View Full Version : Ignorance Is Bliss

2nd April 2010, 11:25 PM
You guys are in as much denial as when you were at GIM. Over at the new GIM it's the same, everybody reads exactly the same, I see that not much ever changes. Everybody, denial of reality.

What is it about you guys that understand most every detail yet are so worried about FEMA tracking down a few hundred gold bug / liberty preaching / Internet posters?

The war is completely over, get over it. We lost. And it wouldn't have mattered who is running GIM or whatever global forum. If it really mattered to TPTB, the Internet would have already been shut down.

Face it, Plan A has never worked and plan B isn't even defined. 6 billion people, minus a handful of gold bugs who've moved beyond the matrix - uhm well, ok, then nearly 6 billion people still, are either too uneducated, too poor, too busy, too ignorant, too criminal, too evil, or too lazy to even notice the king has no clothes. It wouldn't matter if the king, rather queen if you prefer, had the body of miss america, - face it - they're not going to notice, they've gone back to sleep and when they've finally woken up to their bondage, they'll be either two-thrids zombies or blame whoever they're told to, or more likely both.

A divided forum, a bunch of little forums, a centralized form, it doesn't matter. We are at most, around the globe, 10 thousand or so people who can decipher truth and reality, with the time to, and without falling for the distractions. At most. At the very most.

Do you see hoards of newbies busting down the doors, sending us private messages? It's kind of hard to go back to school when you and your family are hungry with bills to pay.

The hairless monkeys dare not question TPTB.
The hairless monkeys can go back to where they came from.
The hairless monkeys haven't learned a thing and are spouting out the same old sh!t they always have.

But that said, and despite being in complete denial, your still collectively the smartest bunch of hairless monkeys around. ;)

When the insane are finally discovered to be sane, as always happens in the end, and the sane turn completely insane, as always happens in the end, it's not so good being the few once had been called insane now sane people, surrounded by the newly insane.

So enjoy things the way they are now, it's not going anywhere, but worse.
You took the pill already, it's way too late now, finding shelter in ignorance will no longer work.

2nd April 2010, 11:30 PM
I call bullshit.

2nd April 2010, 11:36 PM
But that said, and despite being in complete denial, your still collectively the smartest bunch of hairless monkeys around. Wink

This part was worth quoting, and discussing. :)

2nd April 2010, 11:38 PM
And that's why the hairier monkey's fight!

I know you're right but we ain't quite finished yet, win, lose or draw.

Good to see ya!

2nd April 2010, 11:45 PM
I like having "zinc" under my handle, it's a nice metal, usefull, another unique gift from the creator. It's going to be missed when it's gone. Silver will be missed more, but really, it's going to be hard when these things, any of them run out - and they will, all of them. Of course, when the energy starts getting scarce and the food starts to run out, those will hurt too. The wealth has been stolen and absolute power runs loose.

I don't think 6 billion people ignoring the facts is going to prove helpful, no matter how large their current "bliss".

2nd April 2010, 11:52 PM
Here's a little karma for ya FM, we both know that we're gonna need it and then some but at least we know we need it.

3rd April 2010, 12:15 AM
Thanks for the words. Just curious though, why the pictures of fiat money?

If even just 10 people wake up and see the truth by your words, they are 10 unique souls, 10 times priceless is actually a large amount. So gold luck and good luck to everyone here. :)

3rd April 2010, 12:24 AM
I like having "zinc" under my handle, it's a nice metal, usefull, another unique gift from the creator. It's going to be missed when it's gone. Silver will be missed more, but really, it's going to be hard when these things, any of them run out - and they will, all of them. Of course, when the energy starts getting scarce and the food starts to run out, those will hurt too. The wealth has been stolen and absolute power runs loose.

I don't think 6 billion people ignoring the facts is going to prove helpful, no matter how large their current "bliss".

There's always Mars.

To infinity & Beyond!!! :-\

Horn signing out, Goodnight.

Better tomorrow.

3rd April 2010, 08:58 PM

3rd April 2010, 09:09 PM
So cliche. Hyperkitty busted this out years ago. Welcome to the party. ;D

I will resist.

3rd April 2010, 09:22 PM
Ignorance is a bliss????? ??? hummmmmmmmmm, no wonder this dumn Cuban refugee is so happy all the time hahahahahahahah ;D

9th April 2010, 09:16 PM
Ignorance is a bliss????? ??? hummmmmmmmmm, no wonder this dumn Cuban refugee is so happy all the time hahahahahahahah ;D

The matrix does have its advantages. Unfortunately, those mainly exist in the movie version.

For the real version, you know, "life", you have those who "have" and those who "have not", those who "know" and those who "know not".

The current score is about one to one-million, on both counts. This is a bigger obstacle than most are willing to admit.

9th April 2010, 10:27 PM
Plan A has never worked and plan B doesn't even have a definition.

I like the upbeat attitude. Members tell me this thing can be won. I don't really want to be so gloomy about all this. I am not a gloomy person in real life. I spend my time enjoying life. But I think it important you understand how local this problem is, just because, eventually, via knowledge... well, "hope" is in my soul too.

The problem is local and it is individualistic. Until individuals take responsibility and learn, things will never change. I do not use the word "never" lightly. The numbers are too huge and the absolute power too absolute. The entire system and nearly every corner of it is designed to keep the status quo going. The big material powers are so concentrated and beyond reach that until widespread locally "aware" people wrest control of their local environments away from the global power, and do so all together, "hope" is the only strategic option. While I like the word and all, "hope", still, it's not really a strategy.

Numbers are the issue, and most of the world, even the Internet connected are easily distracted, misinformed, misguided, and consistantly gravitate to debate of the symptoms. And worse, nearly all opposition is either controlled opposition or has an alterior motive. Last year I stopped debating the symptom issues over at GIM1. I wrapped up the debates with several mocking threads in the conspiracy board. (Jews as double agents inside TPTB, The illegal alien scapegoats, All of us hairless monkeys...).
By Jan of this year I pretty much stopped bashing the racists and pointing out how the symptom issues would either find easy solutions or just simply go away if the root problem could be cut out.

The answers are actually really simple, but the moment you mention one, instantly they're made amazingly complicated or hijacked into something else. No matter how much knowledge you have on your side, it is very difficult for one person to convince a million others, especially when so many feel that an attack on the status quo is an attack on them, or whatever they're trying to hold on to.

We are likely to witness things becoming much worse. Maybe one day people will recognize the horrific evil of taxation and dishonest monetary systems the way they do the smell of fecal matter. But don't hold your breath, it doesn't fix the problem.

9th April 2010, 11:46 PM
The cure? (from another thread)

The answers are actually really simple, but the moment you mention one, instantly they're made amazingly complicated or hijacked into something else.

...Maybe one day people will recognize the horrific evil of taxation and dishonest monetary systems the way they do the smell of fecal matter. But don't hold your breath, it doesn't fix the problem.

People like to counter this with some kind of "taxes are required for certain things" point.
However, this is not the case, An example is the church, it doesn't collect taxes. But from what I see, few churches go out of business due to a lack of funding.

There are God given rights and there are agendas. If an agenda does not conflict with a right, then by all means, pass your hat around and get to work on it if you are so inspired.

9th April 2010, 11:56 PM
The cure? (from another thread)

The answers are actually really simple, but the moment you mention one, instantly they're made amazingly complicated or hijacked into something else.

...Maybe one day people will recognize the horrific evil of taxation and dishonest monetary systems the way they do the smell of fecal matter. But don't hold your breath, it doesn't fix the problem.

People like to counter this with some kind of "taxes are required for certain things" point.
However, this is not the case, An example is the church, it doesn't collect taxes. But from what I see, few churches go out of business due to a lack of funding.

There are God give rights and there are agendas. If an agenda does not conflict with a right, then by all means, pass your hat around and get to work on it if you are so inspired.

Taxes ARE required for certain things. Not ALL taxes are bad. We do not live in a world of Black and White but rather shades of gray. You can't make a statement like "All government is bad" and expect to be taken seriously because it simply isn't true.

What you are proposing is anarchy and it simply doesn't work. We NEED governments and the organization of people. Without it there is no civilization or progress. Perhaps some people are willing to eat twigs and live in squalor but there are others of us who would like to someday visit other planets and learn the secrets of the universe.

10th April 2010, 12:04 AM
The power of the matrix is strong, very strong. Everything has turned into an illusion and the illusion has become the reality.

Go to the market and buy a lot of food, relish in the knowledge that fuel and roads have brought to you your dinner. And as you take every bite of this dinner of yours, remind yourself that today ten thousand people died of starvation, most of them children.

Enjoy the matrix, that is completely within the realm of your freedoms - just don't pretend that your luck is because of it.

10th April 2010, 12:09 AM
We are likely to witness things becoming much worse. Maybe one day people will recognize the horrific evil of taxation and dishonest monetary systems the way they do the smell of fecal matter. But don't hold your breath, it doesn't fix the problem.

Once this thing gets done, it will be very hard for it to start again elsewhere.

And it will get done one way or the other, just as there is nowhere to hide presently from the status quo, as will be recorded in this speed of light technologies at our fingertips.

After this flip nowhere will "it for sh*t" be able to hide.

Values should then be changed towards preservation of truth.

13th April 2010, 01:44 AM
We are likely to witness things becoming much worse. Maybe one day people will recognize the horrific evil of taxation and dishonest monetary systems the way they do the smell of fecal matter. But don't hold your breath, it doesn't fix the problem.

Once this thing gets done, it will be very hard for it to start again elsewhere.

And it will get done one way or the other, just as there is nowhere to hide presently from the status quo, as will be recorded in this speed of light technologies at our fingertips.

After this flip nowhere will "it for sh*t" be able to hide.

Values should then be changed towards preservation of truth.

The pursuit of truth is a process, when that ends, goodness dies.

Values should be changed towards preservation of truth. - Horn

13th April 2010, 05:15 AM
The pursuit of truth is a process, when that ends, goodness dies.

Values should be changed towards preservation of truth. - Horn

You are the most pitiful of hairless monkeys as you claim to know the truth and slam the others as if they don't. You decry the matrix and find the best of your destiny therein. You surrender when the battle is already won. You just have no clue what side to be on. Your ignorance sounds like misery to me.

ed- sorry for the tuff words..... lacking any couth today. I meant the words as a wake-up that there is a deeper level that we ALL must get to, and it does not take any great brains or research.

13th April 2010, 08:43 AM
.... sorry for the tuff words...... I meant the words as a wake-up ....

I tended to agree with Horn. But reality does not live within music, it produces it. The Internet can only go so far, the words do only so much. Individuals we are, but in this world the war will be a collective one, it will be fought at ground zero, what wins and what does not will be decided at street level, and the reality on the ground will always, everytime, overtake any idea.

I started a few "action" threads over at GIM1, they never really went far.
Words are a start, required, but still only a start, getting somewhere is actually quite a long distance from there.

13th April 2010, 08:50 AM
.... sorry for the tuff words...... I meant the words as a wake-up ....

I tended to agree with Horn. But reality does not live within music, it produces it. The Internet can only go so far, the words do only so much. Individuals we are, but in this world the war will be a collective one, it will be fought at ground zero, what wins and what does not will be decided at street level, and the reality on the ground will always, everytime, overtake any idea.

I started a few "action" threads over at GIM1, they never really went to far.
Words are a start, required, but still only a start, getting somewhere is actually quite a long distance from there.

What I mean is that if we boil down all the things happening around us, we arrive at the core spiritual forces. If we do not go this deep, we miss the real battle. The global power elite are not independent forces fighting for individual objectives. They are coordinated in their power grab. Go above the Obama regime, and above the Goldman Sachs / JP Morgan thieves, and above the federal reserve and the world banksters..... there is ONE core mover who is pulling the strings on these puppets. But he is already defeated. Now we just watch the battles unfold and see who lines up on the wrong side.

13th April 2010, 10:22 AM
Now we just watch the battles unfold and see who lines up on the wrong side.

They have been masters at thus far, changing the targeting away from them & onto others. This time looks different from what I can tell, though they are still directing the flow rather well, there doesn't seem to be enough shock & awe to disturb the primary point of focus.

Let's pray this continues forward. I don't think the puppet master's quarters have been breached just yet, but they seem to be playing dodgeball in the upper echelons.

13th April 2010, 04:12 PM
Now we just watch the battles unfold and see who lines up on the wrong side.

They have been masters at thus far, changing the targeting away from them & onto others. This time looks different from what I can tell, though they are still directing the flow rather well, there doesn't seem to be enough shock & awe to disturb the primary point of focus.

Let's pray this continues forward. I don't think the puppet master's quarters have been breached just yet, but they seem to be playing dodgeball in the upper echelons.

The puppet masters are being used even now by the ONE true Master who is above all this and will conquer the beast on the last day. The evil ones are drawing away those who will be lost. Those who love the lie more than the truth will experience great delusion and be hardened in their choice. Separation of wheat from chaff, sheep from goats, cleansed and unclean.

13th April 2010, 04:33 PM
FunnyMoney, I gave you +1, and then you went into "children are starving" rant... :oo-->
As if you owe someone an apology because children are starving. Dude, TPTB has a power to exterminate hunger in 1 year, just spend half US military budget on Africa. And they don't do it. Moreower, they spend heavily on creating hunger. So spare us and yourself a righteous moment, neither you nor us are responsible or have an ability to change it. At least not yet.

I want to see where this thread goes.

13th April 2010, 04:34 PM
The global power elite are not independent forces fighting for individual objectives. They are coordinated in their power grab. Go above the Obama regime, and above the Goldman Sachs / JP Morgan thieves, and above the federal reserve and the world banksters..... there is ONE core mover who is pulling the strings on these puppets. But he is already defeated. Now we just watch the battles unfold and see who lines up on the wrong side.



See anybody at the World Nuclear Summit happen to publicly mention inspecting Israel's illegal secret nuke factory Dimona?


13th April 2010, 05:17 PM
I call bullsh*t.

Ha Ha !

Funny has always been a subtle shill and troll on gim.
He would argue with hoarder for 10 pages.
When I got him cornered I asked him,
WHO OWNS THE FED and their history ? ? ?
He runs and hides .

Here he is having thought this post out very well.

He is here as a messenger for skyvike.

Expect to see some more crying from people like him.

Wow, smilies, lol , funnymoney fishing, :fish

13th April 2010, 05:21 PM
You guys are in as much denial as when you were at GIM. Over at the new GIM it's the same, everybody reads exactly the same, I see that not much ever changes. Everybody, denial of reality.

You are the one that is ignorant troll, I have been reading shit like yours
for a while, as a matter of fact JOOORISTIC PENISHEAD wrote that in 2007
as Veritas. Now he seems to have taken over GIM2.

13th April 2010, 09:09 PM
I don't think you make any sense at all. I went to the link and it doesn't show anything. Plus I was always debating JP, he supported the official story and I said it defied the laws of physics.

Plus, "run and hide", you must be joking?

I have dozens of threads and polls, thousands of posts, you can point to anything you want. But if all you can come up with is that I pushed your buttons, then not sure what to debate you about, it's a style.

13th April 2010, 09:52 PM
Like Cypher in the Matrix, do you want & plan to betray us at any moment by turning to the darkside?

Possibly by joining the Israeli's Sex Slave Network , or something to that effect? 8)

13th April 2010, 10:03 PM
Funny money - I believe I understand your thesis, but I disagree.

We, the boomer and x generations, have had our savings, security and, most importantly, our time stolen (peak earning years) with very little, if any, hope for many to recover.

Your argument that they (we) have already lost may have some merit.
But only if the metric of loss is material wealth.
I believe there is more at stake.
We are not fighting for ourselves, but what we leave for the generations that come behind us.

I submit that this is where the war begins - and if we are to be the sacrificial generations, shredded and bloodied, so be it.

I will not fight for the lost dreams of Madison avenue promises or what "they" told us what the dream should be. It proved to be a bag of sh*t. Slave away, amass debt, consume for consumptions sake.

I fight to starve the beast and to hopefully live to see it die, and to help pass on to the generations that follow the meaning of freedom, responsibility and stewardship.

They say every generation has it's great war - I believe this is ours.

All wars are initially economic, then the shooting starts.
I believe the first shots being fired aren't bullets - but rather bits of digital information.
The war drums are gaining momentum, both in volume and audience.

The folks here were just the first drummers.
They are drawing a crowd.
God bless them.

It takes just a few rogue cells to spread and the host dies.


13th April 2010, 10:27 PM
Like Cypher in the Matrix, do you want & plan to betray us ...

I think you are making a big mistake if you think you can rely on anyone to decide for you. Regardless, inside or outside the matrix. No person and no group is going to help you, ESPECIALLY NOT a criminal one.

Nobody is going to die for you, and there are no excuses. Every individual has to make a decision on where they stand and what they do. While winning peace and freedom here on the material plane is a collective battle, fortunate it is, if you understand it, winning eternally is entirely just up to you.

13th April 2010, 10:54 PM
FunnyMoney, I gave you +1, and then you went into "children are starving" rant... :oo-->
As if you owe someone an apology because children are starving. Dude, TPTB has a power to exterminate hunger in 1 year, just spend half US military budget on Africa. And they don't do it. Moreower, they spend heavily on creating hunger. So spare us and yourself a righteous moment, neither you nor us are responsible or have an ability to change it. At least not yet.

I want to see where this thread goes.

You are on the money. But you missed my point about the dinner. It was in response to the member who said taxes are sometimes needed. Fact is this: some people in the world eat well and others starve, take away the taxes and it will be the same, the people who ate well will still do so and those who don't still won't, but what changes is all those savings from not having to pay well beyond half of everything you do in taxes can be then directed, or at least some portion of it, to those who are needy.

History has shown that a free middle class that is not under intense govt taxation is the most generous body of people ever seen.

But instead people are led to believe just the opposite, that it is because of the matrix that they eat better than others. In reality, the matrix just makes the chasm greater and lowers standards overall for everyone.

13th April 2010, 11:15 PM
Like Cypher in the Matrix, do you want & plan to betray us ...

I think you are making a big mistake if you think you can rely on anyone to decide for you. Regardless, inside or outside the matrix. No person and no group is going to help you, ESPECIALLY NOT a criminal one.

Nobody is going to die for you, and there are no excuses. Every individual has to make a decision on where they stand and what they do. While winning peace and freedom here on the material plane is a collective battle, fortunate it is, if you understand it, winning eternally is entirely just up to you.

So your saying that the collective battle towards what's right is won on individual terms, am I correct?

When getting there (to freedom for example) the battle is to be done peacefully, & with no trust.

Should we not feel compelled to follow, or join those whom we most trust?


13th April 2010, 11:38 PM
Sorry for the delay, off debating the numbers thing, and then wanted to see the video, thanks for the post.

Joining forces in pursuit of a common goal is required usually in the day to day battles, materially, and much good can come that way, from like minded people working together. But the point was ultimately every individual must be ready to make individual and hard choices on their own. There are degrees of trust when it comes to your fellow man, they can go quite high at times, but never to the 9th degree. Ultimate trust is between each individual and their creator and individuals will ultimately be responsible for their own individual actions.

14th April 2010, 05:31 AM
I don't think you make any sense at all.

Lots of points you mention are nonsense, these proclamations. ROFL

I find your post insulting to people that post here and everyone.
10,000 ? really ?

I don't care to dissect dribble line by line.

Go read juristic person, aka veritas, I am very familiar with his methods
and posts, he is happy the archive is down and gloating, and now
he asks, " what did you people learn from this ", and he
had many posts mocking and insulting like yours above,
we are waisting our time, bush and gov talking points,
bush and the gov will save us, 16 bush talking points in one paragraph,
who , who , who, the gov is here to save you , paranoid, take your meds,
now the guy seems to be running gim2, that is the link I gave, read it ,
you sound like him above , the same type of message .

Why don't you take your own advice .

Why you open this thread,
this is a troll thread from a subtle troll.

You do run, funny money, really, who owns the money ?
Who prints the money and what and who is the FED ?
You talk about funny money but cannot answer that.
Because you have 100 posts in a thread denying reality
that would contradict your answer, like this thread a
waste of bandwidth.

The fight has just begun.

Just on one issue.
Tens of millions of Americans and the whole planet know Israel did 9/11 .

Where you get that 10,000 number ? ROFL

Ron Paul has a whole following of tens of millions.

More and more people are awakening.

Your posts amounts to, go away toke some weed and forget it.

And you mix forum business up too, and that is the purpose of your
post, the main purpose, skyvike would really love it if we went away.
Maybe he should go away or maybe he should be honest, lol , April
Fools, ROFL , who are the fools now ?

Personally I think it is a shame that search engines later won't pick
up important related key info that smart people put up, people like
you and JP and others are happy it's gone. So why are you here ?
Why is he on gim2 saying, "and what did you learn from this."
And one other troll saying, "I am glad it is gone."

So why are you people here ?

I am surprised more don't confront you.

Your whole post is a jujitsu message and you lost. "jujitsu smiley"

Say hi to skyvike for me, tell him to put his fez on when he means it.

14th April 2010, 06:09 AM

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:TToANUxUbN8J:www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D460747+site:goldismoney.info+ masons+skyvike&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4biYv6YQ0XgJ:www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D460483%26page%3D2+site:goldis money.info+masons+skyvike&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:EDVPgDN2-mgJ:goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D209931%26page%3D1+site:goldis money.info+masons+skyvike&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:g8l0UDx7aagJ:goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D209931%26page%3D2+site:goldis money.info+masons+skyvike&cd=35&hl=en&ct=clnk
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vanezLUxxqEJ:goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D210018+site:goldismoney.info+ masons+skyvike&cd=19&hl=en&ct=clnk
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:VsvQkqmCf6MJ:goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D98736+site:goldismoney.info+m asons+skyvike&cd=20&hl=en&ct=clnk
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:RFoqj3e5rikJ:www.goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php%3Fp%3D2253089+site:goldismoney.info +masons+skyvike&cd=22&hl=en&ct=clnk

14th April 2010, 06:16 AM
DENIAL , funny money refuses to answer.


14th April 2010, 06:21 AM
DENIAL, Funny Money is in denial and very blissful.

funny money pulled this

Looks like youtube is in denial too, they losing , give it up, game over for you.


14th April 2010, 10:32 PM
who owns the money ?
Who prints the money and what and who is the FED ?

The money is owned by select, elite private individuals, they are in charge/ownership of central banks, and 97% of all possible wealth has already been siphoned off by way of their activities. Beyond controlling the money systems they are responsible for cimes against humanity and so are their underling politicians and others.

Mass murder is the crime as I detailed in my first post at GIM2 when someone challenged free posting.

Originally Posted by JCarvingblock...
"centralized money and centralized power is a symbiotic pair; neither can exist without the other."

The entire world has adopted the same model and all the central banks around the globe are in on the crimes. There will likely be increasing world govt as well.

North Korea, China, Israel, US, one day they will all be the same. Guess which model wins.