View Full Version : This guy didn't listen to KingWorldNews...

2nd April 2010, 11:02 PM
obviously... Check out the vid. Good analysis if if were for the unveiling of the ponzi scheme.
This came out about a day before KingWorldNews broke the story.


4th April 2010, 04:56 AM
Why gold will not make new highs or lows this year

shit, let them buy dividend bearing stocks. (dividend stocks, one of the big new old things)

or mutual funds.

or invest with Madoff & get a government bail-out.

actually, i think dividend bearing stocks are worth taking a look at, but, the CFTC & Maguire interviews -


and the Zerohedge discussion of them -


are positively jaw dropping. i've listened to the King World interviews about 3 times each and it's slowly sinking in.

4th April 2010, 09:48 AM
Anyone that still thinks they can use tech analysis to figure out what is going on the in the pm markets is either insane, idiotic, paid to, living in complete denial or just not paying attention. And you can quote me.

4th April 2010, 03:23 PM
good summary of the situation from ZH/GATA:


i learnt today that the audio worked perfectly during the CFTC hearing for 5 hours except for the minute before murphy spoke, during his speech and until a minute after. then king world news was taken down with an apparently sophisticated attack for a couple of hours after posting the interviews with GATA and mcguire. not to mention that they tried to kill mcguire. smacks of severe desperation.

also of extreme interest is that during the hearings, HSBC boasted that they could deliver a million ozt. at 24 hours notice, so an asian investor took them up on that on friday march 30...they still haven't delivered. could be an interesting week in the markets, next week. specially in light of the fact that the fed have called an emergency meeting.


4th April 2010, 09:04 PM
Oh yeah, I mean - The jig is up, isn't it? After that broadcast and the sh*tstorm it whipped up, there is a lot of talk going on about the paper PM market. Add to that that recently in the USA, there has been a lot of "Audit the FED" talk, so people (Average every people) are on edge already.

Imagine if a blue collar fella found out he is getting 1 GAE for his $100,000.00???!?!
1:100 ratio, baby. That's waht that works out to.

Buy and hold physical. Bottom line. I am extremely curious to see the PM charts on Tuesday morning.

7th April 2010, 12:18 PM
new interview (http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2010/4/7_Andrew_Maguire_%26_Adrian_Douglas.html) with the GATA guys.

8th April 2010, 10:12 AM
new interview (http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2010/4/7_Andrew_Maguire_%26_Adrian_Douglas.html) with the GATA guys.

Thanks. I also posted that in the GD area.
