View Full Version : Great night tonight. Very productive. Could use input.
2nd April 2010, 09:06 PM
So tonight I cleaned out my kitchen freezer, because it is always a total mightmare. I gutted it of everything, and reorganized it completely. You can actually see what we have in there now!
I discovered food I had forgotten about, and found out we have quite a selection of meats to choose from! Beef, ground beef, chicken, ground chicken, lamp chops, venison, moose, perch, halibut and pork!
Hahaha. So Ironic, as my wife and I are trying to cut meat down in our diets, and trying to go more plant based.
Anyways, after that, I decided to boil down my two bags of cherry tomatos into sauce. This is where I could use some input. It's boiling right now, but I really don't know what I'm doing. Unless I get some guidance, I am basically going to mash it all up into a sauce.
In tandem, I made up a nice vegetable chili as well. Smells fantastic! It's simmering right now. I was also maybe considering throwing the cherry tomatos right into the chili once it boils off a bit. You guys can give me your thoughts on that.
I wish Imacannin was here! lol.
Before all that, we had an all day family gathering, and held out own Appleseed day with all our kids. (six kids between 3 couples, 2 each, plus our parents!) We shot pellet and BB rifles all day long, and I was quite surprised how well my two nephews could shoot with very little practice and only Iron sights. My one nephew said "this is the most fun I have ever had"! He meant it too. I could tell.
Even before that, first thing this morning, that I mixed up some soil from my garden and laid some lettuce seeds, for 8 heads. Going to seriously attack the seed-planting/preparing tomorrow. I have a sh*tload of carrots planted in starts as well.
I have to till the soil by hand, so I'm not looking forward to that.
Oh yeah, also, my wife adn I are fasting, and we're on day 7. Going until the 14th of April for a 20 day fast. My sister in law had meatloaf and pulled pork, and it all smelled so good! (Bitch)
Just wanted to share my great day with you.
Could use some input on the tomato thing though....
2nd April 2010, 09:09 PM
Can't help you with the tomato problem... however.
As for the meat, stir fry some of it with a bunch of veggies... you'll stick to your "more vegetables" plan and still end up with something tasty!
2nd April 2010, 09:10 PM
Oh yeah, also, my wife adn I are fasting, and we're on day 7. Going until the 14th of April for a 20 day fast. My sister in law had meatloaf and pulled pork, and it all smelled so good!
Damn man 20 day fast, that's no joke.
Every few weeks I will do a 24 hour fast but I can't imagine 20 days.
General of Darkness
2nd April 2010, 09:15 PM
Wow, that sounds like a great day. What your talking about is either canning or jarring, or I'm lost which is probable.
2nd April 2010, 09:23 PM
No, I'm not canning, I'm making stuff for later. Meals that I can freeze, and when we come off the fast we can enjoy them. the tomatos are boiling down nicely. If they don't take too long to steam off some of the water, I'm going to add them to the chili.
Nordic my friend, the first two days are the most difficult. Anything after that is a breeze. Once your digestive system shuts down, you do not feel hungry anymore. a 24 hour fast will not do you any good, unless it is for spiritual purposes.
2nd April 2010, 09:24 PM
I might be responding too late to help, but here goes:
Blanche the tomatoes, by boiling them briefly (1 minute) and then dipping them in ice-water. Blanching makes skin will come off easily. Then cut them in halves or quarters, depending on the size, trying to retain all of the natural juices. These are great to later pour over chicken breasts to bake as "diced tomatoes", or add to spaghetti sauce to make it more robust.
2nd April 2010, 10:06 PM
Thanks K-os. Too late, but that is valuable info for later!
Here is a noob question. You said boil them for one minute. So should I bring the water to a boil then drop them in, or put them in the water adn bring it to a boil?
Sorry, but I'm new at this stuff. I appreciate the info!
2nd April 2010, 10:12 PM
Boil 1st, then drop them in.
2nd April 2010, 10:27 PM
Thank you kindly!
I'm really looking forward to gardening this year!
3rd April 2010, 03:03 PM
Thank you kindly!
I'm really looking forward to gardening this year!
Last year was my first year planting a garden, and I enjoyed it far more than I expected. Just creating something has a nice psychological benefit not to mention the free food.
3rd April 2010, 03:34 PM
Seven years ago I filled a brand new freezer with about 1,000 of the then $1.00 tv dinners..........I am now afraid to open it up.......a snow man might reach out and grab me by the kneck, and that's no joke.
I can only wonder if they will still be good for when I really need it.
3rd April 2010, 03:40 PM
This is why you gotta rotate your preps.
So, seven years ago, how much gold could you buy for $1000?
3rd April 2010, 04:35 PM
The longest I ever went without food was about 3 days. I was gnawing on tree bark and eating insects by that point. My buds were starting to look like Thanksgiving dinner. Good luck.
3rd April 2010, 04:51 PM
Seven years ago I filled a brand new freezer with about 1,000 of the then $1.00 tv dinners..........I am now afraid to open it up.......a snow man might reach out and grab me by the kneck, and that's no joke.
I can only wonder if they will still be good for when I really need it.
you have no idea how much you just made me laugh. ( I have a very vivid imagination from loads of reading in my younger years)
3rd April 2010, 05:48 PM
Life without Ponce was so dull.
All I can picture in my mind is this freezer with the lid half open with frost billowing out.
3rd April 2010, 06:55 PM
Life without Ponce was so dull.
All I can picture in my mind is this freezer with the lid half open with frost billowing out.
I picture an old barn in the woods of Oregon, with pallets of canned goods, Toilet paper stacked up to the ceiling, several chest freezers with a half inch of dust on them, bags of junk silver and a couple of safes.
3rd April 2010, 06:58 PM
[I picture an old barn in the woods of Oregon, with pallets of canned goods, Toilet paper stacked up to the ceiling, several chest freezers with a half inch of dust on them, bags of junk silver and a couple of safes.
Well that too. Remember how Ponce used to keep us up on inflation by quoting the price of TP? ;D
I miss the Avatar though. Wonder why he hasn't put it up?
3rd April 2010, 09:27 PM
Haha, Ponce was banned before I could really get to see his posting style, but I see shy people on GIM missed him so badly. Funny guy!
Nordic Berserker, this will be my third year, and I'm pumped. I'm taking it way more seriously after finding out how important veggies are for our health.
So, today was even MORE productive!
My parents took the kids for the day because they just got back from a holiday, so they hadn't really had much time to see them. My wife and I took advantage and went on a massive shopping spree, and every single purchase we made had to do with prepping food (Gardening), except for one dog toy. We spent alot of digital fiat courtesy of visa, but fuck it, we'll pay it back next cheque before interest starts.
After four hours at six stores, (We didn't need to go to that many stores, but we were enjoying our time together) we came home and I started seeding my starter-potters (or whatever those little plastic single-plant things are called). I spent hours getting them ready, then I watered them and put'em in the sun.
I have raised garden beds that are 9ft by 4ft, 18" high. I had to turn all the soil by hand with a pitchfork, because I'm a noob and I don't know what other tool to use. That took some energy and back grease. Got them all mixed up nicely and smoothed them out. They look pristine.
I have a great little beagle, but the bitch loves to dig in my beds, so I bought some wood strapping and chicken wire, adn I'm going to make removable fence walls around the beds to keep her out.
I planted Lima Beans and peas in two separate potters. They are 3ft by 1ft, with a lattice backing, so I hope the climb.
I planted cucmbers in the middle in a round potter, between the two potters with the lima beans.
Tomorrow and Monday I will start turning the soil in the rest of my gardens, and prep them for planting when my seeds sprout. I'm starting late, but my work got in the way of life, so I haven't been able to get at it until now.
So after that I came inside and made the most kick-ass vegetable stew that any human being has ever laid eyes (or nose) on.
My wife cleaned out the cupboards and stashed our new healthier food stores, and then made a vegan lasagna and prepped them for freezing.
I'm telling you, the best part about this fast is going to be eating all the food we are preparing with our health in mind. I wish some of you had a chance to try this veggie stew.... I have a couple secret ingredients!
Anyways, so now we have Veggie stew, Vegan Lasagna and Veggie Chili all ready to be EATEN!!!!!!!!
Can't wait!
3rd April 2010, 09:50 PM
3rd April 2010, 10:33 PM
That vegi stew looks great!!! You should post some recipes in the preps forum
3rd April 2010, 11:08 PM
Damn, that looks delicious. Now I am hungry again..
What do you do with all that vegetable stew? Do you freeze it?
4th April 2010, 06:18 AM
Given the fact that Awokes filled them into plastic Tupperware containers the likelihood of freezing them seems high. Apart from that fact, I conquer they do indeed look like some damn good eating and I second Cigarlovers request for a recipe.
I’ll post an amazing creamed zucchini soup recipe my mother used to make when I get home, along with a few others to share with you guys.
4th April 2010, 07:02 AM
Don't get too ahead of yourself when your starters are ready for planting. I've been burnt in this zone planting the tender stuff too early more times than I care to admit. Inevitably we get a few hot weeks in early spring and I get all horny to get gardening. Then, inevitably, the jet stream dips and we get our seasonal temps going into June. Then comes the D-oh moment. Cucumbers, tomatoes, zuchini......anything like that....don't even think of putting them outside until June1 unless you are ready to cover them up on cool nites. Onions, radish, spinich, swiss chard......all good to go at any time.
Also, when you are ready to transplant your bedding plants (starters), move them outside during the day for a few days and then bring them in at nite to harden them off. It kind of conditions them to be exposed to real conditions and lessens the shock on them.
4th April 2010, 03:42 PM
Given the fact that Awokes filled them into plastic Tupperware containers the likelihood of freezing them seems high. Apart from that fact, I conquer they do indeed look like some damn good eating and I second Cigarlovers request for a recipe.
I’ll post an amazing creamed zucchini soup recipe my mother used to make when I get home, along with a few others to share with you guys.
Yes please post your recipes. I'm just starting to get into making stuff with my slow cooker and need some good recipes.
mmmmmm zucchini soup....
4th April 2010, 07:55 PM
OK, I will do my best to post how I made this masterful stew.
I don't know chefs lingo, and I may spell some terms incorrectly, but...
3/4 bag of frozen spinach (Didn't have fresh)
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1 orange bell pepper
1 whole turnip
1 head of brocolli
2 cooking onions
5 Potatos (Your type preferrence)
8 thick carrots
10 sticks of celery with cropped ends
15 sticks of asparagus
2 tsp of Basil
2 tsp of Cinnamon
2 tsp of Chili seasoning powder
2 tsp of Cumin
2 tsp of Oregano
2 tsp of Thyme
1 tbsp of Walkerswood Jamacian jerk seasoning (Or two. It's hot. Spicey)
1 tbsp of Pureed garlic (Or two)
1/4 cup of Spike all purpose salt free seasoning
1/2 cup of organic maple syrup
Pepper to your taste
1/2 cup of Black Duck Canadian wild rice
1 & 1/2 cups of traditional brown rice
1 can kidney beans
1 can brown beans
A lot of tupperware. lol.
I large stock pot. Not sure of the liter size, but it was about 12" high and 10" wide. (If you use less vegetables, you can use a smaller pot)
Shred the onion first, then throw it in the dry pot to brown while you process the rest of your veggies.
Shred the peppers, throw them in with the onion.
Chop (I use a processer) all remaining vegetables into small slices/chunks, with the exception of the asparagus.
Asparagus sticks were hand-cut into 2 or 3 inch pieces.
Once all veggies are prepared, dump them all in at once on top of the onion and peppers.
Fill with water to your desired consistency, then add another inch or so. (Rice absorbs that extra inch)
I add my dry spices while everything is still cold, because I want the spices to cook into the potato and turnip.
Bring to a boil, then add the wet spices (Jerk and Garlic) and the Maple syrup.
Add your rice while you have a good boil, and allow it to cook at full boil for about 10 or 15 mins, to avoid the rice burning to the bottom of the pot. Ensure you are there stirring it for this time period.
Turn it down and let it boil at a lower temperature for about 3 hours, stir periodically.
When you put it in the tupperware, make sure you let it cool overnight before you freeze it because this thick stew tends to really hold the heat for a long long time.
Same goes for when you heat it to eat it. I think it is the rice that holds the core temperature at whatever it is at. It takes a longer time to reheat than a typical stew.
Also, I should add that I like mushrooms, and would have added sauteed button mushrooms, but my wife and kids don't like them.
Same with the garlic. I didn't have fresh, so I used pureed garlic in the fridge, but it's actually nicer because it will soak into the veggies better, I think. (Haven't tasted it yet due to the ongoing fast!!)
I also think this would be a nice stew to add some cubed chicken or venison to. Next time I will.
Obviously you can really play with it as far as ingredients go, because it's really just veggies in water with spices, so have at'er!!
4th April 2010, 08:04 PM
Wowwwwwwwwww awoke, you made me hungry now.
About the freezer? the lid half open and this hairy white arm reaching for my neck,
that's more like it hahahahaahhha.
4th April 2010, 08:08 PM
Just take a broom and whack at the arm ponce, adn it'll leave you alone! LOL
4th April 2010, 10:29 PM
A sincere thank you for the recipe, awoke, it looks amazing.
14th April 2010, 12:04 PM
So my wife and I finished a 17 day fast last sunday, and we look and feel fantastic. (I'm a little biased)
We are making a serious effort to eat a more vegan based diet, but still allowing some meat, cheese, diary within reasonable limits.
Today I had a serious craving for a nice deep fried Falafel wrap, and thankfully my beautiful wife talked me out of it. We came home from some shopping and I broke out the mini food processor and I wanted to share the results with you.
Very simple, and very healthy. (And filling)
Veggi Spread
1/4 of a large cucumber
1/2 large tomato
1 small white onion
1 large carrot
4 green onion
2 TBsp Garlic Hummus
Ground all together into a consistency similar to Cole slaw or Relish in a food processor.
So, then I took some organic whole wheat wraps, places a slice of spiced Havarti and microwaved flat for 20 seconds. While it was cooking, I got a fistfull of "Spring Mix" salad leaves and a fistfull of baby spinach ready.
Pulled the wrap out while it was still hot, layed the greens down onto the melted havarti, poured my wifes home-made salad dressing onto the leaves, added 3 spoonfuls of the ground veggie mixspread, topped it off with some diced tomato and wrapped it up like a gyro.
(The tomato was the left-over half from the Veggie spread. I ground half in the spread and diced half for the wraps)
Amazing. If I had have thought of it, I would have taken pics, but I have enough left for one or two more wraps, so it's not too late.
The only thing I would change about it is that I would have added celery to the veggie spread for crunch, and not used a white onion.
This would be totally amazing if it was topped off with some fresh pan-fried chicken strips and sauted mushrooms, but we are staying away from meat for another week or so, and I didn't have the patience to saute the mushrooms. (To hungry)
So, I know the ingredients for my wifes salad dressing, but not the quantities. If you are curious, she will tell me and I will update the post here. I like it becuase it is oil free, and all extracted oils are bad for you, including canola and olive.
Water based Salad dressing
Lime juice
Pureed Garlic
Fresh ground cashews
Soft Tofu
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