now won't THAT be interesting!"

Based on the timelines we've been dealing with and referring to I'm guessing that the answer falls somewhere in precedent based on our previous history and that civil authority would fall to the properly seated Congress. Thusly, I offer up a brief history of such.


During the confrontation with France in the late 1790's, the Federal Government imposed the first direct taxes on the owners of houses, land, slaves, and estates. These taxes are called direct taxes because they are a recurring tax paid directly by the taxpayer to the government based on the value of the item that is the basis for the tax. The issue of direct taxes as opposed to indirect taxes played a crucial role in the evolution of Federal tax policy in the following years. When Thomas Jefferson was elected President in 1802, direct taxes were abolished and for the next 10 years there were no internal revenue taxes other than excises.

To raise money for the War of 1812, Congress imposed additional excise taxes, raised certain customs duties, and raised money by issuing Treasury notes. In 1817 Congress repealed these taxes, and for the next 44 years the Federal Government collected no internal revenue. Instead, the Government received most of its revenue from high customs duties and through the sale of public land.

The Civil War

When the Civil War erupted, the Congress passed the Revenue Act of 1861, which restored earlier excises taxes and imposed a tax on personal incomes. The income tax was levied at 3 percent on all incomes higher than $800 a year. This tax on personal income was a new direction for a Federal tax system based mainly on excise taxes and customs duties. Certain inadequacies of the income tax were quickly acknowledged by Congress and thus none was collected until the following year.

By the spring of 1862 it was clear the war would not end quickly and with the Union's debt growing at the rate of $2 million daily it was equally clear the Federal government would need additional revenues. On July 1, 1862 the Congress passed new excise taxes on such items as playing cards, gunpowder, feathers, telegrams, iron, leather, pianos, yachts, billiard tables, drugs, patent medicines, and whiskey. Many legal documents were also taxed and license fees were collected for almost all professions and trades.

The 1862 law also made important reforms to the Federal income tax that presaged important features of the current tax. For example, a two-tiered rate structure was enacted, with taxable incomes up to $10,000 taxed at a 3 percent rate and higher incomes taxed at 5 percent. A standard deduction of $600 was enacted and a variety of deductions were permitted for such things as rental housing, repairs, losses, and other taxes paid. In addition, to assure timely collection, taxes were "withheld at the source" by employers.

The need for Federal revenue declined sharply after the war and most taxes were repealed. By 1868, the main source of Government revenue derived from liquor and tobacco taxes. The income tax was abolished in 1872. From 1868 to 1913, almost 90 percent of all revenue was collected from the remaining excises.

29th April 2010, 09:02 AM
Beef, have you heard it inferred that there is indeed a De Jure POTUS? I would think for that to have happened there would have had to have been a fully convened House and Senate, even to have nominated a temporary POTUS.

Jigsaw puzzles..LMAO..more like a 3 dimensional Rubics cube.

I also have a feelin' that no matter what the dress code might be you'll be there and Lord willin' and the crick don't rise I will be too, minus the garters. ;D

29th April 2010, 09:53 AM
For a little more clarity, here's a synopsis.



The United States exists in two forms:

1. The original United States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.

2. The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.

The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been dormant since 1871. It is still intact to this day. This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: “Two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.”

The Restore America Plan reclaimed the De Jure institutions of government of the 50 State Republics in order to restore Common Law that represents the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law that ignores the voice of the people while operating under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law. This occurred when warrants were delivered to all 50 Governors on March 30, 2010.

The rewritten Constitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION bypasses the original Constitution for the United States of America, which explains why our Congressmen and Senators don’t abide by it, and the President can write Executive Orders to do whatever he/she wants. They are following corporate laws that completely strip sovereigns of their God given unalienable rights. Corporate/Commercial/Public Law is not sovereign (private), as it is an agreement between two or more parties under contract. Common Law (which sovereigns operate under) is not Commercial Law; it is personal and private.

To understand this document, you need to understand some basic terms. Visit www.usavsus.info for complete understanding. The basic terms are:

De Jure – Existing by right or according to law; original, lawful. Common Law operates under De Jure terms.

De Facto - In practice but not necessarily ordained by law; in fact, in reality. Corporate Law operates under De Facto terms.

Sovereign – A real person. Sovereigns can own property while Citizens/Subjects cannot. According to the original Constitution, all government comes from the Sovereign Individual. Without the Sovereign Individual, there is no government.

U.S. Citizen/Subject – A corporate fictitious entity that merely represents the real person. It acts as a “strawman.” [To call oneself a “sovereign citizen” or “sovereign subject” is an oxymoron, since “sovereign” and “citizen/subject” are mutually exclusive of each other.] When asked if you are a “U.S. Citizen” on corporate legal documents, if you check “yes,” you agree to the terms of Corporate Law and unknowingly relinquish your sovereign status and transfer all of your rights to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION since you are now under contract.

Corporation – A non-human, fictitious entity. Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all caps. This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects. Your fictitious “strawman” entity is addressed in all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather than John Smith.

Common Law – God’s law. Common Law and the system of De Jure Juries apply to sovereigns in disputes. In Common Law, contracts must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.

Admiralty/Maritime Law/International Law – The King’s law. Deals with criminal acts that only apply to international contracts. Under this law, the people are no longer sovereign. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that the United States practices is based on Admiralty Law. Under the UCC, contracts do not have to be entered into knowingly. Simple agreements can be binding, and as long as you exercise the benefits of that "agreement," you must meet the obligations associated with those benefits. If you accept the benefit offered by the government, then you MUST follow, to the letter,
each and every statute involved with that benefit. That “benefit” is the Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars). By paying for things with U.S. dollars you are unknowingly giving up all of your Constitutional rights and are legally obligated to follow all of the UCC statues. But you were NEVER told this.

Lawful – A term used in Common Law.

Legal – A term used in the UCC which applies to Corporate Law.


(note by Panama Legal: These are the basic premises adhered to by the people in the movement and the people in the Sovereign movement. The Government is a Corporation actually functioning as the Federal Government. Thus it does not have to follow the constitution. Also it does not matter if Obama is not a natural born citizen since it is a corporation he is the head of. The corporation gets the permission of the people to reign over them by deceit. This is done by wording in the Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, driving Licenses, IRS forms, Marriage Licenses and other documents. They always refer to the “person” in all capital letters. This means the name represents a corporate entity. This is how the corporation courts get jurisdiction over you. Their courts do not fly the “reaL” American flag. They use the military or admiralty flag. For a discourse on this try this website: http://www.usavsus.info/

What the theory is goes like this. When you enter a US Courtroom there is a military or admiralty flag flying. The US Military dopes not have the protection of the constitution, neither does this apply to admiralty laws with ships at sea. When you enter a court room and cross through that little wooden gate they have and go to the area where the plaintiff (prosecutor) and defendant sit along with judge, court reporter, you are entering a “ship” or a foreign country as evidenced by the admiralty or military flag flying thus the constitution has no applicability and you are under equity law not common law. The flaw with their scheme is that there is no full disclosure to the people about any of this. This is brief over simplified synopsis of the scam run by the federal corporation. End of our comment.)

In 1788 (January 1), The United States was officially bankrupt.

In 1790 (August 4), Article One of the U.S. Statues at Large, pages 138-178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts. In the same year, the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each state for a vote...the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people “Citizens” of the new Corporate States. A Citizen is also defined as a “corporate fiction."

In 1845, Congress passed legislation that would ultimately allow Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law. www.barefootsworld.net/admiralty.html explains this change. The yellow fringe placed at the bottom of court flags shows this is still true. Before 1845, Americans were considered sovereign individuals who governed themselves under Common Law.

In 1860 – Congress was adjourned Sine Die – Lincoln could not legally reconvene Congress. See movielocker.com/4084 for further information on this.

In 1861, President Lincoln declared a National Emergency and Martial Law, which gave the President unprecedented powers and removed it from the other branches. This has NEVER been reversed.

In 1863, the Lieber Code was established taking away your property and your rights. See movielocker.com/4084 for further information on this.

From 1864-1867, Several Reconstruction Acts were passed forcing the states to ratify the 14th Amendment, which made everyone slaves. See movielocker.com/4084 for further information on this.

In 1865, the capital was moved to Washington, D.C., a separate country – not a part of the United States of America.

In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government, and the original constitutional government was vacated to become dormant, but it was never terminated. The new constitution had to be ratified by the people according to the original constitution, but it never was. The whole process occurred behind closed doors. The people are the source of financing for this new government.

In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) was passed. This insightful video from [link to movielocker.com/4084)] states the following: “This act was implemented to deal with the countries we were at war with during World War I. It gave the President and the Alien Property Custodian the right to seize the assets of the people included in this act and if they wanted to do business in this country they could apply for a license to do so. By 1921, the Federal Reserve Bank (the trustee for the Alien Property Custodian) held over $700,000,000 in trust.” Understand that this trust was based on our assets, not theirs.

In 1933, 48 Stat 1, of the TWEA was amended to include the United States Person because they wanted to take our gold away. Executive Order 6102 was created to make it illegal for a U.S. Citizen to own gold. In order for the Government to take our gold away and violate our Constitutional rights, we were reclassified as ENEMY COMBATANTS.”

In 1933, there was a second United States bankruptcy. In the first bankruptcy the United States collateralized all public lands. In the 1933 bankruptcy, the U.S. government collateralized the private lands of the people (a lien) – they borrowed money against our private lands. They were then mortgaged. That is why we pay property taxes.

From a speech in Congress in The Bankruptcy of the United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993, Vol. 33, page H-1303, Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House states:

“...It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States...

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit “money substitute” it needed.

Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the Federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves,” the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another.”

In 1944, Washington D.C. was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the Breton Woods Agreement. The IMF is made up of wealthy people that own most of the banking industries of the world. It is an organized group of bankers that have taken control of most governments of the world so the bankers run the world. Congress, the IRS, and the President work for the IMF. The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)


movielocker.com/4084 states the following:

“The Supreme Court has said the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them.

Remember Downs v. Bidwell and the dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan? He said that two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions. This is one that We the people need to force our elected public officials to occupy – De Jure rule.

We need to change that by organizing Grand Juries and putting our officials back under De jure rule and out of the Corporate (or Military) Rule that they are currently operating under.

Our elected officials will then have to operate under the limits of their Oath of office to uphold the U.S. and State Constitutions, circa 1860. When they violate the Oath it’s a capital crime.

The reason we go back to 1860 is because that is the last time we had lawful laws in this country.

Where do the people get their power to convene a Grand Jury? The Magna Carta, 1215.

Our Founding Fathers looked back to history for precedent when they decided they wanted to change their government. What they found was the Magna Carta Liberatum, the Great Charter of Freedoms. It set a precedent that changed the face of England forever, by establishing that the King was not above the law.

King John of England signed the Magna Carta after immense pressure from the Church and his barons (the people). The King often lived above the law, violating both Feudal and Common Law, and was heavily criticized for his foreign policy and actions in England. The Barons, with the support of the Church, pressured King John to spell out a list of their rights and guarantee that those rights would be enforced. The Barons provided a draft, and after some negotiation, King John put his seal to the Magna Carta in Runnymede, in June of 1215.

Section 61 set rules for establishing the Grand Jury. It states: Since we have granted all these things for God, for the better ordering of our kingdom, and to allay the discord that has arisen between us and our barons (people), and since we desire that they shall be enjoyed in their entirety, with lasting strength, forever, we give and grant to the barons the following security: The barons shall elect twenty-five of their number to keep, and cause to be observed with all their might, the peace and liberties granted and confirmed to them by this charter. If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security, and the offense is made known to four of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us.”

29th April 2010, 01:30 PM
many thanks for posting that research on pre-Independence through to pre-Reconstruction taxes in our early national formative years. Follow-up research leads were found all throughout that post. I found a neat article by Harry Browne that had a lot of interesting research in it. I'll be back with the link. I've got to find it again. :D

Reading HB's essay certainly brightened my future outlook especially when taking it in conjunction with what you posted.


29th April 2010, 01:36 PM
Maybe news, maybe not. On another forum a link was posted to this site:

http://www2.dothaneagle.com/dea/news/crime_courts/article/judge_steensland_announces_retirement_little_notic e_given/148263/

On the surface it looked innocuous enough. Then I started reading the comments below the brief. Then I looked at the other articles on retiring judges in that newspaper using their keyword site search. Maybe the most recent comment posted is onto something about TT.

Looks like I got me some more yarn pullin' to do. Just don't want to end up with a pile of [wool] yarn pullin's over my own eyes. ;D


29th April 2010, 01:45 PM
Thanks, LT,
for the PanamaLaw website material you took the time to include here, and all the formatting that was involved to make it "fit to read."

I'll most likely comment later. I kind of nodded off there. ;)


29th April 2010, 01:57 PM
Thanks Beef and LT, we have a lot of things to look at here. These Judicial vacancies are quite interesting as they all happened within weeks, also not appointing replacements to save money makes things even sound more interesting.

Subtle changes not to arouse panic.... I believe were moving forwards.


29th April 2010, 03:10 PM
YW, Cebu_4_2,

Liked your comment about subtle changes not raising panic, and had to smile. Try as I may, it's simply beyond my comprehension that anyone in--oh, let's say--the "far left" left coast west states give a flea flicker about some deep south judicial corruption story.


2nd May 2010, 10:43 AM
Purported Email from GE Turner allegedly discussed GE Kennedy's severance from R.A.P. is now floating around the net.

Tonight's RBN broadcast, TNP by Kennedy may refer to or refute this alleged aural presentment (Monday 4/26's djGJ SKYPE training session) by GE Turner.

TNP program scheduled for 8PM-10PM EDT.


2nd May 2010, 10:52 AM
Many reasons prompt my continuing to monitor the TNP broadcast. One of them is that GOTFR is not being openly communicative with all, where Kennedy seems to be a speak before action type of sovereign.

I can see how those two positions cannot be reconciled.

Here's an example:
On March 3 or 10th...(I'll be back and strike through the incorrect date), a phone interview with GE Kennedy declared that the source of individual funding was going to SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED "exemption account" each of us with a birth certificate have.

The other 3 GE's have not mentioned that possibility at all that I've been able to find. Perhaps it exists and I haven't found it.

Neither have I found the other 3 GE's disputing that possibility either.

I believe this serves as a crystal clear illustration of the purportedly now ended struggle among the 4 Guardian Elders.

An additional motivation for my personal monitoring of TNP this evening is the reference GE Kennedy made wrt his engaging the IRS on Tuesday, 4/27. An update should be in order me thinks.


2nd May 2010, 05:02 PM
Beef, I believe that the "exemption account" is the mutual fund trust in the fiction of a birth certificate/SS number. There are, by some reports trillions upon trillions in those strawman accounts. Have you looked up that info yet via your birth certificate/SSN?

While I believe this to be the absolute truth, right now I think it's puttin' the cart before the horse and will and should be dealt with after the foundation has been laid.

2nd May 2010, 09:43 PM
Wandered into this evenings broadcast about 18 minutes late, just when I thought I was totally confused they decided to shut my grid off! From the little bit I did get to digest it seems that 3 other elders booted Ted out due to secret meetings and some banking conspiracy? He did make it sound as though the "plan" was his undertaking and will continue. My question of 1000s is what happens now? Seems the Jurors are all in place but were led astray due to the secret agendas of others. Man when evil rears it's ugly head it spreads like wildfire.

Sorry to come off as misinformed here but I only got a chance to hear enough to cause questions instead of answers. I may have started this thread forum in the days of GIM1 that was immediately shuffled into conspiracy but you guys are light years ahead of my thoughts in regards and I very much look forward to your in-depth knowledge.

3rd May 2010, 11:05 AM

I heard the disgusting rant last night and personally was appalled. On many levels.

Let me put it this way: There are "children of God" and there are "Men and Women of God." Last night's audio tantrum was from a "child of God." At some point, we are supposed to mature and get wiser from integrated, aggregated personal experiences, i.e., become a MAN or a WOMAN and leave "childish things, pursuits, behaviors."

What is going on here is now this whole "freedom thing" is getting real.
It is getting to the point of dis-cussing who has the $110 trillion purse strings. GE Turner says the available amount is in excess of that by many more FRNs.

Consider that an ENORMOUS number of We the People have POSITIONALLY moved from "what money? There is no money. The CAFR accounts aren't real. The BC trust account isn't real."


"Oh my god, there IS money, because 'they ( fill in any name here )' have created a bank and now THEY have my money."

That is huge positional movement for masses of now awakened People in relatively SHORT TIME SPAN!!!

And there is a horrid display of Massive Indigestion and spitting up all over each other as little babes in arms do (BUT OUTGROW!!!) for all the world to observe as everyone grabs their own disbelieving wallet --which they were previously convinced was plumb empty or close to it.

Step back. Observe. To mix metaphors, the "birthday Pinata" has now been whacked open, spilling the BC trust monies, the CAFR funds, and all the other yet to be revealed "alphabet letters'slush funds" names, out on the ground beneath their personal Pinata.

The Children are scrambling for the freebies, and the adults are also diving in due to their own practice of scarcity thinking.

That's how I'm viewing this latest display of childish behavior vis a vis the Sam Kennedy rant.

3rd May 2010, 12:24 PM
To sum it up in a word : "heifer dung"...
Okay, two words.
I will just highlight complete falsehoods to save time and bandwidth.


The United States exists in two forms:

1. The original United States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.
According to the Articles of Confederation there is a difference between the United States of America and the United States, in Congress assembled (aka "the Federal government").

Article I. The Stile of this confederacy shall be "The United States of America".

Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.

However, that retention of sovereignty, freedom and independence was surrendered by ratification of the USCON.

Article 6 states that all STATE OFFICERS must make an oath to the USCON making it superior to their own state's constitution.
No state government is a sovereign republic. States did not "control" the Federal government.

The only sovereigns are the people who own private property and have not consented. Which excludes all enumerated Americans.

Article VI - Debts, Supremacy, Oaths

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

2. The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.
All governments in America are based on compact. Thus they are all artificial "persons", whose existence is independent of the office holders and employees. The people who act as officers and officials of those corporations are exercising political liberty, and drop in status.

In America, however, the case is widely different. Our government is founded upon compact. Sovereignty was, and is, in the people.
[ Glass vs The Sloop Betsey, 3 Dall 6 (1794)]

"CITIZEN - ... Citizens are members of a political community who, in their
associative capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion
of government for the promotion of the general welfare and the protection of
their individual as well as collective rights. " - - - Black's Law Dictionary,
Sixth Ed. p.244

The "people of the United States" who created the government BY COMPACT, had to have submitted themselves to the terms of that compact, as evidenced by their oath. Every citizen has stepped down in status, submitting to the dominion of the government- whether State Citizen or U.S. citizen.

Common Law (which sovereigns operate under) is not Commercial Law; it is personal and private.

That's backwards. The Common law is the prerogative of sovereigns - who MAKE their own law. Since the people are individually sovereign, the true common law is unique to each domicile.

According to the Encyclopedia of Georgia Law, at the ratification of the USCON, all common law courts in Georgia were abolished.
In short, there is NO COMMON LAW in the U.S. government. (Common law crimes were made statutory crimes.)
Seventh amendment only guarantees the RULES of the common law, not the common law itself.

The common law is the prerogative of sovereigns, and since all State governments surrendered sovereignty at the ratification of the USCON, they could no longer convene common law courts.

An example of common law is the legal right to execute trespassers absent trial.
(Posted private property).
As one Georgia court cite put it: The common law is too harsh for a democracy.

In 1865, the capital was moved to Washington, D.C., a separate country – not a part of the United States of America.
The District of Columbia was created from Maryland and Virginia, via the USCON, not the end of the Civil War.

Art. 1, Sec. 8
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;

The "United States" government is foreign to the 50 states united. Its exclusive territory is the City of Washington, District of Columbia. Without it, Congress would be "adrift" and have no place from which to exercise sovereign powers.

In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government
If you've followed the rebuttals this far, you will see that this statement is absurd. The United States government always was a corporation, and there was no "new" constitution - only amendments to the original.

FEDERAL CORPORATIONS - The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state. - - - Volume 19, Corpus Juris Secundum XVIII. Foreign Corporations, Sections 883,884

"But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution, it is true, is a
compact, but he is not a party to it. The States are the parties to it. And they may complain. ..."
- - -Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. Mayor and Alderman, City of Savannah, 14 Ga. 438,
520 (1854) Supreme Court of Georgia

Do you GET IT YET?

The "private people" are not the "people of the United States" who formed a more perfect union (of the perpetual union created by the Articles of Confederation) by compact.

There is a vast gulf between the sovereign Americans and the subject citizens.
No one can be "born" a citizen, obligated to perform civic duties, without it being involuntary servitude.

And participation IN government is an exercise of a privilege (political liberty) that surrenders sovereignty. Any claim to be a "de jure" government entity means you have to obey the compact. If you do not obey the compact, and the superior officers in power, you are in violation.

The R.A.P. is a trap. Follow it at your peril.

4th May 2010, 10:19 AM
From: kelby@loans4realtors.com
To: Kelby.Smith@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 22:49:51 -0400
Subject: Time to Expose the True Sam Kennedy

Last night Sam Kennedy got on his talk show and decided to open an incredible can of worms. I have had about 5 phone calls today from concerned people as to what really happened or to determine if what Sam Kennedy really said was true. Let me only address 1 of his MANY false statements and be advised that I can back it with documentation/email communications that will shock you as to how much of a flat out liar Sam Kennedy is.

Out of many of SK’s mis-truths, the one that I personally was privileged to was the one about the State Coordinator that Sam says that Tim wanted SK (Sam Kennedy) to be the hatchet man and fire. All the other mis-truths that SK said last night don’t really need to be addressed because they didn’t happen. AT ALL. There were no back room deals, no plot to steal/fleece the people? That’s just crazy.. The craziest statement that SK wants us to believe is that 150 people were threatened by the 3 Guardians at one time on a conference call. Come on guys.

Here are the simple facts that me and many witnesses say and heard with our own eyes and ears regarding that State Coordinator. Instead of Tim asking SK to fire him, Tim was actually asking SK to apologize to that coordinator. I and about 20 other people saw the email FROM Tim requesting personally for SK to address the coordinator respectfully and to apologize to him. At that time, I am sure that all Grand Jurors were nervous about what they were signing. I know I was. So this particular State Coordinator was asking some very simple questions that could have been simply answered. I PERSONALLY KNOW and ARE FRIENDS with both this State Coordinator and with Tim Turner. Both are BCC’d on this email and both know that the events that I am saying here are true. I along with Thomas Jefferson Jenkins IV have been in the middle of this entire debacle that could have been avoided if there was true intention to make Kings out of the people instead of making himself as a King. The State Coordinator wrote SK some of the most respectful emails that I have ever read. SK acted much like a dictator and as his response to professionalism, SK sent out a national email to all his database that this State Coordinator had created a “black opps” campaign to scuttle the entire hope for RAP. Point is.. All that was asked were questions like.. Can we have a definitions page?… Tim Turner was willing to give a definitions page. SK obviously doesn’t/didn’t want to be deposed. He doesn’t want his authority questioned. So he took a man’s life/reputation (State Coordinator) and sent out a national email defacing this man without any cause of action. Tim, heard about this and was upset because SK first said some lies to Tim and we literally had a conference call to determine the email chain which ultimately proved that SK was intentionally trying to harm this particular State Coordinator without any cause. We have these emails that prove SK seems to incline himself to un-truths. This completely contradicts SK’s statements last night. I can go on and on and on with many statements about how horrible SK has conducted himself this last several months.

I am a third party witness to this and I will tell you right now that not one thing that Sam Kennedy is doing right now is for our Republic. Many people have speculated that his name is not Sam Kennedy. WHO CARES. What I care about is what is this man doing today. What is he doing for the Republic. The only thing that he is doing is purposely causing a wedge in the Republic. He has caused more wedges and divisions than any man that I have ever seen in my life. He doesn’t care for the people. He flat out stated on his radio show that we don’t need to have training as De Jure Grand Jurors, that he will just tell us what to do. Remember, in a Republic, the People are the kings. In the 1800’s they would practice by reading and studying the law. Power for the people is for us to be educated in how we can serve the people.

Now listen to this really carefully. 3 men (The remaining Guardians) wanted to separate themselves from SK. SK as little as one month ago, spoke nothing but good things about all 3 men. Talking about how their character was above reproach. That they were all Godly men. So why are these 3 men doing this? When I first realized who SK truly was in his private behavior, I expressed publicly my concern to everyone that I knew about him. SK will say or do anything at this time because of PRIDE. Now in SK’s pride, he is sending emails out to everyone talking about how Tim Turners Freedom Documents (Now called Freedom Chronicles) are no good. Let me just say this.. With Tim’s process, we are watching the world unfold and scripture being fulfilled where the WEALTH OF THE WICKED WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE RIGHTOUS. Tim has a multi billion dollar lien that is now being paid. Pretty good for a guy that has a set of crappy docs. That email that Sam is sending out putting down Tim’s documents was only a reflection of how he feels about himself. As a matter of fact, every negative statement is only a reflection of how he is feeling about himself.

Here is the bottom line. 3 GODLY guys who love the people of America are not moving on without this angry, embittered man by the name of Sam Kennedy. There is nothing going on in the back ground for the people of America other than our new Republic pushing forward.

SO… Please help me by copying this text to every patriot blog and forwarding this to anyone that you may know in the Patriot community. Sam has very little time left in this. He has no clue of the end game ramifications and treasonous actions that he is doing today. Please help me with disseminating truth to the masses.

Kelby Thomas Smith


Levi Philos
4th May 2010, 06:48 PM

What is going on here is now this whole "freedom thing" is getting real.
It is getting to the point of dis-cussing who has the $110 trillion purse strings. GE Turner says the available amount is in excess of that by many more FRNs.

Consider that an ENORMOUS number of We the People have POSITIONALLY moved from "what money? There is no money. The CAFR accounts aren't real. The BC trust account isn't real."


"Oh my god, there IS money, because 'they ( fill in any name here )' have created a bank and now THEY have my money."

That is huge positional movement for masses of now awakened People in relatively SHORT TIME SPAN!!!

And there is a horrid display of Massive Indigestion and spitting up all over each other as little babes in arms do (BUT OUTGROW!!!) for all the world to observe as everyone grabs their own disbelieving wallet --which they were previously convinced was plumb empty or close to it.

Step back. Observe. To mix metaphors, the "birthday Pinata" has now been whacked open, spilling the BC trust monies, the CAFR funds, and all the other yet to be revealed "alphabet letters'slush funds" names, out on the ground beneath their personal Pinata.

The Children are scrambling for the freebies, and the adults are also diving in due to their own practice of scarcity thinking.

That's how I'm viewing this latest display of childish behavior vis a vis the Sam Kennedy rant.

I see the advance in your thinking and find it sufficient to laugh about because I remember how my own illusions were stripped.

A money system has many similarities with a religion and when a money system collapses, it is very much a collapse of a shared illusion.

All concepts of value are imaginary and even ideas about static values for gold, silver, and other precious metals. They are simply tokens that are more difficult to counterfeit than other tokens such as pieces of paper or electronic bookkeeping entries.

Each of us is limited to 168 hours per week, and a money system helps us rationalize how we use those 168 hours.

There's more... see retired professor Robert Blain of the University of Southern Illinois: http://www.hourmoney.org/ for instance.

Levi Philos

5th May 2010, 09:30 AM
For those of you so inclined...I don't know if RAP will be discussed or not.


Title: EPISODE 42 Tim Turner (America Can Be Free)
Time: 05/05/2010 10:15 PM EDT

5th May 2010, 10:02 AM
Hi, steel_ag,

Thanks for your post. SK reminds me of the phrase, "the mouse that roared." Only problem is, I can't hear him because I happen to have my table saw running. ;D


5th May 2010, 10:30 AM
I see the advance in your thinking and find it sufficient to laugh about because I remember how my own illusions were stripped.

Levi Philos

I have NO CLUE what you mean by the above judgment on my behavioral observations post to which you referred. No illusions have been stripped here. In point of fact, some suspicions re: Sam Kennedy have been confirmed.

So? I fail to see the reason for your laughter at me.


5th May 2010, 10:48 AM
I am in the process of packing. I have already thrown away two dumpsters full of my possessions, books, legal work, and other things as I have no place to store them. Assuming I can come up with funds, my intent is to load my belongings into the smallest U-Haultruck I can findand see where destiny has me headed. Right now, it looks bleak.


Maybe attorney Dickstein can now spend his time exposing his fellow jews in our ZOG.


5th May 2010, 02:38 PM
Just completed listening to Dr. Val Kirkxxxxxx program, Waking Up In America I think it is named.

GE TT plus Dr. Val's 2 customary sidekicks (Debbie R, and CW Wright) on Dr. Val's radio program were also included participants.

TT took the high road, wished SK well, and basically said nothing, pro nor con wrt: SK
He did ask for people to pray for SK as he continues to do things his own way. He spoke that he, Tom, and Regan were continuing forward. No mention of a replacement of SK.

GE TT also spoke to two new pieces of info:
1) There is going to be posted the official copy of the Declaration within a couple days for the People to see.

2) It would be posted upon a yet to be announced website that R.A.P. has waiting in the wings.

..... he spoke to the fact that it would take close to a decade for all the financial matters to be unraveled and set to rights. He stated that first the "ship had to be slowed, before it could be stopped" invoking an allegory of the sea. Said allegory was in regards to a large ship needing to go sometimes as much as 5 miles before it STOPS in the water. Then it can execute turn around maneuvers.

..... stated that part of the perceived slow pace is due to the R.A.P. being aware of the time table for the World Court (Hague) enforcement actions regarding their liens and judgments against the US financial system to continue to be forward moving. I founda legit MSM news reference I believe it was--just yesterday --attesting to the fact the World Court accepted a lien from China against the Federal Reserve of $43 Trillion FRNs/dollars. That is staggering.

..... Turner also clearly stated --that the World Court had declared all the contracts to be fraudulent contracts, not just R.A.P. (((which is why debt forgiveness is going to be a global phenom as others [Darrell Freck] have been stating, not just TT.)))

....in prior interviews, Turner has been careful to separate Public Contracts from Private contracts. Today, he made no such differentiation in his references to the World Court.

..... He announced he was involved in important meetings yet even this afternoon seeking agreement on the matters concerning the foreclosures in the USA.

You know me, if I think of something more later, I'll be back and issue any additional mental recollections.

I confess to being distracted by my computer suddenly deciding it had to download and install SP3.5.xxxx on my unit. GRRRR! I still wonder sometimes, to whom this contraption belongs, them or me. I surely don't remember them helping me pay for it! :comp

The heretofore referenced program will be available in archival form for replay approximately 8PM EDT.


5th May 2010, 06:25 PM

5th May 2010, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the link Ceb! I thought I wouldn't get to hear it.

Thank you Beef, for going to the trouble of writing all that down and giving us the run down.

6th May 2010, 09:10 AM
You're welcome, LT.

The GEs have succeeded in educating me re: the role of the IMF in the tax schemes perpetrated upon WE the People in this nation. One of the most shocking things I ever read was the service of the Declaration upon TGeithner, using his official title as "Director, IMF" instead of the more familiar "Sec'y of Treas."

And I'll further confess similar surprise this morning at learning the IMF isn't based "over there somewhere" that has never quite been identified, until this morning that is. Please note the following paragraph I found on another forum.

IMF’s gold reserves shrank by 18.5 tonnes in March Wednesday, 5 May 2010 at 10:55, Bloomberg

The International Monetary Fund’s gold reserves declined by 18.5 metric tonnes (about 595,000 ounces) in March, according to figures from the World Gold Council. Reserves of gold at the Washington - based lender were 2,981.2 tonnes at the end of March compared with 2,999.7 tonnes at the end of February, World Gold Council Managing Director George Milling-Stanley said by e-mail.

“The change in the IMF gold holdings reflects our ongoing program of on-market sales, which we have previously announced,” said IMF spokesman Alistair Thomson. The IMF plans to sell a total of 403.3 tonnes of gold.

India, Mauritius and Sri Lanka bought 212 tonnes last year and the remainder is being sold on the open market. February sales were 5.6 tonnes, which combined with the March sales would leave 167.2 tonnes as of the beginning of last month.

Anyone else surprised to learn that the IMF is within the 10 miles square area of Corporate Owned Washington, DC?


6th May 2010, 01:43 PM
OK, folks...
Does anyone here want to keep this thread stickied? I was going to keep it on top until the 15th, so it's about 2 weeks overdue...

6th May 2010, 02:29 PM
imo...no sticky, let the thread live or die based on the interest the topic and it's events generates...

6th May 2010, 04:59 PM
OK, folks...
Does anyone here want to keep this thread stickied? I was going to keep it on top until the 15th, so it's about 2 weeks overdue...

Hi, Gaillo,
I know I'm "talking my book" as securities' industry buzzwords expression goes, so please note my biased vote FOR leaving this topic stickied, with me openly owning my bias.

This thread still has a great many views, whether or not the viewERs post anything volitionally...YET... ;D

I'll also be quite content if you decide to revisit your remove stickiedness decision as more things develop and this becomes a more contributed to thread as things move forward.

Examples of forward movement could or would be things such as
--solid information regarding the control of the CAFR accounts,
---documented and verified access to the BC :exemption" accounts,
----any dead of night matriculation OUT of stranglehold positions of Bernake, Geithner,
-----various Governors non-volitionally stepping aside,
------enforcement actions by the World Court--Hague in behalf of other nations upon the Corporation of the US.

It was announced in a phone call yesterday and confirmed in a public meeting which I personally attended last evening-- in the company of a passel of djGJs--- that within a couple weeks, the secrecy surrounding the actual DECLARATION served on the governors will be over.

Said official, wet-ink signed, public posted copy is supposed to be OFFICIALLY posted on the internet, on a yet to be announced site. This will occur when the encryption and firewalls are in place so that electronically viewing individuals can themselves "sign the declaration electronically and securely" by using that site.

GE Turner stated that one of the top "banking industry security IT persons" is working on said secure site as we speak. This was in Dr. Val's noon phone interview on her durable radio show being held for 23years.

That "timeline" should be evidenced within 2 weeks from Wednesday 5/5/2010. Who knows if "they" will meet that deadline. ;D

Those signers can either be "Jurors" or become "Guardians, aka authorized state militia" via their e*Sig's.

There has been a massive shift in public awareness of R.A.P., including but not restricted to claims by Guardian Elder Tim Turner that approximately 80MILLION people have become not only aware of R.A.P. but have pronounced-- either by overt behavior or official group endorsement from within the private sector-- to be in CURRENT support of R.A.P.

One such supportive membership organization is a specific fundamentalist religious organization of whom I'd never heard of, nor have any affiliation with personally. Those types of group membership based endorsements are worthy of notice in this "political environ" mid-term elections' year. I did NOT get the impression these were the Pat Robertson or Falwell type conservatives, but I could be wrong.

A single, 10 million group endoresemtn is strong statement. That snapped my head around. 10Mil = 1/7th of the current tax payer economic units in the USA.

Supporters of R.A.P. are not just USA based, but also draw from those who are emeshed in fraudulent contracts with the US COrporate/IMF structure behind the various huge amounts of global FRNs sloshing around the world. Said FRNs are becoming less and less valuable by the month.

As mentioned earlier on this thread, the 47 TRILLION FRNs lien against the Federal Reserve by the Chinese Government who is the power behind the Chinese Sovereign Funds currently holding a horrid amount of US Corporate Debt is but one of these huge pools of "sovereign" support for re-establishing the de jure and dismantling of the corrupt US corporation which defrauded them.

Their stated reason for the Chinese business person(s) collective support of the R.A.P. is a simple one...the restored de jure republic will in their minds, kick off one of the biggest consumption based economic cycles this globe has ever witnessed.

And guess who wants to make the "stuff" to be consumed here? Yes, the Asian "block."

Personally I want to thank you for your keeping this "Stickied" two weeks longer than you had originally planned.

If you decide not to keep it stickied for a while, will you please leave open the door to "re-stickify it?" ;D

If or when the first NON-Voluntary Governor is replaced, this will suddenly become a focal point for discussion. :o

I can vouch for one thing, Gaillo: this is one of the most civilized discussions out there for something categorized as a 'conspiracy' topic. This thread does represent an opportunity for JQP to be a leader of the pack when more and more in independently verified implementation becomes available as R.A.P, and leaves the "conspiracy arena" and becomes part of the awake and alert "warp and woof" of the fabric of our lives.

I'll be the first to admit the lack of transparency in something so huge as re-inhabiting and restoring the republic has left me mumbling and wondering. It has to end, either ignominously or gloriously. I'm holding out for the latter.

Thanks for hearing me out and bringing this up, Gaillo.


6th May 2010, 05:54 PM
Guardian Elder Tim Turner has posted a response to John Mac approximately 2 hours ago I think. The time zone isn't stated. I do believe it is genuine.

It contains "from the horse's mouth" news.

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Restore America Plan - Tim Turner's response to John

Hi John,

My name is Tim Turner.

I am one of the guardian elders for the Restore America Plan.

I am not sure who contacted you to remove the negative info about the Restore America Plan from your site but the elders don't know anything about it. It does concern us when the uninformed put negative comments on these sites about us without knowing the truth and facts. Even though many of the comments made about me are untrue the people making those comments have the right to do it. The right of freedom of speech and the press should not be limited because we do not like what is said. I will defend the right of those individuals although they demonized me without any reason or evidence to prove their statements.

I am not angry at them but I do wish they would investigate the facts before they write. Words are like bullets you can't undo what happens after you pull the trigger. America is made up of laws. These laws protect our rights and I am a supporter of those rights of the people. Most of the problems we have in our country are because someone wanted to abuse their alleged power and infringe on the rights of another.
Please don't remove negative content from your site for me or the Restore America Plan. Let the people speak. I will try to answer as many of the questions that they have and they will find that they have been intentionally misinformed about us.

I will address the Sam Kennedy statements. [editor: 5/2/2010 TNP Sunday night 2 hr radio show] Sam is making false statements. None of his statements are true. He is angry with me because I had to remove him from The Restore America Plan and this is simply his way of fighting back. Sam was removed by demand from the US military and some government agencies. We were told we had to remove him because he was revealing sensitive information prematurely and it was causing a risk to those inside the government who are trying to help us restore lawful government to this country. I had no choice except to remove Sam. If we allowed him to stay we would have lost the support of the military and we would fail without it.

The elders have talked to Sam about this many times and he refused to listen. He absolutely refused and told us he did not need our consent and he would do as he pleased. He gave us no option. I have no hatred in my heart for Sam. i pray for him daily that he will find peace. He appears to be a tormented man and I feel bad for him. He is an intelligent man with many good qualities and could be a great help with our plan. He has been removed and cannot come back in because of his actions.

As for all the statements he has made about all I have allegedly done they are false. He did use some half truths and he twisted them. That what you call a spin in journalism. I do not care to say anything bad about Sam he is bitter at me and I understand why.

God will reveal the truth in time. I will let him fight my battles and keep quiet for now. The elders and participants of the Restore America Plan are not agents, spies, devils, or the like. We are people that are risking our lives to bring change to this nation. We are tired of the abuse that is happening to the American people and we want to help change our country for the better to protect our current and future generations.

This is one of the greatest movements in the history of the world. We need the help of the people to make this work and many millions are coming on board to help.

I appreciate you posting the comments for and against the Restore America Plan and its elders. Let the people speak freely. Keep up the good work.

God Bless, Tim Turner
Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:31 PM

6th May 2010, 08:49 PM
found on another forum. Can neither confirm nor verify.

This surety/performance bond genre' is one category I have NO personal experience of or even any idea where to look or who to trust. However, don't feel badly for me. I don't have any experience with Bail Bonds either. ;D ;D ;D

Okay, back to business.

Here's what I read that made a modicum of sense, and am posting here, hoping it is helpful.

When a Maritime Lien gets put on these judges, their Bond gets attached to it. The Judges think they can just ignore these, but the problem is, that --with all public officials--their bonds must be renewed every couple of years or so.

So when it comes time to renew their bond, the bonding company sees the Maritime Lien, and their bond can not be renewed unless the lien has been removed.

If the judges are uninsurable, they are unable to work in the public sector.

They lose their nice fat public salaries, and must retire immediately.

This is how Tim Turner explained it to me when I met him last weekend.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:07 pm

7th May 2010, 01:34 PM

do any of you know how to research and find out who your independent republic's elected representatives are? Not the de facto ones we can easily google, but the "other ones?"

It is my best analysis that the djGJ will be interfacing with the ones duly elected in the last election cycle. Not only that, but the ones running for mid term election in November.

Any links which could help?



7th May 2010, 08:08 PM

do any of you know how to research and find out who your independent republic's elected representatives are? Not the de facto ones we can easily google, but the "other ones?"

It is my best analysis that the djGJ will be interfacing with the ones duly elected in the last election cycle. Not only that, but the ones running for mid term election in November.

Any links which could help?



I have found this: http://www.teamlaw.org/Government/usmap.htm This shows the currently elected (other) governors for 31 states.

It is my understanding you must be a Land Owner to be a qualified elector. Team Law will secure your Land Patent for a fee.

I don't know if Team Law is involved in RAP or not, but it looks to me like they are on the same page.


Levi Philos
10th May 2010, 08:18 AM
Go to this website: http://www.global-settlement.org/ and get the two PDF files:

Final Settlement part one: http://www.global-settlement.org/archive/Finality-of-settlement-part-I.pdf
& Final Settlement part two: http://www.global-settlement.org/archive/Finality-of-settlement-part-II.pdf

I haven't made it through them yet, but find the money concepts interesting.

16th May 2010, 11:01 PM
Developments in the last 3 weeks include the "military and CIA" telling 3 of the GEs to get rid of Sam Kennedy, and his hand-picked jurors who couldn't keep a secret in a padlocked strong box if their souls depended upon it.

So, Kennedy is out. And he went out mouth a blazing courtesy of his own 2 hour radio show. Four hours of ranting was way over the top.

At least one if not 2 R.A.P. chartered regional banks have been set up, one in Nevada somewhere, and the other known one chartered in Seattle. This is called for as a part of "Phase III" as noted in the Declaration. Turner has hooked up with a well-known to the Crown and the Vatican DELEGATE named Charlie Miller to pull this off.

If that name sounds familiar, he's vice-chair of the Community Bank Shares Inc, which the FDIC closed down a couple weeks back, and shuttered 38 banks primarily in the deep south. How's that for weird?

The OFFFFFFFFFICIAL release of the Declaration served March 26 on the 50 governors was posted on a new, authorized website, Thursday this week. I'll be back with that URL unless someone wishes to post it first. Be my guest. It is in olde English script and tough to read, but looks pretty for posterity.

EDIT: http://www.americandreampreservation.com/

The djGJ are supposed to be pretty much trained now, and all 50 states are expected to have had their juries seated. Convened to hear cases? Not yet, but seated yes.

A great many individuals who have responded online via the prior official website ending in .net, and set up by trusted militia man have now had their contact info released to their individual republic coordinators. Many of them have reported being called this week, and incorporated into conference calls and updating as to current timeline for action. These responders are supposed to represent new jurors for the djGJ pool, as the task is now to move to seat and train djGJ for each county in every republic.

I don't have any clue how many counties are in my state. I had to memorize that in 6th grade way back in the dark ages. Haven't needed to refer to that fact since come to think of it.

There is a renewed sense of expectancy in the air, a phenom yours truly can't quite put my finger on. A seeming convergence of many disperate events. It's hard to describe. And it can't all be explained as pre-mid term election jockeying for candidacy.

A great many global events are coming together. How many of them due to R.A.P. is something that can't be quantified by my estimation.

However, it appears unmistakable with the surge higher in the Price of Gold in the last 10 days that something is rotten in the proverbial Denmark!

Gordon Brown has taken leave of his office. Merkle's people are clamoring for her head on a pike. The Greeks are still in big financial trouble and GB is next. Funny how they thought turning down entrance into the EU in '92 was going to spare them. HA!

HAARP is getting a new test to wear down the lady Head of State in Chile. And she is livid at the carnage wrecked upon her people as the result of the HAARP weapon being used down there to "deliver a message" to the defiant leader.

Oh, and who can forget the Illuminati conjured Gulf Oil blowout?

Tea party participants are now targeted in a joint sponsored senate bill by Joe Lieb and J. McCain introduced a week ago tomorrow. The purpose is to classify them as terrorists and send the lot of them into gulags for their crime of peacefully exercising freedom of speech, and right of assembly.

Volcker has embarrassed himself. I never did share Jim Sinclair's reverence for that man. Afterall, V was a stoolie for the IMF as head of the World Bank for so many years.

Goldman Sach's is shuckin' and jivin'.

Obama has committed adultery. Again.

Tiger Woods has a bulging disk in his neck and bowed out of a major PGA event on hole 7 last weekend. Guess Elin connected with that Big Bertha driver after all, eh?

What a world.


25th May 2010, 10:55 AM
Apparently, there are "connections" being drawn between the goals of a historically factual NESARA "freedom packets' delivery" outcome and the proferred "everyone will have money after RAP cleans up the USA" goal statement.

To begin to try to get a handle on the NESARA component, after listening to a multitude of references to NESARA by various talk radio speakers' references to outright derision by nattering nabobs of anything that might remotely resemble truth--you pick the topic--I offer this chunk of verifiable history copy pasted below.

Partial history of the true NESARA Law

by James Rink

With all their power and money the bankers thought themselves to be above the law, but cracks were now appearing in their foundations. Angry Americans were beginning to fight back. A class action lawsuit was brewing which would threaten to change the balance of power.

This change began in the mid 1970’s, when the Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would eventually become known as the farmer claims program.

In 1978 an elderly ranch farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with loan from the Federal Land Bank; after he died the property was passed on to his son Roy Schwasinger Jr., who was a retired military general. Soon after a Federal Land Bank officer and Federal Marshall appeared on his property and informed him the bank was foreclosing on his farm and to vacate within 30 days. Without his knowledge, his deceased father signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.

Outraged, Roy Schwasinger filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal Court system. But the case didn’t go very far and the suit was dismissed from filing incorrectly. This began Roy Schwasinger’s investigation into the inner workings of the banking system.

In 1982 he was given a contract by the US senate and later Supreme Court to investigate banking fraud. But because he was under a strict non-disclosure order he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 80s, he began sharing his knowledge with others including high ranking military personnel who helped him bring about a class action lawsuit against the federal government.

The first series of these lawsuits began in the mid 1980’s when William and Shirley Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado were involved in a bankruptcy case with First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins; who was trying to foreclose on their farm. At a restaurant, their lawyer informed them that he would no longer be able to help them and walked-off. Overhearing the conversation Roy Schwasinger offered his advice on how to appeal the case in bankruptcy court. So in 1987 they filed an appeal (Case No. 87-C-716) with the United States District Court in Colorado.

On November 3, 1988, the Denver Federal Court system ruled that indeed the banks had defrauded the Baskervilles and proceeded to reverse its bankruptcy decision. But when the foreclosed property was not returned they filed a new lawsuit. Eventually, 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled by the banks in the same manner would join in the case.

In these cases, the banks were foreclosing on the properties using fraudulent methods such as charging exorbitant interest, illegal foreclosure, or by not crediting mortgage payments to their account as they should have but instead would steal the mortgage payments for themselves triggering foreclosure on the property.

After running out of money they continued their fight without the help of lawyers. With some assistance by the Farmers Union a new lawsuit was filed against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System.

(1) Case No. 92-C-1781

The District Court ruled in their favor and ordered the banks to return the stolen properties with help from either Federal Marshals or the National Guard. But when no payments were made, the farmers declared involuntary Chapter Seven Bankruptcy against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. The banks appealed their case insisting they were not a business but a federal agency therefore they were not liable to pay the damages.

Then the farmer’s legal team adopted a new strategy. According to the Federal Land Bank’s 1933 charter they are not allowed to make loans directly to applicants, but instead could only back loans as a guarantor in case of default. Because the Federal Land Bank had violated this rule the farmer’s legal team was able to successfully sue the bank for damages.

Word of the lawsuit began to spread; the legal team would teach others how to fight foreclosure and to help them file lawsuits as well (Case No. 93-1308-M). Celebrities such as Willie Nelson joined in the cause and helped raise money during his “Farm Aid” concerts.

The Baskerville's case had now become the Farmer Claims Class Action Lawsuit. Worried about the legal ramifications, the government retaliated against the farmers by hitting them with either outrageous IRS fees, or by imprisoning the legal team under frivolous, non-related charges. When the farmers realized they were being unfairly targeted, they had military generals such as General Roy Schwasinger sit in the courtroom to make sure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.

The farmers--now with a large team of knowledgeable people of the law behind them--filed a new case to claim additional damages from the fraudulent loaning activities of the Farmers Credit System.

The government tried to settle but they had already lost many cases and were now losing the appeals as well. More and more evidence was collected. According to the National Banking Act all banks are required to register their charters with the Federal and State Bureau of Records, but none of the banks complied, allowing the legal team to sue the Farmers Credit System.

Not only was Farmers Credit System not chartered to do business with the American Banking Association, but so were other quasi-government organizations such as:
the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and even the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB).

The Farmers Claims lawsuit was thrown out of court at each level, with the records purposely destroyed. In the early 90s, General Roy Schwasinger brought the case before the United States Supreme Court. Some of the content of this case is sealed from public eyes but most of it can be viewed today.

Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were indeed VALID, therefore, all property foreclosed by the Farmers Credit System was illegal and all those who were foreclosed on would have to receive damages. In addition, they ruled that the U.S. federal government and banks had defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property.

Furthermore, the court ruled the shocking truths:
--the IRS was a Puerto Rican Trust
---the Federal Reserve was unlawful,
----the income tax amendment was only ratified by four states and therefore was not a legal amendment,
-----the IRS code was not enacted into “Positive Law”* within the Code of Federal Regulations,
----- the U.S. government illegally foreclosed on farmer’s homes with help from federal agencies.

DEFINITION: *Positive Law

Laws that have been enacted by a properly instituted and recognized branch of the government.

Irrefutable proof was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activities, to lead further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were indeed legitimate. The implications of such a decision were profound. All gold, silver, and property titles, taken by the Federal Reserve and IRS must be returned to the people.

The legal team sought assistance from a small group of benevolent visionaries, consisting of politicians, military generals, and business people who have been secretly working to restore the constitution since the mid 1950’s. Somehow, within their ranks, a four star U.S. Army General received “title” and “receiver” of the original 1933 United States Bankruptcy.

When the case was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, they ruled in his favor, giving the Army General title over the United States, Inc. Legal action was then passed on to the Senate Finance Committee and Senator Sam Nunn (GA), who was working with General Roy Schwasinger. With the help of covert congressional and political pressure, President George H.W. Bush issued an Executive Order (a) on Oct. 23, 1991, which provided a provision allowing anyone who has a claim against the federal government to receive payment as long as it’s within the rules of the original format of the case.

(a) Executive Order No. 12778 Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees; October 23, 1991
According to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, all present and succeeding debts against the U.S. Treasury must be assumed by the Federal Reserve. The farmer’s claims legal team was able to use that executive order to not only force the Federal Reserve to pay out damages in a gold backed currency but also allow them to receive legal ownership over the bankruptcy of United States, Inc.

To collect damages the farmers legal team used an obscure attachment to the 14th amendment which most people are not aware of. After the Civil War (1865), the government allowed citizens to claim a payment on anyone who suffered damages as a result of the Federal Government failing to protect its citizens from harm or damages by a foreign government. Pres. Ulysses S. Grant had this attachment sealed from public eyes but somehow, someone the farmer’s legal team got a hold of it.

A careful reading of the 14th Amendment's "secret attachment", it is found to specify damages by a foreign government. That foreign government is the corporate federal government which has been masquerading to the public as the constitutional government.

This all goes back to the Organic Act of 1871 and the Trading with the Enemies Act of 1933, which defined all citizens as enemy combatants under the federal system known as the United States. The Justices and farmer’s legal team recognized how evil and corrupt our federal government had become and to counteract this they added some provisions in the settlement to bring the government back under control.

a. First they would have to be paid using a lawful currency, backed by gold and silver as the constitution dictates. This would eliminate inflation and gyrating economic cycles created by the Federal Reserve System.

b. Second they would be required to go back to common law instead of admiralty law under the gold fringe flags. Under common law, if there is no damage or harm done then there is no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which are used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians.

c. Thirdly, the IRS would have to be dismantled and replaced with a national sales tax. This is the basis of the NESARA Law.

When the legal team finally settled on a figure, each individual would receive an average of $20 million dollars payout per claim. Multiplied by a total of 336,000 claims that were filed against the U.S. Federal Government, the total payout would come out to a staggering $6.6 trillion dollars.

The U.S. Supreme Court placed a gag order on the case, struck all information from the Federal Registry, and placed all records in the Supreme Court files. Up to that point, then Georgia Senator Sam Nunn had kept the Baskerville Case records within his office.

A settlement was agreed to--out of court--and the decision was sealed by Janet Reno. Because the case was sealed, claimants are not allowed to share court documents to media outlets without violating the settlement, but they can still tell others about the lawsuit. This is why you probably have not heard about this.

In 1991, Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the banks and governments criminal activity. He informed them how the UNITED STATES, INC., was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which would bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers.


There's more at the above link, as one side of "truth" as I continue to try --as an outsider-- chase down whatever association between "freedom packets" and RAP goals.


25th May 2010, 03:33 PM
Thanks for the link Beef, read through everything from your posted reply and came across this:

From John's site - interesting information....

coffeetime said...

Do not kid yourself John... you are one bright cookie..!! Just remember that when the announcements are made, the banks will not be under the jurisdiction of the Uniform Commercial Code either. That is one of the reasons why the cabal has been delaying and delaying by any and all means the announcements. The banks must be Basel II and III compliant within the time frame of the announcements. I understand that all the jurisdictional ramifications will be in easy to read format within the packets. As Poof stated long ago... written so a 6 year old can understand it.. or words to that effect.

May 25, 2010 12:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I think we were told they would be written at a third grade level!

Thank you, John, for everything you are doing.

May 25, 2010 1:02 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly are these "announcements?" Are they going to be made to everyone or just to the people that are supposedly receiving "packets?"

May 25, 2010 1:02 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me who these packets are for? I have been reading about them for months, have no clue who is getting these packets. Does anyone know?? Do we just sit and wonder??

May 25, 2010 1:03 PM
Blogger John MacHaffie said...

To repeat ---
Prosperity Funds go to the participants of various programs.

50% of the package MUST GO TO THE PUBLIC.

So do not be concerned if you don't get one.

May 25, 2010 1:19 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the person who received the package gets to keep half of it?

May 25, 2010 1:43 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous asks.........What exactly are these announcements?" Are they going to be made to everyone or just to the people that are supposedly receiving "packets?"

Announcements will be on TV supposedly for 7 to 10 nights straight. The announcements on TV are for everyone, not just recipients. Announcements will cover debt forgiveness, new global banking, etc. Everyone will just have to wait to see what is all announced. You will not miss them as everyone on the street will be talking about them once they start. Most of the population is going to be shocked!!!!! BIG TIME!!

May 25, 2010 1:46 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when are these announcements supposed to start?

May 25, 2010 1:53 PM
Blogger John MacHaffie said...

Any time this week!

Unbelievable I know!

May 25, 2010 1:56 PM

Global banking was tossed in there.... WTF?

25th May 2010, 03:42 PM
Announcements will be on TV supposedly for 7 to 10 nights straight. The announcements on TV are for everyone, not just recipients. Announcements will cover debt forgiveness, new global banking, etc. Everyone will just have to wait to see what is all announced. You will not miss them as everyone on the street will be talking about them once they start. Most of the population is going to be shocked!!!!! BIG TIME!!

With the passage of reform laws, all the people will be made shorter in height.

They will be able to fit twice as many on the same building site.

25th May 2010, 04:44 PM
There are distinctions to made here between "the NESARA bill" and the nesara website are two totally distinct things. The "NESARA bill" is a component of RAP(its existence has been around awhile), the nesara website is a fringe .gov op just like GLP and others in the mix.

RAP is proceeding as the De Jure Grand Juries are seated and the military components are in line with each other. There is no specific timeline, it's unfolding daily as events dictate, be patient.

25th May 2010, 06:47 PM
It's rumored that Bob Dobbs is going to be the next president of the new (old) US.

Can anyone confirm?

26th May 2010, 11:45 PM

Who is Bob Dobbs. I'm probably like many others on this forum. I've never heard of this individual.
Anything factual you can share with us historically about this individual?

EDIT: seems I've been set-up and a mythological, fictional character has been advanced as a real individual. I withdraw my inquiry as to seeking more info re: this Bob Dobbs" fiction.

30th May 2010, 08:09 PM
Heard rumors earlier this week that former Guardian Elder Sam Kennedy was quitting his weekly radio show on Republic Broadcasting.net. After checking in on his usual time slot and listening for about 90 seconds, it turns out that rumor was actually fact and Sam is off the air. For how long? Who knows! But off the air he is. What it means? Someone told him to shut up and color and he listened. How it was conveyed? Who knows? But, it is real obvious tonight Sam is silenced. There wasn't a "re-run" of Kennedy.

I'm off to listen to another audio program: General Post Office hosted by Keith Edwards and Sam Germaine.

Usually Keith makes some reference to R.A.P. goings on. Perhaps there will be more crumbs from Monday last (5/26/2010)



30th May 2010, 11:09 PM
I remember Sam huffing and puffing quite awhile ago about whether or not he would keep the show going. I think telephone calls and letters sent in were an indicator of listenership. I don't think that it was going so well. I remember trying to listen to his show. It would be 2 hours of him saying nothing of value and repeating himself week after week.... well I assume so. I never listened to his shows weekly but every couple an he was always going over the same old stuff. And talk over people... anyway

31st May 2010, 08:46 AM

clearly, you have accurately described what my experience was wadding through all the verbiage to try to find anything worth my time. I believe I've heard 3 maybe 4 clear through. One is only left with impressions after so long a time unless one is able to read actual transcripts.

It must be daunting to have an open mic for 2 solid hours and try to fill it every week with something new. I know I wouldn't want that as my "job."

Thanks for sharing.


9th June 2010, 09:12 AM
Little over 1 week after the last posting, it appears the Restore America Plan which was declared to be the end of Corporation Governors in all 50 states, is mired down in saving the world now, and let America --like the devil--take the hindmost.

The oft repeated pattern of "announced timelines" repeatedly extended, modified, spun, or outright ignored continues unabated.

The "latest" forward looking statement is "the Americans will see something major by the 4th of July, 2010." The most recent rumored bank closing of 3 or more days was an additional non-event---what for the 7th time since April 1, 2010??-- not occurring as rumored "for sure this time"---this past Monday, June 7th.

Today is Wednesday, June 9th. Yawn.

Your's truly, however, removed the RFID tattletale chip from my own credit cards this weekend. A small amount of personal satisfaction was achieved by doing so. I'm so easy to amuse, what can I say.

Back on topic...LOL

One new thing to report however.

The secretive De jure Grand Jury training visual aid documents dispensed officially in segments before each of the last 7 Monday night phone call/instructive sessions, has been released to the public.

These DjGJ training sessions' documents are now available on the official <b>http://www.restoreamericaplan.net</b> website.

One must scroll to the bottom of the homepage where the "secrecy buttons formerly were placed" and up pops the index of documents presented for study and discussion the last 7 weeks.

Of major interest to me is the Week 7 documents. Most particularly the one entitled: M1 Gold Brief.pdf

I have trouble with the "2 concluding pages" of this obvious power point presentation type document. This is where the author posts his/her action plan as the result of tracing the history of Gold from King Solomon's time to "current."

Quite a read.

To recap R.A.P./R.thW.P.:
Secrecy still abounds.

Progress is still NOT OBSERVABLE.

Patriots and observers are mired down in subservience to the Hague/World Court/UN ENFORCEMENT timetable for whuppin' the Federal Reserve Bank into submission...good luck with that one, R.A.P., oops, I mean R.theW.P. Watching Illuminati purportedly flogging one of their own construct is akin to watching paint dry:
smelly and not the least bit amusing.


9th June 2010, 10:18 AM
I think The Restore America Plan is bullshit.

I love sovereignty as much as or likely more than the next guy, but I don't particularly trust "Tim Turner" or some of the "Elders" or whatever involved in the "Plan".

I'd like to think it's all true, and that they will fix America's immense problems, but I reeeeally don't think it'll happen.

I mean, the damn thing is called T.R.A.P. for heavenssake!

9th June 2010, 11:03 AM
I listened to a couple of L. B. Bork's recordings of PAC's conference calls and He thinks that "Scam" Kennedy and the Guardian's are disinfo agents meant to discredit the State National movement.



9th June 2010, 11:09 AM
I think The Restore America Plan is bullsh*t.

I love sovereignty as much as or likely more than the next guy, but I don't particularly trust "Tim Turner" or some of the "Elders" or whatever involved in the "Plan".

I'd like to think it's all true, and that they will fix America's immense problems, but I reeeeally don't think it'll happen.

I mean, the damn thing is called T.R.A.P. for heavenssake!

I echo your concerns. My feelings are similar; I have strong doubts.

9th June 2010, 01:33 PM
I've been aware and involved in RAP for a very long time now, much of it is very,very good for all of us but at the same time there's a LOT of it that troubles me, things I see coming down from the official pipe and I'd be dishonest if I didn't report that. Not that anything is ever gonna be all roses and wine all the time but at the same time objectivity and common sense are good things to adhere to, no matter what.

I'm not in the inner loop by any means and it is frustrating to see something move so slow but then again, sometimes good things find their own course and speed, I remain optimistic but with a constant pessimistic attitude.

Truthfully my main frustration comes from the regular people that are involved in RAP, they profess to be freedom oriented people but are adverse to something as simple as free speech and dissension. Sound familiar? It rings my friggin' bell...BIG Time! But that's other blogs, forums etc.. and just me bitchin' I reckon.

I am a grand juror and I'll either sink or swim, what do I have to lose? I won't have an extra mark on my back that wasn't there before. If it all fails...I'm still waiting for the party to begin.

The Great Ag
9th June 2010, 02:28 PM
I've been aware and involved in RAP for a very long time now, much of it is very,very good for all of us but at the same time there's a LOT of it that troubles me, things I see coming down from the official pipe and I'd be dishonest if I didn't report that. Not that anything is ever gonna be all roses and wine all the time but at the same time objectivity and common sense are good things to adhere to, no matter what.

I'm not in the inner loop by any means and it is frustrating to see something move so slow but then again, sometimes good things find their own course and speed, I remain optimistic but with a constant pessimistic attitude.

Truthfully my main frustration comes from the regular people that are involved in RAP, they profess to be freedom oriented people but are adverse to something as simple as free speech and dissension. Sound familiar? It rings my friggin' bell...BIG Time! But that's other blogs, forums etc.. and just me bitchin' I reckon.

I am a grand juror and I'll either sink or swim, what do I have to lose? I won't have an extra mark on my back that wasn't there before. If it all fails...I'm still waiting for the party to begin.

Hey Libertytree:
I found the RAP (TRAP)(TRWP) whatever website 5 days ago and have been reading the info.

Today I find this thread on it; what a great thing to find because I have several concerns.

First, my biggest concern, is that there is NO email address to contact them. I can sign up and give them my name, address, county, phone number BUT I cannot ask them questions. To me this is a HUGE PROBLEM! If they are honest, then they should accept questions.

Second, I believe there are errors in their supposed paperwork sent to the governors. Are the crafters of this document Sovereigns? Do they have SS#s? How can anyone who willy nilly signs up be a Sovereign, if they have a SS#?

Third, as far as I know there are NO LAWS on the books that violate a Sovereign's rights. They are demanding the gov't cease and desist any unlawful action against Sovereigns. The gov't is already doing this. The gov't only goes after US citizens or aliens admitted for residence.

Personally, I am very skeptical and since I cannot ask questions, I will NOT assist them in any way as giving aid to someone committing fraud MAY lead to legal issues.

The Great Ag

9th June 2010, 02:51 PM
AG, I share your concerns and then a whole lot more!!!. Personally though, not finding any better wagon to hitch my mules to, I signed on to be a mule driver.

I will not, at this time, advocate RAP as I'm wholly concerned about the totality of it but....I'm eye deep in it and will see it through, win, lose or draw. For better or for worse it's still better than standing on the sidelines.

That's just me though and I can only take responsibility for myself.

10th June 2010, 03:50 PM
There is another thread on TRAP here with links to Tim Turners court cases etc.. A lot of useful and interesting info. This link begins at page 144 of currently 154 pages.


10th June 2010, 06:14 PM
thank you for that link. Perhaps the forum's readers would like to know they can't read anything when they click through, one has to register and then log in in order to pursue your clickable link.

Could you summarize perhaps?

I don't know about others, but I'm getting rather weary of signing on to "another site"...

Feel free to bring material here to this forum for discussion. I for one poster would welcome it.


10th June 2010, 06:30 PM

I apologize. I didn't realize you had to sign in to read the posts. Maybe it would be easier to copy and paste the more pertinent information posted there than trying to summarize since there are many pages of posts.

Briefly, the points that captured my interest were the court cases Tim Turner is involved in and the fact he has gone missing. One poster, David Merril, has attached links to .pdf and .zip files of the court case to his posts. Apparently Tim Turner has been joindered in a contempt of court for filing bogus liens by the judge in the U S District court in Alabama.
However a lot of the links to the court files are to another section of the Suijurisclub website so you would still need to log in to view these files. I don't know if the links would be active if I copied and pasted them here.


10th June 2010, 07:43 PM
People who are interested in this thread and similar topics (regarding law, etc) would do well to register at suijurisclub.net

There's some good stuff there.

11th June 2010, 02:10 PM
Sir Gonzo, and Monty,

thank you both for your responses wrt: the value of suijuris forum.

I will re-consider.


11th June 2010, 02:13 PM
After a very long dearth of no commentary from G.E. TT that can be avowed to as legit by anyone of substance, this first full week of June 2010, we have no less than 3 Tim Turner utterances, and all from the same source, Republic of California Coordinator, Kelby Smith, who has heard from TT 3 times, on the phone, once by 2PM PDT Thursday, 6/10/2010.

Kelby is a credible witness.


[Editorial Comment:]
It’s been a long 2 weeks, Mr. Turner, Sir. Please don’t continue to make it so long before the next reputable communique, even if it is acknowledged you are acting in –at the very least– a triune capacity of:
1) GE for R.A.P.
2) Secy of State for the De jure republics
3) busy litigator as attorney-at-law

At least, for the time being, you have set down your SPC seminarian fedora, in order to shoulder more of the people’s work with the finite hours in the day assigned to us all on this plane.

Thank you for your time, TT, sir.


11th June 2010, 04:15 PM
That suijurisclub thread from that post on and for about 5 pages, discusses Tim Turners involvment in a court case as co defendant with someone else. In fact it was that someone else's case, but the courts have just now made ajoinder with Tim Turner to the case for contempt of court.

On the face of it, the court record suggests that the other party undertook to remove their "bogus" liens from certain parties. The court then issued ORDERS and DIRECTIONS to the other party. The liens were noted as lifted however they are then noted as beng re-instated. I believe the claim was that no instruction or undertaking was given by the holders of the liens.

Now the court has filed contempt based on their record of the proceedings. The court claims the other party submitted to the courts jurisdiction. The other party says this is not true. Tim is involved I think because he jointly holds the lien?? not sure exactly there.

IMO this is probably going to be the most dangerous issue Tim is going to be dealing with. Contempt is a serious problem for these guys. The courts do not mess about on contempt and it is usually how they get most people. In many cases it won't look like contempt on the record but that is what it is. In this case the courts claim is concise. No ambiguity.

I think that contempt is how they got King Charles in the end or escaping from custody. Same thing.

Now on the other hand. If the liens were "bogus" then why would the court need to lift them? The answer would be very interesting to learn. I would have thought the court would just do it themselves. They are "bogus" after all.

I also don't know if the court record is true or not.

Most of the information is posted by David Merrill. He is an interesting internet personality. A lot of people will have heard of this guy. I always wonder how much he spends on getting court records and dockets etc. He seems to be able to dig them up very easily. I would have thought you would have to pay for those things or visit the actual court house to get copies. Makes me wonder some times.

11th June 2010, 04:57 PM

That is an excellent analysis of Turner's predicament. Here is another link with documents in a zip file of Turner's case 1:09-cv-00727-MHT-SRW.


I found this link posted on another thread in suijurisclub.net called Something on Tim Turner, posted by a poster called reenie on page 4.

11th June 2010, 05:02 PM
Thank you, Glass for your excellent summary.

Tim Turner, according to him, has NEVER lost a case when it comes to these liens business.

While I've never taken his classes, I've listened to him speak. When he does his process, he files a "negative averment" which immediately removes the ability of the court to force him to do anything b/c Tim says, the filing of N.A. elevates the matter to Admiralty Court. And in Admiralty court, everything is "notice" after that, since NO ONE can lift the liens once the matter being adjudicated has entered into the jurisdiction of admiralty Court.

There are NO Pleadings, or no Motions permitted after a N.A. has been filed and matters are now in Admiralty Court.

This is how Tim got the judges' bonds arrested, by filing negative averments, and elevating all matters post NA into Admiralty Court which converts the liens into Admiralty Court enforceable liens.

He is currently collecting upon 3 of the corrupt judges who have lost their jobs, the District Attorney and the Sherrif and one other prosecutor down there in Houston county. The total amount with accrual interest is currently between $60-$70 billion as of the middle of May 2010. It is being professionally collected for him and his co-plaintiffs (yes, with a percentage going to the collecting agency) as a matter of record. The collection agency came to TT et al, and they accepted their offer to collect for them.

TT's already taken possession of a private jet plane from one of the "legal types" caught up in his N.A. trap over this Josie Broadcasting "case."

Dave Merrill may be spending his money trying to learn a "new trick or two"...and if he stays abreast of this topic, he most assuredly will.

Yes, Tim files notices post N.A., which continuously state "I do not, or did not consent..."(fill in the blank) and always accompanies his non-consent notice with another and newer negative averment on the new dishonor by the judge,D.A., Sherrif, or Prosecutor still hassling him.

The judge pursuing him is so deep in the muck and mire he'll never see the light of day again, financially nor professionally. The appellate court trying to force Tim into any lifting of the liens is only costing them their own Corporation Bondedness when all is said and done. They have no remedy once this is kicked into Admiralty Court. They'll soon figure that out.

Don't forget, in Alabama Court Case # C7-11638 (Josie Broadcasting) which had been going on for almost 5 years as I understand it, this is how TT won.

Once this current "judge kick the can" fracas was kicked into Admiralty Court, the other side always loses. That's one of the beauties of the crooked law system, this Admiralty Court wrinkle.

Again, I thank you for the David Merrill/suijuris update. I've never heard of Merrill, so his name rings no bells with me.

My money is on Turner. Prevailing again.

hope this was enlightening.


11th June 2010, 05:08 PM

I heartily believe that you are correct in your assessment of this matter!

In my opinion, that is why Turner is not backing off.


11th June 2010, 05:15 PM
thank you.

For the other gentleman, Glass, who posted the link to:
http://gwgjlg.wordpress.com/2010/06/11/spill-it-here-for-the-bp-gulf-disaster/comment-page-1/#comment-5725, re: Turner's cases...

...I would like to note for the record, the Sam Davis person mentioned as being a "state coordinator -Idaho of R.A.P." is NOT in point of fact a holder of that title. He resides in Idaho, true. He's admitted Idaho as his residency on his now discontinued Radio Show.

SD is being pursued by some alphabet agency for money laundering, true. HS? IRS? I don't truly recall. I just know it made the news in Las Vegas in the last week or so, because I read the short article in the MSM.

SD is also acting in a "color of Guardian Elder" participant role in the administrative / consultatnt role of R.A.P., much to my personal disgust.

I can believe TT has joined in whatever action has ensnared SDavis but I do not know that to be fact, unless it can be proven to me. I have no idea how SDavis' case will turn out.

One thing I do know...Tim Turner has never lost a case when someone has used his (TT's) Secured Party Creditor process.

However, Sam Davis--and I heard with my own two ears on his radio show before he quit broadcasting a few weeks back--bragged about him never having filed for SPC status.

TT is on audio tape/seminar record as declaring those who haven't done the SPC process are in legal difficulty from which they most likely cannot be extracted, and will spend time in Jail.

I suspect that will be the outcome of SDavis' folly.

It is on this basis, that I am doubtful TT has joined in the action of Sam Davis. But that is my gut feeling, that is all.


11th June 2010, 05:37 PM
Also involved in that same arrest with Sam Davis is Harold Call, the Nevada coordinator. I am somewhat confused at this point about what all of this means.

11th June 2010, 05:49 PM

I knew there was another name mentioned besides S.Davis, but I had NO clue it was the Nevada R.A.P. coordinator. That is most interesting.

Thank you for sharing.


11th June 2010, 05:53 PM

Google his name with Las Vegas Sun.


11th June 2010, 07:35 PM

thanks. I did. And the allegations on Sam Davis are ...well, let me put it this way, Monty.

I did NOT like Sam Davis before, and I sure don't like him more after reading that article.



11th June 2010, 08:53 PM
After a very long dearth of no commentary from G.E. TT that can be avowed to as legit by anyone of substance, this first full week of June 2010, we have no less than 3 Tim Turner utterances, and all from the same source, Republic of California Coordinator, Kelby Smith, who has heard from TT 3 times, on the phone, once by 2PM PDT Thursday, 6/10/2010.

Kelby is a credible witness.


Kelby Smith, California Coordinator for R.A.P. emailed his people,
Thursday, approximately 2:38 PM PDT, June 10, 2010:

"Just got my first phone call from Tim Turner in 2 weeks. He is doing GREAT. For those that don’t know who he is, he is one of 3 elders at the Restore America Plan.


At the end of our conversation, I asked him what does he want me to tell “the people” and he said the following:

"The Money is Secured and in the hands of the Republic.

"The Military HAS BEEN GIVEN The orders of the People.

"They are seeing the orders being fulfilled."

"PLEASE GET THIS INFORMATION OUT AND PLEASE HAVE YOUR FRIENDS read the declaration at http://www.americandreampreservation.com/ and sign up with your support. This is going to be our pivotal point for the media to show the fact that AMERICANS are behind this.

"Please pray that our Father in Heaven forgives our Nation and Heals our land.

'If my people, Who are called by my Name,
Will humble themselves And pray,
And seek my face, and Turn from their Wicked ways,
Then will I hear them from Heaven
And will forgive their Sin and will heal Their land.'
---------2 Chronicles 7:14"


This concludes the most recent, verifiable GE Tim Turner communication in almost 2 solid weeks.

beefsteak |--0--|

11th June 2010, 11:05 PM
If "The Military HAS BEEN GIVEN The orders of the People" then I hope they get around to taking control of what's happening in the Gulf. What's going on are capitol crimes against the good people of these republics and if this isn't addressed very shortly there's gonna be a whole lot less worth saving.

17th June 2010, 01:49 PM
A Radio Show which aired yesterday called "VoiceAmerica." Hosted by Dr. Val Kirkgaard, purportedly there is circulating a "letter" addressed to the Queen Elizabeth II of England. It was "delivered" to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Osborne.

The purported contents of the letter deals with an international maritime lien (filed through the World Court/Hague????) on the totality of the TREASURES/treasury of the Queen II of England in behalf of the Restored Republics of America.

Rumors are flying that this lien is the "secured people's money" which isn't fungible yet, to Restore America according to "the Plan."

If and when a believable copy of said communique surfaces, I'll be sure and post it here.

Just one problem (yes, of many.)

The World Court has ZERO, ZIP, NADDA enforcement teeth. It is simply a means to officially open jawboning negotiations between disputing parties. Like the UN has no teeth.

So, the restored republics are going to "gum it t'death" now? That should produce real "fungible" results. NOT!!!

Anyone here officially ---or otherwise-- think QE-II gives a flying fig about "world opinion?"

Just visualize with me for a moment....
...QE-II in ermine, silk, scepter and crown bedecked with jewels,
Tim Turner and all his R.A.P. hayseeds clothed in holey off-brand tennies, shiny-seat pants, and sweat stained short-sleeved shirts armpits.

I turn my head, revulsed at the thought.


17th June 2010, 04:00 PM
If "The Military HAS BEEN GIVEN The orders of the People" then I hope they get around to taking control of what's happening in the Gulf. What's going on are capitol crimes against the good people of these republics and if this isn't addressed very shortly there's gonna be a whole lot less worth saving.

I second that hope. Big time!

Suppose you've already heard how the "football" wasn't visible at the last "news-conference" (unspecified and no film footage either :oo-->
) and the flanking personnel behind the Pres was mostly JAG?

And that is supposed to mean....what?

ALL I noticed is the goofy speaker on the tube Tuesday night had the audacity to wear a flag lapel pin. The two-faced, ungrateful illegal alien.


17th June 2010, 04:38 PM
The Military HAS BEEN GIVEN The orders of the People

It is very easy to test. The only order that is needed is to return military home from half-a-trillion profitable opium business in Afghanistan, or a few-billion-dollar profitable oil business in Iraq (pumping oil to Haifa refinery).

If military doesn't return - it is all a hoax.

I tend to believe it is a hoax, because there's no way in hell the military is returned home soon.

17th June 2010, 06:11 PM
Notice of Lis Pendens filed through Hague:

FAX COVERS to 3 recipients:

List of TV Stations, Senators, Representatives, and more...51 pages of individuals to be notified /to receive these documents
(click on the link marked with the extension .doc at the top of the message from GE Regan.)


ONE citation of what Lis Pendens means:

17th June 2010, 08:02 PM
Just one problem (yes, of many.)

The World Court has ZERO, ZIP, NADDA enforcement teeth. It is simply a means to officially open jawboning negotiations between disputing parties. Like the UN has no teeth.

So, the restored republics are going to "gum it t'death" now? That should produce real "fungible" results. NOT!!!

Anyone here officially ---or otherwise-- think QE-II gives a flying fig about "world opinion?"

Just visualize with me for a moment....
...QE-II in ermine, silk, scepter and crown bedecked with jewels,
Tim Turner and all his R.A.P. hayseeds clothed in holey off-brand tennies, shiny-seat pants, and sweat stained short-sleeved shirts armpits.

I turn my head, revulsed at the thought.


You have just confirmed my gut feelings.

After all the reading, researching and listening to others far more knowledgeable than I, I think the only way R.A.P. can work is from the bottom up with local grand jury serving presentments and or indictments to/against any and all local corrupt public servants and the military enforcing the presentments and indictments from said grand juries. Without someone in a position power to enforce this who takes his oath of office seriously enough to enforce this it will go nowhere.


18th June 2010, 06:30 AM
The Restore America Project = T.R.A.P.

18th June 2010, 10:22 AM

While traveling to the DMV something I heard at the end of a commercial caught me off guard. It was some sort of offer and it said "you must be a resident of the UNITED STATES or the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA." I don't know what the commercial was about but that really blew my mind, never heard anything like it. I would think common man living in the DOC considers himself a resident of the US?

18th June 2010, 10:46 AM

While traveling to the DMV something I heard at the end of a commercial caught me off guard. It was some sort of offer and it said "you must be a resident of the UNITED STATES or the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA." I don't know what the commercial was about but that really blew my mind, never heard anything like it. I would think common man living in the DOC considers himself a resident of the US?

But they're not, it's the Corporations' land area, NOT the US's.

3rd July 2010, 10:11 PM
Interesting development on the eve of the 4th of July, this 3rd day of July.

Restore America Plan and Guardian Elder, Tim Turner in particular was vituperously attacked in the "patriot tracking blogger venue" today. It was an over the top smear piece. Any first grader could see right through the emotional illogical rant, facts be damned.

Tonight, Turner responded in the same venue the attack was originally posted. In his defense statement, Turner stated, "he was offered ONE TRILLION DOLLARS bribe to step aside and stop spearheading the R.A.P. efforts."

That's an astounding amount of bribe money.

Evidently that southern boy is doing some damage to the corrupt Obombonation currently doing nothing and doing that particularly well over there in DC.

Too bad, no one but TT knows what that "damage is/consists of"...unless the person(s?) who offered the $1T knows they themselves are about to lose even more than $1T to this plucky and stubborn set of men who want the uSA restored to a constitutional republic.

Wonder what the 50 gov's think about this revelation??? Guess we'll have to wait until at least TUESDAY next to find out.

If only there was something tangible the people who believe in this concept or these men could just put their finger on, verify via 3rd party, take a pix of, or actually see has actually been remediated, etc.

You know what my granddaughter use to say? "If wishes were horses..."


3rd July 2010, 11:13 PM
As I have been following it is common knowledge that the bribes are just that, bribes but with no tangible money to come through. The bribes have no money attached and they are trying to get people to step aside which in my eyes make simple fools out of the takers in this situation. This will separate the men from the boys and Tim is passing with flying colors.

The secrecy involved used to bother me but as I see it as in the military, you don't show your plan to the enemy. Just need to be patient and reap the benefits as this follows course.

4th July 2010, 09:48 AM

Not to be a balloon puncturing poster, but..... LOL
....not one place did I use the word SECRECY. I used the word TANGIBLE as in results. YOU used the newest buzz phrase: "military secrecy"....that's sad.

R.A.P.'s own leadership stated milestones of measurable progress,
both at the 30 day mark, and at the 90 day mark.

There has been no measurable progress, per R.A.P.'s own objectives. PERIOD! Just talk. No measurable overt meeting of objectives.

talk talk talk talk talk and MORE talk.

This diversion focus onto the mantra of "operational/military secrecy" is just that...a palliative, "buying of time."

After 95 days, counting today, July 4th, there is NO TANGIBLE, overt, measurable, third party verifiable met objective! Let alone PLURAL objectives.

Hell, even the modern US Military has embedded reporters so that the impinging on the Bill of Rights--Freedom of the Press is upheld, in appearances, if nothing else.

R.A.P. can't even claim THAT!

Ever thought about the fact that R.A.P. leadership is muzzling the press? Yes, even the blogger press by smothering all reporting except what they deign to dribble out?

Prime Example of which there are too many prime examples: this last TT retort was SOLICITED BY A RADIO HOST WHO WAS UNDER DURESS and unofficially cut through the crap to the top and asked for something she could publish.

WHERE'S R.A.P.'s press secretary?

THIS IS not restoration of america. This is just R.A.P., Ver. 1776.95 and counting....

Many supporters have already fallen by the wayside, lost faith and quit counting. 90 days to "see something" was their self imposed belief deadline. They're GONE!

It is now 95 days. Their "counting the days" is over. Who can blame "them?"

But, there is a "new brochure......" WHOOOOOPIE...
[center] NOT!!!![center]

5th July 2010, 12:34 PM
Found on another blog

russ says:
June 27, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Tired Old Conservative,
nice to meet you, sir or ma’am. A serious resonance occurred within me as I read your concerns. Due to that, here is a straight forward response. Permit me to begin, please.

TOC says:
If Elder’s claims and announcements turn out to be real, than what shall happen from 4th of July on?
Nothing will occur on or before July 4th. It simply is not a completed restoration. PERIOD.

What will occur AFTER the 4th of July is “spin” and “damage control” equaling what we are already accustomed to being assaulted with by the main stream media and patriot websites. The repeated tattoo of “nothing is happening as fast as we would like” will be drug out and re-tattooed with sickening and vicious loss of credibility due to the build-up of the July 4th symbolic “Independence” holiday.

TOC continues:
1) …then what shall happen from 4th of July on with our bank savings, and potentially trade stocks and other securities?
With the above caveat fresh in your mind, let’s assume economic collapse occurs, first in USA, or first in Europe. Makes little difference which domino goes down first. The INTENT however, of the other 183 nations of the planet is to take down the USA first. (Wonder why?)

–In this event, bank savings will be wiped out.
They are electronic digits of fiat paper.

—Potentiality to trade stocks will be halted.
Reopening will be discussed endlessly, lawsuits will fly. Plans will be discussed until people are purple in the face.

Purported equity ownership supported by paper certificates—if one is lucky to even have one anymore as they are mostly now digital records at the DTCC–that equity will be canceled, and equity wiped out as well because it is promissory EQUITY ONLY!!!

The majority of the S&P 500 (some 360 companies) are in point of fact, owned by the CROWN OF LONDON–no not QEII and her crown but THE CROWN. That is some major economic “non-localized” ownership we’re talking here. Talk about dominoes falling…

Other securities, you ask?
The debt market is often considered as “part of the securities genre” since its creation in 1933 as a credit based system. Said debt market is minimally 3x the size of the “equity market” as both total value traded as well as in volume of debt instruments trading.

Even since it is regulated by the SEC, that does not make, debt an asset. Not in the real world. Never has been. Never will be. Debt, aka paper promises to pay (Debt) whether commercial or municipal = borrowed fiat money.

Fiat Money is created out of thin air. While such debt “securities” it may have physical land and physical “improvements” thereupon tangible and concretely built as the result of those “loans” those can be shuttered for a time, and security patrols hired to reduce looting.

Technological obsolescence will set in, and a great deal of abandonment and fire sale liquidation will ensue.

Think that’s impossible? Please study the Washington Sstates power plant bond issues (over 24Billion) which went into default and NO ONE got paid except the lawyers. Review the WPPSS debt default and reconsider the “impossible.”

To put it in its simplest truth:
debt (securities) in reality means fiat money GONE! Might as well have taken a match to your “money” or called loans GIFTS and written them off. The end result is the same: your money is GONE!

Fiat came from NO WHERE and was ledgered into existence.
Equity or Bond Debt can and will be ledgered back into the same thin air from which it came.

Property and improvements will be ghastly reminders of the debt system’s failures.

TOC continues:
2) …then what shall happen from 4th of July on: with financial liability, like for instance trade debts (from the viewpoint of creditors)?
COMMERCIAL (trade) Debts will be wiped out for the above reason given. Private debt will still exist since it is between individuals. Commercial Debt is CORPORATE debt, in every definition of the word “CORPORATE.” That will cease to exist.

TOC continues”
3) …then what shall happen from 4th of July on: with funding of US Army, police, fire and rescue service, legal system, transportation and other public infrastructure?
Okay, let’s talk funding as you suggest. The US Army will be operating on promised tax revenues just as it is now. However, the tax revenues have been funneled for DECADES to the IMF. Where does the IMF keep the funding. At the CROWN OF LONDON. And where does the CROWN of LONDON keep the funding? In gold and jewels and real estate and “improvements.” Promises and an lidded quart jar of Air will buy you NOTHING eventually.

Police, fire? Same story. Second verse. Third verse.

Legal System? That will also collapse under its immoral and obscene weight. Thank you once again, CROWN OF LONDON and the B.A.R. association/affiliation. In fact, lawlessness will ensure unless nisi prius, common law is once again restored, and recordations at the county clerk level and in lawful publications are once again authorized. And they will be. That is the purpose of the de jure common law juries.

However, that being said, may one draw your attention to one obvious sour note?

The OBESERVED behavior of jurors on this forum, and those wishing to be jurors gives ME serious pause about even discussing my pet hamster’s nocturnal activities with in a purely casual conversation with the majority of them. It is totally inconceivable to me that such little minds, religious bigots, ageist and judgmental groupings of “peers” with their big egos will be sought out by this man or my wife for ruling upon “injury, fault and remedy.” I’d rather take my chances spitting in the wind and calling it drip irrigation for my small garden.

TOC continues:
4) …then what shall happen from 4th of July on: with Medicaid, Medicare, military pensions, veteran disability compensations and benefits?
In a word? GONE!

Again, more promises and more fiat exchanged for supposed security in our old age. When a house is built on the sand, and the sand shifts, the house is gone. Think “sink hole.” That about covers it.

TOC continues:
5) …then what shall happen from 4th of July on: to a drunk driving brat without driver’s license that might potentially hit my daughter with his non-registered car, especially since provisions of current traffic code shall be “null and void?”
Whether a “drunk driving brat” or a unskilled, distracted sober senior, the law of physics still applies.

No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time.

Once again, if one causes injury in the “new system” which is trumpeted as an improvement on the “old system,” such disputes will need to be presented and debated somewhere, in some quasi-public forum. Supposedly, that will be in de jour grand juries, aka nisi prius actions.

I’ve attended–as well as taken my wife– to nearby official, open grand jury meetings. The gun nuts/ youthful lions are there. The obscenely tattooed are there. The war veterans are there. The arrogant, sharp tongued lawyers are there. The angry housewives are there. The “on probation, couple bricks shy of a full load” are there. The barely literate are there. Didn’t see a compassionate soul in the entire gathering. IN fact, not in all the gatherings we subsequently attended.

And they all have one thing in common…their newly bestowed, djGJ powers? they have absolutely NO idea how to use, let alone come to consensus amongst themselves.

Simply trying to decide when they would meet and what a quorum was, took over 97 minutes of one evening. Then it came up at the beginning of next meeting. And took another 62 minutes before a vote was finally taken?

The attendees are more concerned with their opinion being heard, than they are listening to anyone besides the sound of their own voice(s.) Rude would be an understatement. Suspicious of all who appear before them, a GIVEN. Drunk with their new found power and authority? EVERY MISERABLE ONE OF THEM!

My wife and I left their presence profoundly saddened, and wiser for having ventured into their “open meetings” ruse.

Foolish us, we went back for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., look-see, and there was no change in either attendees or their behavior. In fact, the battle lines were even more hardened among the individual jurors whom we’d seen, meet, talked to and observed on the prior visits, with each successive visit.

And, color of Guardian Elder Sam Davis was among the worst of the arrogant, divisive, self-involved, mouthy parties in attendance on these multiple occasions.

I’ve heard the audios and YouTube vids myself, where GE Tim Turner stated he personally would put a 45 to the forehead of someone he considered a lobbyist drop them on the spot, etc. Instead of de jure Grand Juries operating shortly as “funded and convened bodies” those currently being “trained” are worse than kangaroo courts.

There isn’t a single ONE of them I’d ask for advice or seek remedy from. Not in the entire room full of them. NOT ONE! Are you kidding me?

Every last one of them, to a man or woman, wanted the djGJ up and running so that they could get THEIR OWN CASES/INJURIES heard first and resolved ( in their favor, of course.”

We were left wondering when they planned on getting around to hearing the “people’s” claims and doing the people’s business. No Joke! It was disheartening!


Again, neither I nor my wife will have any of them over for a cup of coffee, let alone appear before a GROUP OF THEM, all in the same room, at the same time, “hearing any injury case” we would wish or god forbid NEED to bring. And we are expected to appear before these groups of people, on a state-wide level, and/or a county level? For what reason????

NOOOOOO THANK YOU. I’ll stay home and pet my dog and my wife.

Visualizing the lawlessness that will follow a collapse of the financial system and the corrupt court system we currently have is easy to imagine.

It is disgustingly real as I just described above. Others have privately emailed me that their experiences upon visiting their individual state's meetings where djGJ were present, were pretty much identical to my wife's and my experiences.

In truth, TOC? We will either be watching bedside as the injured loved one heals from the drunken driver accident (they may regain their health or they may not) or we able-bodied will care for them or bury them.

TOC concludes:
Are there any official statements about the above pragmatic issues?
No, there are not. Sorry!

1) Social Security will be doubled.
2) Medicare will not be needed.
3) Instantly healing with new technologies and sequestered medical remediations will be made available.
4) New money based on gold will be issued.
5) All LAWYERS/Barristers will be put out of business.
6) All debt will be canceled except private debt between individuals.
7)….ad nauseum.

They are promises, from TTurner, just like fiat money is a promise of partnership.

I guess that rhetoric is supposed to pass as official utterances about pragmatic issues. Me? I’m going outside now to spit in the wind and then weed my now drip(spit) irrigated garden.


The Announcements the elders continue to speak of are NOT ANNOUNCEMENTS from the R.A.P. guardian elders that are being discussed. Most on these forums haven’t figured this out yet.

The ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE COMING FROM ANOTHER PARTY ENTIRELY. The 3 R.A.P. elder’s (no, not Sam Davis!!!) have not a clue as to when those announcements will be made.

I suspect strongly “they” will no doubt be briefed first. However, EVEN with this R.A.P. Selective Secrecy Tub leaking like a sieve as I’ve already priorly addressed on this forum…“we the people will be the last to know if we are looking at R.A.P. for a headzup or the source of ANNOUNCEMENTS”

If I have any advice to offer it is this:
Best determine who is going to be making these announcements even R.A.P. elders are waiting for.
Best determine what the announcements are going to be about.
Best determine how and where to get yourself into a position to hear them.

Until ANNOUNCEMENT time, best to be about preparing for lawlessness, economic collapse, and pre-thinking avoiding the ego-centric de jure Grand Juries “group think/behavior” en masse as loooooooooooong as is humanly possible, whether as a witness or a plaintiff. Don’t even THINK about being a defendant!!!

In otherwords, live by the golden rule, as Christ Taught it.

With that, I close:
pragmatic russ


appears to be a crystal ball gazer, yes? ;D


5th July 2010, 01:33 PM
Take a look at the latest developments in the TTurner, Sam DAVIS 17.6Billion lien. It appears to me the gov't is doing all that it can to wear these guys down in order to get them to release the lien. Who will be the victor?







5th July 2010, 02:26 PM
Thanks, Monty.

I do not know what you did differently, but I was able to click and read everyone of those links. Anything else come up on surijuris you'd like me to read, I'm willing.

Sam going to the pokey makes sense to me. He's an arrogant man, and would take the burrs off of freshly plasma cut steel.

Tim going to the pokey does not make sense to me. Sam is NOT a SPC. He's bragged about that for years. And Tim's been warning him of the pratfalls of not operating from that preferred posture.

Interesting hypothesis wrt: bribe=releasing $998+B lien. Hadn't heard that one before. :D


5th July 2010, 02:43 PM
another thought that really didn't occur to me until just now is something your links brought to the fore. Okay, so I'm slow. Never said otherwise. :D

It is mighty difficult, .....well, in fact the Holy Scriptures say it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!...to serve God and Mammon at the same time.

I reckon it is also difficult to serve "the people" and take care of yourself at the same time as well. And then there is that "inconvenient GoM disaster...." timing sucks, huh, Tim?

Sure the dollar amounts are bigger now, and sure the stakes are higher, but at what point does Tim let go of his personal agendae
and serve the higher good of the R.A.P. supporters?

And then there is Charles C. Millers' agenda..... >:(

5th July 2010, 02:58 PM
another thought that really didn't occur to me until just now is something your links brought to the fore. Okay, so I'm slow. Never said otherwise. :D

It is mighty difficult, .....well, in fact the Holy Scriptures say it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!...to serve God and Mammon at the same time.

I reckon it is also difficult to serve "the people" and take care of yourself at the same time as well. And then there is that "inconvenient GoM disaster...." timing sucks, huh, Tim?

Sure the dollar amounts are bigger now, and sure the stakes are higher, but at what point does Tim let go of his personal agendae
and serve the higher good of the R.A.P. supporters?

And then there is Charles C. Millers' agenda..... >:(

Why is it so hard to just do the right thing if it's in your power to do so? Especially if you have the knowledge and capabilities to do so. Is the concept of a "higher good" an abandoned ideal?

I hope not but I fear so.

5th July 2010, 03:19 PM
[quote=beefsteak ]
Thanks, Monty.

I do not know what you did differently, but I was able to click and read everyone of those links. Anything else come up on surijuris you'd like me to read, I'm willing.


I found that you can click on the message number in the upper right hand corner of the post. It will open a new window. The link to that window is clickable without you having to be signed into the forum.


5th July 2010, 03:23 PM
another thought that really didn't occur to me until just now is something your links brought to the fore. Okay, so I'm slow. Never said otherwise. :D

It is mighty difficult, .....well, in fact the Holy Scriptures say it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!...to serve God and Mammon at the same time.

I reckon it is also difficult to serve "the people" and take care of yourself at the same time as well. And then there is that "inconvenient GoM disaster...." timing sucks, huh, Tim?

Sure the dollar amounts are bigger now, and sure the stakes are higher, but at what point does Tim let go of his personal agendae
and serve the higher good of the R.A.P. supporters?

And then there is Charles C. Millers' agenda..... >:(

Why is it so hard to just do the right thing if it's in your power to do so? Especially if you have the knowledge and capabilities to do so. Is the concept of a "higher good" an abandoned ideal?

I hope not but I fear so.

I share your fear.

In a way, this whole TT and the other 2 "hayseeds" remind me of the Willie Wonka Choc Factory story.

With Sam Davis hob nobbing with the big kahuna's...well, what can I say...all he does is gum up the works. Think R.A.P. was glacial speed before?

R.A.P. won't even be breaking glacial speed limits now that Sam's Agenda is in there distorting and distracting.

He's a PIECE OF WORK! Honor? He doesn't know the meaning of the word!

5th July 2010, 03:31 PM
another thought that really didn't occur to me until just now is something your links brought to the fore. Okay, so I'm slow. Never said otherwise. :D

It is mighty difficult, .....well, in fact the Holy Scriptures say it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!...to serve God and Mammon at the same time.

I reckon it is also difficult to serve "the people" and take care of yourself at the same time as well. And then there is that "inconvenient GoM disaster...." timing sucks, huh, Tim?

Sure the dollar amounts are bigger now, and sure the stakes are higher, but at what point does Tim let go of his personal agendae
and serve the higher good of the R.A.P. supporters?

And then there is Charles C. Millers' agenda..... >:(

Why is it so hard to just do the right thing if it's in your power to do so? Especially if you have the knowledge and capabilities to do so. Is the concept of a "higher good" an abandoned ideal?

I hope not but I fear so.

I share your fear.

In a way, this whole TT and the other 2 "hayseeds" remind me of the Willie Wonka Choc Factory story.

With Sam Davis hob nobbing with the big kahuna's...well, what can I say...all he does is gum up the works. Think R.A.P. was glacial speed before?

R.A.P. won't even be breaking glacial speed limits now that Sam's Agenda is in there distorting and distracting.

He's a PIECE OF WORK! Honor? He doesn't know the meaning of the word!

And something that strikes fear into me is the people I have met and some I have not met here in Nevada are associated with Sam Davis.

9th July 2010, 09:15 PM

an interesting "update" from the "in your face" Rod Class on his Friday night call. First one I've heard start to finish.

He gave an interesting update on R.A.P. tonight.

1) He was requested by R.A.P. elders, to come visit them when in DC on county assembly business last weekend.

2) He went to observe and critique by invitation "what they R.A.P. is doing, to point out weaknesses, suggest improvements so he stated.

3) He stated he observed friction between the other elders and Tim Turner. Didn't clarify what that friction/trouble at the top was about.

4) He stated there needed to be apologies made and things of that nature, again, not stating from whom to whom nor about what.

5) It is Rod Class' opinion that R.A.P. is not a scam.

6) It is Rod Class' opinion that the country is in for a long long difficult task, especially when viewed through the eyes of history vis a vis Hamilton, Jefferson, Franklin, etc. and the behaviors of the first founders.

7) He stated that the juries are not properly trained and that THAT was the weakspot in the plan.

8 ) He stated R.A.P. is trying to fix the system, not overthrow it.

9) He stated that the plan was sound but there was no "staffing/personnel" decisions made, no job descriptions, no candidates, and that THAT was a major holdup for seeing anything accomplished now or ever.

That's about the size of it.

Candid? Yes.

Believable? Again, yes.

Pretty much confirms the state of "impasse" we all know about and no one--except various bloggers--will address with any specificity.

Oh, and Rod Class brought up a "citizens review board" concept that was new to me. It was presented as a sort of review and enforcement/removal type group which would help implement the grand jury's presentments without interference from a formal prosecutor type system we are currently embroiled in in this nation.

Frankly, sounded to me amazingly similar to the nisi prius dialogue presented earlier by DF and reported above.

Don't believe I'll listen again to him. His voice drove me crazy. Ditto his 2 sidekicks.

Interesting contributions by someone named Marie and her work with fraudulent foreclosures did pique my curiosity. I'm off to study who/what/when/where/why about this Maria person.

We don't need her in our lives, but others we know, do. So if she's a resource, I want to know more about her.


9th July 2010, 09:25 PM
What are the actual, noticeable effects of T.R.A.P.?

Are there any?

I don't think so...

And I always felt like Tim Turner was full of shit.

21st July 2010, 06:16 PM
The newly re-inhabited de jure Republic of the United States is now established, functioning and based in the interim capital of the Republic of the United States in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Interim President and Interim Cabinet Secretaries and Directors have also been appointed.

Ballots appointing 2 senators and 10 representatives from all 50 republics is currently ongoing and appointees will be announced shortly.

More details available at:


22nd July 2010, 12:07 AM
Kalamazoo, the Gibson dream factory and now Heritage Guitars and the Bells Oberon beer of Kings.

I wish upon a star!

Oh, well.

I suppose the new announcements shall be several months in coming, and then postponed as well.

I want to believe.

But it's really hard these days.

22nd July 2010, 01:01 AM
Hi, Mouse,

I hear your weariness, Mouse. It's been brutal to observe the interference and delays. Brutal indeed.

Speaking only for myself, I have to separate the long awaited announcements which deal with proof of corruption and the perp walks on the come (which part of me is voyeuristically looking forward to) from the Press Release(s) from the newly seated interim government dealing with the official announcement OF said interim government.

I think the season of announcements is going to end up being mind boggling as far as subject matter. And there will be public addresses focused upon the purpose of education and delving into the who what and the when and whys.

I suspect they may even be perceived as irritating in their frequency.

I'll be listening intently and also being amazed I'm alive at such a time to witness this return to de jure common law and freedom to be, own, conduct business and marry and bury as my ancestors were once free to be as immigrants on this great land.


22nd July 2010, 01:27 AM
The problem with this, is it will not be allowed to happen. I am sorry, mr. Beef. They will never allow themselves to be out-lawyered. They are the lawyers, they are the scientists, they are the media, and they are the bank. If you believe in this lie and it comes to pass, you have been deceived. The real justice happens later. I want to believe, but I cannot - as even if I do believe and such happens, is it not the deceiver that brings in the jubilee and starts the new "system".

You might as well fly some huge ass spaceships in. I won't believe them to be real either. It ain't gonna happen.

Sorry, bud

22nd July 2010, 01:45 AM

just consider a couple of responses to 2 of your points above, just for a few moments okay? One about your "attornies" argument, and the other your "bankers" argument.

There are attorney-in-law...aka BAR attorneys and
attorneys-AT-law...aka NON BAR attorneys.

Which one's a better lawyer is not the issue. Which one is constitutionally permitted to hold office in the de jure Republic of the United States IS the issue.

Here in the UNITED STATES, there are Federal Reserve Basel II compliant banks issuing and dealing UNBACKED, created credit out of thin air fiat, currency transactions and OTC derivatives and FASB permitted fraudulent mortgages, etc.,

there are NON-Federal Reserve but still Basel II compliant banks IN THE RESTORED REPUBLIC, containing stored gold bullion in astonishing quantities that does not belong to the Federal Reserve system, who will soon to be distributing gold-backed, constitutionally LAWFUL, Republic Treasury issued money without OTC derivatives and fraudulent mortgages anywhere on their books or otherwise polluting the world.

Which one is a "real" bank is NOT the issue. Which one a sane person/county/business/sovereign nation would rather do business with IS the issue.

I could go on, but my point has been made, yes?


22nd July 2010, 01:53 AM
I am not knowledgable enough to truly understand the above, but if that's the case then great! I don't think you will see it, at least not in any format that we would expect.

I do honor you for following this thing through and getting the info out.

There is some intersection of all this stuff and the George Gordon "sovereign" thing that must mate up to make it work. The problem is that the power source is too small to make anyone actually shake in their boots at it. It's great to have the ideas out there, but nobody is going to give up the world to a guy because he thinks he figured out how the house plays cards.

Peace and please keep reporting on this.


6th August 2010, 09:23 AM
No longer 95 Days and counting, it is now 132 days and counting since the governors were noticed to comply or be removed.

One significant, transparent improvement has been made since July 4th:

August 2, 2010 7:02 PM
Richard Rios said...
<snip> In regards to your attempts to attain information, I would ask you send the requests to press@republicoftheunitedstates.org.
I will review and either reply directly or have an appropriate individual reply.

Kindest regards,
Richard Rios
Press Information Officer
press@republicoftheunitedstates.org </snip>

The interim government has an official Press Secretary.

I believe I'll be emailing him shortly. I'm not the "press" but I sure am a member of the public and have some interesting questions for this gentleman. I'll post any responses.


6th August 2010, 11:16 AM
Government with the consent of the governed will start at the local level, i.e., city or county, not with some bunch of crackpots pretending to be a "Federal" government.

Saul Mine
6th August 2010, 05:36 PM

Legalities are nice but the bottom line is always the same: "If you don't do as we say then one of us has to hurt or kill the other."

When it reaches that point then I will choose a side.

11th August 2010, 05:10 PM
The most recent information shared by a RAP updater from the Republic of Texas level is the following:

The US DeFacto TREASURY has been foreclosed upon by the Chinese within in the last 14 days.
The restored Republic of the united States under interim President Tim Turner has seamlessly replaced that fraudulent banking system with the fully funded and independent Republic's LAWFULLY BACKED money Treasury of the Republic complete with the 6 (or is it 7?) regional banks, one of which is in Seattle.

The promised press release still hasn't come out. A false one was "leaked" within the week it was "promised" complete with inaccurate address, phony logo, etc. As a document, it has been thoroughly discredited

Many are now waiting for the perp walks to begin, both of public officials and many many thousands of deportation orders just to name some of the sideshows being anticipated by many angry supporters of the RAP movement.

Me? I'm waiting and watching mode. No harm in waiting and watching, yes?


2nd November 2010, 09:11 PM
I think it only fitting to own up to my disappointment with this patriot movement I followed so intensely since March 27, 2010.

I had such high hopes for "this election" being different.

It isn't.

Doesn't matter who sits on the board of the Incorporated UNITED STATES. It's all about them. It ain't about us.

Same bus we're going to be thrown under by the repubs, just different tire tread that Abby Sciuto will run through "tire APHIS."

Just thought I'd own up to my disappointment on this election night with the whole gutless wonder phenom and the jack booted political machine with a new wad of bubblegum on the tires.

Different Day. Same outcome.

:sicko Bleh!
