View Full Version : Post your favorite coins/rounds!

2nd April 2010, 09:09 PM
I'll start! ;D

Who can resist her...the precious...rare...1933 St. Gaudens, victim of FDR...

4th April 2010, 10:44 AM

That's my favorite Mexican gold coin.

4th April 2010, 09:58 PM
Here are my favorite coins......

5th April 2010, 07:53 AM
Here are my favorite coins......

Canada could have the most beautiful PM coins on Earth if they'd lose the bitch on the other side!

6th April 2010, 07:11 PM
I like these angels...cumby picture...sorry.

6th April 2010, 08:14 PM


6th April 2010, 08:22 PM
I find it fascinating that this coin probably came from Great Britain about 55 Before Christ when the AMBANI TRIBE of Gaul/France Belgic north across the pond from England who fought first Julius Caesar they joined him in the Punic Wars.

A soldier died for one of these a month... now that wakes you up a tad...

6th April 2010, 08:26 PM
Or this one where BRUTUS fell on sword there in the battle of PHILLIPI (like in the BIBLE! Phillipians) when attacked by the future Augustus Caesar and Mark Anthony both of love affairs with Cleopatra and hungry for power.

Brutus he killed the fellow above a coin - JULIUS CAESAR his buddy.

The coin - it was burried for 2040 years - and then I NABBED IT!

Tee Tee tee

6th April 2010, 08:32 PM
This is before the FLOOD in around 2250 B.C.

It was used as a contract stamp.

Adam (you know Adam & Eve) was about 800 at the time with the ICE crystal globe around the earth, the oxygen four times higher in %, the barametric pressure was 4 times more (like the big submarine type tube used for professional football players because they heal five times quicker inside), the minerals and vitamens were more perfect then in the non-flooded yet ground, and the earth was void of tall mountains, and the earth's waters were still in those Osama Bin Forgotten huge caves all around the world, and when everything broke - well it took a year for the flood waters to make all the current oceans and the land to arise.


"In the Beginning" Colonel Brown - it will blow YOUR mind away - AMAZON.com

1970 Silver Art
18th April 2010, 01:59 PM


I used to have a 2000 gold Half-Sovereign, however, I lost that gold half sovereign to a '70's Silver Art Bar "addiction". ;D

19th April 2010, 06:26 PM
i like the 100 gram bars.


imagine having that on your coffee table.

imagine having that on the coffee table in your vault ? 8)

anyway, those are about 3 1/3 ounces and $3725 for each little bar. they look like the chocolate bars we used to have at Christmas when I was a kid.

22nd April 2010, 06:20 PM
I love the old Austro-Hungarian Coins.
1908 100 korona

Sorry is it is too big.

27th April 2010, 03:06 PM
A much better picture of my angels above.