View Full Version : Irony? APMEX moves into the Federal Reserve building in OKC

3rd April 2010, 01:56 AM
Courtesy of the Ron Paul Forum...

3rd April 2010, 01:57 AM
And the third page...

3rd April 2010, 06:56 AM
Ok, that's a little creepy. Ok, it's a lot creepy.

3rd April 2010, 07:10 AM
I like apmex but the one thing I wish they did was let you store your purchases until your ready to ship. Theres some weeks I would buy a few oz and lets say I wanted to add 10 a week. Not really economical to ship 10 ozes of silver. After a couple months though 100 or so ozes wouldnt be bad.

Oh and they must be doing ok to be able to afford that building. Whats a building like that go for nowadays? Would make a nice gold silver member fortress :):)

3rd April 2010, 09:01 AM
Ok, that's a little creepy. Ok, it's a lot creepy.

Real creepy in light of current events. I believe that THEY were the true owners of the other site as of 2 years ago. The rest were just tools.

Never bought from them and never will.

3rd April 2010, 09:05 AM
I like apmex but the one thing I wish they did was let you store your purchases until your ready to ship. Theres some weeks I would buy a few oz and lets say I wanted to add 10 a week. Not really economical to ship 10 ozes of silver. After a couple months though 100 or so ozes wouldnt be bad.

Oh and they must be doing ok to be able to afford that building. Whats a building like that go for nowadays? Would make a nice gold silver member fortress :):)

My guess is that the new digs will allow them to launch a gold storage program.

Seems to be the progression for these precious metals dealers once they get big.

3rd April 2010, 07:13 PM
That is really creepy. Not that they are using a building that was originally designed for safe storage of gold, silver, and cash, but that they employ pigs to guard it.

5th April 2010, 01:20 AM
Something was posted on the old site about the irony of their bank as well - Chase was it?

5th April 2010, 02:23 AM
definitely raises more questions about APMEX.

6th April 2010, 06:29 AM
Hey guys! I work at APMEX and just thought I'd make sure everyone realizes that it's not actually a government building anymore, but privately owned. As one of the most secure buildings in the state, it made sense that we move here.

6th April 2010, 06:38 AM
Hey guys! I work at APMEX and just thought I'd make sure everyone realizes that it's not actually a government building anymore, but privately owned. As one of the most secure buildings in the state, it made sense that we move here.

I think it is awesome.. finally using the building to store honest money.

A certain irony in that.


Now, please consider offering custodial services with your big nice new vault.

6th April 2010, 07:18 AM
I would like to be able to store up purchases for shipping later too,
I think bulliondirect will let you do that, I'm not sure though.

I have used APMEX in the past and consider them to be an A+ operation,
thanks for the discount code too, that's pretty much free shipping.

6th April 2010, 07:35 AM
I would like to be able to store up purchases for shipping later too,
I think bulliondirect will let you do that, I'm not sure though.

I have used APMEX in the past and consider them to be an A+ operation,
thanks for the discount code too, that's pretty much free shipping.

Yes Bulliondirect does this if you use their "Nucleo Exchange" program. The items are stored in your portfolio until you take a draw. I'm not sure how it works with the catalog option though.

6th April 2010, 07:59 AM
I like apmex but the one thing I wish they did was let you store your purchases until your ready to ship. Theres some weeks I would buy a few oz and lets say I wanted to add 10 a week. Not really economical to ship 10 ozes of silver. After a couple months though 100 or so ozes wouldnt be bad.

Oh and they must be doing ok to be able to afford that building. Whats a building like that go for nowadays? Would make a nice gold silver member fortress :):)

Have you checked out bulliondirect.com? You can do exactly that, and their nucleo exchange and even their own catalog are often times cheaper than Apmex, though there is less variety.

6th April 2010, 08:47 AM
For storage of MY SILVER........you know how I feel about that.

Why such a strong "fortress".......well, WTSHTF and everything goes down I would like to see traying to take out your PM from that place.

They will tell you that they now OWN it.

"If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

6th April 2010, 08:51 AM
For storage of MY SILVER........you know how I feel about that.

Why such a strong "fortress".......well, WTSHTF and everything goes down I would like to see traying to take out your PM from that place.

They will tell you that they now OWN it.

"If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

True, but it would sure cut down on shipping costs if you can buy a few pieces, then wait a month, buy a few more, then have them all shipped at once.